Tab content not flexing correctly - angularjs-material

I am testing this in IE 11:
I am attempting to have the md-tab-body of my md-tabs control flex to the bottom of the page. I have had to include this css rule to get that somewhat working:
#tab-content-0 > div, #tab-content-1 > div, #tab-content-2 > div, #tab-content-3 > div {
height: 100%;
If you look at the codepen above, you will see that I get a scroll bar when I do so. What am I doing wrong? I want the tab content to flex to the bottom of the page, the first interior container to just take up however much space it needs and the second interior container to flex to the bottom of the tab content, and if it needs more space, it should have a scrollbar inside.
How do I accomplish this? I think the issue has something to do with the CSS rule above, but I cannot get it to flex at all without it.

Chekc out this pen. I am sure you can do the styling as you did in the other tabs. For this example I just used simple md-tab with label and other simplified elements.


How to do slide in/out animation when using flex layout and AngularJS

I have a layout which uses flex to resize its internal components to the window size.
Part of the left column has either some "control buttons" or an "event log" of which visibility can be toggled.
I'd like to animate that show/hide so the log messages div slides out from the right. When the log messages div is hidden, it will slide back towards the right.
The system is using AngularJS (not "Angular").
The majority of examples online show how to animate opacity to fade in and out and the few that show sliding animation use position: relative wrapping position: absolute elements. However, using absolute wrapping relative messes up the flex layout: wrong elements are visible and resizing doesn't work properly.
Any idea on how to achieve that effect?
Here is a fiddle showing the layout.

In SLDS, why the status bar of lightning datatable covers the date edit panel?

When I use lightning inline editable data table component, the status bar would cover the edit panel.
I think it might is a SLDS bug.
I ran into this problem as well. I agree that I think it is a CSS issue on the SLDS side.
I'm using a lightning:datatable with inline editing, and I noticed that the footer bar div with the Cancel/Save buttons is using the 'slds-docked-form-footer' class, which sets the z-index at 8000.
Crawling up from the datepicker I noticed that the "table cell" contains a section element that has inline styling setting the z-index to 7002. That section element also has a class of "slds-popover_edit", so my workaround solution was to put this into my lightning component's css file:
.THIS section.slds-popover_edit {
z-index: 9999 !important;
Hope this helps, or that you've found a better solution by now. I'm going to test my page to make sure this change didn't have any unintended consequences.

no scrollbars in options popup ported from Chrome in firefox webextension

I'm porting chrome extension to Firefox and I'm testing on Nightly 51a.. version.
When I click the popup options icons it opens and scrollbars appear and after half a second those disappear.
How to correct this?
At the moment I've given a hyperlink in the top in the optins popup with this code which when clicked opens full view html in a new tab and this works just fine:
<a style="font-size:1.5em;" href="options.html" target="_blank">Open Full Window</a>
The popup that is being shown for a browser_action is, currently, being set to a maximum of 800x600 pixels (at least in my testing). However, your content is being rendered at a much larger size while having the scroll bars not shown to the user (either not rendered at all, or positioned outside of the view into the document provided by the panel).
There are multiple ways to solve this. However, I was not able to find one that did not result in specifying an explicit height and width for the <body>, or a sub element (e.g. a <div> enclosing all content). Several ways showed the scroll bars, but left them disabled.
The simplest way to get the scroll bars to show up, is to change your HTML from:
<body style="height:580px;width:800px;">
Obviously, you could also change this in your CSS (banks/options.css). From:
min-height: 500px;
height: 580px;
width: 800px;
min-width: 500px;
min-height: 500px;
However, neither of those allow for the possibility that the panel will be shown with different dimensions (e.g. on other sized screens, or if Firefox changes what it is doing).
Thus, my prefered solution is to use JavaScript. In options.js add something like:
function setBodyHeightWidth(){
let width=window.innerWidth;
let height=window.innerHeight;
height -= 20; //Adjust for Save button and horizontal scroll bar
//; //Does not work
//; //Does not work
document.body.setAttribute('style','height:' + height + 'px;width:' + width + 'px;');
function onDOMLoaded(){
//Anything else you need to do here.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onDOMLoaded);
Using a significantly trimmed down version of the code for your extension (i.e. I removed all your JavaScript, and most of the non-visible HTML), the above code makes it look like:

Relatively positioned element stays fixed even when page scrolled down in IE7

I have this absolutely positioned icon <a>, hence its parent <li> is relatively positioned. The list items are in a scrollable <div>.
Problem is except for these <li>s other elements in the div are scrolling along with the height of the div, whereas the <li>s stays fixed whereas I expected the <li>s also to be scrolled along inside the div.
Tried overflow:hidden, zoom:1, doesn't work.
Here is the jsfiddle link
Found the answer from this question,
I thought I searched enough :(
Adding position:relative;overflow:auto; to the container div which has the height, fixes the issue.

need to keep items inline but must use display:block with div tags

this is pretty frustrating...
basically i'm creating a menubar on a site, and have used css sprite to have a hover effect where the image changes as you hover over it. this is working fine, but i can't display multiple images inline because i have to use display:block in the css for the sprite/hover class for it to work.
here is some of the css code i have:
.x a {display:block; width:100px; height:100px; overflow:hidden;}
.x a:hover img {margin-left:-100px;}
/* ie6 needs this fix*/
.x a:hover {zoom:1;}
and then here is the code in the php file (it's part of a wordpress theme, this bit going in the header.php file):
<div class='x'><a href='#' alt='#'><img src='#' /></a></div>
note: the image used is a horizontal sprite, so two images merged into one (100x100 turned into 200x100).
this alone works fine, but then when i add something to it like:
<div class='x'><a href='#' alt='#'><img src='#' /></a></div>
<div class='x'><a href='#2' alt='#2'><img src='#2' /></a></div>
it makes it go to a new line. i thought it may be a padding issue where it's overflowing on the line, but i've tried doing just two images (total area taken up maybe 210px) and it's in a 911px container area and still goes to a new line.
i've tried using < span> tags, tables, inline-block, and several other things but still no success. at one point i got it to stay inline but then the image was placed beneath all the others, in the correct horizontal position but wrong vertical position.
the goal is to have about 8 100x100 images all in a row in the menu bar, with one spacing in between each one, in a container with width 911px. they all will be in the 'x' class so that the image changes when hovered over.
sorry for writing so much but wanted to get it clear. please help!
The divs are rendering as blocks, which is why the images aren't sitting beside eachother.
If I understand what you're trying to achieve correctly, adding a rule
.x { display: inline-block }
will do what you want.
I made a JSFiddle to try it out:
