How to create bootstrap dropdown without jquery - angularjs

i want to create bootstrap dropdown without using jquery
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
please help how to do this

Rememebr adding ui-bootstrap directive to angular.module
Html Code
<ul uib-dropdown-menu role="menu" aria-labelledby="btn-append-to-body">
<li role="menuitem">Action</li>
<li role="menuitem">Another action</li>
<li role="menuitem">Something else here</li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li role="menuitem">Separated link</li>
Js Code
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo').controller('DropdownCtrl', function ($scope, $log) {
$scope.items = [
'The first choice!',
'And another choice for you.',
'but wait! A third!'
$scope.status = {
isopen: false
$scope.toggled = function(open) {
$log.log('Dropdown is now: ', open);
$scope.toggleDropdown = function($event) {
$scope.status.isopen = !$scope.status.isopen;
$scope.appendToEl = angular.element(document.querySelector('#dropdown-long- content'));

I wrote my Dropdown menu script No Jquery No Bootstrap js, only bootstrap css which is easy to override anyway:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// -----Dropdown----------
// Rule: link.dropdown-link data-dropdown='dropdownIdentifier' div#dropdownIdentifier
let dropdowns = document.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-link');
for (dropdown of dropdowns) {
dropdown.onclick = function (e) {
let dropdownDiv = document.getElementById(dropdown.getAttribute('data-dropdown'))
if ( == "block") { = "none";
} else { = "block";
Now in html:
<a class="dropdown-link" data-dropdown="dropdownId">Prodbox</a>
<div id="dropdownId" class="dropdown-menu">
Note that dropdown-menu is bootstrap class to style it, you can write your own if you are not using bootstrap css


Clicking on menu item list it routes to login page

When we click on Menu item list, it routes to login page:
How can i solve this problem?
This my sidemenu-template:
<ul class="page-sidebar-menu page-header-fixed page-sidebar-menu-hover-
submenu " data-keep-expanded="false" data-auto-scroll="true" data-
[enter image description here][1]slide-speed="200">
<li class="nav-item" data-ng-repeat="menu in sideBarCntrl.menuList">
<a href="#/{{menu.menuUrl}}" class="nav-link nav-toggle">
<i class="{{menu.menuIcon}}"></i>
<span class="title"> {{menu.menuDisplayName}}</span>
<span class="arrow"></span>
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li class="nav-item" data-ng-repeat="childmenu in menu.childMenuItems">
<a href="#{{childmenu.menuUrl}}" class="nav-link ">
<span class="title">{{childmenu.menuDisplayName}}</span>
This is my sidemenu- main list directive calling Api Using ASP.Net:
sideBarCntrl.getMenuList = function() {
user.allowWeb = true;
dashboardService.getMenuList(user).then(function(response) {
sideBarCntrl.menuList =;
angular.forEach(sideBarCntrl.menuList, function(value, key) {
if ($state.current.url == ('/' + value.menuUrl)) {
value.isActive = true;
}, function(error) {
if ( {
I would recommend using ng-href instead of href in your case. This way you are sure the link is not broken even if the user clicks the link before AngularJS has evaluated the code.

Angular JS - Nested JSON Driving a Two Level Navigation - How to Alter scope from directive?

