Backbone subviews events not binded correctly [duplicate] - backbone.js

I am working on a Backbone application which is based on a dynamic template . I have a header view, a side panel view and footer view that are dynamically initialized when calling any other view .
The problem is I have events on each template view that are not firing. For example i have a button that changes the language in the header view but its event isn't firing.
My header View :
define([ "jquery", "backbone", "text!../../pages/header.html" ], function($,
Backbone, headerTpl) {
var header = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
"click #enBtn":"swichToEnglish",
"click #frBtn":"swichToFrench"
initialize : function(options) {
_.bindAll(this, "swichToFrench","swichToEnglish");
render : function(parent) {
this.template = _.template(headerTpl);
return this;
console.log("switch to frensh");
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'en'){
console.log("switch to English");
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'fr'){
return header;
The header view is called in the router :
self._header = new Header({parent: $(".main_container")});
Any ideas how to fix this issue. I need to know haw to fire these events Thank You.

The reason your event handlers is not firing is because the event handlers are delegated to the views element, but you're appending the template to some other element. Since the target elements are in this template which is not appended the view's el, the events will never bubble into the handlers delegated to it.
Apart from that, as #mu is too short pointed out, when you do $(parent).append(this.template);,
this.template is the template function. You should actually call it with the data to get the template.
and you shouldn't be using global selectors like $('') and use this.$el.find('') instead as best practice.
also, options is only available inside the initialize method, and is undefined outside.
Instead of passing the parent into the view and then have it append itself to parent, do that outside the view and make the view independent.
Also declare the template property in the view rather than adding it after the creation as a best practice.
And there's no need to bind the context of event handlers to the view manually, by default the context of event handler will be the view.
Your view should look like:
define([ "jquery", "backbone", "text!../../pages/header.html" ], function($,
Backbone, headerTpl) {
var header = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(options) {
template: _.template(headerTpl),
events : {
"click #enBtn":"swichToEnglish",
"click #frBtn":"swichToFrench"
render : function() {
this.$el.append(this.template(/* pass the data here*/));
//--------^----- this is required for the events to work
return this;
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'en'){
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'fr'){
return header;
Which you can create like:
self._header = new Header();
it looks like you just want the view content to be added to '.main_container', and doesn't need another element. In that case you can make your views el point to it rather than creating a new element by passing it as el in the options like:
self._header = new Header({
el: '.main_container' // this.el will refer to `.main_container` in view
then you don't have to do $(".main_container").append(self._header.el);
if you must pass the parent into view as an options for some reason, then you should cache it in the view inside initialize so that you can refer it elsewhere like.
this.parent = options.parent
side note:
As you can see, I've changed the order in which you had declared the view's properties - initialize on top followed by template, event and render.
We initialize the view, we create the templating function, we declare the events to be delegated, and then we render the view.
The order in which you define properties doesn't matter internally, but when another developer looks at your code, it's much easier to digest. But it's a matter of opinion.


