Where do I put the Authentication Filter for Spring Boot 1.3.3 - angularjs

So I know what the problem is, I just don't know how to fix it.
I am using Spring Boot 1.3.3 and the CorsFilter is set like the following
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private Environment env;
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
.allowedHeaders("Accept", "Content-Type","X-Auth-Token", "Origin", "Pragma","Cache-Control",
Secuity Config
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.addFilterAfter(new CustomStatelessAuthenticationFilter(tokenAuthenticationService),
The problem I am having is that I am using a Custom Token something like X-Auth-Token to validate the user. BUT CustomStatelessAuthenticationFilter is being called before the CorsRegistry. Before Chrome makes a call it does a OPTIONS call to make sure the application is legit. It won't allow me to pass the X-AUTH-TOKEN header without validating the call is legit. So it does not allow me to pass the X-AUTH-TOKEN until the server gets a response status OK From the server. Well since the CustomStatelessAuthenticationFilter gets call first, the X-AUTH-TOKEN returns as null. To fix this I had to do something like this...
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
boolean debug = this.logger.isDebugEnabled();
if(debug) {
this.logger.debug("Custom.Custom Stateless Authentication");
if (request.getMethod().equals("OPTIONS")) {
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Auth-Token");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "X-Auth-Token");
} else {
this.tokenAuthenticationService.getAuthentication((HttpServletRequest) request));
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
In other words I have to return to the client that Status is OK manually before it will make the real request. It makes two request, one to make sure the OPTION call returns a OK (Pre Flight Request), then it makes another that actually makes the call with the X-Auth-Token in it. I don't want to do this because its completely ignoring my CorsMapping. I want it to check the CorsMapping First before continuing on. So where do I setup the authenitcation correctly so it already accepts the OPTIONS check first before actually authenticating.
I've also tried something like the following in my security config
http.addFilterAfter(new CustomStatelessAuthenticationFilter(tokenAuthenticationService),
I advise a Upvote for this because I have not found a solid solution. So far the addCorsMappings has cause me more of a pain than the older solution of just adding a CorsFilter in older versions


Keycloak and Spring Oauth2 - CORS issue [duplicate]