I'm new to Angular but enjoying getting to know it! I'm having no problem populating data but I'm stuck on this navigational problem.
I have a sidebar divided into two navigation s. Both are reading from nested JSON of 'areas' and 'reports'. The idea is that the currently selected/clicked item in the left hand list will populate the elements in the right hand list, according to its children in the JSON.
I've got the initial population working fine. It reads the 'areas' and assigns the active area, which displays the reports. I then have a directive which applies css classes on the click event, but how can I get it to also alter the active area?
I'm currently doing scope.activeArea = scope.areas[1];, but this does not work. The index is just there for development; that will be replaced by the index of the clicked element.
<div id="reports-subnav" ng-controller="reportAreasController">
<ul class="subnav-areas" >
<li ng-repeat="x in areas">
<a class="subnav-area-button" href="#" my-cool-directive>
<i class="{{ x.iconClass }}"></i>
<ul id="nav-subsection" class="subnav-reports">
<li ng-repeat="r in activeArea.reports" id="{{ r.action }}" role="presentation"><span class="{{ r.iconClass }}"></span> {{ }}</li>
And Javascript:
var app = angular.module("focalWeb", []);
app.controller("reportAreasController", ['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get('<?php echo SITE_ADDR; ?>/data/reportAreas.json').success (function(data){
$scope.areas = data.areas;
$scope.activeArea = $scope.areas[0];
}] );
app.directive("myCoolDirective", function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
$(elem).click(function() {
//var target = $(elem).next(".panel-collapse");
//target.hasClass("collapse") ? target.collapse("show") : target.collapse("hide");
$('.subnav-areas li').removeClass('active');
scope.activeArea = scope.areas[1];
Thanks to charlietfl's guidance my code now looks like this:
<div id="reports-subnav" ng-controller="reportAreasController">
<ul class="subnav-areas" >
<li class="subnav-area" ng-repeat="x in areas">
<a class="subnav-area-button" href="#" ng-click="showReports($event,">
<i class="{{ x.iconClass }}"></i>
<ul id="nav-subsection" class="subnav-reports">
<li ng-repeat="r in activeArea.reports" id="{{ r.action }}" role="presentation"><span class="{{ r.iconClass }}"></span> {{ }}</li>
var app = angular.module("focalWeb", []);
app.controller("reportAreasController", ['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get('<?php echo SITE_ADDR; ?>/data/reportAreas.json').success (function(data){
$scope.areas = data.areas;
$scope.activeArea = $scope.areas[0];
$scope.showReports = function($event, index) {
$scope.activeArea = $scope.areas[index -1];
var theLi = angular.element($event.currentTarget).parent();
}] );
Edit 2
<div id="reports-subnav" ng-controller="reportAreasController">
<ul class="subnav-areas" >
<li class="subnav-area" ng-repeat="x in areas" ng-class="{active: x==activeArea}">
<a class="subnav-area-button" href="#" ng-click="showReports($event, x)">
<i class="{{ x.iconClass }}"></i>
<ul id="nav-subsection" class="subnav-reports">
<li ng-repeat="r in activeArea.reports" id="{{ r.action }}" role="presentation"><span class="{{ r.iconClass }}"></span> {{ }}</li>
var app = angular.module("focalWeb", []);
app.controller("reportAreasController", ['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get('<?php echo SITE_ADDR; ?>/data/reportAreas.json').success (function(data){
$scope.areas = data.areas;
$scope.activeArea = $scope.areas[0];
$scope.showReports = function($event, item) {
$scope.activeArea = item;
}] );
Thanks again charlietfl!

How to Close other accordian in angular js

In the below code I am using toggle function which is working properly, but I want to close other accordingly, when one is open
<div class="listing_cat" ng-controller="categoryCtrl">
<li class="mob_main_cat" ng-repeat="x in categories" ng-click="toggleCustom($index, $event)" >
<span class="cat_left"> {{x.category}}</span> <span class="cat_right"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></span>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<ul class="mob_sub_cat" ng-show="custom[$index]">
<li class="head">View all in Education</li>
<li ng-repeat="x in subcategories">{{x.subcategory}}</li>
$scope.custom = [];
$scope.toggleCustom = function(obj,event) {
$scope.custom[obj] = !$scope.custom[obj];
Above is my jsfiddle link in which i want to close another when any one is clicked
Updated your fiddle with a solution, here:
$scope.toggleCustom = function (obj, event) {
var temp = $scope.categories[obj].shown
for (var i=0; i < $scope.categories.length; i++) {
$scope.categories[i].shown = false;
$scope.categories[obj].shown = !temp;
<ul class="mob_sub_cat" ng-show="categories[$index].shown">
Should be simple enough :)

How close all other menu when click specific menu in angular js?

