Opendaylight shows wrong topology - karaf

I' m working on an SDN lab, I have 3 interconnected switches (2NETFPGA+1Open Vswitch) with a host connected to each. I'm setting OpenDayLight as a controller but the problem is that I can not get the controller to see the topology: It just shows the switches! no hosts ! no connection between switches!
I have installed these features in karaf:
odl-l2switch-all and
Thanks for your help!

I also had this problem once. But in my case, displaying the hosts on the dlux gui was more of a priority and so i added a lower priority flow entry to the switches for action NORMAL. I know this is a work around, but it helps based on the need.


Why can't I see the topology information on the dlux.topology page when I connect the ODL controller to the mininet?

Why can't I see the topology information on the dlux's topology page when I connect the ODL controller to the mininet?
ODL's specific information:
version: distribution-karaf-0.6.0-Carbon or karaf-0.8.1
installed features: odl-openflowplugin-service-rest & odl-dluxapp-yangman & odl-dluxapps-topology
The mininet's start order:
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=
When I open I don't see the switch in the dlux topology page. But when I use karaf-0.8.3 for similar operations, I can see a switch.
More informations may help: I used the controller karaf-0.8.1 to capture the package of the openflow protocol, but I can only catch hello, port status and echo. However, when I use the controller karaf-0.8.3, I can catch hello, port status, feature_request, many multipart_request and role_request.
Does anybody know how to solve it? THANK YOU
Despite many calls for help from the upstream community, no one stepped up to support and maintain DLUX. By the time Oxygen (the 8.x version you mention) came out, it hadn't been well-maintained for at least a year. So tl;dr it's likely there are bugs and you're better off to just avoid DLUX, use REST.

How do I get bluez 5 to accept a fixed pin?

I can find nothing on how to do this. I am programming an Intel Edison in C and an Android phone in Java. I want to pair the Edison from the Android phone. I would think simple pairing (sspmode 1) would work but I get an error message on the phone about a wrong pin where no pin was requested. With sspmode 0 I get asked for a password but have no idea what it is as it is randomly generated in my NoInputNoOutput Edison. We have everything else working. If we pair from Edison manually, the rest of the code can connect and send bluetooth messages back and forth from the Edison to the phone. But pairing from Edison to any random phone that walks by is not acceptable. I think it is called Bluejacking.
I have seen some posts about using simple-agent but frankly what I understand is that BlueZ security changed so much between 4 and 5 that most all that I see doesn't work. I also see that the switch from 4 to 5 broke a lot of systems so I don't feel alone. I would try it but simple-agent is not on Edison and I have not found a procedure to install it. And as I don't know if the little I can find applies to version 5 as it all references version 4 I am feeling a little lost.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to something that will work on BlueZ 5? I am on 5.18.
The solution presented on the last post of this article does work
Edit simple-agent, put it somewhere, make it executable, put the missing files in the same directory and run it. It must stay running for it to be active.
In my case, the missing file was
Run hciconfig hci0 sspmode 0 first
Pl use Bluz5.30.
Initially it was really difficult to bring up bluetooth using Bluez 5. It seems it was okay with Bluez 4.I have tried different versions of Bluez 5 on my LFS build. Even up to Bluez 5.28 it was not satisfactory. Now it is Bluz5.30, with this, LFS doc and lot of trail, I could manage. I feel Bluez is one of the most badly documented user unfriendly software. I also feel it is very buggy. It can hang machines forcing to hard boot the system. I have seen bluetooth forcing the Android phone also to reboot. So it is important to get the latest version of the software. But to make the bluetooth speaker work Pulseaudio was needed. It is better to get the latest version; here also LFS doc was fine.
So the process of connecting speaker was using bluetoothctl is as follows;
>> power on
>> scan on
>> pairable on
>> pair <device>
>> agent on
>> default-agent
Now the actual sound. Here pactl and pacmd are useful.
paplay -d can test the devices.
using pacmd with command 'list-sinks' can show the devices.
pacmd ->list-modules can show the modules loaded.
How to change automatically the audio output to bluetooth speaker when it is connected?
For me in one machine it was working fine, with an identical LFS in another machine it was not working. Finally it was identified as a
missing module module-device-manager with arg do_routing=1.
Once it was loaded everything was fine. This particular module was not shown in the pulse configurations. So I have to find that and load,
load-module module-device-manager do_routing=1
One can add a line in the default configuration file available in /etc/pulse.or one can add it in the user configuration file also.Now to make the new bluetooth speaker being used to play sound. For that issue the command 'move-sink-input ' using pacmd. You can find the sink names my issuing the command 'list-sinks'.
If your speaker is not connecting, it may be that it is already connected elsewhere. If it is not so, remove-device; scan on; pair; and connect using bluetoothctl. I was worrying how to make file transfer using bluetooth (Bluez5). Actually very little information is available in LFS documention or in general in the NET. This very true and unfortunate about Bluez in general. They do not provide any real user doc or nothing is available in net. So the steps are as follows:
You need to install OBEX library. Then you build Bluez5 (if it not done already). It will install obexd. After installation you can find obexd in $PREFIX/libexec/bluetooth/obexd.This is where you find bluetoothd also. One generally makes a link for bluetoothd in /usr/sbin. A similar link can be made for obexd also. Once you start bluetoothd and obexd you can find object transfer profiles in bluetoothctl->show.If you need a phone to push objects to the computer, you need to run obexd with options '-a' and '-r '. if '-a' is not given phone will fail to send the file. Now how to push a file from Computer to Phone. For this you need obexctl, I do not think it is a finished tool, and it will not be installed while we build Bluez 5. I have seen it in the source tree and copied to /usr/bin/. It should be used to connect the Phone and when the connection is established one can 'send ' and you have to accept the request in the phone.
Starting obexd as a deamon was a problem. When obexd was tried on a text terminal (init 3) it was not possible to start since it needs a dbus session which in turn needs X display. It means one need to login an X seession before you start obexd. If you dissable X while building DBUS (--without-x) then Window Managers will not work. But there is solution with 'dus-run-session < command> [args]'. That means you can start a service obexd (like bluetoothd) in the system start-up. So just by switching on the Computer ( if pairing, trusting etc... was done earlier) one can push files from Phone to computer.
>> connect <device>
Second time onwards just connection is fine. Probably you can trust the device.
>> trust <device>