Backbone click event not firing in template View

I am working on a Backbone application which is based on a dynamic template . I have a header view, a side panel view and footer view that are dynamically initialized when calling any other view .
The problem is I have events on each template view that are not firing. For example i have a button that changes the language in the header view but its event isn't firing.
My header View :
define([ "jquery", "backbone", "text!../../pages/header.html" ], function($,
Backbone, headerTpl) {
var header = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
"click #enBtn":"swichToEnglish",
"click #frBtn":"swichToFrench"
initialize : function(options) {
_.bindAll(this, "swichToFrench","swichToEnglish");
render : function(parent) {
this.template = _.template(headerTpl);
return this;
console.log("switch to frensh");
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'en'){
console.log("switch to English");
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'fr'){
return header;
The header view is called in the router :
self._header = new Header({parent: $(".main_container")});
Any ideas how to fix this issue. I need to know haw to fire these events Thank You.
The reason your event handlers is not firing is because the event handlers are delegated to the views element, but you're appending the template to some other element. Since the target elements are in this template which is not appended the view's el, the events will never bubble into the handlers delegated to it.
Apart from that, as #mu is too short pointed out, when you do $(parent).append(this.template);,
this.template is the template function. You should actually call it with the data to get the template.
and you shouldn't be using global selectors like $('') and use this.$el.find('') instead as best practice.
also, options is only available inside the initialize method, and is undefined outside.
Instead of passing the parent into the view and then have it append itself to parent, do that outside the view and make the view independent.
Also declare the template property in the view rather than adding it after the creation as a best practice.
And there's no need to bind the context of event handlers to the view manually, by default the context of event handler will be the view.
Your view should look like:
define([ "jquery", "backbone", "text!../../pages/header.html" ], function($,
Backbone, headerTpl) {
var header = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(options) {
template: _.template(headerTpl),
events : {
"click #enBtn":"swichToEnglish",
"click #frBtn":"swichToFrench"
render : function() {
this.$el.append(this.template(/* pass the data here*/));
//--------^----- this is required for the events to work
return this;
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'en'){
if(i18n.currentLocal == 'fr'){
return header;
Which you can create like:
self._header = new Header();
it looks like you just want the view content to be added to '.main_container', and doesn't need another element. In that case you can make your views el point to it rather than creating a new element by passing it as el in the options like:
self._header = new Header({
el: '.main_container' // this.el will refer to `.main_container` in view
then you don't have to do $(".main_container").append(self._header.el);
if you must pass the parent into view as an options for some reason, then you should cache it in the view inside initialize so that you can refer it elsewhere like.
this.parent = options.parent
side note:
As you can see, I've changed the order in which you had declared the view's properties - initialize on top followed by template, event and render.
We initialize the view, we create the templating function, we declare the events to be delegated, and then we render the view.
The order in which you define properties doesn't matter internally, but when another developer looks at your code, it's much easier to digest. But it's a matter of opinion.

events not firing after re-render in backbone.js

I am facing a problem while trying to click submit after re-render.
This is my view:
ShareHolderInfoView = Backbone.View.extend( {
template : 'shareholderinfo',
initialize: function() {
this.model = new ShareHolderInfoModel();
render : function() {
$.get("shareholderinfo.html", function(template) {
var html = $(template);
return this;
"change input":"inputChanged",
"change select":"selectionChanged",
"click input[type=submit]":"showModel"
var field = $(event.currentTarget);
var data ={};
data[field.attr('id')] = field.val();
This is my Router
var shareholderInfo, accountOwnerInfo;
App.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
shareholderInfo = new ShareHolderInfoView();
} else{
accountOwnerInfo = new AccountOwnerInfoView();
} else{
This is my HTML a div with id='subSection'.
if I check in console, I can able to see the events bound to that view.
Object {change input: "inputChanged", change select: "selectionChanged", click input[type=submit]: "showModel"}
But its not calling that showModel function afer i click submit. Please help.
Your fundamental problem is that you're improperly reusing views.
From the fine manual:
Description: Remove all child nodes of the set of matched elements from the DOM.
To avoid memory leaks, jQuery removes other constructs such as data and event handlers from the child elements before removing the elements themselves.
So when you say:
you're not just clearing out the contents of #subSection, you're also removing all event handlers attached to anything inside #subSection. In particular, you'll remove any event handlers bound to accountOwnerInfo.el or shareholderInfo.el (depending on which one is already inside #subSection).
Reusing views is usually more trouble than it is worth, your views should be lightweight enough that you can destroy and recreate them as needed. The proper way to destroy a view is to call remove on it. You could rewrite your router to look more like this:
App.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
share: function() {
joint: function(random){
_setView: function(view) {
this.currentView = new view();
If your views need any extra cleanup then you can override remove on them to clean up the extras and then chain to to call the default remove.
If for some reason you need to keep your views around, you could call delegateEvents on them:
delegateEvents delegateEvents([events])
Uses jQuery's on function to provide declarative callbacks for DOM events within a view. If an events hash is not passed directly, uses as the source.
and you'd say things like:
instead of just:
I'd strongly recommend that you treat your views and cheap ephemeral objects: destroy them to remove them from the page, create new ones when they need to go on the page.

