estimate server cost using aws - database

pardon me if this isn't the place to ask such question. But I have finished my project and thinking to deploy it using amazon elastic beanstalk and got a huge worry. My worry is that my project's database can be humongous. It's a community website like a reddit that users can create a page that other people can post text,link,pic,video(youtube). Also users get a profile page, and are able to comment as well. This was my first big project, and I don't want to pay more than $200 for server fee every month.
should I still deploy this? or just be happy I proved myself I can make this? how much do you think I'll have to pay assuming I get about (max)100 users?

For starters, you can look at the costs for any AWS service by going to that services 'homepage' and clicking "Pricing" usually on the left side. I typically get to the pricing page by Googling "AWS <> Pricing" (e.g. "AWS EC2 Pricing").
Whether or not you incur any cost and what that cost is, really depends on how you deploy your website. Questions like, is your database self-managed (i.e. installed on your own EC2 instance) or are you using RDS? Are you using S3 to store static content? Will you be serving your web contents via Cloudfront (AWS' CDN)?
Many of the basic services (EC2, S3, RDS, etc.) have free-tiers which will allow you to use them for free, provided you stay within certain (and usually very low) levels of usage.
If your database is going to get VERY large, and cost is your primary concern, it's usually more cost-effective to manage it on your own EC2 server, however then things like updates, security, scaling, backups, etc. all become your problem to deal with and often can incur additional cost (i.e. your backups will likely require volume snapshots which will cost you vs. RDS' backups are free).
If you're going to have a significant amount of static content, it will be more cost effective to host it on your own EC2 server, however again, all maintenance will be your responsibility, such as backups and scaling (which can incur cost) to meet demand vs. all of that is taken care of by S3, though you pay each time a file is accessed.
If cost is your primary concern, my suggestion is to start out your development using the AWS services (RDS, S3 maybe Elastic Beanstalk), though that can often complexity to your development efforts (dealing with authentication, additional SDK's, etc.). You can typically and pretty easily roll out your own service (MySQL, EBS filesystem to replace S3, etc.) as replacement. Additionally, again depending on your roll-out, there can be network traffic costs. Usually, this isn't a problem if you're doing things the way Amazon wants you to, wouldn't be unheard of.
To get you started:
Additionally, there is a nifty calculator which can help you estimate your costs. You will need to know what your traffic expectations as well as service requirements are, but you can play around with those numbers.

You don't have to worry about charges. As AWS has a Free tier which offers most of the services free for 12 months.
You can have 01 t2.micro (1 vCpu + 1 gb RAM) instance for Elastic beanstalk (EBS) with auto scaling turned off, purchase Reserved instances by making 1 or 3 year all upfront payment to save more.
You must use Relational Database Service (RDS) for database, instead of installing db in your EBS instance & store files on Simple Storage Service (S3).
RDS Pricing is $0.100 per GB-month, after first 12 months. So you dont need to worry about the database size.
After first 12 months, your monthly bill would be less than USD 50.
On production, we are using 2 t2.micro instances (Windows) with 1 Ms Sql database on RDS & we only have to pay for the extra EC2 machine, about USD 14 per month.

I did find some relevant information in the below stackoverflow thread which talks about the capabilities of t2.micro,t2.small & t2.medium ec2 instances.Do have a look at it.
several t2.micro better than a single t2.small or t2.medium


Which M.. tier do I need for my app (MongoDB)?

I’m new to MongoDB,
I have an Ionic App for a local restaurant where you have some products which you can order. The app also have a register to create some users. There is also a Angular Web App where you can put in products and look up users etc.
Both apps are connected to the MongoDB. Unfortunately I don’t have any clue which data plan is necessary for the deployment of these two apps.
Is it maybe better to switch to Firebase?
Can anybody help me please?
Best regards
Selecting a tier in MongoDB-Atlas depends on various factors like data size, IOPS, Price etc.. As you're saying this is for a local restaurant & I would assume there could be less traffic to the App, then in that case you can go with M10 cause that's where MongoDB Atlas really provide some valuable features to database which is used in production environment. For development environment you can give a try with M5 cluster. Some features you can enjoy using M10 or above are :
Dedicated Cluster : Clusters deploy each mongod process to its own instance, Where as M0, M2 & M5 are in shared environment, So Atlas will automatically upgrade the cluster to latest version upon availability which is not preferred in realtime Apps as there could be a functionality/package that can break with upgrades.
Queryable backups : You can take advantage of querying specific continuous backup snapshot, Which is really helpful to restore a part of data instead of entire dataset which is back'd up a day ago.
Supports Network Peering : As most of projects now a days use cloud platforms to deploy Apps, Clusters >= M10 supports network peering.
Metrics & Performance Advisor : This is one most important thing which you'll get benefited using clusters >= M10. Using alerts you'll get to know which kind of queries are taking much time, How many connections are open at a given time, monitor CPU threshold & get alerted, additionally MongoDB can suggest you with indexes to be created for better performance of queries being run on collections which fail to use index already present in.
At the end of the day, Remaining most other features remain almost same. From my experience usually you'll estimate & pre-pay certain amount for MongoDB Atlas account for around 3 years, Where you don't get back anything if you've not utilized all of it. Also you can upgrade & downgrade clusters at anytime manually or can be automatically scaled up or down based on incoming traffic.
Ref : cluster-tier

What is the smallest AWS EC2 instance I can run a postgres db on?

