"PDM" is "not declared" as a class of SqlClient.SqlDataReader - sql-server

My code below won't compile, the error message saying that PDM is not declared. I'm trying to call a SQL Server stored procedure from vb.net, and the code I have seems to match similar examples that I've found. Why doesn't the PDM part work for me?
Public Function ReturnPointSource(ByVal PlantName)
Dim TempList = New ArrayList
Dim sqlDR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = PDM.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(GLOBALS.ConnectionString, "sp_readLocation")
If sqlDR.HasRows Then
While sqlDR.Read()
Dim Loc As New Location
Loc.strFID = sqlDR(0)
Loc.strFeature = sqlDR(1).ToString
Loc.intPlantNo = sqlDR(2).ToString
Loc.strPlantName = sqlDR(3).ToString
Loc.strMunicipality = sqlDR(4).ToString
Loc.strRegion = sqlDR(5).ToString
Loc.strOperator = sqlDR(6).ToString
Loc.strDistrict = sqlDR(7).ToString
Loc.strWatercourse = sqlDR(8).ToString
Loc.dblCapacity = sqlDR(9).ToString
Loc.dblPopulation = sqlDR(10).ToString
Loc.strOwnership = sqlDR(11).ToString
Loc.strOwnerClass = sqlDR(12).ToString
Loc.strCofNum = sqlDR(13).ToString
Loc.strComments = sqlDR(14).ToString
Loc.dblLatitude = sqlDR(15).ToString
Loc.dblLongitude = sqlDR(16).ToString
Loc.strSource_Point = sqlDR(17).ToString
Loc.intSeverity = sqlDR(18).ToString
Loc.dblSafe_buffer_distance_m = sqlDR(19).ToString
End While
End If
Return TempList
End Function

If you've taken that directly from an example then PDM would be something that they have defined themselves. It's not something that is part of the .NET Framework. I'm guessing that PDM is the author and SqlHelper is a class in their PDM.Data namespace.
If you want to get a data reader then you create a SqlCommand and then call ExecuteReader on it. That is what that PDM.Data.SqlHelper will be doing internally.


How do I make sure alla data is restored using SMO?

A restore performed with C# code using SMO objects restores fine when original database is in SIMPLE recovery mode. We got problems with one database where the restore missed all content from a certain table, where all data was inserted late in process. The database showed to be in BULK LOGGED recovery mode. After changing to SIMPLE and doing a new backup, it restored fine, using our code.
We have tried different settings on the restore object, but found none that fixes the problem. We are under the impression that the restoring ignores data in the log.
The basic restore looks like this:
sqlServer = new Server(new ServerConnection(instanceName));
restore = GetRestore();
restore.PercentComplete += PercentCompleteAction;
restore.Complete += CompleteAction;
the GetRestore function is basically implemented like this:
restore = new Restore();
var deviceItem = new BackupDeviceItem(backupFileName, DeviceType.File);
restore.Database = newDatabaseName;
restore.NoRecovery = false;
restore.Action = RestoreActionType.Database;
restore.ReplaceDatabase = false;
return restore;
There are no error messages - just missing content in one table.
Added try:
I took a guess at the solution below, but it didn't help:
restore.ReplaceDatabase = false;
restore.NoRecovery = true;
restore.Action = RestoreActionType.Database;
restore.ReplaceDatabase = true;
restore.NoRecovery = true;
restore.Action = RestoreActionType.Log;
restore.ReplaceDatabase = true;
restore.NoRecovery = false;
restore.Action = RestoreActionType.Files;
You need select a correct FileNumber in your Log file, see this method can solve your problem:
public static void restaurarBackup(string pathFileBak)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection.getCon());
Server smoServer = new Server(new ServerConnection(conn));
string localFilePath = pathFileBak;
string db_name = "ETrade";
string defaultFolderEtrade = #"C:\ETrade\";
Restore rs = new Restore();
rs.NoRecovery = false;
rs.ReplaceDatabase = true;
BackupDeviceItem bdi = default(BackupDeviceItem);
bdi = new BackupDeviceItem(localFilePath, DeviceType.File);
DataTable dt = rs.ReadFileList(smoServer);
foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
string logicalFilename = r.ItemArray[dt.Columns["LogicalName"].Ordinal].ToString();
string physicalFilename = defaultFolderEtrade + Path.GetFileName(r.ItemArray[dt.Columns["PhysicalName"].Ordinal].ToString());
rs.RelocateFiles.Add(new RelocateFile(logicalFilename, physicalFilename));
DataTable backupHeaders = rs.ReadBackupHeader(smoServer);
rs.FileNumber = Convert.ToInt32(backupHeaders.AsEnumerable().Max(backupInfo => backupInfo["Position"]));
rs.Database = db_name;
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database db = smoServer.Databases[rs.Database];
db.DatabaseOptions.UserAccess = DatabaseUserAccess.Single;
db = smoServer.Databases[rs.Database];
If you want look backups in your Log file, see this query:
SELECT database_name, name, backup_start_date,
backup_finish_date, datediff(mi, backup_start_date, backup_finish_date) [tempo (min)],
position, first_lsn, last_lsn, server_name, recovery_model,
type, cast(backup_size/1024/1024 as numeric(15,2)) [Tamanho (MB)], B.is_copy_only
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset B

