chromium free c# wpf control - wpf

I want to use web page in my C# wpf application but the webbrowser control integreted in visual studio is old and use IE
How can I use a chromuim control in place of the IE Webbroswer control

You can try WebKitDotNet which is a wrapper for WebKit in .Net WinForm.
To put a WinForm control in a WPF Window, you can use the WinForm Host control.

finally I succeed with CEFSharp
It works geart
I tried with WebKitDotNet but it was more complicated


Can I use silverlight application in wpf application?

I got a silverlight sample from like the analog clock and the progress bar. I am making a wpf desktop application using microsoft blend 4. My problem is how to put/run/embed the sample in my wpf application using the blend 4.
I choose wpf application because I can add windows/form and the codes are almost the same with the windows application form.
and if silverlight is not possible to run in wpf application, can you suggest how to do layered controls? My plan is to run first the loading bar. and then hide it to show the main menu and the analog clock.
Silverlight is very-very-very compact version of WPF functionality.
You can just rewrite sample to WPF and it will run more efficient.
Silverlight is just like adobe flex which helps in making(running) web browser apps..
If you use silverlight in your wpf application , then you have to use webbrowser control..
For knowledge:
When we want to try to bring wpf for webbrowser apps we use silverlight..
& doing vice versa(like you are doing), don't make much sense..

Winforms toolbox tools for WPF

I'm new to WPF and I'm wondering is there anyway to have elements from Winforms toolbox in WPF. I mean the Winforms toolbox has a lot of elements and they're not present in WPF toolbox. for example something like PerformanceCounter in Winforms toolbox is not found in WPF toolbox.
thanks in advance
There are some controls that didn't get represented in WPF, but you can use WindowsFormsHost. As the name indicates, it's purpose is to host the Windows Forms elements.
Walkthrough: Hosting a Windows Forms Control in WPF
I would add that things like PerformanceCounter you can use in code, rather than placing it on a form. Other elements which do have a UI purpose can be placed inside a WindowsFormsHost control. I do this with ReportViewer -- it's a Windows Forms control that has no WPF equivalent.

Can the controls in the toolbox be used in both Winform and WPF application?

If not, how can I know which controls are used in winforms, which controls are used in WPF?
If you develop a WinForms application, WPF controls are not shown in your toolbox, and vice versa.
If you want to use a WinForms control in a WPF application anyway, there's the WindowsFormsHost WPF control for that.
For hosting a WPF control in a Windows Forms app, you can use the System.Windows.Forms.Integration.ElementHost control.
The toolboxes already filter what controls you can use depending on whether you have created a Win Form or a WPF application project.

how to add a WPF dialog to a Winforms project

I am using Visual Studio 2008 targeting .net 3.5 framework. I need to add a WPF dialog to a Winforms project. I was thinking that by adding reference to PresentationCore, PresentationFramework and WindowsBase.dll and copying a WPF dialog from a test WPF project to the WinForms project in question should do the trick, but after that when I try to open in designer a WinForms dialog studio just crashes and closes.
So basically the question is how to add a WPF dialog to a WinForms project?
Create the dialog as a WPF UserControl Library. Add it to the Windows Form application by using Project->Add Existing Item. Add an ElementHost component to the Windows Forms form. Set the HostedContent of the ElementHost to the WPF User Control.
This link may help you:

Mixing WPF with a WinForm application?

My fairly large WinForm application needs a GUI overhaul, but I can't afford to do it all at once. I need to know if I can slowly add WPF into it, and if so, how?
Can I add WPF dialogs?
Can I add WPF 'panels' within a WinForm so that I can embed WPF elements?
Can I do the opposite and put WinForm dialogs in my WPF application?
Yes, you can host WPF controls in your WinForms applications:
Walkthrough: Hosting a 3-D WPF Composite Control in Windows Forms
Walkthrough: Hosting a Composite WPF Control in Windows Forms
Yep, I've successfully mixed winforms and WPF. I even managed to add WPF windows to win32 apps, changed this app to a dll and used a WPF app to show win32 windows which show WPF windows.
To host WPF windows in WinForm or win32 apps you will need this line befor you .Show() your WpfWindow:
You can use the ElementHost control found in the System.Windows.Forms.Integration namespace. You will need a reference to the WindowsFormsIntegration assembly (in WindowsFormsIntegration.dll)
This control is an empty container into which you can put WPF controls e.g.
myElementHost.Child = someWpfControl;
You can find it in your toolbox and drag and drop it onto a winform like any other control;