There is the free tier on AWS and I can get a micro EC2 instance for free essentially.. or close to.. I'm sure setting up elastic ips - loads balancers etc is extra.
Would it effectively be possible for me to run a postgres DB - for a small api. Roughly about 50 inserts + 50 reads per second ... say about 6000 operations per min at the most.
I can't seem to find anything online - which makes me think that this might be a silly idea.
For this not to be an "open question" - it's simply: Is it possible and realistic to expect usable performance on an EC2 instance running my postgres DB.
The best way to determine whether the database can handle a particular workload is to test it at that capacity. Launch the database, simulate traffic and monitor its performance. Please note that every application uses a database differently, so nobody can provide "general advice" as to whether a particular-sized database would meet the needs of your particular application.
If you are going to run 'production' workloads, try to avoid using the Burstable performance instances (T2, T3) since they can hit limits under heavy workloads unless the 'Unlimited' option is selected. T2/T3 is great for bursty workloads, but not for sustained workloads.
Comparing m5.xlarge between EC2 and RDS:
Amazon EC2: 19.2c/hr ($4.61/day)
Amazon RDS: 35.6c/hr ($8.54/day)
For the additional price, Amazon RDS provides a fully-managed database, automated backups, CloudWatch metrics, etc. This is probably worth much more than $4 of your time every day.
Alternatively, if you can modify your application to use NoSQL instead of SQL, you could use Amazon DynamoDB where the capacity you mention would cost 4c/hour ($1/day) plus request and storage costs.
Don't underspend on your database — it powers everything you do. Instead, try to save money by turning off non-production systems when they aren't being used (eg weekends and evenings). That will hopefully give you enough savings to afford an appropriately-powered database.

Web scraping vs Cloud Storage with AWS

My team has run into a design conflict. We are working on a project that involves scraping historical data from yahoo for all stocks for the last year to run some ML analysis on it. The latency is unbearably slow, not sure if it's the network or the web scraper. I proposed we use AWS RDS to store the data so we can access it quicker. However, a team member said that storing the data in the cloud would not solve our latency issue. I rebutted with the fact that the data will be organized and stored in a way to access the data significantly faster. He came back with something else and this went on. Is it true that a cloud DB won't offer any additional speed compared to a scraper? If so does AWS have a service that allows us to access the data we store faster through another service, almost as if the database was on our own server?
I am not that all familiar with cloud services but I do understand databases pretty well. So please dumb down the AWS stuff if you wish and feel free to point me to any duplicates or links that may help me understand this more.
Lots of good reasons to use RDS as a database, but speeding up your scraping isn't one of them - it likely isn't your bottleneck.
I have written lots of scrapers over the years, and by far the biggest performance boost will be to have a fast network connection between the scraper machine(s) and the host you are scraping, and even then, using a multi-threaded scraper for each scraping machine will give you another HUGE speed improvement.
Most time spent scraping is waiting on the host to return the results to you, not parsing the page and not saving the database to a database.
A MySQL DB on AWS RDS would be the same as the one that you'd install yourself on some machine. So, it isn't going to be different or slower just because it is in the cloud.
If you scrape some data and process it only once, then there is no point in introducing a DB in between. But if your scraper is slow and you process scraped data multiple times, then storing it in a DB should improve latencies. That is because the latencies of a DB read will be much lesser than that of scraping (assuming you design your DB schema properly; your hosts are in the same availability zones, or at least regions, as your DB etc.).
For e.g., if scraping a webpage takes ~10s and you process the scraped data twice, it'd take you ~20s if you don't have a DB. If you have a DB which has latencies of ~500ms you'd only take ~11s.