What is the most efficient way to extract information from a text file formatted like this

Consider a text file stored in an online location that looks like this:
Name = MyEditor 4.5
URL = http://www.myeditor.com/download/myeditor.msi
Size = 3023788
Description = This is the latest version of MyEditor
Feature = Support for other file types
Feature1 = Support for different encodings
BugFix = Fix bug with file open
BugFix1 = Fix crash when opening large files
BugFix2 = Fix bug with search in file feature
FilePath = %ProgramFiles%\MyEditor\MyEditor.exe
Version = 4.5
Which details information about a possible update to an application which a user could download. I want to load this into a stream reader, parse it and then build up a list of Features, BugFixes etc to display to the end user in a wpf list box.
I have the following piece of code that essentially gets my text file (first extracting its location from a local ini file and loads it into a streamReader. This at least works although I know that there is no error checking at present, I just want to establish the most efficient way to parse this first. One of these files is unlikely to ever exceed more than about 250 - 400 lines of text.
Dim UpdateUrl As String = GetUrl()
Dim client As New WebClient()
Using myStreamReader As New StreamReader(client.OpenRead($"{UpdateUrl}"))
While Not myStreamReader.EndOfStream
Dim line As String = myStreamReader.ReadLine
If line.Contains("=") Then
Dim p As String() = line.Split(New Char() {"="c})
If p(0).Contains("BugFix") Then
MessageBox.Show($" {p(1)}")
End If
End If
End While
End Using
Specifically I'm looking To collate the information about Features, BugFixes and Enhancements. Whilst I could construct what would in effect be a rather messy if statement I feel sure that there must be a more efficient way to do this , possibly involving linq. I'd welcome any suggestions.
I have added the wpf tag on the off chance that someone reading this with more experience of displaying information in wpf listboxes than I have might just spot a way to effectively define the info I'm after in such a way that it could then be easily displayed in a wpf list box in three sections (Features, Enhancements and BugFixes).
Dom, Here is an answer in C#. I will try to convert it to VB.Net momentarily. First, since the file is small, read all of it into a list of strings. Then select the strings that contain an "=" and parse them into data items that can be used. This code will return a set of data items that you can then display as you like. If you have LinqPad, you can test thecode below, or I have the code here: dotnetfiddle
Here is the VB.Net version: VB.Net dotnetfiddle
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Program
Public Sub Main()
Dim fileContent As List(Of String) = GetFileContent()
Dim dataItems = fileContent.Where(Function(c) c.Contains("=")).[Select](Function(c) GetDataItem(c))
End Sub
Public Function GetFileContent() As List(Of String)
Dim contentList As New List(Of String)()
contentList.Add("sb.app; aiu;")
contentList.Add("Name = MyEditor 4.5")
contentList.Add("URL = http://www.myeditor.com/download/myeditor.msi")
contentList.Add("Size = 3023788")
contentList.Add("Description = This is the latest version of MyEditor")
contentList.Add("Feature = Support for other file types")
contentList.Add("Feature1 = Support for different encodings")
contentList.Add("BugFix = Fix bug with file open")
contentList.Add("BugFix1 = Fix crash when opening large files")
contentList.Add("BugFix2 = Fix bug with search in file feature")
contentList.Add("FilePath = % ProgramFiles %\MyEditor\MyEditor.exe")
contentList.Add("Version = 4.5")
Return contentList
End Function
Public Function GetDataItem(value As String) As DataItem
Dim parts = value.Split("=", 2, StringSplitOptions.None)
Dim dataItem = New DataItem()
dataItem.DataType = parts(0).Trim()
dataItem.Data = parts(1).Trim()
Return dataItem
End Function
End Class
Public Class DataItem
Public DataType As String
Public Data As String
End Class
Or, in C#:
void Main()
List<string> fileContent = GetFileContent();
var dataItems = fileContent.Where(c => c.Contains("="))
.Select(c => GetDataItem(c));
public List<string> GetFileContent()
List<string> contentList = new List<string>();
