Implementing Iterator Class in Eiffel - eiffel

I'm given this test class from the teacher and I have an issue understanding how to implement my class to create itself in this order.
bag3: like bag2
comment("t5:test add_all, remove all, remove")
bag := <<["nuts", 4], ["bolts", 11], ["hammers", 5]>> -- how to implement it to allow this?
bag3 := <<["nuts", 2], ["bolts", 6], ["hammers", 5]>>
-- add_all
bag3.add_all (bag1)
Result := bag3 |=| bag
check Result end
-- remove_all
bag3.remove_all (bag1)
Result := bag3 |=| bag2 and = 13
check Result end
bag4 := <<["nuts", 2], ["bolts", 6]>>
bag3.remove ("hammers", 5)
Result := bag3 |=| bag4
setup -- inherit from ES_TEST redefine setup end
-- this runs before every test
bag1 := <<["nuts", 2], ["bolts", 5]>>
bag2 := <<["nuts", 2], ["bolts", 6], ["hammers", 5]>>
Currently when I compile with these kind of test cases it throws compiler errors saying creation is improper, incompatible
My constructors make an empty HASH_TABLE at the moment so my question is how do I make sure I can initialize my bag class in the way the code is testing it?

I believe the idea is to use conversion instead of plain creation, something along those lines:
class MY_BAG [G]
feature {NONE} -- Creation
make (a: ARRAY [TUPLE [value: G; key: INTEGER]])
create storage.make (a.count)
a as c
storage.extend (c.item.value, c.item.key)
feature {NONE} -- Storage
You may also wish to look at the note clause in the class HASH_TABLE to see whether extend is suitable for your case or something else needs to be used.


How do I change the functionality of the built in Array class in Ruby?