Bug while creating object in View

I'm working on a backbone.js project which is mainly to learn backbone framework itself.
However I'm stuck at this problem which i can't figure out but might have an idea about the problem...
I've got an Create View looking like this...
define(['backbone', 'underscore', 'jade!templates/addAccount', 'models/accountmodel', 'common/serializeObject'],
function(Backbone, underscore, template, AccountModel, SerializeObject){
return Backbone.View.extend({
template: template,
initialize: function(){
this.accCollection = this.options.accCollection;
events: {
'submit .add-account-form': 'saveAccount'
//Event functions
saveAccount: function(ev){
//Using common/serializeObject function to get a JSON data object from form
var myObj = $(ev.currentTarget).serializeObject();
this.accCollection.create(new AccountModel(myObj), {
success: function(){
myObj = null;
Backbone.history.navigate('accounts', {trigger:true});
error: function(){
//show 500?
//Display functions
render: function(){
$('.currentPage').html("<h3>Accounts <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'> </span> New Account</h3>");
//Render it in jade template
return this;
The problem is that for every single time I visit the create page and go to another and visit it again. It remebers it, it seems. And when i finally create a new account I get that many times I've visited total number of accounts...
So console.log("Saving!"); in saveAccount function is called x times visited page...
Do I have to close/delete current view when leaving it or what is this?
Here's a part of the route where i init my view..
"account/new" : function(){
var accCollection = new AccountCollection();
this.nav(new CreateAccountView({el:'.content', accCollection:accCollection}));
console.log("new account");
You have zombie views. Every time you do this:
new CreateAccountView({el:'.content', accCollection:accCollection})
you're attaching an event listener to .content but nothing seems to be detaching it. The usual approach is to call remove on a view to remove it from the DOM and tell it to clean up after itself. The default remove does things you don't want it to:
remove: function() {
return this;
You don't want that this.$el.remove() call since your view is not responsible for creating its own el, you probably want:
remove: function() {
this.$el.empty(); // Remove the content we added.
this.undelegateEvents(); // Unbind your event handler.
return this;
Then your router can keep track of the currently open view and remove it before throwing up another one with things like this:
this.currentView = new CreateAccountView({ ... });
While I'm here, your code will break as soon as you upgrade your Backbone. As of version 1.1:
Backbone Views no longer automatically attach options passed to the constructor as this.options, but you can do it yourself if you prefer.
So your initialize:
initialize: function(){
this.accCollection = this.options.accCollection;
won't work in 1.1+. However, some options are automatically copied:
constructor / initialize new View([options])
There are several special options that, if passed, will be attached directly to the view: model, collection, el, id, className, tagName, attributes and events.
so you could toss out your initialize, refer to this.collection instead of this.accCollection inside the view, and instantiate the view using:
new CreateAccountView({el: '.content', collection: accCollection})