I have use toggle menu from simple toggle .but my problem that when we click on specific menu then all other menu should be close like as accordion menu.
Directive :
element.bind('click', function() {
var content = target.querySelector('.slideable_content');
if(!attrs.expanded) { = '1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0)';
var y = content.clientHeight; = 0; = y + 'px';
} else { = '0px';
attrs.expanded = !attrs.expanded;
when click on slide above code will execute.i need some logic like close all toggle which class name slidable_content
My Code is here : Plunker
#Michael is right, you can use the two way data binding to do that easily
<span ng-click="isExpanded = ! isExpanded">Show 1</span>
<li ng-show="isExpanded" slider id="test2">
<p>Are to hide and show adf</p>
So, you can control the state of the other menus if you want
Try this:
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 1">Slider 1</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 1" slider id="test1">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 2">Slider 2</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 2" slider id="test2">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 3">Slider 3</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 3" slider id="test3">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 4">Slider 4</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 4" slider id="test4">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
In this way you can create an accordion menu, just getting the value of the element that you want to show and validating it with the ng-if directive (you can use ng-show if you want, you can find the difference here:
You shouldn't get elements of the DOM with jquery or javascript selectors, if you want to control an element of the DOM you can use a directive, as an example:
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
console.log(element) //This will be your element
<li some-directive ng-click="expandItem = 4">Slider 4</li>
If you want to close the current open item, you can control the open/close state with a function.
Try this:
<body ng-app="myApp">
<section ng-controller="myCtrl">
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(1)">Slider 1</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 1" slider id="test1">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(2)">Slider 2</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 2" slider id="test2">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(3)">Slider 3</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 3" slider id="test3">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(4)">Slider 4</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 4" slider id="test4">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller("myCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
$scope.currentItem = null;
$scope.setCurrentItem = function (itemId) {
if(itemId == $scope.currentItem){
$scope.currentItem = null;
$scope.currentItem = itemId;

angularjs ng-show="true" but still has class="ng-hide"

I wanna see a div when I put the mouse over an image and remove it if I leave the mouse, with the ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseleave. But when I load my page, in the div appear class="ng-hide".
My code:
<nav class="navbar-default navbar-side" role="navigation" ng-app="panel" ng-controller="panelController">
<div class="sidebar-collapse">
<ul class="nav" id="main-menu">
<li class="text-center">
<img ng-mouseenter="inProfile()" ng-mouseleave="outProfile()" src="{{ asset('image/id1.jpg') }}" class="user-image img-responsive"/>
<div ng-show="panelController.evento">
<i class="fa fa-dashboard fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Dashboard</span></a>
<i class="fa fa-users fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Usuarios</span>
<i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o fa-3x padding-left-10"></i><span class="text-20 padding-left-10">Emprendedores</span></a>
<i class="fa fa-money fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Inversores</span></a>
<i class="fa fa-newspaper-o fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Noticias</span></a>
var tfc = angular.module('panel', []);
tfc.controller ( 'panelController' , [ '$scope' , function($scope){
$scope.inProfile = function(){
$scope.evento = "true";
$scope.outProfile = function(){
$scope.evento = "false";
You problem is on page load eventto value is undefined that's why ng-show expression is hiding value on page load. you should define evento value to true to show it. You could this do from controller or also you could use ng-init="panelController.evento=true" on view
And make sure, you should use boolean rather than string which is used for expression evaluation in ng-show.
var tfc = angular.module('panel', []);
tfc.controller('panelController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.inProfile = function() {
$scope.evento = true;
$scope.outProfile = function() {
$scope.evento = false;
//init values
$scope.evento = true;
You should directly access value of scope variable on view as you are not using controllerAs in you application, it should be evento instead of panelController.evento
<div ng-show="evento">