I am using keycloak to secure my rest service. I am refering to the tutorial given here. I created the rest and front end. Now when I add keycloak on the backend I get CORS error when my front end makes api call.
Application.java file in spring boot looks like
public class Application
public static void main( String[] args )
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfiguration() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
.allowedMethods(HttpMethod.GET.toString(), HttpMethod.POST.toString(),
HttpMethod.PUT.toString(), HttpMethod.DELETE.toString(), HttpMethod.OPTIONS.toString())
The keycloak properties in the application.properties file look like
keycloak.realm = demo
keycloak.auth-server-url = http://localhost:8080/auth
keycloak.ssl-required = external
keycloak.resource = tutorial-backend
keycloak.bearer-only = true
keycloak.credentials.secret = 123123-1231231-123123-1231
keycloak.cors = true
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].securityCollections[0].name = spring secured api
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].securityCollections[0].authRoles[0] = admin
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].securityCollections[0].authRoles[1] = user
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].securityCollections[0].patterns[0] = /api/*
The sample REST API that I am calling
public class SampleController {
#RequestMapping(value ="/api/getSample",method=RequestMethod.GET)
public string home() {
return new string("demo");
the front end keycloak.json properties include
"realm": "demo",
"auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8080/auth",
"ssl-required": "external",
"resource": "tutorial-frontend",
"public-client": true
The CORS error that I get
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8090/api/getSample. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:9000' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 401.
I know.. the Problem is quite Old.
But if you've Problems with the local development with Spring Boot + Keycloak you can use the Config
in your application.properties.
Cheers :)
Try creating your CORS bean like my example. I recently went through the same thing (getting CORS to work) and it was a nightmare because the SpringBoot CORS support is currently not as robust or straightforward as the MVC CORS.
public FilterRegistrationBean corsFilter() {
UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration();
source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", config);
FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean(new CorsFilter(source));
return bean;
This is how I set it up to accept any origin application-wide, but if you change a few of the parameters you should be able to replicate what you want. ie. if you wanted to add only the methods you mentioned, chain some addAllowedMethod(). Allowed origins would be the same, and then your addMapping("/api/*") would become source.registerCorsConfiguration("/api/*", config);.
Spring Data Rest and Cors
Take a look at this. Sebastian is on the Spring engineering team so this is about as good as you're going to get for an official answer.
I came here with the same problem and fix it ommiting authentication for OPTIONS method only, like this:
It worked for me because the OPTIONS request Keycloack does, does not include Authentication header.
There was something with my browser's cache so I could not see the real impact of a change in my backend code. It looks like what really worked for me was enabling all CORS origins at #RestController level, like this:
#CrossOrigin(origins = "*")
public class UsersApi {...}
I don't have access to code examples, but based on the code configurations you have included, it looks like a missing configuration is causing spring to exclude CORS headers.
J. West's response is similar to recent issues I encountered with Spring and CORS, I would however caution you to look into which implementation a spring example references, because there are two. Spring Security and Spring MVC Annotations. Both of these implementations work independent of each other, and can not be combined.
When using the filter based approach as you are (even boiled down), the key was to set allow credentials to true, in order for the authentication headers to be sent by the browser across domains. I would also advise using the full code method proposed above, as this will allow you to create a far more configurable web application for deployment across multiple domains or environments by property injection or a service registry.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is supposed to be set by the server application basis the Origin request header provided in the request to the server application. Usually browsers set the Origin header in request whenever they sense a cross origin request being made. And they expect a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in response to allow it.
Now, for keycloak, I struggled with the same issue. Looking at this, it seems like keycloak does not add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in case of error response. However, for me it was not adding this header in the response even in case of success response.
Looking into the code and adding breakpoints, I noticed that the webOrigin for client object was not getting populated from the Origin header even if passed and hence CORS was not adding the access control response header.
I was able to get it working by adding the following line of code just before the CORS build call:
Cors.add(request, Response.ok(res, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE)).auth().allowedOrigins(client).allowedMethods("POST").exposedHeaders(Cors.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS).build();
Once I built the code with this change and started the server, I started getting the three access control response headers:
