So I have been using JFreeChart to try and create spiderWebPlot and it's been working well so far:
I was wondering if it was possible to add circles for the possibles values, so it looks more like an actual spider web, something like:
As suggested here, a background grid is not yet implemented. A patch is cited and discussed in this forum thread.
After adding above code patch you will get rings like below image.
I want to render a virtualized list of images with variables heights, my current implementation is following the variable example on tanstack docs, but adding a random height src image and loading that instead of text as the content for the row item.
This is not working great and is a bit glitchy. Im using a best guess estimateSize but was hoping for a system that would fully calculate this for me.
The height is completely off until you scroll at least once, then the image heights seem to get calculated. Otherwise, once you start scrolling, the performance here is pretty good.
Any feedback on this implementation (no idea if this is how it's intended to be implemented), or indication on how I can fix the problem would be appreciated. Thanks!
My demo here:
p.s if you know how to achieve this with react-virtualized (with CellMeasurer) also keen to hear/see it. I've struggled with CellMeasurer and image onLoad to calc correctly.
Ok dug through some github issues, and mashed a few things together and this seems to be working well.
It uses a custom wrapper that leverages ResizeObserver, shame this isn't something that's exported from the lib considering this would be a very common use case.
here is a much simpler solution with the new react-virtual version
the idea is to call measureElement on img onLoad
I am playing with candlestick graphs (example from here: everything work as expected.
However, I am struggling with adding my signal data for a visual representation of the graph.
I am unable to find a solution that works I was thinking I can somehow fine-tune a timeline - I tried chart.js/apexcharts and for now, I believe the closest will be with the second framework.
What I need is a bar chart that can be used in numeric ranges for the X and Y-axis as presented below. (the goal is to be able to add the green bar as presented)
Is there an easy win or an idea of how to approach this?
Is there something I am missing?
That is my current solution (line graphs with stopWin/stopLose and entry price).
Still suboptimal - but works and is easy to achieve.
After weeks of playing around with it - the solution stayed:
I got two instances of apexcharts one with candlestick and one with line graphs
they are in a single div with CSS playground and position absolute.
I am passing standardised min/max values and has to have the same amount of elements in them (line graphs are allowing You to add null values which allow using this solution.
The final version work is repeatable and looks good.
if you need some help in similar case - feel free to reach out ;)
I need to render the value of the width or height of a 2d geometry object and the request is for it to not just be text, but somewhat like a dimension that would be a set of building plans. Something like this image...oops too new to post this image that I googled -
I have looked for something like this, but haven't been lucky in my search. I am fine with creating it, but thought that I would try to not reinvent the wheel if possible. Anyone know of a control or library out there that renders something like this?
This article looks really helpful: Although it talks about optimizing drawing, it gives mention to a lot of different classes you can use.
Specifically, take a look at the Drawing class:
If you want the shapes to be interactive (because it seems like you are building a CAD-like application), the DrawingGroup might help. Check out this example:
Also, DrawingGroup might be a good way to group the actual shape (for example, a wall in a building) and the ruler object that shows the dimensions.
I'd like to know a library to draw graphics in WPF..
I'd like to plot a line graph with a lot of points which increases at runtime..
I tried with DynamicDataDisplay, but it was very slow in my app...
So.. Can you suggest me a library / project to use to solve my problem?
Maaany thanks!
I'd suggest binding your data to a System.Windows.Shapes.Path using a converter, you just need to implement a notifying interface if points are added or removed to update the graph.
(Recently wrote a generic cartesian point array converter for this question)
Can anyone tell me how can I show percentage on the piechart....
The percentage is seen on mouseover event but I dont know how to show
the percentage on the piechart's slices....
If you are looking to put labels on the chart itself (instead of tooltip), take a look at this great blog post by WPF guru Bea Stollnitz.
It shows how to do this, in many different modes, and explains not only how, but why.
Take a look at amCharts Bundle for WPF. Pie chart supports labels on the slices, outside connected labels and includes an algorithm to prevent label overlapping.
I've just followed this tutorial (just to make sure) and I get the percentages of each slice as tooltip on mouse over by default.
If you post your code we might be able to spot if there's a problem with it.
You can use labelFunction in mx:PieSeries, and lableFunction look like that
private function pieSeries_labelFunc(item:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String
return StringUtil.substitute("{0} ({1}%)",item.description,percentValue.toFixed(1));
Where description is the label that you want to see.
feel free to ask any question.