Invoking two separate parsers from a C program - c

Say that the names of the parsers are parser_1 and parser_2.
Bison file = parser_1.y
Flex file = parser_1.l
After Compiling with gcc I get my paser in the following two files: and parser_1.lex.yy.c
Similary my parser_2 consitst of: and parser_2.lex.yy.c
I am trying to compile both the parsers together because me program needs both the parsers. I cannot replace the two parsers by one parser because the following two reasons. The grammars are completely different and the parsers are to be invoked at entirely different statges of my program.
gcc parser_1.lex.yy.c \ parser_2.lex.yy.c \
my_program.c -lfl
It gives me error that some functions like yylex (), yyparse () etc. have been defined multiple times, which is understandable.
My Question:
Is there some method by which I can have the two parsers in my program?
Or please give your suggestions.

To invoke use multiple parsers from a C program there are two methods:
Use multiple start symbols, if grammars are closely related.
For details see
Change the prefix yy for parser(s). This would remove all the name conflicts. A new prefix can be specified using the option -Dapi.prefix={prefix}.
You will need to modify the prefixes of the lexical analyser also, if you are using a separte lexical analyser. This can be achieved by using the --prefix=PREFIX flag.
For details about renaming in Bison see:
For details about renaming in Flex see:
In flex you will need to specify %option noyywrap as the very first line of the .l file. For details see:


what do the # numbers in *.i files represent [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the meaning of lines starting with a hash sign and number like '# 1 "a.c"' in the gcc preprocessor output?
(3 answers)
cpp preprocessor output not able to understand? [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want know about the steps of execution of c program. I got this intermediate file which i can't understand
what are these numbers in the screenshot represent and what exactly that line it do.
# 1 "C:/Program Files (x86)/mingw-w64/i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0/mingw32/i686-w64-mingw32/include/stdio.h" 1 3
# 9 "C:/Program Files (x86)/mingw-w64/i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0/mingw32/i686-w64-mingw32/include/stdio.h" 3
take a look at ss
.i files are where gcc -save-temps outputs preprocessed C. This is C, not assembly language. You'll find asm in the .s file.
Those are line numbers to match up preprocessed C with the original source. I don't know exactly what the number at the start vs. the one or two numbers after the filename mean. If you need to know the details, you might need to look at GCC internals, or maybe it's documented somewhere.
With nested includes it can get fairly complex, but compilers can use this to print better warning messages (like where the original definition was of a conflicting prototype or something).
GCC has the C preprocessor built-in to the compiler pass so I'm not sure it actually needs to (or can) read these "comment" metadata lines in the .i; in normal operation the main C->asm compiler pass knows file/line-number of everything it read without having to serialize it into this text format and back.
GCC does have options to read preprocessed-C as input, specifically -fpreprocessed which is on by default if you were to run gcc -c foo.i.
Indicate to the preprocessor that the input file has already been preprocessed. This suppresses things like macro expansion, trigraph conversion, escaped newline splicing, and processing of most directives. The preprocessor still recognizes and removes comments, so that you can pass a file preprocessed with -C to the compiler without problems. In this mode the integrated preprocessor is little more than a tokenizer for the front ends.
-fpreprocessed is implicit if the input file has one of the extensions .i, .ii or .mi. These are the extensions that GCC uses for preprocessed files created by -save-temps.
So this is what lets GCC still remove those lines starting with # that are like preprocessor directives. (Like #define or #include).

