Entity Framework async call blocking UI thread - wpf

I have been slowly trying to convert my code from using action delegates to the new Tasks in my WPF application. I like the fact that an await operation can run in the same method, greatly reducing the number of methods I need, enhancing readability, and reducing maintenance. That being said, I am having a problem with my code when calling EF6 async methods. They all seem to run synchronously and are blocking my UI thread. I use the following technologies/frameworks in my code:
.NET Framework 4.5
MVVM Light 5.2
Generic Unit Of Work/Repository Framework v3.3.5
Entity Framework 6.1.1
SQL Server 2008 R2 Express
As an example, I have a LogInViewModel, with a command that executes after a button is clicked on my WPF application. Here is the command as initialized in the constructor:
LogInCommand = new RelayCommand(() => ExecuteLogInCommand());
Here is the command body:
private async void ExecuteLogInCommand()
// Some code to validate user input
var user = await _userService.LogIn(username, password);
// Some code to confirm log in
The user service uses a generic repository object that is created using MVVM Light's SimpleIoC container. The LogIn method looks like this:
public async Task<User> LogIn(string username, string password)
User user = await _repository.FindUser(username);
if (user != null && user.IsActive)
// Some code to verify passwords
return user;
return null;
And my repository code to log in:
public static async Task<User> FindUser(this IRepositoryAsync<User> repository, string username)
return await repository.Queryable().Where(u => u.Username == username).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
The SingleOrDefaultAsync() call is Entity Framework's async call. This code is blocking my UI thread. I have read multiple articles from Stephen Cleary and others about async await and proper use. I have tried using ConfigureAwait(false) all the way down, with no luck. I have made my RelayCommand call use the async await keywords with no luck. I have analyzed the code and the line that takes the longest to return is the SingleOrDefaultAsync() line. Everything else happens almost instantaneously. I have the same problem when making other async calls to the DB in my code. The only thing that fixes it right away is the following:
User user = await Task.Run(() =>
return _userService.LogIn(Username, p.Password);
But I understand this should not be necessary since the call I am making to the database is IO bound and not CPU bound. So, what is wrong with my application and why is it blocking my UI thread?

Your RelayCommand is not async.
LogInCommand = new RelayCommand(() => ExecuteLogInCommand());
Because there is no async/await your ExecuteLogInCommand will be called synchronously.
You got to change it to
LogInCommand = new RelayCommand(async () => await ExecuteLogInCommand());
so that the RelayCommand is called async too.

Your LogIn and FindUser (which, according to the guidelines, should be called LogInAsync and FindUserAsync) which are not supposed to work with the UI should use ConfigureAwait(false) on all awaits.
However all calls are synchronous until something really asynchronous is called. I suppose that would be SingleOrDefaultAsync.
If wrapping it in Task.Run makes such a difference, then, for some reason, SingleOrDefaultAsync must be running synchronously.


Why does async method block MVVM Light Relay Command

I'm new to async and need to consume an API that has it. I've read I should "go async all the way" back the UI command. So far I've propagated async back to my view model.
The code below blocks the Upload button in my UI. Is this because the RelayCommand's implementation calls it using await?
// In the ViewModel:
public MyViewModel()
UploadRelayCommand = new RelayCommand(mUpload, () => CanUpload);
private async void mUpload()
await mModel.Upload();
// In the model:
public async Task UploadToDatabase()
projectToUse = await api.CreateProjectAsync(ProjectName);
// In the API
public async Task<Project> CreateProjectAsync(Project project){}
Update: Sven's comment led me to find that CreateProjectAsync was running in a simulation mode that synchronously wrote to memory. When I wrapped that end code in Task.Run, it no longer blocked my Upload button. When not running in simulation mode, the API natively makes asynchronous calls to interact with a web server, so those also don't block.
The await itself will not block your UI. It is more likely that your Upload() method does not do any real asynchronous work.
(As Jim suggested, Task.Run() can be used in such a case. It will use the thread pool to run the operation in the background. Generally speaking, for IO-bound operations like uploads/downloads you should check if your API supports asynchronous calls natively. If such an implementation exists, it may make more efficient use of system resources than using a thread.)

