AngularJS block all routes until authentication promise is resolved - angularjs

I'm writing a single-page application in AngularJS that needs to know, whether user is logged-in before running any routes at all.
I'm using Django backend, which supports anonymous sessions, so just looking at cookies I can't figure, if user is logged-in or anonymous. So, to find that out I want to make an Ajax request to backend in Angular application-global .run() and delay any execution of angular application until that request finishes.
How do I do that?

Create a directive that you can put on each view. Our project has a base view using razor so it makes it easier. Let the directive wait for the promise and only make the content visible when it is resolved.


Angularjs app redirection to external urls need solution

I have an angular app and i have integrated it with Paypal for payments and twitter for login.. both of these require me to move to external URL hits thus completely get out of angular scope. I don't want to expose middle layers where i receive tokens any best way to implement those within angular scope or dealing with external URL's like Paypal or twitter integration.

Why does my angular js service gets destroyed after server call?

As per my understanding services in angularjs are "Singleton". Following is my Scenario where I am using angularjs with MVC application.
I have created angularjs service and I use it in one of my controller, which is used on one of the HTML view. If I navigate from that page to some other page, Which results in call to Server then in that case my angularjs Service gets reset. Later, When I come back to the same page my service again gets created/initialized. Can someone please explain me the reason?
Most likely you use ngRoute or angular-ui routing for making single page app, when you change pages controller gets reloaded, which forces all the logic in controller to run again hence call your service, If you are on the view which use other controller its expected not to run service from first one. Some code would be nice too.
hope this helps.

AngularJs authorization layout

I am building a large application with Web API and AngularJs. I built the secure web api with authentication and claim-based authorizations. One requirement is that different users can view different modules on the same template.
I am new to AngularJs. I did the authentication in client side with the tokens. Also, in web api, I created a service to get all the permission given a user id. The response is a list of resource(contoller)/action(method) pairs. How do I implement the correct layout based on authorization rules on client side? Does that solely rely on web api permissions response and show/hide (ng-hide/ng-show) content based on the permissions?
Is this a good approach? What other modules/directives do I need to look into? Such as the loader for not loading the nested route until user request the parent route.
To add complexity, this site also need to work in bi-lingual. I think ng-translate. I mentioned this because it may open up another discussion on whether this may favor MVC instead of AngularJs. But the preference is Angular if the above two problem can be resolved.
All the authentication & authorisation & validation should be done server-side. You can adjust the user interface based on the roles/claims the server tells the browser the current user has.
One way to do this is to create something like a roles/userprofile controller, which will respond with a list of roles the current user has. On the client side you’ll probably want something you can inject everywhere, so you’re able to determine user interface behaviour.
myApp.factory(‘myUser’, function(Roles, $q) {
// Create a promise to inform other folks when we’re done.
var defer = $q.defer();
// For this example I’m using ngResource
No params — let the server figure out who you ‘really’ are.
Depending on WebApi configuration this might just be
as simple as this.User (in context of the controller).
}, function(roles) {
var user = {
roles: roles,
isInRole: function(role) {
return user.roles.indexOf(role) !== -1;
return defer;
Because the factory above is returning a promise we can enforce that myUser is resolved before a certain route/controller instance is created. One little trick I use is to gather all my route definitions in one object, loop through them with an angular.forEach and add a resolve.myUser property to each of them. You can use this to pre-load/initialize other stuff too.
Now inject the myUser anywhere you like:
myApp.controller(‘MyController’, function($scope, myUser) {
// Expose it on the current scope
$scope.myUser = myUser;
… and in your markup …
<div class=“my-content-thingy”>
<p>Lorem del ipsum …</p>
<button class=“btn” ng-if=“myUser.isInRole(‘content-editor’)”></button>
Note: You’ll probably want to use ng-if and not ng-show; the latter keeps the element in the DOM.
Just keep in mind that you don’t authenticate anything on the client side; that all done server side. A simple way is to place Authorize attributes on the appropriate controller actions.
Hope this helps.
A proper approach is to build AngularJS routing configuration as per Authorization on the server. This should be build just after the user is authorized and before the AngularJS app is initialized. That way the authorized user sees a "complete" app based on his roles etc. Using ng-show/ng-hide is not a good way to do it. Also each view should be doing only one thing. So load separate views based on the task that needs to be completed.
Regarding multi language support, this is independent of Authorization. Some time ago, I wrote a custom AngularJS filter that used the jQuery i18next plugin. It was a pretty simple implementation.
However you can now use
(Sorry for misunderstanding the problem).
I think that using ng-hide/show is not much of a problem. At the end of the day, the user does not have access to the data. I think it should rely on the api permissions + show/hide of presentation. Depends on the complexity you want... You can use MVC with angularjs since it's a large application.

