Concurrent editing of same data - database

I recently came up with a case that makes me wonder if I'm a newbie or something trivial has escaped to me.
Suppose I have a software to be run by many users, that uses a table. When the user makes login in the app a series of information from the table appears and he has just to add and work or correct some information to save it. Now, if the software he uses is run by many people, how can I guarantee is he is the only one working with that particular record? I mean how can I know the record is not selected and being worked by 2 or more users at the same time? And please I wouldn't like the answer use “SELECT FOR UPDATE... “
because for what I've read it has too negative impact on the database. Thanks to all of you. Keep up the good work.

This is something that is not solved primarily by the database. The database manages isolation and locking of "concurrent transactions". But when the records are sent to the client, you usually (and hopefully) closed the transaction and start a new one when it comes back.
So you have to care yourself.
There are different approaches, the ones that come into my mind are:
optimistic locking strategies (first wins)
pessimistic locking strategies
last wins
Optimistic locking: you check whether a record had been changed in the meanwhile when storing. Usually it does this by having a version counter or timestamp. Some ORMs and frameworks may help a little to implement this.
Pessimistic locking: build a mechanism that stores the information that someone started to edit something and do not allow someone else to edit the same. Especially in web projects it needs a timeout when the lock is released anyway.
Last wins: the second person storing the record just overwrites the first changes.
... makes me wonder if I'm a newbie ...
That's what happens always when we discover that very common stuff is still not solved by the tools and frameworks we use and we have to solve it over and over again.

Now, if the software he uses is runed by many people how can I guarantee is he
is the only one working with that particular record.
And please I wouldn't like the answer use “SELECT FOR UPDATE... “ because for
what I've read it has too negative impact on the database.
Who cares? I mean, it is the only way (keep a lock on a row) to guarantee you are the only one who can change it. Yes, this limits throughput, but then this is WHAT YOU WANT.
It is called programming - choosing the right tools for the job. IN this case impact is required because of the requirements.
The alternative - not a guarantee on the database but an application server - is an in memory or in database locking mechanism (like a table indicating what objects belong to what user).
But if you need to guarantee one record is only used by one person on db level, then you MUST keep a lock around and deal with the impact.
But seriously, most programs avoid this. They deal with it either with optimistic locking (second user submitting changes gets error) or other programmer level decisions BECAUSE the cost of such guarantees are ridiculously high.

Oracle is different from SQL server.
In Oracle, when you update a record or data set the old information is still available because your update is still on hold on the database buffer cache until commit.
Therefore who is reading the same record will be able to see the old result.
If the access to this record though is a write access, it will be a lock until commit, then you'll have access to write the same record.
Whenever the lock can't be resolved, a deadlock will pop up.
SQL server though doesn't have the ability to read a record that has been locked to write changes, therefore depending which query you're running, you might lock an entire table
First you need to separate queries and insert/updates using a data-warehouse database. Which means you could solve slow performance in update that causes locks.
The next step is to identify what is causing locks and work out each case separately.
rebuilding indexes during working hours could cause very nasty locks. Push them to after hours.


How does multi table schema create data consistency issues?