Update DataContext from background thread

I fetch data for a wpf window in a backgroundthread like this [framework 4.0 with async/await]:
async void refresh()
// returns object of type Instances
DataContext = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => serviceagent.GetInstances());
var instances = DataContext as Instances;
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => serviceagent.GetGroups(instances));
// * problem here * instances.Groups is filled but UI not updated
When I include the actions of GetGroups in GetInstances the UI shows the groups.
When I update in a seperate action the DataContext includes the groups correclty but the UI doesn't show them.
In the GetGroups() method I inlcuded NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset for the ObservableCollection of groups and this doesn't help.
Extra strange is that I call NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset on the list only once, but is executed three times, while the list has ten items?!
I can solve the issue by writing:
DataContext = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => serviceagent.GetGroups(instances));
But is this the regular way for updating DataContxt and UI via a backgound process?
Actually I only want to update the existing DataContext without setting it again?
EDIT: serviceagent.GetGroups(instances) in more detail:
public void GetGroups(Instances instances)
// web call
instances.Admin = service.GetAdmin();
// set groups for binding in UI
instances.Groups = new ViewModelCollection<Groep>(instances.Admin.Groups);
// this code has no effect
Here ViewModelCollection<T> inherits from ObservableCollection<T> and I added the method:
public void RaiseCollectionChanged()
var handler = CollectionChanged;
if (handler != null)
Trace.WriteLine("collection changed");
var e = new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset);
handler(this, e);
There's a few points that stand out in the async portion of your code:
I explain why we should avoid async void in my MSDN article. In summary, void is an unnatural return type for async methods, so it has some quirks, particularly around exception handling.
We should prefer TaskEx.Run over StartNew for asynchronous tasks, as I explain on my blog.
While not exactly required, it's a good idea to follow the guidelines in the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern; following those naming conventions (etc) will help other developers to maintain the code.
Based on these, I also recommend my intro to async blog post.
On to the actual problem...
Updating data-bound code from background threads is always tricky. I recommend that you treat your ViewModel data as though it were part of the UI (it is a "logical UI", so to speak). So it's fine to retrieve data on a background thread, but updating the actual VM values should be done on the UI thread.
These changes make your code look more like this:
async Task RefreshAsync()
var instances = await TaskEx.Run(() => serviceagent.GetInstances());
DataContext = instances;
var groupResults = await TaskEx.Run(() => serviceagent.GetGroups(instances));
instances.Admin = groupResults.Admin;
instances.Groups = new ObservableCollection<Group>(groupResults.Groups);
public GroupsResult GetGroups(Instances instances)
return new GroupsResult
Admin = service.GetAdmin(),
Groups = Admin.Groups.ToArray(),
The next thing you need to check is whether Instances implements INotifyPropertyChanged. You don't need to raise a Reset collection changed event when setting Groups; since Groups is a property on Instances, it's the responsibility of Instances to raise INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged.
Alternatively, you could just set DataContext last:
async Task RefreshAsync()
var instances = await TaskEx.Run(() => serviceagent.GetInstances());
var groupResults = await TaskEx.Run(() => serviceagent.GetGroups(instances));
instances.Admin = groupResults.Admin;
instances.Groups = new ObservableCollection<Group>(groupResults.Admin.Groups);
DataContext = instances;
Seems there's a bit of confusion on what DataContext is. DataContext is not some special object that you have to update. It's a reference to the object or objects that you want to bind to your UI. Whenever you make changest to these objects, the UI get's notified (if you implement the proper interfaces).
So, unless you explicitly change the DataContext, your UI can't guess that now you want to show a different set of objects.
In fact, in your code, there is no reason to set the DataContext twice. Just set it with the final set of objects you want to display. In fact, since you work on the same data, there is no reason to use two tasks:
async Task refresh()
// returns object of type Instances
DataContext=await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
var instances = serviceagent.GetInstances();
return serviceagent.GetGroups(instances);
You should neer use the async void signature. It is used only for fire-and-forget event handlers, where you don't care whether they succeed or fail. The reason is that an async void method can't be awaited so no-one can know whether it succeeded or not.
I discovered that RaiseCollectionChanged has no influence on the property Groups where the DataContext is bound to. I simply have to notify: instances.RaisePropertyChanged("Groups");.