contentList.Add("sb.app; aiu;");
contentList.Add("Name = MyEditor 4.5");
contentList.Add("URL = http://www.myeditor.com/download/myeditor.msi");
contentList.Add("Size = 3023788");
contentList.Add("Description = This is the latest version of MyEditor");
contentList.Add("Feature = Support for other file types");
contentList.Add("Feature1 = Support for different encodings");
contentList.Add("BugFix = Fix bug with file open");
contentList.Add("BugFix1 = Fix crash when opening large files");
contentList.Add("BugFix2 = Fix bug with search in file feature");
contentList.Add("FilePath = % ProgramFiles %\\MyEditor\\MyEditor.exe");
contentList.Add("Version = 4.5");
return contentList;
public DataItem GetDataItem(string value)
var parts = value.Split('=');
var dataItem = new DataItem()
DataType = parts[0],
Data = parts[1]
return dataItem;
public class DataItem
public string DataType;
public string Data;
The given answer only focuses on the first part, converting the data to a structure that can be shaped for display. But I think you main question is how to do the actual shaping.
I used a somewhat different way to collect the file data, using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser because I think that makes coding just al little bit easier:
Iterator Function GetTwoItemLines(fileName As String, delimiter As String) _
As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, String))
Using tfp = New TextFieldParser(fileName)
tfp.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
tfp.Delimiters = {delimiter}
tfp.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = False
tfp.TrimWhiteSpace = False
While Not tfp.EndOfData
Dim arr = tfp.ReadFields()
If arr.Length >= 2 Then
Yield Tuple.Create(arr(0).Trim(), String.Join(delimiter, arr.Skip(1)).Trim())
End If
End While
End Using
End Function
Effectively the same thing happens as in your code, but taking into account Andrew's keen caution about data loss: a line is split by = characters, but the second field of a line consists of all parts after the first part with the delimiter re-inserted: String.Join(delimiter, arr.Skip(1)).Trim().
You can use this function as follows:
Dim fileContent = GetTwoItemLines(file, "=")
For display, I think the best approach (most efficient in terms of lines of code) is to group the lines by their first items, removing the numeric part at the end:
Dim grouping = fileContent.GroupBy(Function(c) c.Item1.TrimEnd("0123456789".ToCharArray())) _
.Where(Function(k) k.Key = "Feature" OrElse k.Key = "BugFix" OrElse k.Key = "Enhancement")
Here's a Linqpad dump (in which I took the liberty to change one item a bit to demonstrate the correct dealing with multiple = characters:
You could do it with Regular Expressions:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Private Function InfoReader(ByVal sourceText As String) As List(Of Dictionary(Of String, String()))
'1) make array of fragments for each product info
Dim products = Regex.Split(sourceText, "(?=\[\s*\w+\s*])")
'2) declare variables needed ahead
Dim productProperties As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim propertyNames As String()
Dim productGroupedProperties As Dictionary(Of String, String())
Dim result As New List(Of Dictionary(Of String, String()))
'2) iterate along fragments
For Each product In products
'3) work only in significant fragments ([Product]...)
If Regex.IsMatch(product, "\A\[\s*\w+\s*]") Then
'4) make array of property lines and extract dictionary of property/description
productProperties = Regex.Split(product, "(?=^\w+\s*=)", RegexOptions.Multiline).Where(
Function(s) s.Contains("="c)
Function(s) Regex.Match(s, "^\w+(?=\s*=)").Value,
Function(s) Regex.Match(s, "(?<==\s+).*(?=\s+)").Value)
'5) extract distinct property names, ignoring numbered repetitions
propertyNames = productProperties.Keys.Select(Function(s) s.TrimEnd("0123456789".ToCharArray)).Distinct.ToArray
'6) make dictionary of distinctProperty/Array(Of String){description, description1, ...}
productGroupedProperties = propertyNames.ToDictionary(
Function(s) s,
Function(s) productProperties.Where(
Function(kvp) kvp.Key.StartsWith(s)
Function(kvp) kvp.Value).ToArray)
'7) enlist dictionary to result
End If
Return result
End Function