As per this answer, it is recommended to go for single table in Cassandra.
Cassandra 3.0
We are planning for below schema:
Second table has composite key. PK(domain_id, item_id). So, domain_id is partition key & item_id will be clustering key.
GET request handler will access(read) two tables
POST request handler will access(write) into two tables
PUT request handler will access(write) details table(only)
As per CAP theorem,
What are the consistency issues in having multi-table schema? in Cassandra...
Can we avoid consistency issues in Cassandra? with these terms QUORUM, consistency level etc...
recommended to go for single table in Cassandra.
I would recommend the opposite. If you have to support multiple queries for the same data in Apache Cassandra, you should have one table for each query.
What are the consistency issues in having multi-table schema? in Cassandra...
Consistency issues between query tables can happen when writes are applied to one table but not the other(s). In that case, the application should have a way to gracefully handle it. If it becomes problematic, perhaps running a nightly job to keep them in-sync might be necessary.
You can also have consistency issues within a table. Maybe something happens (node crashes, down longer than 3 hours, hints not replayed) during the write process. In that case, a given data point may have only a subset of its intended replicas.
This scenario can be countered by running regularly-scheduled repairs. Additionally, consistency can be increased on a per-query basis (QUORUM vs. ONE, etc), and consistency levels of QUORUM and higher will occasionally trigger a read-repair (which syncs all replicas in the current operation).
Can we avoid consistency issues in Cassandra? with these terms QUORUM, consistency level etc...
So Apache Cassandra was engineered to be highly-available (HA), thereby embracing the paradigm of eventual consistency. Some might interpret that to mean Cassandra is inconsistent by design, and they would not be incorrect. I can say after several years of supporting hundreds of clusters at web/retail scale, that consistency issues (while they do happen) are rare, and are usually caused by failures to components outside of a Cassandra cluster.
Ultimately though, it comes down to the business requirements of the application. For some applications like product reviews or recommendations, a little inconsistency shouldn't be a problem. On the other hand, things like location-based pricing may need a higher level of query consistency. And if 100% consistency is indeed a hard requirement, I would question whether or not Cassandra is the proper choice for data storage.
I did not get this: "Consistency issues between query tables can happen when writes are applied to one table but not the other(s)." When writes are applied to one table but not the other(s), what happens?
So let's say that a new domain is added. Perhaps a scenario arises where the domain_details_table gets updated, but the id_table does not. Nothing wrong here on the database side. Except that when the application expects to find that domain_id in the id_table, but cannot.
In that case, maybe the application can retry using a secondary index on domain_details_table.domain_id. It won't be fast, but the decision to be made is more around which scenario is more preferable; no answer, or a slow answer? Again, application requirements come into play here.
For your point: "You can also have consistency issues within a table. Maybe something happens (node crashes, down longer than 3 hours, hints not replayed) during the write process." How does RDBMS(like MySQL) deal with this?
So the answer to this used to be simple. RDBMSs only run on a single server, so there's only one replica to keep in-sync. But today, most RDBMSs have HA solutions which can be used, and thus have to be kept in-sync. In that case (from what I understand), most of them will asynchronously update the secondary replica(s), while restricting traffic only to the primary.
It's also good to remember that RDBMSs enforce consistency through locking strategies, as well. So even a single-instance RDBMS will lock a data point during an update, blocking any reads until the lock is released.
In a node-down scenario, a single-instance RDBMS will be completely offline, so instead of inconsistent data you'd have data loss instead. In a HA RDBMS scenario, there would be a short pause (during which you would likely encounter connection/query failures) until it has failed-over to the new primary. Once the replica comes up, there would probably be additional time necessary to sync-up the replicas, until HA can be restored.

Simultaneous access to database; keeping data consistent across all connections

I made a database system right here:
(comments on the normalization are highly appreciated as well - I have a feeling you'll hate me on what I did with tblIsolateSensitivity; tblHAIFile only has a bunch of Boolean fields and foreign keys).
Let's say we have x number of terminals accessing the database. X1 edits Patient 01, X2 edits Patient 02, X3 deletes Patient 01 at the same time. How can I ensure that the data between the three terminals are all up-to-date and consistent?
At the moment, I am querying the data only when the query is needed to be done (ie: when the user searches for a record, or if the program needs to verify something against a database record), meaning the data is only as updated as the most recent query that the user makes. This makes it difficult to ensure that the data is up-to-date on all terminals. Of course, for deleted entries, I have error handling to handle that, but for the rest, well...
So, my question is: how do you guys typically handle this kind of situation? Is there a name for this concept so that I can look it up and read long?
From a database design perspective, you should read up on optimistic concurrency and pessimistic concurrency. These are two options for making sure that you either don't have two users modifying the same record at the same time, or at least if you do allow that, the conflict is detected so it can be resolved.
The basic idea behind optimistic concurrency is that you allow multiple users to view and modify the data at the same time, on the assumption that this will be relatively rare. However, before any user writes changes to the data, a check is made to ensure that the underlying data hasn't changed since it was originally read. In some cases you do this manually with a read before update, checking each column value against a cached value. However, that is cumbersome. Some DBMS systems have features that make this simpler. For example, SQL Server has the ROWVERSION (formerly known as TIMESTAMP) data type, which lets you check easily using a single value whether someone else has changed a record since the last time you read it.
The basic idea behind pessimistic concurrency is that you put a lock on a record in the expectation that you're going to change it. While you hold the lock, the DBMS will prevent anyone else from getting their own lock.
The advantage of optimistic concurrency is that it's pretty light weight, doesn't interfere too much with your application, and let's you manually (or automatically) resolve any conflicts on those rare occasions when they happen. You also don't have to worry about someone reading a record, locking it and then going home for the weekend.
The advantage of pessimistic concurrency is that it prevents collisions, but it can stop one user from working while they wait for another to finish what they're doing.
From the perspective of notifying users when records change in the background (i.e. they're changed by another user) that isn't a database design feature. It may be a feature of your application logic or of your application's data access layer.

