Angular - Firing message onBlur after user edits field - angularjs

Like others, I have been looking for a good way to validate my forms with Angular without the messages being too aggressive. The closest I have gotten is checking for $dirty and $touched prior to firing the messages. Which works for most situations.
The one situation I can't figure out is when the user edits, for example, a required field. The field has text in it, is valid, dirty, and touched. The user goes back into the field to change it. They backspace what is in the input and immediately the message fires because the input is now dirty, touched, and invalid. I'd rather it "reset" at that point and reevaluate when the user blurs the input again. Give them a chance to fill in the input while it's still focused.
Make sense? Any ideas?

Perhaps this works:
ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }"
Add it to your input element. I believe the validation will occur when the model is updated, this way the model gets updated on blur.
Here you can see more options for this directive: in Custom model update triggers. And a more detailed explanations in ngModelOptions.
Let me know if it works :)

Use function on ng-blur to validate and show messages if invalid.
In your controller -
$scope.validate = function(){
//Validate logic
//If invalid
//Show message logic here

Take a look at the ngMessages documentation:
You have an example there that shows you how to use it:
<form name="myForm">
Enter your name:
<input type="text"
required />
<pre>myForm.myName.$error = {{ myForm.myName.$error | json }}</pre>
<div ng-messages="myForm.myName.$error" style="color:maroon" role="alert">
<div ng-message="required">You did not enter a field</div>
<div ng-message="minlength">Your field is too short</div>
<div ng-message="maxlength">Your field is too long</div>
I think this is the best way to do it (at least it's how I do it).


How to keep form error message blank on initial load in AngularJS

I'm trying to learn forms in AngularJS 1.x. But I have error messages that are always on when it first loads. How to develop behaviour such that they are blank on load, and only red after a submit if fields were not entered? Seems to be a few states I have to use the built-in directives for.
All the elements are similar so let's just take apart this bit. Also if different for a radio and dropdown list maybe we can discuss that too.
<p>First Name:<input type="text" id="firstName" ng-model="firstName" required/>
<span style="background-color: red" ng-if="identification.firstName.$error.required">The first name is required.</span>
Do I chain a few directives with || or && ?
Behaviour I'm aiming for
How to keep the error messages off when it loads?
when I hit submit, and a field is blank, will it then activate the css red error messages?
I'd like the error messages to clear as I fill in the form without reloading.
Yeah, so any tips greatly appreciated. Doesn't have to be particularly pretty
gist of current code
Well I took a stab at it. Still really a hot mess at this point. Don't know how to use submit to test for each field and then display the error message if blank. Also seems like a lot of duplication on the testing of field states. Is there a better way to break up that logic? Ugggghhhhh
This one's weird, the form now has all text boxes not buttons or checkboxes!? But the HTML hasn't changed. Sigh
ng-if="identification.firstName.$error.required && !$pristine"
Go search more on $pristine and $dirty validator
You can add some other property to your ng-if and set its value to true only when form is submitted.
in your html add this new property
<p>First Name:<input type="text" id="firstName" ng-model="firstName" required/>
<span style="background-color: red" ng-if="identification.firstName.$error.required && running">The first name is required.</span>
in your controller set this property to true when form is submitted
$scope.submit = function(){
$scope.running = true;

