How to take input from user on second popup - angularjs

I am new to angular/Ionic. I need your help.
I have a date time picker through which user can select date and time. On clicking the textbox (from the page) i get datetime picker popup through which date & time can be selected. It was working fine till I was using it in separate page (page that is having the textbox on clicking which popup of date & time picker appears).
All was working fine till I have put this page (having textbox) as popup. This means now I have two popup.
1st for page and
2nd for date & time Picker.
Now on clicking the page popup I am able to get 2nd popup, but when I try to select date or time (from popup 2) nothing happens to popup 2 but all these events are triggering on popup 1.
what changes should i make so that these events can be trigger to correct popup (popup 2) ?
thanks for the help in advance


Reactjs datepicker Select date don't work when I have a other input field behind the calendar

Date picker work perfectly with keyboard,
If I use the mouse, it's not working in my red area (screen my screenshot)
I used this one :
See the screen below :
The bleu area works, the date is set well, probably because behind I have the toolbar instead of an input
but if I click on the red part, the value is not set and it focus my draftJs editor behind.
Have you looked into zIndex? If that doesn't work try disabling the textbox when the date picker is open.

iOS String picker default selection fail

I've faced a bug last week on a native iOS picker.
I'm using it to select a model for some documents, and when I click the picker, the first entry is selected. But if I click on the OK button, my picker show that nothing is selected.
I need to scroll the picker content a bit to select the first element. Is it a normal iOS behavior or must I set something to achieve the autoselection of the first element when the ok button is pressed ?
Using the lightweight mode with the last CN1 update solve the problem on iOS.

Jquery date picker with button image in angular does not work with tab

I have created a directive in angular to use jquery date picker which opens datepicker on Click of a button using showOn: button. So it contains a input field and a button beside it. Its working fine.
But how can we make the button to be clicked and date picker to open on press of tab from the input field in which date is filled after selecting date from datepicker.

need way to close datebook when shown inline

I am using the stable version jQM DateBox with JQM 1.4.5 and jQuery 2.
I have a popup form that has a datebook widget on it. I use inline blind because the initial value is set for the date. But the user can click into the field, the datebook opens up the calendar and the user can pick a new date.
However, if the user opens up the datebook calendar, there's no way to close it without them picking a date. It would be nice if either clicking on the date field again closes the calendar (like a toggle) or there's an explicit close button that is shown when the calendar is shown.

angularjs ui-calendar events displayed incorrectly on calendar

I am using Angular UI Calendar to display some events on the calendar. Whenever the calendar is loaded for the 1st time, the events extend to next date or shown on some other Date.
However when I change the View(Day/Week) and come back again to Month view, then events are displayed fine. Similarly, after changing month and coming back again to the current month , the events are displayed correctly.
Also, I've noticed that the calendar height also increases by 95px after changing the view(when displayed correctly).
Why is this occuring. How can I render events correctly for 1st time?
The problem was with CSS. Solved it.