Isolation Level vs Optimistic Locking-Hibernate , JPA

I have a web application where I want to ensure concurrency with a DB level lock on the object I am trying to update. I want to make sure that a batch change or another user or process may not end up introducing inconsistency in the DB.
I see that Isolation levels ensure read consistency and optimistic lock with #Version field can ensure data is written with a consistent state.
My question is can't we ensure consistency with isolation level only? By making my any transaction that updates the record Serializable(not considering performance), will I not ensure that a proper lock is taken by the transaction and any other transaction trying to update or acquire lock or this transaction will fail?
Do I really need version or timestamp management for this?
Depending on isolation level you've chosen, specific resource is going to be locked until given transaction commits or rollback - it can be lock on a whole table, row or block of sql. It's a pessimistic locking and it's ensured on database level when running a transaction.
Optimistic locking on the other hand assumes that multiple transactions rarely interfere with each other so no locks are required in this approach. It is a application-side check that uses #Version attribute in order to establish whether version of a record has changed between fetching and attempting to update it.
It is reasonable to use optimistic locking approach in web applications as most of operations span through multiple HTTP request. Usually you fetch some information from database in one request, and update it in another. It would be very expensive and unwise to keep transactions open with lock on database resources that long. That's why we assume that nobody is going to use set of data we're working on - it's cheaper. If the assumption happens to be wrong and version has changed in between requests by someone else, Hibernate won't update the row and will throw OptimisticLockingException. As a developer, you are responsible for managing this situation.
Simple example. Online auctions service - you're watching an item page. You read its description and specification. All of it takes, let's say, 5 minutes. With pessimistic locking and some isolation levels you'd block other users from this particular item page (or all of the items even!). With optimistic locking everybody can access it. After reading about the item you're willing to bid on it so you click the proper button. If any other of users watching this item and change its state (owner changed its description, someone other bid on it) in the meantime you will probably (depending on app implementation) be informed about the changes before application will accept your bid because version you've got is not the same as version persisted in database.
Hope that clarifies a few things for you.
Unless we are talking about some small, isolated web application (only app that is working on a database), then making all of your transactions to be Serializable would mean having a lot of confidence in your design, not taking into account the fact that it may not be the only application hitting on that certain database.
In my opinion the incorporation of Serializable isolation level, or a Pessimistic Lock in other words, should be very well though decision and applied for:
Large databases and short transactions that update only a few rows
Where the chance that two concurrent transactions will modify the same rows is relatively low.
Where relatively long-running transactions are primarily read-only.
Based on my experience, in most of the cases using just the Optimistic Locking would be the most beneficial decision, as frequent concurrent modifications mostly happen in only small percentage of cases.
Optimistic locking definately also helps other applications run faster (dont think only of yourself!).
So when we take the Pessimistic - Optimistic locking strategies spectrum, in my opinion the truth lies somewhere more towards the Optimistic locking with a flavor of serializable here and there.
I really cannot reference anything here as the answer is based on my personal experience with many complex web projects and from my notes when i was preapring to my JPA Certificate.
Hope that helps.

Replicate a database using snapshots and transaction logs

For learning purposes, I want to write my own database, that is able to replicate itself. I have made some progress, but now I am facing a problem that I can not solve. Supposed I have a database (let's call this source) that I would like to replicate to another database (let's call this target).
The basic principle is easy: In the source you don't store actual tables, but instead a log of transactions. It's easy to send over the transaction log to the target, where the database then rebuilds itself. If you want to update the target, you simply request the part of the transaction log that has changed ever since. Basically this is what almost every database does.
While this works, it has one major drawback: If a table already exists for a long time, the transaction log is very long, and hence replicating the table requires lots of time…
To avoid this you can store the current state as well. This means you have an up-to-date snapshot that you can copy fast. Additionally, the target has to subscribe to the transaction log of the source. Once it contains additional entries, the target applies them to its copied table. This works well, too, and it's way better in terms of performance and transferred volume.
But now I am facing a problem: Supposed the snapshot is large, then it may happen that changes are made to it while it is being delivered. That means that the copied snapshot contains some old and some new data. Now, how do I get the target database in a consistent state? Even if I know from where to start the transaction log, I either have to apply a change that was already applied to some of the records, or I have to leave it out, but then a change is not applied at all to some other records.
Of course I could use the isolation level sequential, but then performance drops. Of course I could do what e.g. CouchDB does and remember the current table revision in every record, and keep a copy of every record for every revision. But then the required space grows enormously.
So, what shall I do?
Everything that I was able to find on the web always either relies on the idea of replaying the entire transaction log, or by using a process as in CouchDB which takes up huge amounts of space.
Any ideas?
Your snapshot needs to be consistent and you need to know at what time (in regards to the tx log) it is consistent. You then apply any transactions that have been committed since this point.
Obtaining a consistent snapshot can be done with exclusive locking, which may delay other transactions from committing, or using row versions (MVCC).
Good luck with your project.

