CustomEventWrapper passed into DomRepeatModel.fromEvent not returning List Item - polymer-1.0

I have List of Maps I am using a <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{items}}" as="row">
which makes sense, and then I have a Polymer paper-button which calls an event. I define the method as:
void edit(CustomEventWrapper cew, Map data){
var mnodel = new DomRepeatModel.fromEvent(cew);
but model itself isnt correct, as that returns a DomRepeatModel.
Next I was looking at the method / properties which allow me to determine the map again.
It shows that item is depricated, so i shouldnt be using that but instead use [], so i tried: ['item'] which was null. I checked that .item gave me the map.

in the square brackets [] you need to pass the key of whatever you set it as in the template.
In this case, say:
void edit(CustomEventWrapper cew, Map data){
var model = new DomRepeatModel.fromEvent(cew)["row"];
print("Your model is: $model");


NSArrayController: Doesn't update bold attribute

I have a tableview bound to a NSArrayController. The ArrayController gets it´s data from an array [NSObject]:
class Fruits : NSObject {
var name:String
var price:Double
// If I set 'isBold = true' here manually,
//the font in my tableview becomes bold (from start of the application).
dynamic var isBold = false {
didSet {
override init() {
name = "name"
price = 0.0
init(name:String, price:Double) { = name
self.price = price
So everything works fine as long as I set the ìsBold`value manually.
If I call in ViewController:
Fuits.init().isBold = true
The correct ìsBold`value is printed, but in the tableview nothing changes. Any ideas why the ArrayController doesn't notice the updated value?
I found a way how it is working. But maybe just a hint why it is not working like above. This solution works with iteration, I don´t think it is how it's supposed to be.
func changeBold(bold: Bool) {
if bold == false {
self.dataArray.forEach { fruit in
fruit.isBold = false
} else {
self.dataArray.forEach { fruit in
fruit.isBold = true
Edit: I misinterpreted what you had written. I thought the bindings settings panel was for the table view, not the table cell view. The rest of what you wrote makes more sense to me.
Your line Fruits.init().isBold = true is a bit odd syntax-wise, but the bigger point is that you're creating a new instance of Fruits and setting its bold attribute but not doing anything with the instance, so it goes away once it's out of scope. You need to change the property of the instance stored in the cell view's objectValue property (because that's the instance that's set by the bindings mechanism, which your cell view represents).
Also, be aware that "editing an object behind the controller's back" will also usually cause the symptom of changes not appearing in the UI. Example: if you remove an instance of Fruits from your array directly, you'd have to tell the array controller to refresh to see the changes (which can lose selection and scroll information in a table or some other UI state). Instead, you should access the array controller's arrangedObjects property and remove / add / insert there so the array controller is "aware" of the changes. You'll need to read a lot more on the bindings mechanism to understand when / why to make changes through a controller vs. directly, but it's an aspect of Cocoa Bindings of which you must be aware.

Mutating array within an array (Polymer iron-list)

I currently have an iron-list within another iron-list. The parent's data comes from a firebase-query element, and the child's data is computed from each parent item. The db structure and code looks a bit like this:
DB: [
category1: [
itemId1: {
price: 10,
title: "title"
<iron-list id="categoryList" items="{{categories}}" multi-selection as="category">
<div class="category-holder">
<iron-list id="{{category.$key}}" items="{{_removeExtraIndex(category)}}" as="item" selection-enabled multi-selection selected-items="{{selectedItems}}" grid>
<div class$="{{_computeItemClass(selected)}}">
After selecting any number of items, the user can tap on a fab to batch edit the price. This is where I'm having issues. I can't figure out how to access the correct child iron-list in order to call list.set...I'm currently trying the following very nasty method:
var categories = this.$.categoryList;
var categoryItems = categories.items;
(this.selectedItems).forEach(function(item) {
var index = item.itemId;
categoryItems.forEach(function(itemList, categoryIndex) {
if (itemList[index]) {
categories.set('item.' + categoryIndex + '.price', 10);
}, this);
}, this);
I'm iterating over the selected items in order to extract the item index and then iterating over the parent iron-list data (categoryItems) in order to check if the given item exists in that subset of data. If so, then I use the category index and attempt to call set on the parent iron-list using the given path to access the actual item I want to edit. As expected, this fails. Hopefully I've made myself clear enough, any help would be appreciated!
EDIT #1:
After much experimenting, I finally figured out how to correctly mutate the child iron-list:
(this.selectedItems).forEach(function(item) {
var list = this.$.categoryList.querySelector('#' + item.category);
var index = list.items.indexOf(item);
list.set(["items", index, "price"], 30);
}, this);
A couple of things worth noting. I'm using querySelector instead of the recommended this.$$(selector) because I keep running into a "function DNE" error. But now I have another problem...after calling the function, the value gets updated correctly but I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: inst.dispatchEvent is not a function
Here's a picture of the full error message:
I see the light, hopefully someone can help me out!
OK, I'll take a shot at this. I think the following happens, and I guess this based on how dom-repeat works:
var categories = this.$.categoryList;
var categoryItems = categories.items;
You take the variable that the iron-list is based on, but setting one array to another just creates a reference in javascript. As soon as you update categoryItems, you also update this.$.categoryList.items. When you later sets the new value, iron-list will do a dirty check and compare all subproperties, and because they are equal (because ... reference), the iron-list wont update the dom.
What you should do is to make sure it's a totally new copy and the way of doing that is to use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(myArray)).
Further on, one major flaw I see in your code is that you're using querySelector to select an element, and then manipulate that. What you should do is to use this.categories and only that variable.
So your method should look something like:
// Get a freshly new array to manipulate
var category = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.categories);
// Loop through it
category.forEach(category) {
// update your categoryList variable
// Update the iron list by notifying Polymer that categories has changed.
this.set('categories', category);