await Task.Delay(...) freezes if there exists a System.Windows.Forms.Form instance

The following program hangs on the DoTheStuff().Wait(); line, if running as a Console application:
namespace Test
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new Form();
private static async Task DoTheStuff()
await Task.Delay(1000);
It works just as expected though, if you comment out the new Form(); line. (Runs for 1sec, then quits).
How can I keep the expected behaviour and still have a Form instance?
Now, some background if you are interested:
I have an application which is hosted as a windows service (as console when testing locally).
It requires to have access to the SystemEvents.TimeChanged event.
However, as per the documentation, this only works when having a windows Form (thus not in a service or console app). A workaround is presented in the linked documentation, and consists of creating a hidden form.
Unfortunately, the program now completely freezes instead, which is caused by the combination of await and having a Form instance.
So how on earth can I still have the expected async/await behaviour while accessing the SystemEvents.TimeChanged event?
Thanks to help below, here comes modified code which works without freeze:
namespace Test
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new Thread(() => Application.Run(new Form())).Start();
// SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(null);
private static async Task DoTheStuff()
await Task.Delay(1000);
In my program, I need to use "SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(null);", since the threadpool should be used for awaiting tasks. I don't think that is a good practice, since Form obviously initialized it for a reason. But running the form hidden without user input (it is a service!), and can't see any harm right now.
The documentation feels a bit incomplete, with MS not even mentioning the issue that may arise using the example 2 (await/async implicitly changes behaviour when instantiating a Form).
This is by design. Creating a new Form object get the Winforms plumbing to install a new SynchronizationContext. Something you can see in the debugger by looking at the SynchronizationContext.Current property.
That property is big deal whenever you do anything asynchronously. If it is null, the default, then using await gets code to run on threadpool threads. If it is not then the await plumbing will implement the await by calling the SynchronizationContext.Post() method. Which ensures that your code runs on the main thread.
But that doesn't work in your program because you broke the contract. You didn't call Application.Run(). Required.
The SystemEvents class will create its own hidden notification window and pumps a message loop if you don't provide one. No need to create a form. The consequence is that its events will fire on an arbitrary thread, not your main thread. So do watch out for locking requirements.
The call to Wait causes a deadlock, as I explain on my blog and in a recent MSDN article.
In your case, you could use a simple MainAsync as such:
static void Main(string[] args)
static async Task MainAsync()
new Form();
await DoTheStuff();
private static async Task DoTheStuff()
await Task.Delay(1000);
However, there are a couple of problems here. First, when you create a form (even a hidden form), you are expected to run an STA event loop, e.g., Application.Run. Second, as a Win32 service, you are expected to give your main thread back to the SCM, e.g., ServiceBase.Run.
So I would recommend a solution where you create a form and run an event loop on a secondary thread.

Does CRM context allow for structuring code in a non-nested way?