my combo box is duplicating the strings

help, combobox just keep adding items, i tried using removeallitems but after that i cant put anything on the first combobox
public class Function {
public void combofillsect(JComboBox section, String year){
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement pst = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String query;
query = "Select Section from asd where Year=?";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test","root","");
pst = conn.prepareStatement(query);
pst.setString(1, year);
rs = pst.executeQuery();
}catch(Exception e){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e);
Function funct= new Function();
{funct.combofillsect(jComboBox1,String.valueOf(jComboBox2.getSelectedItem())); }
why cant I post image?
Are you programming in C# ? If it's the case then you can use the function Clear like that : yourComboBox.Items.Clear() to delete all the current items. I don't know if it will solve your problem but your technique of getting the data from your database seems weird to me, if you used a dataset you could have done dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count() to get the number of entries and then set the exit condition of your loop like this -> counter < dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count(), and set a counter++ at the end of your while (maybe that's why you say your combobox won't stop filling, but I don't know what do the next() function).
I don't know the C# code but there is my VB.NET function :
Public Function getAll() As DataSet
Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM table", Connect)//Connect is a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, or my connection string
Dim adapter As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim dataset As New DataSet
adapter.SelectCommand = cmd
Return dataset
End Function
I don't know if I helped you but I didn't really understood what your problem was and you didn't even mentioned the language you use ^^ Good luck
Edit : and if you can't post images, that's because you don't have yet 10 points of reputation, you can get informations about reputation here : https://stackoverflow.com/help/whats-reputation, but you still can post the link of a picture it will allow users to click on it

