Get custom domain name to work with app engine instance? - google-app-engine

I have a domain name purchased via google domains. I want to point it to my app engine instance. In the "custom domains" settings tab in the app engine console, I have the following:
I want both the "bare" and "www" flavors to point to my app engine instance:
I'm not sure which option to use for step #2 to get that to work?

You'd be following the Adding a custom domain for your application procedure, with focus on section 4:
4. Continue to the next step the Add new custom domain form, selecting the custom domain you want to point to your App Engine app:
a. Refresh the console domain page so it will list the domains properly.
b. If you want to use a subdomain, such as www, use the second option (
c. If you want to use a naked domain, use the first option to specify a naked domain (such as
d. Click Add to create the desired mapping.
You need to specifically add both the naked domain and the www subdomain, explicitly, by running the entire section 4 twice, once selecting 4c and once selecting 4b, respectively.
To do that at step #2 (in the Add a custom domain screen illustrated in your image) you first select the 1st radiobutton, for and click Add. Unfortunately you don't see this addition displayed anywhere in the developer console (AFAIK). When the custom domain config was done through Google Apps the naked domain was visible explicitly, but that's no longer available.
Then come back at the Add a custom domain screen and at step #2 select the 2nd radiobutton, fill in www in the text input area (if needed), select from the dropdown list (if needed) and click Add. This adddition should cause a new entry to be listed in the Custom Domain main screen (the parent screen), with a Custom domain name and a www Alias.
This should be all (it may take a while for the DNS changes to propagate to your machine so that you can verify the effects, the doc mentions up to 24h).


GAE Custom domain mapping failure after adding SSL Wildcard certificate

We have three projects in Google App Engine, each of them have a custom sub-domain name mapped to it like this:
Project A:
Project B:
Project C:
That worked very well until we added a wildcard ssl-certificate to Project A. Suddenly all three subdomains are mapped to Project A.
They appeared under Project A, custom domains (Project A->App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains) and not one under each Project B and Project C, and when browsing to and, we get content from and not from b and c.
We have tried this but none of it fixes the problem:
Removed the SSL-certificate
Removed all custom domains and added them again
Disabled all projects, removed all domains, added them again
and enabled the projects
Logged in as different users, verify the domain again, add/remove etc
Two more notes:
We also have a fourth project, Project D (, which strange enough has not been affected and still works.
When trying to add a custom domain under project B or C (Project [B/C]->App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains), clicking on Add button does not give any response at all. Checking network, the click performs a call to Console servers, and when checking Project A (App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains), the custom domain name has appeared there instead.
Edit 1:
After deleting all custom domains in every project, when trying to add custom domain to Project B, we get this error message "This domain points to another app. If you point it to this app, the other app will stop working." But it does not appear in any another app. After confirming domain is not added.
Edit 2:
After deleting all custom domains in every project, when adding to Project B first, nothing appears. But when adding to Project A afterwards, both projectb and projecta appears under Project B. And when trying to delete projecta from projectb, we get the error message "Error. Failed to delete mapping.". Something is really wrong here.
Does anyone know how to access the domain mappings settings in any other way? It seams like the domain mapping data has been corrupted and we are stucked.
Edit 3:
For some unknown reason everything worked again after 8 hours of trying and failing, and I have no idea why. Suddenly I could delete all custom domains and when I added them they appear under the correct project. I've tried the exact same thing several times before. However, when I now add the SSL-certificate again every custom domain mapping moved by itself from their own project to the very project I added the SSL certificate to. Can somehow the SSL-certificate change the domain mappings?
I found a solution! There is a bug in Google App Engine Console when adding custom domains and connect to a ssl-certificate in different project right after each other.
Steps to reproduce the bug:
Select a project in the toolbar
Goto App Engine->Settings->Custom Domains and after pressing "Add Custom Domain", add a sub-domain and press "Add"
Nothing happens, but when going back to "Custom Domains" the new subdomain appears there
Change project in the toolbar
Click on "Custom Domains", press "Add Custom Domain"
Add a sub-domain and press "Add"
The domain added in step 6 is now in fact mapped to the project selected in step 1.
Make a page refresh in the browser between step 5 and 6.
Steps to reproduce the bug
After uploading a Wildcard SSL-certificate
Select a project in the toolbar
Goto App Engine->Settings->SSL Certificate
Click on your SSL-certificate, then check the domain and press "Save"
Change project in the toolbar
Click on "SSL Certificate",
Click on your SSL-certificate, then check the domain and press "Save"
The custom domain previously connected to the project selected in step 5 is now added to the project selected in step 2.
Make a page refresh in the browser between step 6 and 7.

