run cygwin command through batch file - batch-file

I am running a rsync ssh command in cygwin in windows. Upon this, password is asked and if given, it does the intended task. Now I want to put these all tasks in one batch file, which can be run on one click.

Step 1: Set up an authorized_keys file on the server so that you can ssh in from your local machine without using a password (check the security implications of this carefully). You can find instructions for this in many places, including the official documentation.
Step 2: Add Cygwin's bin directory to your Windows PATH environment variable. If you don't want to do it permanently, you could write that into your batch file.
Step 3: Write your one-line batch file using the exact same rsync command line you used in Cygwin. Pathnames should not need translating unless you expect the shell to expand a wild card. If you use any sort of quoting then that might need adjusting.
Step 4: Configure Windows to run programs with one click, instead of double click. Not sure how you do that; I don't use Windows much.


Possibly to run silent and verysilent from within the application

Is it possible to run the silent and verysilent option from within the inno setup application.That is as soon as I clicked the exe it will run with verysilent option (no need to provide it in the command prompt)
I have figured out the temporary way of putting the command with verysilent option in the batch script and clicking the batch script :) !
It is Bad Formâ„¢ make a "covert" installer. From Inno's FAQ:
Is it possible to do a silent install without using the /SILENT or /VERYSILENT command-line parameters?
No, nor is such a feature planned (it would be abused). If it is your intention to keep user interaction to a minimum, use the Disable* [Setup] section directives.
This would only matter if you are actually building the installer. If you're just trying to install the application, the only sensible thing to do is use the command-line flags in a batch file (or other scripting language).

How to launch gvim.exe from cscope-win32 when run from cmd.exe?

For years now my Windows C tagging/scoping solution has almost worked. I can build the filelist, build the tags (via Exuberant Ctags) for vim/gvim navigation, build cscope.out, and tag around within gvim.exe windows I launch by clicking on C source files.
The final piece that eludes me is that I can't seem to get cscope in cmd.exe to launch my editor when I select an item. I made sure gvim.exe is in my Path environment variable. I made sure the CSCOPE_EDITOR environment variable is set (more on that below). But when I select a line item from within cscope the editor is not launched. Instead I get one of the two following failures:
If CSCOPE_EDITOR is either gvim.exe -f or "gvim.exe -f" then I see that printed at the top of the cmd.exe window followed by the line offset and the filename (e.g. "gvim.exe -f +72 myfile.c") and then it quickly returns to cscope without the editor ever popping.
If CSCOPE_EDITOR is gvim.exe (without the -f option) then a gvim.exe process is kicked off (I see it in Windows Task Manager under Processes) but it never comes to the foreground as an application. Furthermore, the cscope window in cmd.exe goes blank and is unresponsive until I manually kill the gvim.exe process that was spawned.
For reference:
cscope -V returns "cscope: version 15.8a" and was downloaded from this site:
My version of gvim.exe is 7.3 which the latest available from
Also, I have tagged this post with "C" because, while this is not a C language question, cscope and ctags are primarily used for C programming and thus I think the C tag is relevant. (Thought I'd point that out before someone comes along and removes the tag and says this isn't a C question, since C programmers are the most likely people to have the answer.)
With help from #mattn and #mMontu and a lot of trial-and-error and an ugly but simple hack I finally have this working. Here are the problems I encountered:
cscope-win32 does not handle spaces in the EDITOR or CSCOPE_EDITOR environment variables. I tried every space-escape trick I could think of (single-quotes, double-quotes, backslash escapes) and nothing worked.
When gvim.exe is successfully launched by cscope-win32, if that gvim.exe tries to add the same cscope.out database (via cs add cscope.out) the add command hangs. If the add is part of a vimrc file then the editor will hang during opening (with the gvim.exe and cscope.exe processes starting but the application window never appearing). If the add is done after the editor window opens then the window will hang. This appears related to multiple cscope-win32 processes being attempted in the same process tree, but I have no actual proof of that.
Here's my solution to the problem. Like I said, it is an ugly but simple hack.
Create a wrapper batch file. I named mine gvim_cscope.bat. Make sure it is in a directory that exists in your PATH environment variable. You can verify this in a cmd.exe shell by calling "where gvim_cscope.bat".
Edit the batch file and add your editor command but precede it with the windows start command. For example, my batch file contains the following:
start gvim.exe %*
Create/Update your CSCOPE_EDITOR environment variable to be "gvim_cscope.bat". In case you've never modified a Windows environment variable before, you can get to them (on Windows 7 anyway) via Start -> right-click Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables.
That's all I needed to get things working. Open a new cmd.exe window (so the updated environment variable is pulled in) and open cscope.exe and everything works. I am able to pop multiple gvim.exe windows from within cscope.exe, each with its own connection to the cscope.out database. The first problem is avoided by using the wrapper batch file (no more spaces in the command) and the second problem is avoided by using the windows start command so that gvim.exe is started as a separate process.
Thanks for the help #mattn and #mMontu. So nice to have things working right!

