reset star rating after submit in angularjs - angularjs

Hi I am using star rating option with form submit using angularjs like in the following jsfiddle
all are working fine.
But I want to reset star rating to default after submit form.
anyone can help me to achieve this?
please refer my code how I implement this star rating
function socialPostCtrl(socialPostService, userPersistenceService, $location, $sce) {
var socialPostVM = this;
socialPostVM.maxRating = 5;
socialPostVM.clickstar = function (param) {
socialPostVM.rating = param ;
//submit post function
socialPostVM.addpost = function () {
angular.element(document.getElementById('addPostBtn'))[0].disabled = true;
var result = socialPostService.addpost(socialPostVM.loggedUserDetails.UserId, socialPostVM.takeawayGuid, socialPostVM.newpost, socialPostVM.attachment, socialPostVM.rating).then(function (response) {
if (response.Success) {
var newpost = {};
newpost.postid = response.SocialPost.SocialPostId;
newpost.postGuid = response.SocialPost.SocialPostGuid;
newpost.profilepic = "";
newpost.postby = response.SocialPost.PostUser;
newpost.postbyid = response.SocialPost.UserId;
newpost.poston = response.SocialPost.PostDate;
newpost.posttext = response.SocialPost.PostContent;
newpost.hasliked = response.SocialPost.HasLiked
newpost.totallikes = 0;
newpost.comments = [];
newpost.totalcomments = 0;
newpost.showcommentbox = false;
newpost.candeletepost = function () { return true; }
newpost.hasAttachment = response.SocialPost.HaveMedia;
if (response.SocialPost.HaveMedia) {
newpost.postattachment = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(response.SocialPost.PostMedia.MediaFileName);
newpost.rating = socialPostVM.rating / socialPostVM.maxRating * 100;
socialPostVM.socialposts.splice(0, 0, newpost);
}).finally(function () {
socialPostVM.attachment = [];
angular.element(document.getElementById('addPostBtn'))[0].disabled = false;
angular.element(document.getElementById('posttext'))[0].value = "";
socialPostVM.filelist = [];
angular.module("test").directive('starRating', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
rating: '=',
maxRating: '#',
readOnly: '#',
click: "&"
template: "<div style='display: inline-block; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; cursor:pointer;' ng-repeat='idx in maxRatings track by $index'> \
<img ng-src='{{((hoverValue + _rating) <= $index) && \"/images/star-empty-lg.png\" || \"/images/star-fill-lg.png\"}}' \
ng-Click='isolatedClick($index + 1)' \
ng-mouseenter='isolatedMouseHover($index + 1)' \
ng-mouseleave='isolatedMouseLeave($index + 1)'></img> \
compile: function (element, attrs) {
if (!attrs.maxRating || (Number(attrs.maxRating) <= 0)) {
attrs.maxRating = '5';
controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.maxRatings = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= $scope.maxRating; i++) {
$scope._rating = $scope.rating;
$scope.isolatedClick = function (param) {
if ($scope.readOnly == 'true') return;
$scope.rating = $scope._rating = param;
param: param

you need more info here.
on the function you call for submit you will need to reset the value to their default.
$scope.submit = function(data){
//do something with data
//reset values back to defualt
$scope.starRating1 = 4;
$scope.starRating2 = 5;
$scope.starRating3 = 2;
$scope.hoverRating1 = $scope.hoverRating2 = $scope.hoverRating3 = 0;


Directive Parameter Not Initializing on First Load In AngularJs

I'va made a Dropdown directive, i'm trying to assign methods on passing parameter to directive and i'll call these method from controller.
but on first load i'm not getting the assign method in controller but when i'm assigning it on second load (i.e on dropdown change event)and it's working fine.
how can i get the methods on first load of directive in the calling controller after first load.
here is the Directive:
"use strict";
myApp.directive("selectDirective", [function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
template: '<select class="form-control input-sm dropdown" data-ng-model="model.args.selectedItem" data-ng-options="item[model.args.displayField] for item in model.args.source" data-ng-change="model.itemChange(model.args.selectedItem)"><option value="">Select Any Item</option></select>',
scope: {
bindToController: { args: "=" },
controller: function () {
var self = this;
var initializeControl = function () {
if (self.args == undefined) {
self.args = {};
if (self.args.method == undefined) {
self.args.method = {};
if (self.args.isDisabled == undefined) {
self.args.isDisabled = false;
if (self.args.displayField == undefined) {
self.args.displayField = '';
//alert('Display Field is blank for dropdown control.')