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Access-Control-Allow-Methods
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:9000
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
I am using client credentials grant type; hence i added it only in the buildClientCredentialsGrant at TokenEndpoint.java#L473.
I still need to do some more code diving in order to say for sure that it is a bug for success responses at well and to find a better place to set this on the client object in keycloak code (like where client object is being constructed)
You are welcome to give it a try.
I take this back. I re-registered my client in keycloak with Root URL as http://localhost:9000 (which is my front-end's application port) and i started getting the proper access control response headers. Hope this helps you.
I know the problem is too old but, I found better solution.
Read more at official documentation
Inside your application.yml file
auth-server-url: http://localhost:8180/auth
realm: CollageERP
resource: collage-erp-web
public-client: true
use-resource-role-mappings: true
cors: true
cors-max-age: 0
principal-attribute: preferred_username
cors-allowed-methods: POST, PUT, DELETE, GET
cors-allowed-headers: X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Authorization, Origin, Accept, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers
or you can config using application.properties file
keycloak.auth-server-url= http://localhost:8180/auth
keycloak.realm= CollageERP
keycloak.resource= collage-erp-web
keycloak.public-client= true
keycloak.use-resource-role-mappings= true
keycloak.cors= true
keycloak.cors-max-age= 0
keycloak.principal-attribute= preferred_username
keycloak.cors-allowed-methods= POST, PUT, DELETE, GET
keycloak.cors-allowed-headers= X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Authorization, Origin, Accept, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers
and my java adaper class
import org.keycloak.adapters.KeycloakConfigResolver;
import org.keycloak.adapters.springboot.KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver;
import org.keycloak.adapters.springsecurity.KeycloakConfiguration;
import org.keycloak.adapters.springsecurity.config.KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.authentication.builders.AuthenticationManagerBuilder;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.method.configuration.EnableGlobalMethodSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.core.session.SessionRegistryImpl;
import org.springframework.security.web.authentication.session.RegisterSessionAuthenticationStrategy;
import org.springframework.security.web.authentication.session.SessionAuthenticationStrategy;
import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod;
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(jsr250Enabled = true)
public class KeycloakSecurityConfig extends KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) {
protected SessionAuthenticationStrategy sessionAuthenticationStrategy() {
return new RegisterSessionAuthenticationStrategy(new SessionRegistryImpl());
public KeycloakConfigResolver KeycloakConfigResolver() {
return new KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver();
I want to share with you the solution that worked for me hoping to help whoever is facing the same issue. I am going to give you two solutions actually.
Spring reactive:
public class SecurityConfig {
private ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;
SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
CorsConfiguration cors_config = new CorsConfiguration();
cors_config.setAllowedOrigins(Arrays.asList("http://localhost:3000", "null"));
http.cors().configurationSource(source -> cors_config)
.authorizeExchange(exchanges -> exchanges.anyExchange().authenticated())
.oauth2Login()//Setting Oauth2Login
.authenticationSuccessHandler(new RedirectServerAuthenticationSuccessHandler("")).and()
.logout(logout -> logout //Setting Oauth2Logout
return http.build();
private ServerLogoutSuccessHandler oidcLogoutSuccessHandler() {
OidcClientInitiatedServerLogoutSuccessHandler oidcLogoutSuccessHandler =
new OidcClientInitiatedServerLogoutSuccessHandler(this.clientRegistrationRepository);
// Sets the location that the End-User's User Agent will be redirected to
// after the logout has been performed at the Provider
return oidcLogoutSuccessHandler;
private DelegatingServerLogoutHandler logoutHandler() {
//Invalidate session on logout
return new DelegatingServerLogoutHandler(
new SecurityContextServerLogoutHandler(), new WebSessionServerLogoutHandler());
Spring MVC:
public class SecurityConfig {
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
CorsConfiguration cors_config = new CorsConfiguration();
cors_config.setAllowedOrigins(Arrays.asList("http://localhost:3000", "null"));
http.cors().configurationSource(source -> cors_config).and()...
return http.build();
Be sure to have cors enabled on Keycloak too, navigate to
and submit your permitted origins.
If you are sending credentials or cookies in your requests, be sure to configure it, for example, if you are using ReactJS:
const httpConfig = { withCredentials: true };
axios.get('YourUrl', httpConfig)
.then(response => {})
.catch(error => {})
.finally(() => {});
When your client is sending an Authentication header, you cannot use
allowedOrigins("*"). You must configure a specific origin URL.
Since you have set the property keycloak.cors = true in your application.properties file, you have to mention the CORS enabled origins in the Keycloak server. To do that follow the below steps.
Go to Clients -> Select the client (Token owner) -> Settings -> Web Origins
Add origins one by one or add * to allow all.
After doing this you have to get a new token. (If you decode the token you will see your origins as allowed-origins": ["*"])
Setting the property keycloak.cors = false is another option. But this completely disables CORS.