Control cmd prompt using C

I'm trying to write a C program to control the windows cmd prompt. For example, opening the cmd prompt, go to a specific directory (ex: C:/Program Files/...), and then run an exe in that folder.
Can this be done with C programming? If so, how? So far, I am only aware of system("cmd.exe") to open up the cmd prompt. How would I further interact with cmd prompt?
This wouldn't be very portable. system calls are often frowned upon, but just to answer your question, the system function does work with the commands you're aiming to use.
For example:
system("notepad.exe my_file.txt");
system("del my_file.txt");
This will open up a file called my_file.txt in notepad, delete it and pause the program.
Again, this is not portable. It's specific to Windows Operating systems.
In fact, I don't even think it's guaranteed to work on all releases of Windows.
(Don't quote me on that.)
On topic: You could start cmd via "CreateProcess" and send key input via window messages ("SendMessage").
I think you should rethink how you want things to be done. The command prompt is not a kind of API base to do things on windows. It's a tool to do things and get information without writing your own program. If you wirte an own program, you should directly use the WinAPI.
To get started you can google "winapi [whatever you want to do]". In your example "winapi start executable" and you will find functions like "CreateProcess" and "ShellExecute".
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding here (if so, I apologize), but the standard way to "further interact with cmd prompt" is via command-line commands, and the standard way "to write a program to control the windows cmd prompt" is via a Batch file. For example, the following Batch file open the cmd prompt (when it is executed via a double click in the Explorer), go to a specific directory (C:/Program Files/) and run an exe in that folder:
#echo off
cd "C:/Program Files/"

Automate cygwin via batch file

Long story short... we have multiple servers which we run perflog monitoring on every night. My job is to convert these logs to .csv format and send them to my e-mail.
This bit it already automated via a .sh script an ex-employee wrote.
What I want automated is to run a batch job after the perfmon logging to look at a specific folder and find the latest .blg file and run the sh script on it (the script is called upload) so that I don't have to log in to each server and do it manually.
upload myInitials cd /cygdrive/someLocation/logs/$latestFile$.blg
myInitials and the location can be hard-coded... I just wouldn't know how to find the latest file in the folder and automate it all via a batch file.
Any pointers would be very helpful!
# Jeremy:
Sorry, I probably should have mentioned in my question that the servers are running 2003 and 2008.
I don't think it would be absolutely necessary to register a change notification on the folder - If the log runs from noon till 7 in the morning, the script will run immediately after (you can set a script to run after a perfmon log has finished in log properties) so the log will almost definitely be the latest file in the folder anyway.
Like I said, I already have a .sh file in place to convert to csv and send to my e-mail, I just need to incorporate it into a batch file so that instead of me going to each of the servers and opening up cygwin and typing upload xx /cygdrive/location/logs/xyz.blg, I can have it automated to run straight after the log has finished without me having to RDC into it.
Thanks for the input!
If you have a Shell script and you job is to call the shell script from a windows batch file then this will work.This assumes the cygwin is installed in C:
Contents of start_cyg.bat
#echo off
set PATH=%PATH%:"C:\Cygwin\bin"
rem bash --login -i
bash "/cygdrive/d/"
Contents of
TAIL=`ls -lrt | tail -1`
echo "TAIL:$TAIL"
If you call start_cyg.bat from windows command prompt you can get the output of the in the console
for getting newest file in a directory, ls -1tr | tail -1 should work.
First, I don't know if it would meet your requirements, but the Windows Task Scheduler 2 in Vista+ is very robust and can trigger an event even based on log entries. However, extraction and parsing of that log entry may require some scripting, and might have concurrency issues, even if that log entry did indicate the last used process. Chances are none of this is helpful, but just throwing it out there.
Programatically, it would be simple as you can register a change notification on a folder. When a change occurs, you go find the latest file. Then launch the batch file to launch your shell script, or whatever your desired sequence may be.
I think cygwin may even support change notification events via scripting, though I'm unsure. I believe there are linux extensions for this, but I may be wrong.
If it were me, I'd just write a little C++ app to do whatever I wanted.. but for you maybe any (or more likely none) of the above helps ;o.

Winzip hanging up in scheduled task batch file

I have a simple batch file as seen below that should extract a zip file to the root of E:. The zip file is valid and I can run the batch file from the command line just fine.
Instead of completing the task, it continues to inform me that the Status is "Running". The problem is, it is not running and the file never gets unzipped.
The task is running as a Domain Admin that has been specifically added as an Admin on the box.
Are there any known problems with using zip files in Scheduled Tasks. I actually have this same problem on 3 out of the 12 boxes this task runs on, but there is no rhyme nor reason as to why some servers work, and others don't.
Any ideas on how to debug what is going on, or a solution would be very helpful.
Here is the batch file I'm attempting to run.
SET RootPath=E:
SET WinzipLocation=E:\Program Files\WinZip
"%WinzipLocation%\winzip32" -e -o %CD%\ %RootPath%
Try to use the WinZip Command Line Support Add-on.
what if you use 7-zip in command line?
I realized after posting that the "bad" servers were all 64-bit. I was running the 32-bit version of winzip. Since the company I work for doesn't see the benefit in purchasing any software, I had no other option but to starting using 7-zip. I have not tested for any performance increases or hits, but I do not that it works, regardless of the environment.
Thanks for the answers, but it looks like without the 64-bit version of winzip....i have no other options.