Google app engine own domain

Im having trouble with Google App Engine and using my own domain. I have a domain that i'm also using in Google Apps for Work.
I have connected my GAE project in Google Apps so they are linked.
I have added my custom domain in GAE, verified ownership and it seems to be correct.
Here is a picture of the GAE settings.
And on Google Apps for work.
The other setting I know I have to do is on my domain registrar. I have added the records from GAE, from the picture I uploaded.
Im using as a domain registrar and my DNS settings look like this:
Am I doing something wrong that you can see directly like "Hey what's this guy doing lol" or does it seem correct at first sight?
Thankful for any help in the right direction.
After following the tip from comment, I have verified and mapped the domain "". And added "beta" as subdomain. My "Custom domains" looks the same (like below):
I also removed A and AAAA-records and added a CNAME.
Waiting for DNS update to see if it works.
Still dont work.
BTW is it normal behavior that if I select the same subdomain again it says this:
Or is is just because it already points to this app?
You'll need to add this as a sub-domain.
First remove the custom domain ( from the developers console.
Remove the A and AAAA records that you've added to the DNS.
Follow the instructions here and on step 1, only add the domain '' and verify. This doesn't mean you're pointing the naked domain to your application.
Once it's verified, refresh the page and now you should have the domain available on step 2.
Select the second option on step 2, put 'beta' on the text box and select the previously added domain from the drop down beside. Click Add.
Go back to your DNS settings and add a CNAME record for 'beta' pointing to '
Allow some time for propagation and it should work!

Google cloud DNS: point naked domain to www?

I maintain the domain which uses a simple App engine app.
I also we use google cloud dns.
These are the dns records:
A record with IP addresses: ->
And also some MX records.
The problem is that the app is reachable from the www subdomain and the help section states that those IP addresses should be in the A record for the naked domain to redirect to www, but it doesn't work.
I also tried to use # wildcard for the A record but that doesn't work also.
If you go to you will see a 404 page but the www subdomain works.
Am I missing something?
Thank you
Found the answer in the end thanks to Dan Cornilescu.
If you use Google Apps you can set up to redirect the naked domain to www.
If not, you will need to follow the steps by going to
Console > App engine > Settings > Custom Domain.
In here, at the second step, you will have to point www to the app (by using the second option) and clicking Add.
And then also point the naked domain to it by choosing the first option and clicking Add again.
So if I understand correctly you will server the app using www subdomain and the naked domain in contrast to redirecting the naked domain to www as in the Google apps case.
In the end, my custom domain tab looked like this.
And my DNS records looked like this
The DNS operations suggested in step 5c (documentation here) are not enough, you also need to actually add the naked domain to the GAE config (in addition to the www one) - step 5d.
5. Continue to the next step the Add new custom domain form, selecting the custom domain you want to point to your App Engine app:
a. Refresh the console domain page so it will list the domains properly.
b. If you want to use a subdomain, such as www, use the second option (;
c. If you want to use a naked domain, use the first option to specify a naked domain (such as
d. Click Add to create the desired mapping.
To link the naked domain so it points to the www when you are NOT using appengine you simply add both the 'A' record and a '#' record pointing to the Google ips which are and look like this:
A 300
# A 300

Setting up custom domain with www on appengine

I've set up a custom domain with Appengine.
The domain currently works as (naked domain) but it throws a "This webpage is not available" error with
Any idea how could I get the 'www' subdomain working? Would it be possible to fix it by adding/changing the DNS records (CNAME, TXT)?
The procedure is as follows:
Navigate to,
having replaced "yourapp" with your project name.
Click "Add custom Domain"
Go to the 2nd section (it will say "Select the domain you want to point to yourapp").
In that section, select the 2nd field, fill in "www" and select the domain in the dropdown.
Log in to your DNS management dashboard (this could be,, etc).
Add a CNAME record with your DNS host, as follows: alias: "www", address (canonical name):, and save.
Give it a few minutes, and should now take you to your app (should be the same that can be found at
Assumptions I made:
That you wish to point the DNS record to the default module of your AppEngine project. Please leave a comment if you wish 'www' to point to a different module.
That you have already registered your domain with Google and have a TXT DNS record there, proving your ownership of the domain to Google.

How can I reset the domain-verification process in Google Apps for Business?

As part of my App Engine application, I decided to configure an already-purchased custom domain name that would point to the app. To do this, I was directed to use Google's Apps for Business product.
Unfortunately, verification of the custom domain went bad, which was a surprise, because Google contacted my domain registrar directly. A week passed, and the domain was still listed as undergoing verification.
Is there a way I can restart the process, and hopefully complete it by a different method?
Have a look at this page:
Click on the first radio button ("I'm receiving the message 'This domain is already in use.'")
Toward the bottom of the page, there will be a URL template:<your domain name>/VerifyAdminAccountPasswordReset
Sign into your Google Apps account, then substitute your domain name in the above URL-template where indicated.
When you visit the resulting URL, Google will ask you for an email address. You will then get an email supplying data values for a new CNAME record you can add at your domain-registrar's website. If you do that correctly, Google will then consider your custom domain as verified.