if (self.args.valueField == undefined) {
self.args.valueField = '';
//alert('Value Field is blank for dropdown control.')
if (self.args.source == undefined) {
self.args.source = {};
if (self.args.hide == undefined) {
self.args.hide = false;
//here i'm assigning the methods in passing parameter
var assignMethod = function () {
self.args.method =
setEnable: function (args) {
self.args.isDisabled = !args;
setVisible: function (args) {
self.args.hide = !args;
getText: function () {
return self.args.selectedText;
getValue: function () {
return self.args.selectedValue;
setItem: function (item) {
if (item != undefined) {
var index = self.args.source.indexOf(item);
self.args.selectecText = item[self.args.displayField];
self.args.selectecValue = item[self.args.valueField];
self.args.selectedItem = item;
self.args.selectedIndex = index;
self.itemChange = function (item) {
if (item != undefined) {
var index = self.args.source.indexOf(item);
self.args.selectecText = item[self.args.displayField];
self.args.selectecValue = item[self.args.valueField];
self.args.selectedItem = item;
self.args.selectedIndex = index;
controllerAs: 'model'
Here is the Calling Controller Code:
"use strict";
myApp.controller("homeController", [function () {
var self = this;
var initializeControl = function () {
var myList = [{ id: 1, name: 'List1', value: 'List1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'List2', value: 'List2' }];
self.argsParam = {
displayField: 'name',
valueField: "value",
source: myList,
selectecText: '',
selectecValue: ''
self.clickMe = function () {
var item = { id: 2, name: 'List2', value: 'List2' };
View where i used the directive:
<div class="cold-md-12" ng-controller="homeController as model">
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<select-directive args="model.argsParam"></select-directive>
<input type="button" value="Click" ng-click="model.clickMe()" />
If assigned method called second time inside directive on dropdown-change event then i can get these method on passing param.
self.itemChange = function (item) {
if (item != undefined) {
var index = self.args.source.indexOf(item);
self.args.selectecText = item[self.args.displayField];
self.args.selectecValue = item[self.args.valueField];
self.args.selectedItem = item;
self.args.selectedIndex = index;
// here i'm assigning these method on change event then it's working fine after changing the value otherwise no success
So, How i can i get the methods assign in the passing parameter on
First load of the directive?
I've moved the Controller Content to Link function in Directive and
it's working fine, but I still didn't get any idea how my previous code
not worked as expected.
Directive Code:
'use strict';
var testApp = angular.module('TestApp', []);
testApp.directive('sampleDirective', ['$http', function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {},
bindToController: { args: '=' },
template: '<div class="row">' +
'<select class="form-control"' +
'data-ng-model="model.args.selectedItem"' +
'data-ng-options="item[model.args.displayField] for item in model.args.source"' +
'data-ng-change="model.itemChange(model.args.selectedItem)">' +
'<option value="">Select Any Item</option>' +
'</select>' +
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var self = scope.model;
var initializeControl = function () {
if (self.args == undefined) {
self.args = {};
if (self.args.method == undefined) {
self.args.method = {};
if (self.args.isDisabled == undefined) {
self.args.isDisabled = false;
if (self.args.displayField == undefined) {
self.args.displayField = '';
alert('Display Field is blank for dropdown control.')
if (self.args.valueField == undefined) {
self.args.valueField = '';
alert('Value Field is blank for dropdown control.')
if (self.args.source == undefined) {
self.args.source = {};
if (self.args.hide == undefined) {
self.args.hide = false;
var assignMethod = function () {
self.args.method =
setEnable: function (args) {
self.args.isDisabled = !args;
setVisible: function (args) {
self.args.hide = !args;
getText: function () {
return self.args.selectedText;
getValue: function () {
return self.args.selectedValue;
setItem: function (item) {
var index = self.args.source.indexOf(item);
self.args.selectecText = item[self.args.displayField];
self.args.selectecValue = item[self.args.valueField];
self.args.selectedItem = item;
self.args.selectedIndex = index;
self.itemChange = function (item) {
if (item != undefined) {
var index = self.args.source.indexOf(item);
self.args.selectecText = item[self.args.displayField];
self.args.selectecValue = item[self.args.valueField];
self.args.selectedItem = item;
self.args.selectedIndex = index;
controller: function () {
controllerAs: 'model'

Angular service slugify scopes

I am slugify function running smoothly.