Nutch 2.1 (HBase, SOLR) with Amazon Web Services

I experienced Nutch 2.1 locally without any difficulty. I have also tried on a 3 machine distributed cluster. We're now discussing whether to run it with Amazon Web Services or not. I do not have much experience with AWS. My question is that, is it possible and neccessary to try Nutch2.1 crawling and indexing parts on the cloud. What possible advantages and disadvantages we will have?
If you have a cluster with same capacity as that of a AWS cluster (that you plan to invest in) then there is no advantage except for #1 below.
Here are several factors that you should think about before switching to AWS:
Locality of hosts crawled: If you are sitting in Europe and the websites that you want to crawl are hosted far away ... say Australia. If you buy AWS nodes located in Australia, it would be much faster for crawling that data rather than crawling from Europe.
Cost: For using AWS machines, you need to pay then on hourly basis. Can you afford that ? If not better use your own machines
Current cluster capacity : does your current cluster has ample capacity and space to handle the amount of crawled data ? I think there wont be problem in terms of computational speed as Nutch runs on Hadoop which was designed to run on commodity hardware. Can your cluster accommodate entire data that is being fetched by the crawler.
Volume of data : What is a rough estimate of the data that is being crawled ? If its less, then it makes no sense to have an AWS cluster.
Time constraints : Is there any time bound for completion for the crawl ?
If you are doing this for a professional project, then these factors must be given a thought.
If you are doing it for fun/hobby/learning, go ahead and use free tier nodes of AWS. Those are low capacity nodes given free by Amazon. Its fun to learn new things :)
Advantages of AWS:
No need to buy machines for setting up a cluster. get started without having any hardware except a terminal PC.
No need to look after machines. If a node crashes badly, leave it (its not your problem :P). Buy a new one, add it to the cluster and go ahead.
Disadvantages of AWS:
Copying data to any machine outside AWS cluster is charged.
Your data is NOT persisted when u give up the procured AWS nodes. If u want to persist it, pay them and use the S3 storage service.

Will using a Cloud PaaS automatically solve scalability issues?

I'm currently looking for a Cloud PaaS that will allow me to scale an application to handle anything between 1 user and 10 Million+ users ... I've never worked on anything this big and the big question that I can't seem to get a clear answer for is that if you develop, let's say a standard application with a relational database and soap-webservices, will this application scale automatically when deployed on a Paas solution or do you still need to build the application with fall-over, redundancy and all those things in mind?
Let's say I deploy a Spring Hibernate application to Amazon EC2 and I create single instance of Ubuntu Server with Tomcat installed, will this application just scale indefinitely or do I need more Ubuntu instances? If more than one Ubuntu instance is needed, does Amazon take care of running the application over both instances or is this the developer's responsibility? What about database storage, can I install a database on EC2 that will scale as the database grow or do I need to use one of their APIs instead if I want it to scale indefinitely?
CloudFoundry allows you to build locally and just deploy straight to their PaaS, but since it's in beta, there's a limit on the amount of resources you can use and databases are limited to 128MB if I remember correctly, so this a no-go for now. Some have suggested installing CloudFoundry on Amazon EC2, how does it scale and how is the database layer handled then?
GAE (Google App Engine), will this allow me to just deploy an app and not have to worry about how it scales and implements redundancy? There appears to be some limitations one what you can and can't run on GAE and their price increase recently upset quite a large number of developers, is it really that expensive compared to other providers?
So basically, will it scale and what needs to be done to make it scale?
That's a lot of questions for one post. Anyway:
Amazon EC2 does not scale automatically with load. EC2 is basically just a virtual machine. You can achieve scaling of EC2 instances with Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing.
SQL databases scale poorly. That's why people started using NoSQL databases in the first place. It's best to see which database your cloud provider offers as a managed service: Datastore on GAE and DynamoDB on Amazon.
Installing your own database on EC2 instances is very impractical as EC2 has ephemeral storage (it looses all data on "disk" when it reboots).
GAE Datastore is actually a one big database for all applications running on it. So it's pretty scalable - your million of users should not be a problem for it.
Yes App Engine scales automatically, both frontend instances and database. There is nothing special you need to do to make it scale, just use their API.
There are limitations what you can do with AppEngine:
A. No local storage (filesystem) - you need to use Datastore or Blobstore.
B. Comet is only supported via their proprietary Channels API
C. Datastore is a NoSQL database: no JOINs, limited queries, limited transactions.
Cost of GAE is not bad. We do 1M requests a day for about 5 dollars a day. The biggest saving comes from the fact that you do not need a system admin on GAE ( but you do need one for EC2). Compared to the cost of manpower GAE is incredibly cheap.
Some hints to save money (an speed up) GAE:
A. Use get instead of query in Datastore (requires carefully crafting natiral keys).
B. Use memcache to cache data you got form datastore. This can be done automatically with objectify and it's #Cached annotation.
C. Denormalize data. Meaning you write data redundantly in various places in order to get to it in as few operations as possible.
D. If you have a lot of REST requests from devices, where you do not use cookies, then switch off session support ( or roll your own as we did). Sessions use datastore under the hood and for every request it does get and put.
E. Read about adjusting app settings. Try different settings (depending how tolerant your app is to request delay and your traffic patterns/spikes). We were able to cut down frontend instances by 70%.