Is it a good idea to use a Screensaver on a raspberry pi as digital signage?

I asked this question in the Raspberry PI section, so please forgive me for posting this here again. Its just there doesn't seem to be as active as this section of the forum. So, onto my question...
I have an idea and I'm working on it right now. I just wanted to see what the community's thought was on using a screensaver as digital signage. Every tutorial I've read shows someone using chromium in kiosk mode, and while that's fine and works well for some uses, it doesn't work for what I need. I have successfully completed a chromium kiosk, and it was cool. But the signage that I need to create now, has to work without internet. I've thought about installing LAMP locally on the PI, and still using chromium. I still may have to if this idea doesn't pan out. All I need from the signage is a Title Message in the top center, and a message body underneath it, with roughly 300-400 character limit. My idea is to write a screensaver module, in C, that will work with a screensaver such as xscreensaver. The module would need to be able to load messages from a directory on the pi. Then for my clients to update their signage text, I would write a simple client that sent commands as well as the text via SSH to the pi. I want to know what other people think about this. Is it a good idea? Bad idea? Should I "waste" my time doing something like this?
Thanks in advance.
I am already using a rPi as digital signage, just over a year. I am using two different setups:
version 1 uses Raspian loading xdesktop and qiv image viewer to cycle images stored on the Pi itself, synchronized with a remote server. The problem I found was power and SD stability, when the power fails, which it will do no matter what, just when... The Sd card can become corrupt due to all the writing that Raspian does all the time. Certainly does not really need to write to SD.
version 2 uses a RO-filesystem and a command line image tool. Uses the same process to show images from local, and sync with server. But power fail causes no ill effects.
I am not using screensaver to display images, that seemed redundant to me, and unnecessary to wait for the SS to start just to display the images.
Some of the images are created using imagemagik, which is nicely dynamic where needed.

How do you debug Share Picker extensions?

