Having trouble with implementation - lightbox2

I have spent 2 hours + on the lightbox. I have checked paths to CSS and Javascript. I have used both the included jquery and Google's imported JQuery.
When I click an image it opens a new window with that image larger on a white background. I want it to overlay the current page with <> and x.
You can see an example: http://demopbdesignsource.tierstrategies.com/a.aspx

Looking at your code on your page I do not see where you are calling the lightbox.js script - that needs to be called right before the body close tag.
Also lightbox help states : If you already use jQuery on your page, make sure it is loaded before lightbox.js. - ◦Include the Javascript at the bottom of your page before the closing /body tag:
I used the lightbox-plus-jquery.js and called that just before the close of the body tag and it worked. I called the lightbox-plus-jquery.js just before the close of the body tag because it has both jquery and lightbox combined.
I am still working on the page and I am just using html not .net but the lightbox would work the same. If you look at my source you will see the script call right before /body tag.
Hope this helps.
Debra W.

You need to call the Lightbox script.
Something like
Placing it in the line before the line works for me.
cannot be found.

The link provided in the question is giving 404 right now.
but I think you just need to follow the steps given at
to set up lightbox.
you may have missed either of the following :
Include the CSS at the top of your page in your <head> tag:
<link href="path/to/lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
Include the Javascript at the bottom of your page before the closing </body> tag:
<script src="path/to/lightbox.js"></script>


Lightbox2 on simple html site (non WordPress) not working and I've tried almost everything

I can't seem to get the thumbnails I have placed on this page to open in the lightbox:
I tried changing the order and placement of these 2 elements:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/lightbox.css">
<script src="dist/js/lightbox.js"></script>
At a glance is there anything wrong?
Please take a look at the JavaScript errors ... It seems like you forgot the fourth step of the getting-started guide (http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/#getting-started) - namely - to include jQuery.

How to add a link rel code in Drupal 7?

I am a new developer and I want to implement a popup screen in Drupal 7.
I found a code online and it works, except for the "link rel" code the example has at the <head> section.
The code is the following:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/example1/colorbox.css" />
I tried opening this link and adding the whole code at the styles.css file, but the popup appears without any style.
Is there a way to do it correctly?
If you added the CSS content to your CSS file maybe you should clear the CSS cache to see changes.
You also should check the selectors match to the CSS rules (for instance with Firebug in Firefox browser).
Or in the template.php you can add external CSS in this way:
function mytheme_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
`array('type' => 'external'));`

Angular Material not working (everything included)

well i have website cut on parts, but i included inside css inside head tag and js in body but it does not works anyway
http://i.imgur.com/V7B7x5p.png - setup
and i also have done this:
<html ng-app="StarterApp">
but it does not work eaither, but on simple web it works
http://i.imgur.com/iJIJFpt.png -> Working Version, on this screen shown code works, but its only test site
You need to load your angular-material.min.js file before the js.js file where you call ngMaterial. Moving the angular-material.min.js file above js.js in your HTML should fix the problem.

How do I make the whole of a DNN 7 Container/HTML Module a link?

I have a DNN skin that has some nice containers. I can drop an HTML module onto the page and apply the container to it. I can put a link in the content of the HTML Module, but what I would really like to do is make the whole container/module area a link to another page - in effect as if it were a great big button. How do I do this?
Of course as soon as I posted the question I found a way, but would still be interested to know if this is the "right" way or even a "good" way.
My solution was to take a copy of the container .ascx and add an "onlick" to the outer DIV, which in turn uses JQuery to locate the first tag and to navigate to the href.
<div class="Container-1 Container-1-color1"
onclick="window.location.href = $('a:first',this).attr('href')">
Note: Use window.location.href, not JQuery .click() or .trigger('click') as this creates an infinite loop.
I then added some CSS to show that an action was available when the mouse was over the container:
filter:alpha(opacity=80); /* For IE8 and earlier */
border:1px solid gray;

google +1 button not showing up

I've added the required tags, but it is still not showing. I've added this in head:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js">
{lang: 'lt', parsetags:'explicit'}
and this in the body:
<g:plusone href="http://www.fanuspinta.lt/katalogas/lietuva-mar%C5%A1kin%C4%97liai-31"></g:plusone>
At first I thought it didn't show up because I was using a local server, but now it's in production, and still not showing.
URL in case: http://www.fanuspinta.lt/katalogas/lietuva-mar%C5%A1kin%C4%97liai-31
Thanks for any ideas.
I used a html5 tag like shown here without the data-href attribute, dynamically added it afterwards (when the lightbox was loaded) and explicitely loaded the div containing the plusone code at the end.