angularjs technique for login then redirecting to dashboard page

I'am doing my first AngularJS project with ASP.NET Web API backend. What I am trying to do is, whenever a user visits, a login page (index.html) will displayed. After successfull login, he will be redirected to the dashboard.html (this is the shell page, partial views go here). My project structure is shown below-
I am confused about some issues:
Is this the best/common practices what i am trying to do in above?
As because dashboard.html is the main page, should i place app.js on dashboard.html?
If i put app.js on dashboard.html, will index.html (login page) have another app.js (i.e. loginApp.js)?
How should I manage the login state i.e. IsUserLoggedId, UserId etc in angular part?
This question may be silly. I googled, but did not find any example/article addressing such issue.
Would you please help?
Thank you in advance.
I am not sure how ASP.NET deals with it, but to my knowledge ASP.NET is just a server side framework whereas AngularJS is client side framework.
These two framework solve different problem, but has some overlapping features.
If you start using angularjs, then most of the time you will deal with the term "Single Page Application (SPA)".
There are different approaches in how you can handle the url redirection after login. I will just show you two example. There are many more how you can handle the user authentication and session.
First Approach:
In SPA, most of the time browser will change the url route and state directly in the page itself without making the entire page request from the server.
With that said, your dashboard.html will most likely be come a static template file which will be loaded from the browser directly. (i.e. the server does not dynamically parse the dashboard.html but only serve as a static file). Upon the user login, the angularjs will fire a asynchronous HTTP request into the ASP.NET authentication end point. A successful login may return a token to the browser, and the client will use it to manage the user session. At the same time, the Angular will have to change the route to /dashboard/. Notice that that the entire flow happens transparent to the user, it does not fire a full page HTTP request.
Second Approach:
Alternatively, if you choose to redirect from the server, you will have to send a HTTP Redirect 302. and since HTTP redirect will eventually call make a full HTTP request to /dashboard/, and it will then have to reload and bootstrap the angular app.js from the browser again. In this case, the user will have to wait for the dashboard page to be processed by the server upon login
Is this the best/common practices what i am trying to do in above? there are many approaches, I think it is best to find the one that works for you. If you have a RESTful API, then you might want to have a look at the SPA approach in more detail.
As because dashboard.html is the main page, should i place app.js on dashboard.html? in SPA, you don't need to load app.js twice. but if you use the second approach, you have to reload the app.js again.
If i put app.js on dashboard.html, will index.html (login page) have another app.js (i.e. loginApp.js)? depends on your approach as stated above
How should I manage the login state i.e. IsUserLoggedId, UserId etc in angular part? Authentication Strategy, UNIX style authorization
There are more official guide that can help AngularJS Developer Guide.
Hope this helps you to integrate with the ASP.NET authentication mechanism.
you should have multiple shell pages. this link can help you...
refer to Multiple Shell Pages part.

AngularJS + RequireJS + Auth without relying on the routing

Is there a blog, project, gists or seed out there using angularjs and requirejs that provides authentication not based on routes? I'm working on building a site that will show the user the same rendered view, but different data fed from the server based upon their authentication. I have session handling already written into it, but I need angular to check the server for the session on the initial render for changing login buttons to logout and getting only the data the user wants to see that they've selected.
I attempted to use the angular run method to initially grab the session from the server, but when using requirejs, my app module doesn't exist at the time of calling the run method.
From my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong, I should be creating an injector or using the $rootScope to carry the user information to routed controller and show the user what they is related to them. If so, then I need to have a service that is initially fired during the project instantiation to retrieve the user's session data. I'd prefer to not use the servers template rendering to put the users session data into javascript if possible.