Should I keep this "GlobalConnection" or create connection for every query?

I have inherited a legacy Delphi application that uses ADO to connect to SQL Server.
The application has a notion of a "Global Connection" -- that is a single connection that it opens at the start, and then keeps open all throughout the running of the application (which can be days, weeks, or longer....)
So my question is this: Should I keep this way of doing things or should I switch to a "connect-query-disconnect" mode of doing things? Does it matter?
Switching would be a non-trivial task, but I'll do it if it means better performance, data management, etc.
Well, it depends on what you're expecting to get out of it, and what kind of application it is.
There's nothing in particular wrong with using a single long-running connection, as long as the application can gracefully handle disconnections and recover or log/notify when it can't reconnect.
The problem with a connect-query-disconnect setup is that you're adding the overhead of connecting and disconnecting on every query. That's going to slow things down, and in an interactive GUI application users may notice the additional overhead. You also have to make sure that authorization is transparently handled if it isn't already.
At the same time, there may be interactive performance gains to be had if you can push all the queries off onto background threads and asynchronously update the GUI. If contention appears because the queries are serialized, you can migrate to a connection-pool system fairly readily as well and improve things even more. This has a fairly high complexity cost to it though, so now you're looking to balancing what the gains are compared to the work involved.
Right now, my ultimate response is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Changes along the lines you propose are a lot of work -- how much do the users of this application stand to gain? Are there other problems to solve that might benefit them more?
Edit: Okay, so it's broke. Well, slow at least, which is all the same to me. If you've ruled out problems with the SQL Server itself, and the queries are performing as fast as they can (i.e. DB schema is sane, the right indexes are available, queries aren't completely braindead, server has enough RAM and fast enough I/O, network isn't flaky, etc.), then yes, it's time to find ways to improve the performance of the app itself.
Simply moving to a connect-query-disconnect is going to make things worse, and the more queries you're issuing the bigger the drop off is going to be. It sounds like you're going to need to rearchitect the app so that you can run fewer queries, run them in the background, cache more aggressively on the client, or some combination of all 3.
Don't forget the making the clients perform better means that server side performance gets more important since it's probably going to be handling a higher load if clients start making multiple connections and issuing multiple queries in parallel.
As mr Frazier told before - the one global connection is not bad per se.
If you intend to change, first detect WHAT is the problem. Let's see some scenarios:
Some screens(IOW: an set of 1..n forms to operate in a business entity) are slow. Possible causes:
insuficient filtering resulting in a pletora of records being pulled from database without necessity.
the number of records are ok, but takes too much to render it. Solution: faster controls or intelligent rendering (ex.: Virtual list views)
too much queries each time you open an screen. Possible solutions: use TClientDatasets (or any in-memory dataset) to hold infrequently modified lookup tables. An more sophisticated cache for more extensive tables or opening those datasets in other threads can improve response times.
Scrolling on datasets with controls bound can be slow (just to remember, because those little details can be easily forgotten).
Whole app simply slows down. Checklist:
Network cards are ok? An few net cards mal-functioning can wreak havoc even on good structured networks as they create unnecessary noise on the line.
[MSSQL DBA HAT ON] The next on the line of attack is SQL Server. Ask the DBA to trace blocks and deadlocks. Register slow queries and work on them speed up. This relate directly to #1.1 and #1.3
Detect if some naive developer have done SELECT inside transactions. In read committed isolation, it's just overhead, as it'll create more network traffic. Open the query, retrieve the data and close the dataset.
Review the database schema, if you can.
Are any data-bound operations on a bulk of records (let's say, remarking the price of some/majority/all products) being done on the app? Make an SP or refactor the operation on an query, it'll be much faster and will reduce the load of the entire server.
Extensive operations on a group of records? Learn how to do that operations at once on the server instead of one-by-one record. See an examination of most used alternatives on the MSSQL MVP Erland Sommarskog's article on array and list on MSSQL.
Beware of queries with WHERE like : WHERE SomeFunction(table1.blabla) = #SomeParam . Most of time, that ones will not use an index causing to read the entire table to select the desired data. If is a big table.... Indexing on a persisted computed columns can make miracles...[MSSQL HAT OFF]
That's what I can think of without a little more detail... ;-)
Database connections are time consuming resources to create and the rule of thumb should be create as little as possible and reuse as much as possible. That's why some other technologies have database connection pools, which are typically established at application/service startup and then kept as long as possible and shared among threads.
From your comment, the application has performances issues, but it's difficult without more details to make any recommendation.
Should try to nail down what is slow - are all queries slow or just some specific ones?
If just some specific ones is there some correlation.
My 2 cents.