VB.NET dataset displaying database rows incorrectly

I would say I'm new to VB but I have been using it for over a year although for mainly small tasks (mostly school related). Anyway my current project is for my A-Level task and I need to be able to add, update, delete and read from a database. My current code allows this to happen but after a new record is added to my database the dataset in VB displays the rows differently. I have 3 tables: "PlayerInfo", "PlayerSkill" and "PlayerAbilities". when a new record is added; the new "PlayerInfo" information becomes the first row in my dataset while the "PlayerSkill" and "PlayerAbilities" become the last row. This causes all of the information to be improperly matched up. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if they know how to solve it.
This shows the working code to add to my database.
If inc <> -1 Then
Dim cb1 As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da1)
Dim cb2 As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da2)
Dim cb3 As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da3)
Dim dsNewRow1 As DataRow
Dim dsNewRow2 As DataRow
Dim dsNewRow3 As DataRow
dsNewRow1 = ds1.Tables("Players").NewRow()
dsNewRow1.Item("Forename") = Forename.Text()
dsNewRow1.Item("Surname") = Surname.Text()
da1.Update(ds1, "Players")
dsNewRow3 = ds3.Tables("Players").NewRow()
dsNewRow3.Item("Reactions") = Reactions.Text()
dsNewRow3.Item("Strength") = Strength.Text()
dsNewRow3.Item("Speed") = Speed.Text()
dsNewRow3.Item("Stamina") = Stamina.Text()
dsNewRow3.Item("Accuracy") = Accuracy.Text()
dsNewRow3.Item("Coordination") = Coordination.Text()
da3.Update(ds3, "Players")
dsNewRow2 = ds2.Tables("Players").NewRow()
dsNewRow2.Item("RegularShot") = RegularShot.Text()
dsNewRow2.Item("ShortServe") = ShortServe.Text()
dsNewRow2.Item("FlickServe") = FlickServe.Text()
dsNewRow2.Item("Clear") = Clear.Text()
dsNewRow2.Item("Smash") = Smash.Text()
dsNewRow2.Item("DropShot") = DropShot.Text()
da2.Update(ds2, "Players")
MsgBox("New Record added to the Database")
Commit.Enabled = False
AddNew.Enabled = True
Update.Enabled = True
Delete.Enabled = True
End Try
End If
This shows the code that displays each of the dataset records inside different text boxes.
Forename.Text = ds1.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(1)
Surname.Text = ds1.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(2)
Speed.Text = ds3.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(3)
Strength.Text = ds3.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(2)
Reactions.Text = ds3.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(1)
Stamina.Text = ds3.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(4)
Coordination.Text = ds3.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(6)
Accuracy.Text = ds3.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(5)
ShortServe.Text = ds2.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(2)
FlickServe.Text = ds2.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(3)
Clear.Text = ds2.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(4)
Smash.Text = ds2.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(5)
DropShot.Text = ds2.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(6)
RegularShot.Text = ds2.Tables("Players").Rows(inc).Item(1)
End Try
Sadly I do not currently have enough "Rep" to upload a picture of the dataset.
Also sorry if this is not enough information, I'm not really used to using forums and such.
I'm not entirely sure if this counts as an answer as I still don't know what caused the problem in the first case. Anyway I've got my code doing what I wanted by editing the SQL statements to display the rows in order of the primary key. ORDER BY [Player#]. I did have to change the name to just "Player" because the "CommandBuilder" doesn't like special characters.

update dataset command

I have a dataset and I'm adding new rows, and then I'm updating the database behind the dataset using the following command:
DataSetReasons ds = new DataSetReasons();
DataSetReasonsTableAdapters.Data_Tracker_RcodeTableAdapter dta = new DataSetReasonsTableAdapters.Data_Tracker_RcodeTableAdapter();
DataSetReasons.Data_Tracker_RcodeDataTable GRX =
new DataSetReasons.Data_Tracker_RcodeDataTable();
DataRow rowx = GRX.NewRow();
rowx[0] = 111;
rowx[1] = 28;
rowx[2] = "C";
rowx[3] = 12;
rowx[4] = "C";
rowx[5] = 16;
rowx[6] = TextBox2.Text;
GRX.Rows.Add(rowx); //<--- adding the row
dta.Update(GRX); //<-- updating the DB
now everything works fine, except that I want to put the update command in a separate button. when I do so, the DB update are not happening.
any idea?
Solved, I was missing the "static" word before defining the data table.
Many thanks to whoever passed on this question.