Frama-c: save plugin analysis results in c file

I'am new in frama-c. So I apologize in advance for my question.
I would like to make a plugin that will modify the source code, clone some functions, insert some functions calls and I would like my plugin to generate a second file that will contain the modified version of the input file.
I would like to know if it is possible to generate a new file c with frama-c. For example, the results of the Sparecode and Semantic constant folding plugins are displayed on the terminal directly and not in a file. So I would like to know if Frama-c has the function to write to a file instead of sending the result of the analysis to the standard output.
Of course we can redirect the output of frama-c to a file.c for example, but in this case, for the plugin scf for example, the results of value is there and I found that frama-c replaces for example the "for" loops by while.
But what I would like is that frama-c can generate a file that will contain my original code plus the modifications that I would have inserted.
I looked in the directory src / kernel_services / ast_printing but I have not really found functions that can guide me.
On the command line, option -ocode <file> indicates that any subsequent -print will be done in <file> instead of the standard output (use -ocode "" after that if you want to print on stdout again). Note that -print prints the code corresponding to the current project. You can use -then-on <prj> to change the project you're interested in. More information is of course available in the user manual.
All of this is of course available programmatically. In particular, File.pretty_ast by defaults pretty-prints (i.e. output a C program) the AST of the current project on stdout, but takes two optional argument for changing the project or the formatter to which the output should be done.

What is the difference between '#include' and '##include'?

For example:
#include "pathtoheader1/header1.hh"
##include "pathtoheader2/header2.hh"
What is the difference between these two preprocessor directives?
From what I can tell, the ##include directive, in the context of the program I am working with, will prepend -I flags to the specified include path.
TRICK_CFLAGS += -Imodels
The compiler will now look for:
instead of
These flags are stored in a .mk file.
Additional Information
I am using NASA's Trick Simulation environment to build a simple 2-body simulation of the earth orbiting the sun. The specific tool I am using is called 'trick-CP', Trick's compilation tool.
## is the token pasting operator in both the C and C++ preprocessors. It's used to concatenate two arguments.
Since it requires an argument either side, a line starting with it is not syntactically valid, unless it's a continuation of a previous line where that previous line has used the line continuation symbol \ or equivalent trigraph sequence.
Question is about NASA Trick. Trick extends C and C++ language with its own syntax.
From Trick documentation:
Headers files, that supply data-types for user-defined models should be included using ##include . Note the double hash (#).
The second one is a syntax error in C++, and I am pretty sure it is a syntax error in C too. The ## preprocessor operator is only valid inside a preprocessor macro (where it forces token pasting).
Here is what the Trick Documentation says about include:
Include files
There are two types of includes in the S_define file.
Single pound "#" includes.
Include files with a single pound "#" are parsed as they are part of the S_define file. They are treated just as #include files in C or C++ files. These files usually include other sim objects or instantiations as part of the S_define file.
Double pound "#" includes.
Include files with a double pound "##" are not parsed as part of the S_define file. These files are the model header files. They include the model class and structure definitions as well as C prototypes for functions used in the S_define file. Double pound files are copied, minus one pound, to S_source.hh.
Also here is a link to where it talks about it in the Trick documentation:

How to invoke the C preprocessor?

How can we invoke the C preprocessor in a C program, like if we want to prepend some of our files to the list of standard library files while using #include<file_name> using -I, what we should do?
Adding, if we want to add comments to the output of our program, I have heard that we can use -C invocation commands. How to do it? Somebody please correct me and explain further if I am wrong.
The mechanism you linked to is explicitly not to be supposed from within a program, but it is to use the preprocessor for other things, like text libraries etc.
So you can transform a text using the means of the C preprocessor and convert it to its "expanded" form, without compiling it (perhaps it is a configuration file or whatever).
For example, you can have a
#define VALUE 3
and a
#include "commonpart.h"
// This is a commet which won't show up in the end
you can do cpp -P cfg.tmpl and thus compile all this to

lex prefix undefined symbol yyparse

I am including two diferent lex parsers in my C code so to include the second one defined a Prefix on it:
%option prefix="prep"
When I integrated this one in the global proyect It compiles without errors but on execution, If I try to call prepparse (formerly yyparse) I get this error:
undefined symbol: prepparse
I have tried including an external reference (not quite sure if this is correct):
extern int prepparse(void);
And defining it in the Lex header:
#define yyparse prepparse
But I still get the same error.
Any idea of what I am doing wrong?
I think I got it. I have found I omited one information that has proben important. As I only wanted to alter some tokens and not defining a full language (it is only preparsing) I dind't define a Yacc file, so I was not actually a parser but a Lexer what I had to call. So the command is not preparse but preplex.
I stil don't have it working but I guess it is another different issue.