What bothers me is having to repeat the function code in all controllers.
There is the possibility of converting into a service, or otherwise I write only once this function?
Today use of this form:
<md-input-container class="md-accent">
<label >Digite o título do Produto</label>
<input ng-model="product.title" ng-change="slugify(product.title)">
<md-input-container class="md-accent">
<label>Link permanente</label>
<input ng-model="product.slug" disabled>
my slugify function:
$scope.slugify = function(slug){
var makeString = function(object) {
if (object === null) {
return '';
return '' + object;
var from = 'ąàáäâãåæăćčĉęèéëêĝĥìíïîĵłľńňòóöőôõðøśșšŝťțŭùúüűûñÿýçżźž',
to = 'aaaaaaaaaccceeeeeghiiiijllnnoooooooossssttuuuuuunyyczzz',
regex = new RegExp('[' + from + ']', 'g');
slug = makeString(slug).toString().toLowerCase().replace(regex, function (c){
var index = from.indexOf(c);
return to.charAt(index) || '-';
}).replace(/[^\w\-\s]+/g, '').trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/\-\-+/g, '-');
$scope.product.slug = slug;
.factory('slugify', function() {
var self = this;
self.generate = function(slug){
var makeString = function(object) {
if (object === null) {
return '';
return '' + object;
var from = 'ąàáäâãåæăćčĉęèéëêĝĥìíïîĵłľńňòóöőôõðøśșšŝťțŭùúüűûñÿýçżźž',
to = 'aaaaaaaaaccceeeeeghiiiijllnnoooooooossssttuuuuuunyyczzz',
regex = new RegExp('[' + from + ']', 'g');
slug = makeString(slug).toString().toLowerCase().replace(regex, function (c){
var index = from.indexOf(c);
return to.charAt(index) || '-';
}).replace(/[^\w\-\s]+/g, '').trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/\-\-+/g, '-');
return slug;
return self;
And in controllers:
$scope.slugIt = function(title){
$scope.product.slug = slugify.generate(title);
And in views:
<input ng-model="product.title" ng-change="slugIt(product.title)">
You could create a directive, that uses the service to generate a slug.
.factory('slugger', function slugger() {
return {
generateSlug: generateSlug
function generateSlug(input) {
var from = 'ąàáäâãåæăćčĉęèéëêĝĥìíïîĵłľńňòóöőôõðøśșšŝťțŭùúüűûñÿýçżźž';
var to = 'aaaaaaaaaccceeeeeghiiiijllnnoooooooossssttuuuuuunyyczzz';
var regex = new RegExp('[' + from + ']', 'g');
input = makeString(input).toString().toLowerCase().replace(regex, function (c) {
var index = from.indexOf(c);
return to.charAt(index) || '-';
}).replace(/[^\w\-\s]+/g, '').trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/\-\-+/g, '-');
return input;
function makeString(object) {
if (object === null) {
return '';
return '' + object;
.directive('slugInput', function (slugger) {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs, ngModelCtrl) {
iElement.on('input', function () {
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {'input');
Anywhere in your app,
<input ng-model="product.title" slug-input>
I don't know your exact requirement. But, you can write a service something like this
function () {
function serviceInstance() {
var services = {
slugify: slugify,
slug: slug
var slug = null;
function slugify(slug) {
var makeString = function (object) {
if (object === null) {
return '';
return '' + object;
var from = 'ąàáäâãåæăćčĉęèéëêĝĥìíïîĵłľńňòóöőôõðøśșšŝťțŭùúüűûñÿýçżźž',
to = 'aaaaaaaaaccceeeeeghiiiijllnnoooooooossssttuuuuuunyyczzz',
regex = new RegExp('[' + from + ']', 'g');
this.slug = makeString(slug).toString().toLowerCase().replace(regex, function (c) {
var index = from.indexOf(c);
return to.charAt(index) || '-';
.replace(/[^\w\-\s]+/g, '')
.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-')
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-');
return services;
return new serviceInstance();
//inject the service in your controller
angular.module('app').controller('urController', function(slugService){
and use it in your view
ng-model(slugService.slug) //probably need to use ng-init as well
//assuming the service is used once per page

How to get selected value from ng-autocomplete directive to controller

I am using a directive for auto complete / auto suggest in angular Js taken from It is working fine getting the data from server and filtering it. But I am facing problem into select and use that select item from the auto complete.