I'm building a Silverlight Web Resource which is intended to integrate into a form, and it needs to know all of the following information:
id of the current user
id of teams current user belongs to
id of current user's security roles
I'm working in an early-bound kind of way, added a Service Reference to the OData endpoint (http://server/org/XRMservices/2011/OrganizationData.svc) which in turn provides me with the context (let's name it cmtestcontext, which is its actual name in code).
I access data through this class (I didn't create it, I just googled it out of the net some time ago: this is a stripped-down, keep-it-short version)
public class QueryInterface
//NOTE: ServiceReference1 is the name of the OData service reference
//Add Service Reference -> point to CRM OData url
public ServiceReference1.cmtextcontext CrmContext;
public QueryInterface()
var crmServerUrl = (string)GetContext().Invoke("getServerUrl");
if (crmServerUrl.EndsWith("/")) crmServerUrl = crmServerUrl.Substring(0, crmServerUrl.Length - 1);
Uri ODataUri = new Uri(crmServerUrl + "/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc/", UriKind.Absolute);
CrmContext = new cmtestContext(ODataUri) { IgnoreMissingProperties = true };
The class allows me to sort of fetch in one line, as follows (actual code snippet enveloped in a dummy method to make it copy-pastable):
void RetrieveAllInformationFromCRM()
QueryInterface qi = new QueryInterface();
List<Guid> allData = new List<Guid>();
//NOTE: Since this is a web resource, I can cheat and use Xrm.Page.context.getUserId()
//NOTE: Remove the extra '{}' from the result for it to be parsed!
allData.Add(new Guid(qi.GetContext().Invoke("getUserId").ToString().Substring(1,36)));
//NOTE: TeamMembership entity links users to teams in a N:N relationship
qi.crmContext.TeamMembershipSet.BeginExecute(new AsyncCallback((result) =>
var teamMemberships = qi.crmContext.TeamMembershipSet.EndExecute(result)
.Where(tm => tm.TeamId.HasValue && (tm.SystemUserId ?? Guid.Empty) == userId)
.Select(tm => tm.TeamId.Value);
qi.crmContext.TeamSet.BeginExecute(new AsyncCallback((result2) =>
var teamDetails = qi.crmContext.TeamSet.EndExecute(result2)
.Where(t => teamMemberships.Contains(t.TeamId));
foreach (var team in teamDetails)
//NOTE: FINAL STEP - allData is filled and ready to be used.
}), null);
}), null);
In the code above, my FINAL STEP picks up allData and processes it, and the flow goes on. My concern is, if/when I'll need to modify this "reader" method I'll have to cut and paste the "final" code around to ensure it's placed after all the reads. I'd like it way better if I could just make the reads follow one another, so I could do this:
void MyReaderMethod()
Basically, can you just wait for a request to finish ? Hanging UI is a non-issue, I'd just wrap the code in a BackgroundWorker along with a "Please Wait" splash.
The nicest (IMO) is to convert the Async method calls (a requirement of Silverlight) into Task based calls.
With tasks you can easily seperate the query from the result action.
Then using the Async BCL's (via nuget) you can use async/await (if you are not using VS2012, then Tasks are still nicer to work with, you will just have to use continuations)
This example is for late bound, but you can modify it for your needs
public Task<OrganizationResponse> ExecuteAsync(OrganizationRequest request)
return Task.Factory.FromAsync<OrganizationResponse>(
(callback, state) => Begin(() => service.BeginExecute(request, callback, state)),
Then you can use it like
async void MyReaderMethod()
//TODO:wrap in try/catch
var result = await ExecuteAsync( ... );
Or for VS 2010
void MyReaderMethod()
ExecuteAsync( ... ).ContinueWith(task =>{
//TODO: Error handling

WCF Async operations not really async

wonder if anyone can tell me where i'm going wrong.
i've added a service reference in my wpf application VS2012
however my wait on the Async call is blocking, i'm not doing anything with it at the moment.
The Async call I got for free when I added the Service reference...
Yet when I await ma.searchModelsAsync I'm blocked...
can anyone shed some light on this??
first I call the function like this:
private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
button1.IsEnabled = false;
var cnt = await GetDataFromWcf();
button1.IsEnabled = true;
here is the actual function I call
public async Task<List<ViewModels.ModelInfo>> GetDataFromWcf()
using (var ma = new DataGenic.ModelActionsServiceTypeClient())
var modelInfos = await ma.searchModelsAsync(new ModelSearchCriteria { Category = "ECB" }, 1, 50);
return modelInfos.Select(mi => new ViewModels.ModelInfo { Id = mi.Id, Name = mi.Name, Uri = mi.Uri }).ToList();
btw: if I put the function in a Task.Run(() => ... then it behaves as I expcect...
Not sure if WCF is really giving me what I want.. ideas anyone?
Based on the comment thread thus far, it sounds like there's enough work happening before the WCF task starts up such that you'd like to have GetDataFromWcf return to the caller sooner than that. That's a somewhat common issue with async methods (IMHO) - the 'gotcha' that they run synchronously up until that first 'await' call, so they can still cause noticeable UI delays if too much is happening before the first 'await' :)
Because of that, a simple change would be to use Task.Yield (by adding await Task.Yield(); as the first line in GetDataFromWcf) which changes the behavior to have the async method return back to the caller immediately. As the MSDN doc mentions, you can use await Task.Yield(); in an asynchronous method to force the method to complete asynchronously. That sentence alone (and how silly it sounds on the surface) helps show the 'gotcha' IMHO :)
