What's behind NULL? - c

In many C implementations (but not all), NULL corresponds to a process's logical address 0. When we try to dereference NULL, we get a segmentation fault because NULL "maps" to a memory segment that is neither readable nor writable.
Are there systems with real, physical addresses that correspond to the virtual NULL address? If so, what might be stored there? Or is NULL purely a virtual address with no physical counterpart?

NULL is implementation defined.
It is a macro which expands to an implementation defined null pointer constant.
"it depends" #I3x
Is there a real, physical address that corresponds to the virtual NULL address?
On some platforms: yes, on others: no. It is implementation defined.
If so, what might be stored there?
On some platforms: a value, maybe 0. This value may/may not be accessible. On others: there is simple no access. It is implementation defined.
Or is NULL purely a virtual address with no physical counterpart?
On some platforms: it is a virtual address with no counterpart. On others it may be a real address. It is implementation defined.

From C-standard paper ISO/IEC 9899:201x (C11) § Pointers:
An integer constant expression with the value 0, or such an
expression cast to type void *, is called a null pointer
constant. If a null pointer constant is converted to a pointer
type, the resulting pointer, called a null pointer, is guaranteed to
compare unequal to a pointer to any object or function
This means that a NULL pointer should give a result TRUE if compared to a 0 value, and also that it will resolve to a value=0 if converted to an arithmetic type.
But it also mean that the compiler must generate a value for the null pointer that is guaranteed not to be an address existing (compare equal) in the code running environment (this should be more standardish).
The scope is to make the code portable imposing that each operation on NULL pointer must give same result on any CPU or architecture.
Note: on practical side to guarantee that the NULL pointer doesn't equals any address in the running environment there are two ways. The first will apply to those platforms where invalid address exists, getting advantage of such invalid addresses. The second is to conventionally reserve an address for the scope, typically 0. The latter means that the platform, the OS mainly, have to take care to make that address invalid in the sense that it isn't usable and then can never equal any other pointer, else there will always be an object that can legally use that address and consequently make valid its address comparison to the NULL pointer. This point is important because missing any infrastructure, as an OS could be, that takes care of the invalid value we can have a conflicting condition. An example is when using C compiler for base programming, OS and kernel, if the processor use the memory from address 0 to hold interrupt service addresses a pointer to the object will have a value of 0. In this case the compiler should use a different value of NULL pointer, but if the OS can access the whole addressing space. to allow full Memory Management, there will be no value applicable for NULL pointer.
On user or kernel HL code this is not a problem because there arealways some addresses that are normally not allowed and can then be used for the NULL pointer value.

Yes, most (all?) systems have a real physical address zero, it is just inaccessible from a process running behind a virtual address-space which remaps virtual addresses to (different) physical addresses. In those processes the address zero is simply left unmapped to anything, just as most of the rest of their address space.
However, as a matter of fact, all the x86 based processors till this day boot into the 'real mode' at first. This is a 8086 compatibility mode. Under this processor mode, not only there is a physical addressable address zero, but this address is actually where the interrupt vector table located at, and this is where the processor reads from when it handles interrupts.

Certainly on some computers, there is actual memory at address 0. On others, there may not be. There are even some hardware designs for which the answer may depend on the temporary state of a memory-mapping chip or chipset.
But in all cases, dereferencing a NULL pointer is undefined behavior.

