Setting up React router: how to use {import} in the browser? - reactjs

I am following the React-router docs, but I have encountered an obstacle that is not really related to the router itself: Babel transpiles the {import} as require, which would be used by Express or Node.js on the server, but from what I understand from the docs, it is actually intended for client-side rendering.
Of course, the JSX file with the router transpiled using Babel and included into a HTML browser page does not work, since require is only used by express/node server-side.
May I ask how is it actually supposed to work in the browser?
Thank you

Babel's transpile of import produces code relying on CommonJS require, you're correct.
You're also correct that node offers a natire require implementation, whereas browsers do not.
There are tools - such as webpack, browserify, and requirejs (among others,) which each do at least two things:
to package up source into a single bundle
to expose that source in a way that satisfies require to match node, allowing you to use the same code at either side.
To that end, what you need to do is to pair babel with one of the packaging tools.
Webpack is more powerful; browserify is easier to use.
Here's a tiny gulpfile where I've automated the process. The relevant source clip is this:
gulp.task('browserify', ['babel'], function() {
var browserifyConfig = {},
bpack = browserify(browserifyConfig, { 'debug' : !production });
return bpack
.require('./dist/pbar.es5.js', { 'expose' : 'pbar' })
.on('error', errorHandler)

In order for commonjs like require statement to work in a browser environment. You will need to look into a bundling solution like:
A bundler will statically parse your commonjs files and their dependencies to create a bundle which can be used in the browser.
Internet is full of great examples on how they work.
Browserify is easier to get started than Webpack, however I would suggest you learn Webpack over Browserify. Webpack provides you much much more than just loading JS files with its extensive loaders, for example you can do something like:
const imgSrc = require('images/test.svg')
magical right?


How to create a Micro Frontend bundle with Webpack that shares libraries with the container application?

I have a task.
To have Micro Frontends with single-spa framework.
portal/main application (which load all other js code by url)
Micro Frontend 1 (react based)
Micro Frontend 2 (react based)
So my problem just one: I don't want to duplicate vendor libraries like react, react-dom (any others). And I want to make them shared among other Micro Frontends (which is bundled with webpack)
I know what is the bad practice to have some global stuff (it's violate the whole idea of bundeling with webpack). But how to solve the problem of duplication of vendor libraries?
I found one solution just load decencies with SystemJs like separated tags in html, but I just wonder maybe there is another solutuion for that.
Thank you.
SystemJs approach to load dependencies by demand but from CDN, I just want do the same but load all dependencies from "shared" webpack bundle with react and other stuff.
window.SystemJS = window.System
function insertNewImportMap(newMapJSON) {
const newScript = document.createElement('script')
newScript.type = 'systemjs-importmap'
newScript.text = JSON.stringify(newMapJSON)
const allMaps = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="systemjs-importmap"]')
allMaps[allMaps.length - 1].insertAdjacentElement(
const devDependencies = {
imports: {
react: '',
'react-dom': '',
'react-dom/server': '',
'single-spa': '',
lodash: '',
rxjs: '',
const prodDependencies = {
imports: {
react: '',
'react-dom': '',
'react-dom/server': '',
'single-spa': '',
lodash: '',
rxjs: '',
const devMode = true // you will need to figure out a way to use a set of production dependencies instead
if (devMode) {
} else {
Just realized, that your question is directed at Micro Frontends (not only micro services) and therefore is not about sharing libraries with Webpack in general. Added Micro Frontend to your tags/title and updated the answer to be more focused on this topic.
So my problem just one: I don't want to duplicate vendor libraries like react, react-dom (any others). And I want to make them shared among other [Micro Frontends] (which is bundled with webpack)
What you can do is exclude dependencies from the output bundle of your Micro Frontends by adding a Webpack externals property to the config.
webpack config of your Micro Frontends:
module.exports = {
externals = {
react: 'React',
'react-dom': 'ReactDOM'
Above config would exclude react and react-dom and expect them in the global variables React and ReactDOM. You can then share those dependencies by including the libraries in a script inside index.html of your root applicationn aka stitching layer:
<script src="<your-host>/"></script>
<script src="<your-host>/"></script>
If you have other common components to share, you can also integrate the library scripts in a component library.
The reason for the include as script is: We do not want that our container has to require/import the Micro Frontends at build time in order to avoid a coupling of build/release/version management between all apps. Instead one purpose of Micro Frontends is to achieve fully independent deployment of the parts, which include continuous delivery steps from build, test to release.
I know what is the bad practice to have some global stuff (it's violate the whole idea of bundeling with webpack).
Of course, you create some form of coupling between the apps. But if you have a mature, stable and common library shared by all parts, it is a reasonable decision.
Hope, it helps (now)!
The best way to achieve this today is using Webpack's new Module Federation technology released in v5. This approach does not use SystemJS but rather the internals of Webpack. We tried several different micro frontend approaches, but this one outshines them all & is currently running successfully for us in production. There are definitely some challenges to setting it up but it was worth the developer productivity gains.
Here is the info site produced by the creator Zack Jackson which should provide all the resources you need:
Here is the link to webpack docs which deal more with technicalities rather than how to practically set up a full micro frontend architecture:

How to slowly integrate webpack by including in the bundle non imported (nor exported) files?