Here is the code of directive what I am using for this...
app.factory('ngAutocompleteService', ['$http', function($http)
var self = this;
self.getData = function (url, keyword) {
return $http.get(url, { query: keyword });
return self;
app.directive('ngAutocomplete', ['$timeout','$filter','ngAutocompleteService',
function($timeout, $filter, ngAutocompleteService)
'use strict';
var keys = {
left : 37,
up : 38,
right : 39,
down : 40,
enter : 13,
esc : 27
var setScopeValues = function (scope, attrs) {
scope.url = base_url+attrs.url || null;
scope.searchProperty = attrs.searchProperty || 'skills';
scope.maxResults = attrs.maxResults || 10;
scope.delay = parseInt(attrs.delay, 10) || 300;
scope.minLenth = parseInt(attrs.minLenth, 10) || 2;
scope.allowOnlyResults = scope.$eval(attrs.allowOnlyResults) || false;
scope.placeholder = attrs.placeholder || 'Search...';
var delay = (function() {
var timer = 0;
return function (callback, ms) {
timer = $timeout(callback, ms);
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '?ngModel',
scope: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
setScopeValues(scope, attrs);
scope.results = [];
scope.currentIndex = null;
scope.getResults = function () {
if (parseInt(scope.keyword.length, 10) === 0) scope.results = [];
if (scope.keyword.length < scope.minLenth) return;
delay(function() {
ngAutocompleteService.getData(scope.url, scope.keyword).then(function(resp) {
scope.results = [];
var filtered = $filter('filter')(, {skills: scope.keyword});
for (var i = 0; i < scope.maxResults; i++) {
scope.currentIndex = 0;
if (scope.results.length) {
scope.showResults = true;
}, scope.delay);
scope.selectResult = function (r) {
scope.keyword = r.skills;
scope.ngModel = r.skills;
scope.showResults = false;
scope.clearResults = function () {
scope.results = [];
scope.currentIndex = null;
scope.hoverResult = function (i) {
scope.currentIndex = i;
scope.blurHandler = function () {
$timeout(function() {
if (scope.allowOnlyResults) {
var find = $filter('filter')(scope.results, {skills: scope.keyword}, true);
if (!find.length) {
scope.keyword = '';
scope.showResults = false;
}, 100);
scope.keyupHandler = function (e) {
var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
if (key === keys.enter) {
if (key === keys.left || key === keys.up) {
if (scope.currentIndex > 0) {
scope.currentIndex -= 1;
if (key === keys.right || key === keys.down) {
if (scope.currentIndex < scope.maxResults - 1) {
scope.currentIndex += 1;
if (key === keys.esc) {
scope.keyword = '';
'<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="keyword" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" ng-change="getResults()" ng-keyup="keyupHandler($event)" ng-blur="blurHandler()" ng-focus="currentIndex = 0" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off">' +
'<input type="hidden" ng-model="skillIdToBeRated">'+
'<div ng-show="showResults">' +
' <div ng-repeat="r in results | filter : {skills: keyword}" ng-click="selectResult(r)" ng-mouseover="hoverResult($index)" ng-class="{\'hover\': $index === currentIndex}">' +
' <span class="form-control">{{ r.skills }}</span>' +
' </div>' +
I am unable to get value which is selected by ng-click="selectResult(r)" function. The value is showing into text field but not getting it into controller.
I was also using the same directive for showing the auto complete text box. I have tried the following for getting the selected value from auto complete.
<div ng-controller="Cntrl as cntrl">
<ng-autocomplete ng-model="cntrl.selectedValue" url="url" search-property="keyword" max-results="10" delay="300" min-length="2" allow-only-results="true"></ng-autocomplete>
in JavaScript
app.controller('Cntrl', function($scope, $http) {
var self = this;
self.selectedValue = '';
$scope.getSelectedValue = function(){
I hope this may help you.
I ran into the same issue. I ended up just watching the property from the details attribute in the ng-autocomplete input and it works pretty well.
$scope.$watch(function() {
return vm.location_result;
}, function(location) {
if (location) {
vm.location = '';
Fiddle Example:
GitHub Gist:

Angularjs expression is not working

I tried to use the angular expression below in html 5 but it is not working.
