HighCharts Drag points saving with angularJs - angularjs

I would like to save my model, by clicking on the button SAVE, after dragging a few points, in HIGHCHARTS.
This is my fiddle :
Unfortunatly, $scope.test doesn't show any change after Dragging a point and clicking save !
THank you if you have any idea !
code :
look at fiddle

OK i've just resolved it finally, Still dont know how to specify a resolved stuff on this web site, a button is missing thank you. I ve updated the fiddle


How to dismiss current form in codenameone?

Hi i'm new to codenameone and now i stuck with two issues those are
How to dismiss current form in codenameone?
It means that in my sample i've three screens and when i click on button in Form1 it navigates to the Form2 like that Form2 to Form3 also. now when i click back button on Form3/Form2 i want to dismiss current form. so for this i've tried "showBack() method" but its not working.
So could anyone help me for this? and
How to show Calendar in Current form?
I want to show Calendar in current form but i've tried multiple samples but in all samples when i click on button they taking to another screen(i.e. Another Form). so how to resolve this also?
These are my questions if anyone has idea please help me..
Sorry for my poor English..
Thanks in advance..
Form.showBack() is almost the same as Form.show(). It uses the back transition instead of forward one.
For your case, you have to call showBack() on the form that should be displayed.
Form1 is currently visible
Form2.showBack() is executed
Form 2 will be shown with a back transition
For question 2: form.add(new Calendar(new Date().getTime()));

How to display alerts as popup?

I saw examples about alerts here http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/ , nevertheless in that example alerts are just added into the current window.
I'd like to show a popup, so I'm using the $modal service..anyway as you can see from my plunker
some extra space shows up. How to remove it? And is this the only way to actually show an alert in angular ui?

Nested validation in angular js

i am a new in angular js. i have lost many times for preparing validation. many example has for total form validation. now i have to do the valid scope wise. I have shown my problem graphically below.
Here save yellow and red there are two portion, when i will click yellow save button then validation will be fire for red mark scope and when i will click red save button then validation will be fire for total page content. how can i solve this problem? can any one help me?
http://scotch.io/tutorials/javascript/angularjs-form-validation This link has validation for angularjs in a detailed manner with demo. Try replicating this. Hope this helps.

AngularJS - Highlight saved item

In my AngularJS web application it is possible to create an item and save it. When the user clicks on the save button, the item is showed in the sidebar on the left.
I would like that when the item is saved, it will be highlighted for some seconds (e.g. background-color) so that the user can detect where it has been saved.
This is the button to save it.
<a class="pure-button pure-button-primary" ng-click="NewOrUpdateItem()">Save</a>
Need any other details?
any idea about this issue?
Thank you in advance.
You could use the ngAnimate module of angular. ngAnimate
see here for a working example
var module = angular.module("app", ['ngAnimate']);
I guess a proper answer will depend on your markup and list of items, if you could put a bin would be helpful. Anyway I have put this simple example together, maybe it could give you some ideas.
When a item is saved, $scope.saved is set to true and ngClass is used to create the highlight effect, then use $timeout to unset saved. I think a directive could be a better place for this logic.
Here is the JSBIN

Angular-slider on a modal window

I'm trying to get the angular-slider (http://prajwalkman.github.io/angular-slider/) to work on a angularjs twitter bootstrap model dialogue. It works fine on the page, but I cant get it to work on the modal window. Any thoughts? I'm just learing angularjs...
Here is my code:
Thanks, Ryan
Looks like that's a known bug. It's logged here: https://github.com/prajwalkman/angular-slider/issues/36
If you don't want to wait on them fixing it (looks like their last commit was 4 months ago...) you can look at the slider provided by angular-ui: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-slider
Or here's an example of writing your own: http://ngokevin.com/blog/angularslider/
I created a new slider that allows for multiple sliders and has the capability to be used in a modal window.