Angular ui grid tooltip not working

I am having a problem to display header tooltip on angular-ui-grid.
Here is plunker demo.
Any idea how to make it work?
I have not been able to figure out how to make the directive work properly internally by setting the headerTooltips as strings. The directive developers are making it work using a different implementation than yours that can be seen in this Plunker.
This solution will patch the problem until a better or more permanent one can be found. Place it at the end of your service call inside of your controller like the following.
$scope.ucitaniUpareniPodaci = true;
$ = upareneStavkeData.grupe;
upareneStavkeTotals = upareneStavkeData.totals;
* Patch for possible bug:
* Description: Setting headerTooltip property
* value as a string doesn't render the value at
* runtime.
//class for the header span element
var headerClass = ".ui-grid-header-cell-primary-focus";
//the column definitions that were set by the developer
var colDefs = $scope.gridOptionsUpareniPodaci.columnDefs;
//Get the NodeList of the headerClass elements.
//It will be an array like structure.
var headers = document.querySelectorAll(headerClass);
//loop through the headers
angular.forEach(headers,function(value,key){//begin forEach
//Set the title atribute of the headerClass element to
//the value of the headerTooltip property set in the columnDefs
//array of objects.
headers[key].title = colDefs[key].headerTooltip;
});//end forEach
/****************END PATCH********************/

BackboneJS - get specific value from Model using .max

So I have this:
var competitionModel = new Competition.CompetitionModel();
competitionModel.contest_id = this.contest_id;
this.insertView('.comp', new Competition.View({model: competitionModel}));
So far so good, the Model and its (selected) values are getting display in the <div class="comp">.
Now I want to get a specific value from the same Model, in this case profile_image and it has to be the MAX value from the model. I read something about .max()-method but I dont know how to use it
I have this structure:
<div class="image"></div>
<div class="comp"></div>
1) is it possible? 2) can I use the same methods? like this.insertView('.image', blablab)
So, could anyone help me out?
Ok, judging by your comment the property is an array of things.
You cannot use the backbone max (which only applies to collections) but you can use the underscore max (they are the same thing, in the end, the former is a wrapper for the latter but let's not go into the details). You can see the collection .max() in action here.
You should be able to do something like this:
var max = _.max(competitionModel.get("property"));
Eventually you can pass a function to transform values:
var max = _.max(competitionModel.get("property"), function (element) {
// element is a single item in the list, return a number here.
Alternatively you can also use the underscore wrapper like this:
var max = _(competitionModel.get("property")).max(function (e) { ... });
More on max() can be found in the Underscore Docs.

Restangular - Removing property from element

Im trying to remove a property element before doing the submission of that element.
$scope.changeTitle = function(song, title){
song.title = title;
delete song.label;
When doing so it seems that the property "label" is removed. When I do the PUT operation the object actually has the property label.
// This is the object I'm sending (checked from the chrome dev tool - network)
artist: "XXXXX"
title: 'XX'
label: []
Is there any way to remove a property from an element?
If you inspect the object's put method in Developer console, you'll find that the referenced object is actually your original object (even after changes). In order fix the reference, use Restangular.copy() before you manipulate the object.
Earlier when you wrote something along the lines of:
$ =, 1).get().$object;
You should instead write:
$ = restangular.copy(, 1).get().$object);
To see the related issue, checkout:
You can use underscore's _.omit function (
song = _.omit(song,'label');
