angularjs - multiple states are selected instead one - angularjs

I am using angularjs for my web application and in this I have a navbar.
Now in navbar, I have different options and I am using ui-sref-active="active" to highlight the current option/state.
Lets say, I have four options - Home, Admin(with drop-down), features and settings(with drop-down). Now, if my home state is active and I click on admin option, then at the same time it shows both states active(i.e., both home and admin options are highlighted at the same time instead of one).
Sorry for errors and thanks in advance...

You can use ng-class for serving your purpuse.
you can apply below logic for your purpose.
<li ng-class=setClass("home")>Home</li>
<li ng-class=setClass("Admin")>Admin</li>
<li ng-class=setClass("features")>features</li>
<li ng-class=setClass("settings")>settings</li>
And in controller create setClass() function:
return 'active';
return '';
This should work fine.I have used this logic for doing the same.


Create a menu using json data and onclick on menu item display dropdown in angular js

I have created an menu using JSON data in angular JS. Menu is created and works the way expected. Menu has 6 tabs i.e. HOME,ABOUTUS,CONTACTUS,SERVICES,LOGIN,REGISTER on load first home page will be displayed, when about us is clicked only container data will be changed to display about us and its working fine (ngroute routing concept used) similarly other pages contactus, login, register will be routed to different pages and works fine.
Now when SERVICES tab is is clicked a dropdown should be displayed with the submenuItems "CAR TRADE","BIKE TRADE","AUTO LOAN", "INTEREST RATE".
I am facing issue in creating a submenu dropdown. I am from legacy background and learning web development and working on angular js project. Your help is appreciated.
I worked on submenu it was disaster so i have taken the useful stuff off and only working code is below:
<div class="row secondarynavbar">
<div class="col-lg-12 navigation-bar" ng-controller="menuCntrl">
<ul ng-repeat="menu in menulist">
Here is the HTML code which creates menu from JSON data.(Works fine)
Simple angular code to get json data...(works fine)
$scope.menulist = data;
}) });
Please help in taking it forward.

AngularJS video issue

I am studying AngularJS by looking at the website and downloaded the videos, then going through the examples on my computer.
Everything went well until the video codeschool_1329.mp4, otherwise called "Shaping_Up_With_Angular_JS_Level_2b". The example works correctly when the logic for selecting the panels is in the HTML code, but when the logic is moved to a controller, it no longer works correctly. Thus I have the relevant HTML code:
<section ng-controller="PanelController as panel">
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<li ng-class="{active:panel.isSelected(1)}">
<a href ng-click="panel.selectTab(1)">Description</a>
<!-- Repeated for Specifications and Reviews -->
<div class="panel" ng-show="panel.isSelected(1)">
<!-- Repeated for Specifications and Reviews -->
and for the JavaScript code I have:
app.controller('PanelController', function(){ = 1;
this.selectTab = function(setTab){ = setTab;
this.isSelected = function(checkTab){
return === checkTab;
exactly as in the video. The latter is with the Angular module and another Angular controller for the store.
With both Google Chrome and Firefox, when I click on the each of the tabs "Description", "Specifications" and "Reviews", the selected tab is highlighted, as in the video, albeit blue rather than dark purple, but the text that is supposed to be displayed below the selected tab does not show up at all. It looks as if there is some type of a problem with the isSelected function in PanelController with ng-show="panel.isSelected(1)", etc. in the lower part of the HTML code, although it appears to work correctly with ng-class="{active:panel.isSelected(1)}" when the tab is highlighted.
This works correctly when the logic for this is in the HTML code, as I said above, but no matter what I can do, I am unable to get this to work correctly when the logic is in PanelController.
There must be something simple that I am missing, and would be grateful to get this sorted out - many thanks.
<section ng-controller="PanelController as panel">
<div class="panel" ng-show="panel.isSelected(1)">
Only the section element is controlled by the panel controller, but you're trying to use panel.isSelected(1) out of that section. So that can't work.
Put the div inside the section, or wrap everything with another div and move ng-controller="PanelController as panel"to that wrapping div.

laravel route access from php view using angular

Having this route in Laravel:
I'am trying to access it from an anchor html tag href attribute in a php view which works with angular to render a list of items. This is a piece of code from this view (_post_content.php):
<ul class="media-list" >
<li class="media" ng-repeat="item in items" >
<div class="media-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-9"><h5 class="media-heading">
{{ item.title }} </h5></div>
The new view made by the controller PostCommentsController in the method showComments, is similar to _post_content.php but it shows comments by a post id ( in ng-repeat).
However, for other links all over the application, even in its main layout: navbars and logo anchors, image anchors, etc; its url's are prepended by the path /post/4/comments.
For example if i click in the item 4 of _post_content.php, a link called blog in the left nav bar in the main layout, shows this as url: /post/4/comments/blog
Of course this route does not exists and breaks all the application.
Please, any clue to solve this strange behavior? Is it possible angular is causing it, though i'm not using angular routes?
Thanks for your help.
If you are using relative paths for your other links, you should prepend them with a forward slash, so instead of:
<a href="blog">
your should have:
<a href="/blog">
That way the links will be relative to the root not to the current path (which in your case is /post/id/comments).
As an alternative you could also use the base meta tag, by including this in your pages' <head>:
<base href="">
But be aware that there are some side effects to using base which might affect your application. Read this for more info: Is it recommended to use the <base> html tag?.

Hide a div after user selects one option

i did not found the answer i was looking for, so that why i'm creating this question. I have a div that shows another one on click but i need to hide it (the div that appears on click) after the user selects one of the options, how can i do that?
When user's click on "#showmenu" the div ".mob" appears, after clicking in one of the ".mob" li's the ".mob" div dissapears.
P.S: Sorry for my bad english.
<div id="showmenu"><img src="images/mobile.png" /></div>
<div class="mob" style="display: none;">
<a data-scroll href="#home"><li>INÍCIO</li></a>
<a data-scroll href="#servicos"><li>EU FAÇO</li></a>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#showmenu').click(function() {
I dont have any idea of the bootstrap or jquery plugins you are using but based on what is given, i'd say this should work.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#showmenu').click(function() {
$('.mob a').click(function () {
Point to note there is a performance issue here , i.e code could be optimized better to search for classes or elements within a specific div than the whole document
Should those really be <a> if you don't intend to go anywhere? Can they just be <li>?
After that I think you want to give id's to the <li> that you have and then create a function much like the one you did for $('showmenu').click... that would hide the .mob.
Or if the <li> all get treated the same, maybe give them all the same class and just have one function for the class.

angular: load details in new page

i have angular behaviour outside a ng-view. how can i get open a new page
where that view is then located in?
<div ng-controller="JobCtrl">
<input type="hidden" ng-model="produktion" value="produktion">
<li ng-repeat="job in jobs | filter:produktion">
{{}} (Hamburg)
Onclick i would like to get the details rendered on a complete different page in my webapp.
how can i achieve this?
here is my url mapping for now:
when('/jobs/:jobId', {templateUrl: 'partials/job-detail', controller: JobDetailCtrl}).
if you need more code, pls let me know
Although I don't think I completely understand your requirement, but You need to add another route and in the new route's template use can you the behavior....
I am not sure if this answers you question. If not, put up the code on jslint or plunker etc
