Find rows with exact geography coordinates - sql-server

I have a SQL table with a geography column. When I look at one of the rows the geography shows as a long hex string: 0xE6100....C0.
I want to write a query that finds all other rows in my database that have this same value. How can I do this?
I tried adding WHERE location = '0xE6100....C0' with and without quotes but I get an error:
Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals equal to, type equals geography.
Note: I'm just doing this query in an ad-hoc fashion I'm not really looking for a optimal solution or a way to parameterize this in any way. I just have a row that I'd like to find related values.

Looks like you need to use .STEquals
Check the documentation here


How to add leading zeros in ADF data flow from the expression builder

How to add leading zeros in ADF data flow from the expression builder
For example – have column with numeric value as “000001” but it is coming as 1 only in SQL DB , if I put in entire value in single quotes it is coming but I need dynamic way of implementation with out hard coding.
I agree with #Larnu's comments that even if we give 00001 to an int type column it will give as 1 only.
So, we have to give those in single quotes ('00001') to use like that or import the incoming data as string instead of int.
As you are using ADF dataflow, if you want to use the 00001, you can generate those using derived column transformation from SQL source. But this depends on your requirement like how your leading 0's varies. So, use according to it.
Sample demo:
concat('0000', toString(id))
Use that column as per your requirement, after that you can convert it back to the same input by toInteger(id).

SQL Server: STRING_SPLIT() result in a computed column

I couldn't find good documentation on this, but I have a table that has a long string as one of it's columns. Here's some example data of what it looks like:
I would like to create a new computed column using the STRING_SPLIT() function to return the third value in the string table.
Result #1: "Apple"
Result #2: "Cake"
What is the proper syntax to achieve this?
At this time your answer is not possible.
The output rows might be in any order. The order is not guaranteed to
match the order of the substrings in the input string.
STRING_SPLIT reference
There is no way to guarantee which item was the third item in the list using string_split and the order may change without warning.
If you're willing to build your own, I'd recommend reading up on the work done by
Brent Ozar and Jeff Moden.
You shouldn't be storing data like that in the first place. This points to a potentially serious database design problem. BUT you could convert this string into JSON by replacing : with ",", surround it with [" and "] and retrieve the third array element , eg :
declare #value nvarchar(200)='Example:Seagull:Cake:Chocolate'
select json_value('["' + replace(#value,':','","' )+ '"]','$[2]')
The string manipulations convert the string value to :
After that, JSON_VALUE parses the JSON string and retrieves the 3rd item in the array using a JSON PATH expression.
Needless to say, this will be slow and can't take advantage of indexing. If those values are meant to be read or written individually, they should be stored in separate columns. They'll probably take less space than one long string.
If you have a lot of optional fields but only a subset contain values at any time, you could use sparse columns. This way you could have thousands of rows, only a few of which would contain data at any time

How to compare numeric in PostgreSQL JSONB

I ran into strange situation working with jsonb type.
Expected behavior
Using short jsonb structure:
{"price": 99.99}
I wrote query like this:
SELECT * FROM table t WHERE>price > 90.90
And it fail with error operator does not exist: jsonb > numeric the same as text (->>) operator does not exist: text > numeric
Then I wrote comparison as mentioned in many resources:
SELECT * FROM table t WHERE (>>price)::NUMERIC > 90.90
And it's works as expected.
What's strange:
SELECT * FROM table t WHERE>price > '90.90';
a little weird but query above works right.
EXPLAIN: Filter: ((data -> 'price'::text) > '90.90'::jsonb)
But if I change jsonb value to text as: {"price": "99.99"}
there is no result any more - empty.
Question: How actually PostgreSQL compare numeric data and what preferable way to do this kind of comparison.
But you aren't comparing numeric data, are you.
I can see that you think price contains a number, but it doesn't. It contains a JSON value. That might be a number, or it might be text, or an array, or an object, or an object containing arrays of objects containing...
You might say "but the key is called 'price' of course it is a number" but that's no use to PostgreSQL, particularly if I come along and sneakily insert an object containing arrays of objects containing...1
So - if you want a number to compare to you need convert it to a number (>>price)::NUMERIC or convert your target value to JSON and let PostgreSQL do a JSON-based comparison (which might do what you want, it might not - I don't know what the exact rules are for JSON).
1 And that's exactly the sort of thing I would do, even though it is Christmas. I'm a bad person.

SQL Server - Text column contains number between

Can someone tell me how I code in SQL Server so that I am looking in a varchar text column to see if it contains a numerical range within the text?
For example, I'm looking for columns that contain anything between 100000 and 999999. The column may have a value like
this field contains a number `567391`
so I want to select that one, but not if it had
this field contains a number `5391`
For your given example, you can check the digits:
where col like '%[^0-9][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][^0-9]%'
This is not a generic solution, but it works for your example. In general, parsing strings in SQL Server is difficult. It is better to extract the values you are interested in when loading the data, so the relevant values are correctly in their own columns.

Converting to Datum type in PostgreSQL

I see that the fetchfunc is used to access the column values of the sample rows fetched for statistics collection. The function returns a Datum. Individually when we know of the datatype, we can use the functions like Float8GetDatum Int16GetDatum and so on to convert to Datum type.
My problem is:
Input : a column in a relation and a valid value that the column can take.
I have to find the datatype of the column and based on that, I need to use the right function to convert the given input value to the Datum value to be stored internally.
I am very confused on how to go about this in postgreSQL.