Keep part of URI encoded in camel route

I am new to camel, so this may be a simple problem to solve.
I have a spring-boot application with camel components which interacts with GitLab API.
My problem is that I need to keep the endpoint URIs in camel routes encoded, for example:
When the route starts, the message is sent to
which returns 404, because the parameter file_path has to be encoded, as said in the GitLab doc (I've cheked with a GET from curl: with the first URI a json is returned, with the second 404).
I tried to pass the last part of the URI as HTTP_QUERY, but in this case there is the "?" between it and the URI and I get 404 again:
I tried adding the URI with the headerHTTP_URI: this time the URI is reached correctly, but I get null body instead of the json answer.
Any idea to solve this issue?
I see that you already tried using HTTP_URI header. How did you set it? Try this:
.setHeader("PRIVATE-TOKEN", constant("myToken"))
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI, simple("https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/12345/repository/files/folder%2Ffile%2Eextension/raw?ref=master"))
This way you set the URI during the route execution, not in endpoint definition. According to docs:
Exchange.HTTP_URI: URI to call. Will override existing URI set directly on the endpoint. This URI is the URI of the HTTP server to call. Its not the same as the Camel endpoint URI, where you can configure endpoint options such as security etc. This header does not support that, its only the URI of the HTTP server.
Don't forget the dependency:
The test:
protected RoutesBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.setHeader("PRIVATE-TOKEN", constant("myToken"))
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI, simple(""))
.setBody(constant("{ key: value }"))
.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, constant(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE))
public void test() throws InterruptedException {
getMockEndpoint("mock:result").expectedHeaderReceived(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, "param=folder%2Ffile%2Eextension/raw&ref=master");
final Exchange response = template.send("direct:start", new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
// nothing
assertThat(response, notNullValue());
assertThat(response.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI).toString(), containsString("folder%2Ffile%2"));
assertThat(response.getOut().getBody(String.class), containsString("{ key: value }"));
I tried adding the URI with the headerHTTP_URI: this time the URI is reached correctly, but I get null body instead of the json answer.
Keep in mind that the response should be stored at the OUT body:
Camel will store the HTTP response from the external server on the OUT body. All headers from the IN message will be copied to the OUT message, so headers are preserved during routing. Additionally Camel will add the HTTP response headers as well to the OUT message headers.

Camel onException doesn't catch NoMessageIdException of idempotentConsumer?

Example route:
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
System.out.println("it works");
.idempotentConsumer(header("myid"), MemoryIdempotentRepository.memoryIdempotentRepository(1000000))
.throwException(new DuplicateRequestException())
Sending a request to the listener URL without myid parameter throws org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.NoMessageIdException: No message ID could be found using expression: header(myid) on message exchange: Exchange[Message: [Body is instance of org.apache.camel.StreamCache]]
without ever passing from onException.
Yes this is in fact a bug in Apache Camel. I have logged a ticket to get this fixed in the next releases.

Mocking Camel http endpoint with resource stream in camel

I have a route like following
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
exchange.setProperty("doc_url", "http://myhost:5984/test/record/doc.csv");
}).setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("GET"))
.split().streaming.process(new MyProcessor());
I don't want to run apache couchdb every time for testing. I want to make this http endpoint refer to resource file in the codebase. How to write this?
you can use the Camel AdviceWith feature to intercept/replace endpoints for testing...
.adviceWith(camelContext, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception

Camel http4 component 411 Bad Content-Length

The route :
.setProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, constant("iso-8859-1"))
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Message m = exchange.getOut();
m.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, HttpMethods.POST);
m.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip" );
m.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_LENGTH, m.getBody(byte[].class).length );
m.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/xml");
m.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_CHARACTER_ENCODING, "iso-8859-1");
m.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate");
What I am sending :
String body = "<?xmlversion=\"1.0\"encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?><theXml></theXml>";
I am getting
HTTP operation failed invoking http://remote.com/path with statusCode: 411
What is missing/wrong with this route ?
The correct route would be
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Message m = exchange.getOut();
m.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, HttpMethods.POST);
m.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip" );
m.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/xml");
// http4 takes care of compressing/decompressing gzip
But now I have another problem : the remote server does not handle "Transfer-Encoding: Chuncked" Which seems to be the default way camel-http4 does it.
And i can't figure out how to turn Chunked off.
See next question How to turn off “Transfer-Encoding Chuncked” in Camel-http4?
You are setting the content length from the length of the unencoded data. It should probably be the length of the transmitted data. Refer to this SO question:
content-length when using http compression
By the way, do you really need to gzip with the data format?
There is a Unit test in camel sending GZIPed data.