Clear ng-model then Update ng-model with new value

Angular and Ionic Application
I have a form that has a lot of <select> elements, The form offers the user to select from a list or if the <option> = 'Other' then I show another <input> to enter the value. I then save the value to another ng-model.
<select data-ng-model="minor.tests.liveEarth"
<label class="item item-input item-stacked-label" ng-show="minor.tests.liveEarth === 'Other'">
<span class="input-label">Please Specify</span>
<input type="text"
placeholder="live earth other"
I originally used <datalist> but doesn't show up on iOS.
I assigned the liveEarthOther to the same as the <select> liveEarth but it has 'Other' assigned to the ng-model, which then the user has to delete the input value Other before entering their value.
I have looked for a combobox kind of control but haven't found one that works properly.
How could I make this into a directive or any thing suitable that could perform the renaming without the user having to delete the value.
I want to use this functionality many times in the application I am building.
You may have overcomplicated things by re-using the ngModel. If you change the value minor.tests.liveEarth you'll mess up your select because anything other than the given values will cause nothing to be selected. But if you don't change minor.tests.liveEarth then you'll have to delete it when the user fills in the text input. This would then also mess up the select box!
What I would do is record the value of the text input to a different variable. Keep the ng-show="minor.tests.liveEarth === 'Other'" as it is, but change your input to
<input type="text"
placeholder="Fill in your other live earth"
data-ng-model="tempVar" />
This way the input will be still be recorded, but the select won't be messed up on the ngModel change. Due to the placeholder, the user will know that they have to fill in the text box.
In your js, you'll have to create a validating function when the form is submitted along the lines of:
var validateLiveEarth = function(){
if(minor.tests.liveEarth === "Other"){
//check that tempVar meets validation
//assign tempVar to whatever form you're sending

Angular Material: not showing second validation message

I'm having a problem with an md-input-container when I have two validations applied to my input tag. I'm using ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }", but the problem occurs even without it. For example:
<input name="description" ng-model="list.description" type="text" ng-minlength="3" required />
<div ng-messages="listForm.description.$error">
<div ng-message="minlength">List description is too short</div>
<div ng-message="required">List description is required</div>
If I type "Te" and then press TAB, the ng-minlength validation message shows. But if then I leave the input empty, the required message does not shows (but the input is decorated, as it should be).
The same behavior is reproductible here ( In the Erros -> Description input, if I type more than 30 characters then empty the input, the message is not shown. But if I type a correct value and then empty the input, the message shows.
In my opinion minlength and required is kind of same thing. So you must either one of them. See the for the example link.
Even if you don't specify ng-minlength in input it will show error in ng-message because it is the same thing. So I think you should use ng-message-exp to check both the condition. And the link you refered to material design docs in releated to maxlength and required while you are looking for minlength and required.
This is a known problem with Angular Material and ngMessages.
Subscribe to the following issue if you want to be notified about any progress. I do the same...
If you must solve this immediately then you can make use of the workaround described over there but bear in mind that it's not aesthetically perfect.

Angular Material 1.0 rc4 Form Validation Example

I have a few requirements for validating a form, and my attempts have been unsuccessful.
The form should validate as you fill it out. The md-input-container should be invalid if the validation requirements fail and the associated ngMessage should show. For example, if an input is marked as required it should turn red and show the message if you click into it and then move focus without typing anything.
The inputs should also be invalid if the form is submitted and they fail validation.
Here is what I've tried:
<md-input-container md-is-error="jac.application.$invalid && (jac.application.$submitted || jac.application.$dirty)" flex="20">
<label>Last Name</label>
<input type="text" name="last_name" ng-model="jac.application_object.last_name" required />
<div ng-messages="jac.application.last_name.$error">
<div ng-message="required">This is required.</div>
Using the above, submitting the form without entering anything has the desired effect; however, entering something valid into the input afterwards ONLY clears the ngMessage (the container is still red).
Also, the form doesn't validate as you fill it out.
Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

Form is not being set to $dirty even though input is being edited

I am using angular-unsaved Changes directive as well as the angular built in form controller to detect if a form is $dirty.
I have a form on a specific page that even though I edit elements, the form never registers as dirty. I have gone so far as to strip everything and leave only:
<form unsaved-warning-form class="form-horizontal" name="WHAT">
<input type="text" name="thematif" id="thematiff" class="form-control" >
The formis never $dirty even when I change the value of the input. Any ideas what the problem could be causing the changes to input not to be detected? Is it that there should be an angular input equivalent tag instead of a plain old "input"?
What could be disabling the detection?
Ng-model is missing on your input field.
Validations and all form enhancements are provided by utilizing ng-model directive (and its controller). So add ng-model and everything is Ok.
<form unsaved-warning-form class="form-horizontal" name="WHAT">
<input type="text" name="thematif" ng-model="whatever" >