* * < !DOCTYPE html >
< html >
< script src = "" > < /script> < script src = "blockuijs.js" > < /script> < body >
< div ng - app = "icebreakerapp" >
< p > My first expression: {
5 + 5
} </p> </div> < script >
var module = angular.module('icebreakerapp', ['blockUI']); < /script> < /body> < /html>**
(function(angular) {
var blkUI = angular.module('blockUI', []);
blkUI.config(["$provide", "$httpProvider", function($provide, $httpProvider) {
$provide.decorator('$exceptionHandler', ['$delegate', '$injector', function($delegate, $injector) {
var blockUI, blockUIConfig;
return function(exception, cause) {
blockUIConfig = blockUIConfig || $injector.get('blockUIConfig');
if (blockUIConfig.resetOnException) {
blockUI = blockUI || $injector.get('blockUI');
$delegate(exception, cause);
}]);["$document", "blockUIConfig", "$templateCache", function($document, blockUIConfig, $templateCache) {
if (blockUIConfig.autoInjectBodyBlock) {
$document.find('body').attr('block-ui', 'main');
if (blockUIConfig.template) {
blockUIConfig.templateUrl = '$$block-ui-template$$';
$templateCache.put(blockUIConfig.templateUrl, blockUIConfig.template);
blkUI.directive('blockUiContainer', ["blockUIConfig", "blockUiContainerLinkFn", function(blockUIConfig, blockUiContainerLinkFn) {
return {
scope: true,
restrict: 'A',
templateUrl: blockUIConfig.templateUrl,
compile: function($element) {
return blockUiContainerLinkFn;
}]).factory('blockUiContainerLinkFn', ["blockUI", "blockUIUtils", function(blockUI, blockUIUtils) {
return function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var srvInstance = $element.inheritedData('block-ui');
if (!srvInstance) {
throw new Error('No parent block-ui service instance located.');
$scope.state = srvInstance.state(); //
blkUI.directive('blockUi', ["blockUiCompileFn", function(blockUiCompileFn) {
return {
scope: true,
restrict: 'A',
compile: blockUiCompileFn
}]).factory('blockUiCompileFn', ["blockUiPreLinkFn", function(blockUiPreLinkFn) {
return function($element, $attrs) {
$element.append('<div block-ui-container class="block-ui-container"></div>');
return {
pre: blockUiPreLinkFn
}]).factory('blockUiPreLinkFn', ["blockUI", "blockUIUtils", "blockUIConfig", function(blockUI, blockUIUtils, blockUIConfig) {
return function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
if (!$element.hasClass('block-ui')) {
$attrs.$observe('blockUiMessageClass', function(value) {
$scope.$_blockUiMessageClass = value;
var instanceId = $attrs.blockUi || '_' + $scope.$id;
var srvInstance = blockUI.instances.get(instanceId);
if (instanceId === 'main') {
var fn = $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function($event) {
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event) {
if (srvInstance.state().blockCount > 0) {
} else {
var parentInstance = $element.inheritedData('block-ui');
if (parentInstance) {
srvInstance._parent = parentInstance;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$scope.$_blockUiState = srvInstance.state();
$scope.$watch('$_blockUiState.blocking', function(value) {
$element.attr('aria-busy', !!value);
$element.toggleClass('block-ui-visible', !!value);
$scope.$watch('$_blockUiState.blockCount > 0', function(value) {
$element.toggleClass('block-ui-active', !!value);
var pattern = $attrs.blockUiPattern;
if (pattern) {
var regExp = blockUIUtils.buildRegExp(pattern);
$'block-ui', srvInstance);
blkUI.constant('blockUIConfig', {
templateUrl: 'angular-block-ui/',
delay: 250,
message: "Loading ...",
autoBlock: true,
resetOnException: true,
requestFilter: angular.noop,
autoInjectBodyBlock: true,
cssClass: 'block-ui block-ui-anim-fade'
blkUI.factory('blockUIHttpInterceptor', ["$q", "$injector", "blockUIConfig", function($q, $injector, blockUIConfig) {
var blockUI;
function injectBlockUI() {
blockUI = blockUI || $injector.get('blockUI');
function stopBlockUI(config) {
if (blockUIConfig.autoBlock && !config.$_noBlock && config.$_blocks) {
function error(rejection) {
return $q.reject(rejection);
return {
request: function(config) {
if (blockUIConfig.autoBlock) {
if (blockUIConfig.requestFilter(config) === false) {
config.$_noBlock = true;
} else {
config.$_blocks = blockUI.instances.locate(config);
return config;
requestError: error,
response: function(response) {
return response;
responseError: error
blkUI.factory('blockUI', ["blockUIConfig", "$timeout", "blockUIUtils", "$document", function(blockUIConfig, $timeout, blockUIUtils, $document) {