Creating backbone views with models from other views

I am making changes to an application that uses backbone.js with Handlebars as the templating engine. After a change event fires I need to create html that is appended to the current DOM structure which is basically just a spit-out of information that is contained in the model. This change needed to fit in the already established application structure.
I have created a new view that uses a Handlebars template and the model to create the html. I then instantiate that view and call the render function and append the output using JQuery. What I am noticing is that when the html is rendered the model that is passed in because attributes on the $el instead of filling in the template (like I think it should).
View I'm altering:
$.hart.TestView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "li",
template: Handlebars.compile($('#templateOne').html()),
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change', function () {
}, this);
selectSomething: function () {
this.createMoreInfoHtml(); //function created for new view stuff
createMoreInfoHtml: function () {
var id = this.$el.attr('data-id', this.model.get("ID"));
$('.info').each(function () {
if ($(this).parent().attr('data-id') == id
var view = new $.hart.NewView(this.model, Handlebars.compile($("#NewTemplate").html()));
$('h1', this.$el).after(view.render().el);
render: function () {
... //render logic
View I Created:
$.hart.NewView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (model, template) {
this.model = model;
this.template = template;
render: function () {
this.$el.html(this.template({ info: this.model }));
return this;
Json the is the model:
"DateOfBirth":"3/11/2011 12:00:00 AM",
The template
<script id="NewTemplate" type="text/html">
<span>Pet Name: </span>
So now to the question: What am I doing wrong? Why are the properties of the model being created as attributes on the $el instead of filling in the template? Can someone please direct me as to how to get the results I am looking for?
Let's skip the problem Jack noticed.
The way you're creating your view is just wrong. It may work as you get the expected arguments in the initialize function, but it has unexpected behaviors you don't see. See the View's constructor:
var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
this._configure(options || {});
Now let's have a look at this _configure method:
_configure: function(options) {
if (this.options) options = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'options'), options);
_.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
And of course...
var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName', 'events'];
Ok here we are... Basically when passing the model as the options argument, you're passing an object with an attributes key (the attributes of your model). But this attributes key is also used in the View to bind attributes to its element! Therefore the behavior your noticed.
Now, other wrong thing. You're compiling your template each time you create a new function, but not using it as a singleton either. Put your template in the view:
$.hart.NewView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile($("#NewTemplate").html(),
And change your view's creation to make the whole thing work:
new $.hart.NewView({model: this.model});
Oh, and get rid of this useless initialize method. You're just doing things Backbone already does.

marionette simple event delegation

I am trying to add a simple event to the children under my compositeview but it is not triggering at all..and frankly I am not sure why, it seems so simple, I could do this just fine with normal backbone.view.
In the example below, the alert is not triggered at all, however when I purposefully change the function name the event binds to , to something else that doesnt exist, it complaints that the function doesnt exist, so I think it's something
App.View.ContentContainer = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
'click .browse_item':'focus_content'
initialize:function () {
//this.views = {} //indexed by id
var coll = this.collection
coll.sort_by('title', -1)
focus_content:function (e) {
var $modal_container = this.$modal_container
var content_id = $(e.currentTarget).data('content-id')
var $selected_view = this.views[content_id]
var $focused_content = new App.View.FocusedItem({model:$selected_view.model})
$modal_container.empty().show().append($focused_content.el).reveal().bind('reveal:close', function () {
return false
masonry:{ columnWidth:64 }
EDIT: this is the resulting HTML: the div.content_container is the resulting el of App.View.ContentContainer
Is .browse_item a selector for the App.View.ContentBrowseItem itemView element? In that case, you need to bind the event in the ItemView definition, not in the CollectionView definition. The reason is that events are bound when a view is rendered. The CollectionView itself is rendered before any of its child itemViews.
Also, if you are opening up another modal view on this click event, I would let the app handle that, rather than your CollectionView
Try something like this:
App.View.ContentBrowseItem = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
initialize: function() {
// Maintain context on event handlers
_.bindAll(this, "selectItem")
events: {
"click" : "selectItem"
selectItem: function() {
App.vent.trigger("item:select", this.model);
And to actually show the modal detail view:
App.vent.on("item:select", function(itemModel) {
var detailView = new App.View.FocusedItem({ model: itemModel });
// You may also want to create a region for your modal container.
// It might simplify some of your `$modal_container.empty().show().append(..).etc().etc();
Allowing each of your views to handle their own events is part of what makes Backbone and Marionette so beautiful. You'll just want to avoid one view getting all up in another view's business (eg. a CollectionView trying to handle its ItemView's events, an ItemView creating event bindings to show and close a separate modal view, etc.)
Hope this helps!
