change Module position in joomla - joomla3.0

I am working on a website using Joomla, how can I change Module position in the picture below
click to see photo

Since most menus do not allow a search bar to show without it being a drop down item or part of a mega menu, your best bet would be to remove the float:right line of code so it just starts from that left side.


React two click handling

I have a coverflow in my program that select an image on click, but I need to have functionality that when you click on the chosen image a second time, it links you to a route.
Like with itunes, you can scrowl side by side the coverflow to chose the correct album and click again to access it's page.
The coverflow has the attribute handleSelect. I want the first click to select the image and make it bigger and in the center of the coverflow, and for the second click to follow the route.
Is it doable?
I use this coverflow:
For the first click figure out to enlarge image ,You have to do a complete change in you css .It is easier to add the enlargement when hovered, because that makes more sense ,Anyway add counts to the onClick function you are using and then do the complete routing in that function when the clickcCount exedes you limit..

Finding empty label in Windows form

I am new to Windows Form application and trying to build a small application.
I had dragged and dropped a label on the main form.
Then I deleted its text property to empty string basically hiding the label.
Now I would like to move this label to some other location on the form but unable to do so because I cannot find it.
I checked the designer file and its there.
But I cannot find it in the form so that I can grab it and move to a different location.
Please help.
Use Document Outline. Look at the following images.
That happens to me several times, and a few weeks ago I found a way to get the empty label like this:
On the tab "Properties" just click on the arrow to show all controls and click on the label you want, this will automatically select the label on your form..

ext js accordion
Please check this link in IE. I did not have time to figure out why it is not working in Firefox. I am trying to click on a link on the left column and have the page open in the center.
If you click on Weather Station and Oromiya Station, the title opens up fine but the link does not even open. Line No.325 under var menu1, look at the first item for the code. What am I doing wrong?
Second question. I want a round bulltein or outline type of thing (not sure what to call it) to the left of the Oromiya station. HOw can I do that?
Checkbox is not what I am looking for.
If you want to update the centerpanel html you can use the update() function.
In this small example I've added an 'id' to the center panel and then in the handler function for the menu item used this code to show an update.
var centerRegion = Ext.getCmp('centerpanel');
centerRegion.update('<iframe src="" style="width:100%;height:100%"></iframe>');
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do but it looks like you want to load the grid into the centerpanel, you can do that directly without having to load in a separate html page.

Adding sliders in specific pages

I am new to drupal, I created a theme using mother ship and added slider to the front page using the code. my issue is i need to add the same slider in another page also. Can some one help me to fix this issue?
go to admin/structure/block, configure link next to the block with the slider, then you can set an option to either 1) display on every page except... or 2) display only on these pages. Enter the path (node/233) or path alias, one per line, in the textarea below the option radios.
Alternatively, you can use the Context module (

change the ajax progressbar of dotnetnukes

Is there a way to change the default ajax progressbar that is there in dotnetnukes.
Its not for changing the image but i would like to use an altogether different progressbar. The current one displays the progressbar at the bottom of the section. The requirement to replace it with one covering the entire section or part of it. The section has a search criteria on top and the results below. The progressbar needs to appear above the criteria so that the user will not change it while the search is going on.
That's the animated image you can replace with your own if you have one.
Agree with #DangIT, you can find the gif with name progressbar.gif in images folder in the root of dnn installation. just delete it, and place another image with the same name will do the trick for you