In many C implementations (but not all), NULL corresponds to a process's logical address 0.
No, that is the wrong way to look at it. Null pointers do not correspond to anything other than themselves, by definition, and C in no way ties null pointers to any particular address, in any sense of the term.
At best, you could say that some implementations' representations of null pointers have the form that a representation of a pointer to an object residing at machine address 0 would have. Since null pointers compare unequal to every pointer to an object or function, however, such a situation requires that it be impossible for any object or function that the C program can reference to reside at that address.
When we try to dereference NULL, we get a segmentation fault
That is one of the multitude of observed behaviors that are possible when you invoke undefined behavior. Empirically, it is one of the more likely to be observed when undefined behavior is invoked in the particular way you describe. It is by no means guaranteed by C, and indeed, there are widely-used implementations which, empirically, exhibit different behavior.
because NULL "maps" to a memory segment that is neither readable nor writable.
But there you're delving deep into implementation details.
Is there a real, physical address that corresponds to the virtual NULL address?
No, because a null pointer is not an address. It is a pointer value that is explicitly invalid to dereference. Technically, although C refers to some pointer values as "addresses", it neither requires nor depends on any pointer value to be a machine address, neither a physical nor a virtual one. The value of a null pointer, however, is not an address even in C's sense of the term. The & operator never produces this value, and it is invalid to dereference -- it explicitly fails to correspond to any object or function.
If so, what might be stored there? Or is NULL purely a virtual address with no physical counterpart?
Although it is indeed common for null pointer values to be represented in the way that a pointer to an object / function residing at machine address 0 would be, this is irrelevant, because in that case a C program can never access anything residing at that address. Thus, as far as the program is concerned, nothing resides there. As far as the hardware and OS kernel are concerned, on the other hand, external programs' view of memory is largely irrelevant. And if one nevertheless insists on considering the kernel's view of what is stored in physical memory at an address derived from an external program's null pointer representation, it is highly system-dependent.


Why is NULL not a valid memory address?

It may sound like a silly question, but since in C, NULL is literally defined as
#define NULL 0
why can't it be a valid memory address? Why can't I dereference it, and why would it be impossible for any data to be at the memory address 0?
I'm sure the answer to this is something like the "the first n bytes of memory are always reserved by the kernel", or something like that, but I can't find anything like this on the internet.
Another part of my reasoning is that, wouldn't this be platform independent? Couldn't I invent a new architecture where the memory address 0 is accessible to processes?
Dereferencing NULL is undefined behavior. Anything could happen, and most of the time bad things happen. So be scared.
Some old architectures (VAX ...) permitted you to derefence NULL.
The C11 standard specification (read n1570) does not require the NULL pointer to be all zero bits ( see C FAQ Q5.17); it could be something else, but it should be an address which is never valid so is not obtainable by a successful malloc or by the address-of operator (unary &), in the sense of C11. But it is more convenient to have it so, and in practice most (but not all) C implementations do so.
IIRC, on Linux, you might mmap(2) the page containing (void*)0 with MAP_FIXED, but it is not wise to do so (e.g. because a conforming optimizing compiler is allowed to optimize dereference of NULL).
So (void*)0 is not a valid address in practice (on common processors with some MMU and virtual memory running a good enough operating system!), because it is convenient to decide that it is NULL, and it is convenient to be sure that derefencing it gives a segmentation fault. But that is not required by the C standard (and would be false on cheap microcontrollers today).
A C implementation has to provide some way to represent the NULL pointer (and guarantee that it is never the address of some valid location). That might even be done by a convention: e.g. provide a full 232 bytes address space, but promise to never use address 0 (or whatever address you assigned for NULL, perhaps 42!)
When NULL happens to be derefencable, subtile bugs are not caught by a segmentation fault (so C programs are harder to debug).
Couldn't I invent a new architecture where the memory address 0 is accessible to processes?
You could, but you don't want to do that (if you care about providing any standard conforming C implementation). You prefer to make address 0 be the NULL. Doing otherwise make harder to write C compilers (and standard C libraries). And make that address invalid to the point of giving a segmentation fault when derefencing make debugging (and the life of your users coding in C) easier.
If you dream of weird architectures, read about Lisp machines (and Rekursiv, and iapx 432) and see The circuit less traveled talk at FOSDEM2018 by Liam Proven. It really is instructive, and it is a nice talk.
Making address zero unmapped so that a trap occurs if your program tries to access it is a convenience provided by many operating systems. It is not required by the C standard.
According to the C standard:
NULL is not be the address of any object or function. (Specifically, it requires that NULL compare unequal to a pointer to of any object or function.)
If you do apply * to NULL, the resulting behavior is not defined by the standard.
What this means for you is that you can use NULL as an indicator that a pointer is not pointing to any object or function. That is the only purpose the C standard provides for NULL—to use is tests such as if (p != NULL)…. The C standard does not guarantee that if you use *p when p is NULL that a trap will occur.
In other words, the C standard does not require NULL to provide any trapping capability. It is just a value that is different from any actual pointer, provided just so you have one pointer value that means “not pointing to anything.”
General-purpose operating systems typically arrange for the memory at address zero to be unmapped (and their C implementations define NULL to be (void *) 0 or something similar) specifically so that a trap will occur if you dereference a null pointer. When they do this, they are extended the C language beyond what the specification requires. They deliberately exclude address zero from the memory map of your process to make these traps work.
However, the C standard does not require this. A C implementation is free to leave the memory at address zero mapped, and, when you apply * to a null pointer, there might be data there, and your program could read and/or write that data, if the operating system has allowed it. When this is done, it is most often in code intended to run inside the operating system kernel (such as device drivers, kernel extensions, or the kernel itself) or embedded systems or other special-purpose systems with simple operating systems.
The null pointer constant (NULL) is 0-valued. The null pointer value may be something other than 0. During translation, the compiler will replace occurrences of the null pointer constant with the actual null pointer value.
NULL does not represent “address 0”; rather, it represents a well-defined invalid pointer value that is guaranteed not to point to any object or function, and attempts to dereference invalid pointers lead to undefined behavior.