I'm working in a project where we want to integrate Webpack into our workflow. The problem is, we have over 1000 AngularJS files and adding import/export to all of them in one go is not an option for us. We'd like to bundle all of them and slowly incorporate the import/exports as we work on each file over time.
How would you approach that problem? Any specific best practices when doing this?
We literally had the same problem. Essentially you want to create "entry point files" that perform requires for all your files, since this is how webpack works (it follows the dependency tree). Then point webpack at these "entry point files".
The example at the link above uses TypeScript, but you can easily use ES5 like this:
# ./entry-points/feature1.js
importAll = function(r) {
importAll(require.context('./app/feature1', true, /module\.js$/));
importAll(require.context('./app/feature1', true, /(^(?!.*(spec|module)\.js).*\.js)$/));
You can grab a polyfill for Object.keys here, and Array.forEach` here.
Then point to this file from your webpack config like this:
entry: {
'feature1': './entry-points/feature1.js'
You can read more details here

jest testing with es6 + jspm + systemjs + reactJS

I'm trying to figure out how to make my unit tests in my reactJS ES6 application. My application is already using es6 module system, transpiled with jspm/babel to systemJs.
I found babel-jest as preprocessor but even with it, I can't run my tests because jest can't find SystemJs. ("System is not defined" error is shown in the console)
In the browser, as explained in jspm documentation, SystemJs is loaded globally. I guess I should load SystemJs inside my preprocessor, but How can I make systemJs available for loading additional modules in my tests?
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, Jest does not support SystemJS ES6 modules at the moment.
See the following comments:
So it sounds like jest assumes that your modules resolve based on the Node resolution algorithm.
Unfortunately this isn't compatible with SystemJS's resolution algorithm.
If there was a way in jest to set a "custom resolver" algorithm through an API then we could plug jspm into jest, but I'm not sure if this is currently possible.
-- Comment by Guy Bedford, creator of SystemJS, Jun 2015
It is unlikely there'll be official support for [SystemJS] unless it is a community contribution.
-- Comment by #cpojer, Jest Collaborator, Jan 2016
Also see the following issue: Invalid URL is thrown when requiring systemjs in jest test cases
in essence to get Jest to play nice with an app running on JSPM/SystemJS you need to "teach" it about all the mapping it holds in the config.js file (or however you call System.config())
the long answer is that you need to create an entry for each dependency you have installed with JSPM like this:
//jest configuration
moduleNameMapper: {
"^redux$": "redux#3.6.0",
for each alias you have, you need at least one entry:
moduleNameMapper: {
"^common\\/(.*)": "<rootDir>/src/common/$1", //for a dir alias
"^actions$": "<rootDir>/src/actions/index", //for a file alias
you also need to have these mappings in your nodeNameMapper:
moduleNameMapper: {
"^npm:(.*)": "<rootDir>/jspm_packages/npm/$1",
"^github:(.*)": "<rootDir>/jspm_packages/github/$1",
and finally, you need to have this moduleDirectories config:
moduleDirectories: ["node_modules", "jspm_packages/npm", "jspm_packages/github"]
this isnt really practical because you dont want to keep two copies of all your dependencies registry and have to sync them when they change...
so the short and better answer, you use my gulp-jest-jspm plugin :)
even if you dont use gulp, you can use its getJestConfig() method to generate the config for you before you run Jest.

React +(Router) without webpack or browserify

Is it possible to use react with ReactRouter, without using browserify or webpack.
I am following the documentation from they require react and react-router (require('react-router');). If I use browerifly my generated bundle is about 1MB filesize, which sounds like a lot.
So is it possible to get reactrouter working with including compiled JS from a CDN like, instead of bundle all requirements by myself ? If i try to make it work with a CDN, I get an error that Route is not defined. But it looks like it is exported in the cdn file.
I would like to compile my JSX/ES6 react components include the ReactRouter and react JS-files from a cdn and only bundle my components into a new js file.
Is this possible or is browserify and webpack the right way to setup the project ? (I looked at several github repos). I got some doubts because there is no installation guide on
like this pseudo html:
CND :include react, react-router
my code combinded.js
When you're using the prebuilt version from the CDN, the library is exported onto window.ReactRouter. So, Route is defined on window.ReactRouter.Route.
Since React Router also depends on React, using the CDN/browser build will also require that React is available on window.React.
That said, the CDN version you linked to is, itself, generated with webpack, so I don't expect that you'd gain any file size improvements. You might look into minification/dead code elimination on your browserify bundle to see if it decreases the file size.
One additional info I want to share is the possibility to use externals ( in webpack config.
I use it as following:
externals: {
"react": "React",
"react/addons": "React",
"reflux" : "Reflux"
this results in a smaller bundle and you can use react from a CDN as asked in my question. This also decreases the buildtime with gulp.

Webpack with angular 1.4 ES 5

I am working on an application which is build with angular 1.4 and ES5. It is using gulp to minify files. I wanted to use Webpack to leverage features like code-splitting and bundling everything in JavaScript files.
Is it even possible to use webpack with ES5 code as I see almost all blogs about WebPack deal with ES6. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
This is how my team did it. Essentially you want to create "entry point files" that perform requires for all your files, since this is how webpack works (it follows the dependency tree). Then point webpack at these "entry point files".
The example at the link above uses TypeScript, but you can easily use ES5 like this:
# ./entry-points/feature1.js
importAll = function(r) {
importAll(require.context('./app/feature1', true, /module\.js$/));
importAll(require.context('./app/feature1', true, /(^(?!.*(spec|module)\.js).*\.js)$/));
You can grab a polyfill for Object.keys here, and Array.forEach` here.
Then point to this file from your webpack config like this:
entry: {
'feature1': './entry-points/feature1.js'