var $body = $document.find('body');
function BlockUI(id) {
var self = this;
var state = {
id: id,
blockCount: 0,
message: blockUIConfig.message,
blocking: false
startPromise, doneCallbacks = [];
this._refs = 0;
this.start = function(message) {
if (state.blockCount > 0) {
message = message || state.message || blockUIConfig.message;
} else {
message = message || blockUIConfig.message;
state.message = message;
var $ae = angular.element($document[0].activeElement);
if ($ae.length && blockUIUtils.isElementInBlockScope($ae, self)) { //
self._restoreFocus = $ae[0];
$timeout(function() {
if (self._restoreFocus) {
if (!startPromise) {
startPromise = $timeout(function() {
startPromise = null;
state.blocking = true;
}, blockUIConfig.delay);
this._cancelStartTimeout = function() {
if (startPromise) {
startPromise = null;
this.stop = function() {
state.blockCount = Math.max(0, --state.blockCount);
if (state.blockCount === 0) {
this.message = function(value) {
state.message = value;
this.pattern = function(regexp) {
if (regexp !== undefined) {
self._pattern = regexp;
return self._pattern;
this.reset = function(executeCallbacks) {
state.blockCount = 0;
state.blocking = false;
if (self._restoreFocus && (!$document[0].activeElement || $document[0].activeElement === $body[0])) {
self._restoreFocus = null;
try {
if (executeCallbacks) {
angular.forEach(doneCallbacks, function(cb) {
} finally {
doneCallbacks.length = 0;
this.done = function(fn) {
this.state = function() {
return state;
this.addRef = function() {
self._refs += 1;
this.release = function() {
if (--self._refs <= 0) {
var instances = [];
instances.get = function(id) {
var instance = instances[id];
if (!instance) {
instance = instances[id] = new BlockUI(id);
return instance;
instances._destroy = function(idOrInstance) {
if (angular.isString(idOrInstance)) {
idOrInstance = instances[idOrInstance];
if (idOrInstance) {
delete instances[idOrInstance.state().id];
var i = instances.length;
while (--i) {
if (instances[i] === idOrInstance) {
instances.splice(i, 1);
instances.locate = function(request) {
var result = [];
blockUIUtils.forEachFnHook(result, 'start');
blockUIUtils.forEachFnHook(result, 'stop');
var i = instances.length;
while (i--) {
var instance = instances[i];
var pattern = instance._pattern;
if (pattern && pattern.test(request.url)) {
if (result.length === 0) {
return result;
blockUIUtils.forEachFnHook(instances, 'reset');
var mainBlock = instances.get('main');
mainBlock.instances = instances;
return mainBlock;
blkUI.factory('blockUIUtils', function() {
var $ = angular.element;
var utils = {
buildRegExp: function(pattern) {
var match = pattern.match(/^\/(.*)\/([gim]*)$/),
if (match) {
regExp = new RegExp(match[1], match[2]);
} else {
throw Error('Incorrect regular expression format: ' + pattern);
return regExp;
forEachFn: function(arr, fnName, args) {
var i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
var t = arr[i];
t[fnName].apply(t, args);
forEachFnHook: function(arr, fnName) {
arr[fnName] = function() {
utils.forEachFn(this, fnName, arguments);
isElementInBlockScope: function($element, blockScope) {
var c = $element.inheritedData('block-ui');
while (c) {
if (c === blockScope) {
return true;
c = c._parent;
return false;
findElement: function($element, predicateFn, traverse) {
var ret = null;
if (predicateFn($element)) {
ret = $element;
} else {
var $elements;
if (traverse) {
$elements = $element.parent();
} else {
$elements = $element.children();
var i = $elements.length;
while (!ret && i--) {
ret = utils.findElement($($elements[i]), predicateFn, traverse);
return ret;
return utils;
angular.module('blockUI').run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('angular-block-ui/', '<div class=\"block-ui-overlay\"></div><div class=\"block-ui-message-container\" aria-live=\"assertive\" aria-atomic=\"true\"><div class=\"block-ui-message loading_spinnerlatest\" ng-class=\"$_blockUiMessageClass\">{{ state.message }}</div></div>');
})(angular); //
It is giving the output as "My first expression:{{ 5+5}}".But expectation is "My first expression:10"
Note: If I remove dependency modules in (angular.module) it is working.But I need those dependency modules
for further development
Are you seeing any error in console? Maybe some of your module dependencies are not resolved.