Can I assign any integer value to a pointer variable directly?

Since addresses are numbers and can be assigned to a pointer variable, can I assign any integer value to a pointer variable directly, like this:
int *pPtr = 60000;
You can, but unless you're developing for an embedded device with known memory addresses with a compiler that explicitly allows it, attempting to dereference such a pointer will invoke undefined behavior.
You should only assign the address of a variable or the result of a memory allocation function such as malloc, or NULL.
Yes you can.
You should only assign the address of a variable or the result of a memory allocation function such as malloc, or NULL.
According to the pointer conversion rules, e.g. as described in this online c++ standard draft, any integer may be converted to a pointer value: Pointers
(5) An integer may be converted to any pointer type. Except as
previously specified, the result is implementation-defined, might not
be correctly aligned, might not point to an entity of the referenced
type, and might be a trap representation.
Allowing the conversion does, however, not mean that you are allowed to dereference the pointer then.
You can but there's a lot of considerations.
1) What does that mean?
The only really useful abstraction when this actually gets used is that you need to access a specific memory location because something is mapped to a specific point, generally hardware control registers (less often: a specific area in flash or from the linker table). The fact that you are assigning 60000 (a decimal number rather than a hexadecimal address or a symbolic mnemonic) makes me quite worried.
2) Do you have "odd" pointers?
Some microcontrollers have pointers with strange semantics (near vs far, tied to a specific memory page, etc.) You may have to do odd things to make the pointer make sense. In addition, some pointers can do strange things depending upon where they point. For example, the PIC32 series can point to the exact same data but with different upper bits that will retrieve a cached copy or an uncached copy.
3) Is that value the correct size for the pointer?
Different architectures need different sizes. The newer data types like intptr_t are meant to paper over this.