I have registered my Phone 7 app as a Share Picker Extension. It works—my app is in the list of Share options and it gets launched and I can load the chosen image. Okay, great.
But then things go wrong in my code. I would like to be able to debug the issues, but I can't seem to keep the debugger attached.
I cannot debug this in the simulator, since the Pictures app (and thus the Share Picker functionality) is not present in the simulator.
I cannot debug this on the phone because as soon as I pick my app from the Share list, the debugger detaches... right as my app is "launching" again.
Is it possible to attach the debugger to a running WP7 app? Is it possible to keep the debugger attached? Am I doing it wrong? Any suggestions, advice or guesses are welcome because I'm tearing my hair out.
When doing M+V hub integration (sorry, haven't done any pictures hub integration yet) I initially used a crude debug technique (Messagebox.Show, etc. - like Justin mentioned) to verify what was being passed to the NavigationEventArgs of OnNavigatedTo and wrapped the whole method in a try..catch block to learn what was going on. I then refactored the code when I knew what could be expected. (Remember OnNavigatedTo will be called when your app is launched normally too and so e won't be populated in the same way.)
When the app is launched from a/the hub it creates a new instance of the app and there is currently no way to connect to this for debugging while the main page is being navigated to.
Great question. I'm unsure if that's possible. As far as I know, there's no way to attach the debugger to when the WP7 O/S starts an app (which wasn't triggered by the debugger).
Photo Share picker extensibility, music+Video hub extensibility and other O/S extensibility points seem to not play nicely with the VS debugger. Normally I resort to MessageBox.Show to debug any problems with WP7 O/S integration.
1) Connect the Device
2) Turn off Zune
3) Start C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Tools\WPConnect\x86\WPConnect.exe
To properly debug your application that uses the Media Library, you'll need to use the Windows Phone Connect Tool (WPConnect.exe) as described on MSDN. Jaime has some additional tips on his blog.
Once you are connected, you should be able to debug your application. Fingers crossed anyway. If that doesn't help, I'll dig a bit further.
It's not so much about the WPConnect tool. The nature of your application means that you have to have it closed and the user should pick a photo. Only after that the data is returned to the application.
You should read about the application execution model on Windows Phone 7. Also a good explanation is available here.
Initially, I would say that you should look at tombstoning (a good explanation here) but then again, the image returned will re-start the app and won't allow you to directly attach the debugger.
Yeah, looks like this is impossible...
All the answers above seem to be missing the point: I presume you're able to debug your app in the "standalone" mode (when it's launched normally), but not when it's launched via the Share Picker Extension. Am I write? This is the wall I'm hitting... :-(
I thought the proper way would be to attach to the process once it's launched.
I tried to use Debug > Attach to Process, then select Smart Device as the Transport and Windows Phone Device as the Qualifier... But in return I get the ugly "Unable to connect to 'Windows Phone Device'. Not implemented" message.
Bummer :-(

How to send a notification to another PC?

Is there a way i can send a notification/message to another PC in C/C++? I think something like net send, but i don't know if there is another way to send a notification/message. I created an application which will run on every PC, and i want, that if my application has finished it should send a notification to my PC, that it has finished running. I don't know if there is a solution for my question, but if yes, could someone tell me, how to do that?
How about using sockets?
Start by learning about WCF.
We ended up building a system for alerting all of our retail locations of emergency situations by building a service that opens up a TCP channel using .NET Remoting. It just sits there and listens for notifications. Our command center has a program that can send out notifications to this service. The service is responsible for displaying the message.
The code is proprietary, so I can't share it, but that's the general idea. Remoting has been rolled into WCF, which is why I started by suggesting learning that.
It has been working very well for us for many years, and works just fine on newer versions of Windows (unlike Net Send) and it's faster than Net Send.
Edit - added
I hadn't heard of this until now but you could also look into msg.exe. it looks easier.
If you want something like "NET SEND" use mailslots!
Here more info on MSDN:
If you can't use net send, how about just creating a date-stamped temp file of some sort that your other PC looks for?
Make your application a Growl client
Net Send is an option, but I think it will annoy the crap out of you, as it sends console toast to your computer, which pops up in front of the tasks you are working on. Personally, I would find that incredibly annoying.
If you created the application, you have the ability to include notication code. As an example, you can set up a service on your box and write the code to contact that service. On a windows machine, this can be a WCF service. You can also wrap this in a windows service if you want to fire up non-annoying toast.
I am not sure how to set up C to access a service, so another option might be to drop something in a folder and have a file watcher tell you. A bit kludgy, of course.