Check this snippet:
<script src= ""></script>
<div ng-app="icebreakerapp">
<p>My first expression: {{ 5 + 5 }}</p>
var module = angular.module('icebreakerapp', []);

AngularJS UI Bootstrap dismiss() won´t work

Let me start by saying that I am very new to angular.
I have tried to setup a modal ui which works fine. But when I click the "cancel" button on the interface nothing happens.
This is my code:
(function () {
var domainName = 'TournamentCategory';
['$scope', '$modal', 'guidGenerator', 'eventBus', domainName + "Service",
function ($scope, $modal, guidGenerator, eventBus, domainService, modelFactory)
{$scope.openTournamentTree = function () {
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'TournamentTreeModal.html',
controller: 'TreeController',
size: 'wide-90',
resolve: {
modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) {
//$scope.selected = selectedItem;
}, function () {
//$'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
$scope.ok = function () {
$scope.cancel = function () {
<script type="text/ng-template" id="TournamentTreeModal.html">
<div class="modal-header">
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="include-tree" ng-include="'tournament-tree.html'"></div>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ok()">GEM</button>
<button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-warning" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">LUK, uden at gemme</button>
This is my "treeController"
angular.module('tournamentTree').controller("TreeController", ['$scope', 'guidGenerator', function ($scope, guidGenerator) {
$scope.allMatches = [];
$scope.finalMatch = [createNewMatch()];
$scope.tierCount = 1;
$scope.previousMatchTier = 0;
$scope.deletePreviousMatches = function (parentMatch) {
for (var i in parentMatch.previousMatches) {
var previousMatch = parentMatch.previousMatches[i];
_.remove($scope.allMatches, function (match) { return == });
parentMatch.previousMatches = [];
$scope.addMatches = function (thisMatch) {
if (thisMatch && !thisMatch.previousMatches)
thisMatch.previousMatches = [];
if (thisMatch && thisMatch.previousMatches.length == 0) {
$scope.addMatchTier = function () {
for (var i in $scope.allMatches) {
var match = $scope.allMatches[i];
if (match.previousMatches.length == 0) {
$scope.previousMatchTier = function () {
for (var i in $scope.allMatches) {
var previous;
if (previous.allMatches.length == i) {
previous = $scope.allMatches[i] - $scope.allMatches[i - 1];
$scope.removeMatchTier = function () {
//if (confirm('Er du sikker på, at du vil slette det yderste niveau af turneringstræet?')) {
var matchesToDelete = [];
for (var i in $scope.allMatches) {
var match = $scope.allMatches[i];
if (match.previousMatches.length == 0) {
for (var i in matchesToDelete) {
$scope.hasPreviousMatches = function (match) {
return match && match.previousMatches && match.previousMatches.length > 0;
$scope.moveWinnerToNextMatch = function (match, winnerName) {
match.nextMatch.setPlayerName(, winnerName);
function createNewMatch(nextMatch) {
var newMatch = {};
newMatch.tier = nextMatch && nextMatch.tier ? nextMatch.tier + 1 : 1; = guidGenerator.newGuid();
newMatch.player1 = "";
newMatch.player2 = "";
newMatch.nextMatch = nextMatch;
newMatch.previousMatches = [];
newMatch.setPlayerName = function(matchId, playerName) {
for (var i in newMatch.previousMatches)
if (newMatch.previousMatches[i].id == matchId)
if (i == 0)
newMatch.player1 = playerName;
newMatch.player2 = playerName;
return newMatch;
$dismiss is already available on modal scope so in template raplace cancel() with $dimiss()
That needs to go in your modals controller 'TreeController'
angular.module('tournamentCategories').controller('TreeController', function($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.ok = function () {
$scope.cancel = function () {
I have an example in this plunker