Dereferencing a pointer to 0 in C

Sometimes data at memory address 0x0 is quite valuable -- take x86 real mode IVT as a more known example: it starts at 0x0 and contains pointers to interrupt handlers: a dword at 0x00 is a pointer to division by zero error handler.
However, C11 language standard prohibits dereferencing null pointers [WG14 N1570], which are defined as pointers initialized with 0 or pointers initialized with a null pointer [WG14 N1570], effectively banning the very first byte.
How do people actually use 0x0 when it's needed?
C does not prohibit dereferencing the null pointer, it merely makes it undefined behavior.
If your environment is such that you're able to dereference a pointer containing the address 0x0, then you should be able to do so. The C language standard says nothing about what will happen when you do so. (In most environments, the result will be a program crash.)
A concrete example (if I'm remembering this correctly): On the 68k-based Sun 3 computers, dereferencing a null pointer did not cause a trap; instead, the OS stored a zero value at memory address zero, and dereferencing a null pointer (which pointed to address zero) would yield that zero value. That meant, for example, that a C program could treat a null pointer as if it were a valid pointer to an empty string. Some software, intentionally or not, depended on this behavior. This required a great deal of cleanup when porting software to the SPARC-based Sun 4, which trapped on null pointer dereferences. (I distinctly remember reading about this, but I was unable to find a reference; I'll update this if I can find it.)
Note that the null pointer is not necessarily address zero. More precisely, the representation of a null may or may not be all-bits-zero. It very commonly is, but it's not guaranteed. (If it's not, then the integer-to-pointer conversion of (void*)0 is non-trivial.)
Section 5 of the comp.lang.c FAQ discusses null pointers.
How do people actually use 0x0 when it's needed?
By either:
writing the required code in assembly language, or
writing the code in C and verifying that their compiler generates correct assembly language for the desired operation
The statement:
char * x = 0;
does not necessarily put 0x0 into x. It puts the defined null pointer value for the current architecture and compiler into x.
Now, in practical terms, all compilers / processors observed in common use do end up putting 32 (or 64) 0 bits in a row in a register or storage location in response to that statement, so, so if memory address 0 is useful, then, as others have indicated, you are stuck using formally undefined behavior. However, in once upon a time there was hardware out there for which a 'null pointer' was some bit pattern that was not all zeros, and, who knows, there may be again.
Annex J It is undefined behavior when...
The operand of the unary * operator has an invalid value (
In that same footnote you mentioned, it says a null pointer is an invalid value. Therefore, it is not prohibited, but undefined behavior. As for the distinction between address 0x0 and a null pointer, see Is memory address 0x0 usable?.
The null pointer is not necessarily address 0x0, so potentially an
architecture could choose another address to represent the null
pointer and you could get 0x0 from new as a valid address.
Whether the null pointer is reserved by the Operative System or the
C++ implementation is unspecified, but plain new will never return a
null pointer, whatever its address is (nothrow new is a different
beast). So, to answer your question:
Is memory address 0x0 usable?
Maybe, it depends on the particular implementation/architecture.
In other words, feel free to use 0x0 if you're sure on your system that it won't cause a crash.
The operating system use a table of pointers to interrupt routines to call appropriate interrupt(s). Generally (in most operating system) table of pointers is stored in low memory (the first few hundred or so locations), These locations hold the addresses of the interrupt service routines for the various devices.
So when you do
char *ptr = 0x0;
then most likely you are initializing your pointer with the address of an interrupt service routine. Dereferencing (or modifying) a memory location which belongs to operating system most likely cause program to crash.
So, better not to initialize a pointer to 0x0 and dereference it until you have the confirmation that it doesn't belongs to OS.

Accessing a Value from pointer which has manually assigned address

I have assigned some random address to a pointer of a particular data type. Then I stored a value in that particular address. When I run the program, it terminates abruptly.
char *c=2000;
I could be able to print the value of c in first printf statement. But I couldn't fetch the value stored in that address through the second one. I have executed in Cygwin GCC compiler and also in online ideone.com compiler. In ideone.com compiler it shows runtime error. What's the reason behind this?
When you assign the address 2000 to the pointer c, you are assuming that will be a valid address. Generally, though, it is not a valid address. You can't choose addresses at random and expect the compiler (and operating system) to have allocated that memory for you to use. In particular, the first page of memory (often 4 KiB, usually at least 1 KiB) is completely off limits; all attempts to read or write there are more usually indicative of bugs than intentional behaviour, and the MMU (memory management unit) is configured to reject attempts to access that memory.
If you're using an embedded microprocessor, the rules might well be different, but on a general purpose o/s like Windows with Cygwin, addresses under 0x1000 (4 KiB) are usually verboten.
You can print the address (you did it unreliably, but presumably your compiler didn't warn you; mine would have warned me about using a format for a 4-byte integer quantity to print an 8-byte address). But you can't reliably read or write the data at the address. There could be machines (usually mainframes) where simply reading an invalid address (even without accessing the memory it points at) generates a memory fault.
So, as Acme said in their answer,you've invoked undefined behaviour. You've taken the responsibility from the compiler for assigning a valid address to your pointer, but you chose an invalid value. A crash is the consequence of your bad decision.
char *c=2000;
Assignment (and initialization) of integer values to pointers is implementation defined behavior.
Implementation-defined behavior is defined by the ISO C Standard in
section 3.4.1 as:
unspecified behavior where each implementation documents how the choice
is made
EXAMPLE An example of implementation-defined behavior is the
propagation of the high-order bit when a signed integer is shifted
Any code that relies on implementation defined behaviour is only
guaranteed to work under a specific platform and/or compiler. Portable
programs should try to avoid such behaviour.

