Webstorm template string html format with Angular 2 - angularjs

In the WebStorm 2016.1 release notes they have this image.
See here
But when I try to type this mine looks like this
Do I have to manually enter the tabs to make this happen? Shouldn't it auto format? If so, how do I set up auto formatting?

You can use the Angular2HTML Fragment editor. With your cursor positioned inside your inline template, you should see an orange exclamation popup. In this should be an option to "Edit Angular2HTML Fragment".
I'm using the latest version of WebStorm 2016.1


how to add emmet in vs code

I want to use emmet on VS Code for React and they say emmet is default on vs code, I don't need to add an emmet extension. I check on setting there is emmet section. but, Is it only default to HTML and CSS?
Please Help me to add it.
I check the internet slightly but every one said, to go to user setting>extension>emmet> under Then select Extensions > Emmet Include: Languages and select the Edit in settings.JSON link directly underneath it.
but in my vs, I don't have this setting.JSON under the Emmet Include: Language. i just have Item value and ADD Item beneath it. like tin the pic.

How do I reload md-icon in AngularJS?

I've got some colorful md-icon and wanna change it to a grayscale one (replace with a different grayscale basically) when it's disabled (and in reverse).
I can definitely use .css to see whether a button's disabled: button[disabled]:hover, but I'm struggling to see how to combine it together with angular directives (I found a similar demo which works on click: https://codepen.io/elishaterada/pen/mDCEl).
¿wich file you use for the md-icon, svg or another img file?
you can use ng-style,
if is SVG you do delete 'fill' inside xml svg,and play with the css propertys
but if you need change the color to div o another the next example work perfect!
i hope hel you
enter code here

Image or font awesome as option in select - Reactjs

I would like to have an input select with a choice of image as an option (would define a custom icon). I can put an image or an icon with Font awesome.
I tried putting
<option><i class='fas fa-shopping-bag'/></option>
or replace with an image but nothing work.
Font Awesome font is well imported, I tried with unicode it does not work either
Do you know how to do it ?
if you are using reactjs you need to use className instead of class https://reactjs.org/docs/faq-styling.html

Text color picker in angular text editor directive

I would like to use textAngular directive, but I also need text color changing functionality, which as far as I know, is missing.
Is it really missing, or it's just an hidden option that i didn't find?
Thanks for your answers.
Take a look at this Full Featured textAngular
which adds the following additional features to the existing plugin
Colorpicker via angular-bootstrap-colorpicker
Font family
Font size
Indent / outdent
Added angular-ui bootstrap dropdown toggle to hold common items
h1-h6 and p formatBlocks
text alignment

Trying to find DOM elements matched by a CSS selector using firebug

Is it possible to enter a CSS selector into firebug and for it to highlight the corresponding element(s)?
Go to the CSS panel in Firebug.
On the right hand side, there is a console that lets you try selectors. It will prompt you with "Try a selector....". It displays all matches in the right hand window and lets you highlight them on hover.
link to firebug wiki: https://getfirebug.com/wiki/index.php/Elements_Side_Panel
The search box in Firebug aka Firefox Inspector (Ctrl+F or Cmd+F), as suggested by Madbreaks in the question comments, really works with any complex CSS selection! It says "Search HTML" on the UI, which is a bit misleading, but matches CSS selectors, it's not just a simple text search.
Tested on FF v33.0