Can a 32-bit processor really address 2^32 memory locations?

I feel this might be a weird/stupid question, but here goes...
In the question Is NULL in C required/defined to be zero?, it has been established that the NULL pointer points to an unaddressable memory location, and also that NULL is 0.
Now, supposedly a 32-bit processor can address 2^32 memory locations.
2^32 is only the number of distinct numbers that can be represented using 32 bits. Among those numbers is 0. But since 0, that is, NULL, is supposed to point to nothing, shouldn't we say that a 32-bit processor can only address 2^32 - 1 memory locations (because the 0 is not supposed to be a valid address)?
If a 32-bit processor can address 2^32 memory locations, that simply means that a C pointer on that architecture can refer to 2^32 - 1 locations plus NULL.
the NULL pointer points to an unaddressable memory location
This is not true. From the accepted answer in the question you linked:
Notice that, because of how the rules for null pointers are formulated, the value you use to assign/compare null pointers is guaranteed to be zero, but the bit pattern actually stored inside the pointer can be any other thing
Most platforms of which I am aware do in fact handle this by marking the first few pages of address space as invalid. That doesn't mean the processor can't address such things; it's just a convenient way of making low values a non valid pointer. For instance, several Windows APIs use this to distinguish between a resource ID and a pointer to actual data; everything below a certain value (65k if I recall correctly) is not a valid pointer, but is a valid resource ID.
Finally, just because C says something doesn't mean that the CPU needs to be restricted that way. Sure, C says accessing the null pattern is undefined -- but there's no reason someone writing in assembly need be subject to such limitations. Real machines typically can do much more than the C standard says they have to. Virtual memory, SIMD instructions, and hardware IO are some simple examples.
First, let's note the difference between the linear address (AKA the value of the pointer) and the physical address. While the linear address space is, indeed, 32 bits (AKA 2^32 different bytes), the physical address that goes to the memory chip is not the same. Parts ("pages") of the linear address space might be mapped to physical memory, or to a page file, or to an arbitrary file, or marked as inaccessible and not backed by anything. The zeroth page happens to be the latter. The mapping mechanism is implemented on the CPU level and maintained by the OS.
That said, the zero address being unaddressable memory is just a C convention that's enforced by every protected-mode OS since the first Unices. In MS-DOS-era real-mode operaring systems, null far pointer (0000:0000) was perfectly addressable; however, writing there would ruin system data structures and bring nothing but trouble. Null near pointer (DS:0000) was also perfectly accessible, but the run-time library would typically reserve some space around zero to protect from accidental null pointer dereferencing. Also, in real mode (like in DOS) the address space was not a flat 32-bit one, it was effectively 20-bit.
It depends upon the operating system. It is related to virtual memory and address spaces
In practice (at least on Linux x86 32 bits), addresses are byte "numbers"s, but most are for 4-bytes words so are often multiple of 4.
And more importantly, as seen from a Linux application, only at most 3Gbytes out of 4Gbytes is visible. a whole gigabyte of address space (including the first and last pages, near the null pointer) is unmapped. In practice the process see much less of that. See its /proc/self/maps pseudo-file (e.g. run cat /proc/self/maps to see the address map of the cat command on Linux).