I am writing code in Ruby.
Say I have an array like this:
myarray = [1,2,3,4,5]
I want to change the code of the Array class so that myarray[7] would return "out of bounds" instead of nil.
I don't want to make so that I check if something is out of bounds and then return "out of bounds", I want to implement this in Array directly.
Is this possible? Do I have to extend the Array class?
I'm Not sure how to start, very new to ruby. My initial thoughts were overriding a method in the Array class, but I'm not sure how to do that when I don't know what method is being used in myarray[i].
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
Let's start by examining the doc Array#[]. As seen, that method can have a single integer argument:
arr[2] #=> 3
arr[-2] #=> 4
arr[5] #=> nil
arr[-7] #=> nil
arr['x'] #=> TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer)
or it may have two integer arguments:
arr[1,3] #=> [2, 3, 4]
arr[-3,2] #=> [3, 4]
arr[3,5] #=> [4, 5]
arr[7,4] #=> nil
arr[2,'x'] #=> TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer)
or it may have a range of integers as an argument:
arr[1..3] #=> [2, 3, 4]
arr[1...3] #=> [2, 3]
arr[-5..-2] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
arr[3..9] #=> [4, 5]
arr[7..10] #=> nil
arr[1..'x'] #=> ArgumentError (bad value for range)
As I understand, you wish to alter Array#[] in such way that its behavior is unchanged except for the case when its argument is a single integer representing an offset into the array that is out-of-bounds.1. That could be done by writing the method in a module and then prepend that module to the class Array with the method Module#prepend.
module NewSlice
def [](*args)
arg1, arg2 = args
if arg2.nil? && arg1.is_a?(Integer) &&
(arg1 > self.size-1 || arg1 < -self.size)
"out of range"
arr[2] #=> 3
arr[-2] #=> 4
arr[5] #=> "out of range"
arr[-7] #=> "out of range"
arr['x'] #=> TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer)
arr[1,3] #=> [2, 3, 4]
arr[-3,2] #=> [3, 4]
arr[3,5] #=> [4, 5]
arr[7,4] #=> nil
arr[2,'x'] #=> TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer)
arr[1..3] #=> [2, 3, 4]
arr[1...3] #=> [2, 3]
arr[-5..-2] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
arr[3..9] #=> [4, 5]
arr[7..10] #=> nil
arr[1..'x'] #=> ArgumentError (bad value for range)
We see that
#=> [NewSlice, Array, Enumerable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
showing that super in NewSlice#[] calls the original method Array#[] after NewSlice has been prepended to Array. Since super has no arguments all the arguments that were passed to the new Array#[] method ( defined in NewSlice) are passed to the original Array#[].
Aliases were commonly used in Ruby prior to the introduction of Module#prepend in Ruby v2.0. They are still used but their importance has diminished greatly since prepend has become available.
If nil is to be replaced by "out of bounds" in all cases where Array#[] returns nil, write
module NewSlice
def [](*args)
super || "out of bounds"
arr[5] #=> "out of range"
arr[-7] #=> "out of range"
arr[7,4] #=> "out of range"
arr[7..10] #=> "out of range"
1. Whether it is advisable to modify core methods such as Array#[] is a separate question, but it can result in pain and suffering.
This is an interesting question about how to monkeypatch core Ruby classes like Array. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that it involves some hijinks that seem unnecessary, since you could get the same behavior with a simple logical OR operator like:
[1, 2, 3][5] || 'out of bounds'
#=> "out of bounds"
Still, if you want to change the behavior of a core class then it can certainly be done.
Re-Open the Core Class
In Ruby, almost everything that isn't a keyword is a method. Pragmatically, Array::[] is really just a method for indexing into an array object, with a little syntactic sugar from the interpreter to allow its arguments to be placed inside the brackets. Because it's just an instance method defined by the Array class, it can be modified in various ways such as re-opening the core class to modify the method, or by creating a singleton method on the instance. The first is conceptually simpler, but singleton methods are probably the safest solution for real-world programming.
You can re-open the Array class and redefine Array::[] as follows:
class Array
# save off a copy of the existing method; we still need it
alias_method :'old_[]', :'[]' unless defined? Array::old_[]
# pass all arguments to the old method, but return a string
# when the result is falsey
def [] *args
send("old_[]", *args) || 'out of bounds'
You can then demonstrate that it works like a regular Array, but with your expected behavior:
a = [10, 20, 30]
a[0] #=> 10
a[0,2] #=> [10, 20]
a[100] #=> "out of bounds"
Add a Singleton Method
While the code above works, it's just generally a bad idea to monkeypatch a core class like Array. If you don't want to encapsulate this behavior in a subclass (e.g. class MyArray < Array), then you should use refinements (using Module#refine) or singleton methods like the following to reduce the scope of your changes. For example:
a = [10, 20, 30]
class << a
alias_method :'old_[]', :'[]' unless self.respond_to? 'old_[]'
def [] *args
send("old_[]", *args) || 'out of bounds'
By limiting the scope of our change to a single instance, we're much less likely to cause serious or unrecoverable problems with core classes. A lot of things can go wrong in a Ruby program if a core class like Array starts returning truthy values (e.g. a String value such as out of bounds) rather than a falsey value like nil, so caveat emptor!
If you really want to break existing code (standard classes and ruin even methods of the current Array class itself, which rely on the current behaviour), you can of course monkeypatch it - open it and redefine the method in any way you like, as has been outlined in various answers to this question.
A more sane approach would be to subclass Array, i.e.
class BoundCheckingArray < Array
# redefined the methods according to your taste.
Of course this would violate the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Another approach will be to define a complete separate class and use Delegator to avoid rewriting everything from scratch, by delegating methods you did not rewrite explicitly, to the underlying array.
In both cases you need to be aware, that those methods in your BoundCheckingArray, which you did not explicitly rewrite and hence are taken from BoundCheckingArray, will stop working, if they assume that they can safely access the array outside of the bounds.
Another possibility would be to not modify existing Array methods, but simply add bound checking setters and getters, i.e. with monkeypatching:
class Array
def at_checked(i)
fail "out_of_bounds" if i >= size || i < -size
def set_checked(i, new_value)
# analoguous
Of course this approach would also work with subclassing (now adhering to Liskov's principle, because you just added methods) and delegating. Note that I coped explicitly with negative index values, assuming that you would like to use this feature in your bound checking array too.
You may know classes in Ruby are defined like:
class Foo
def foo
end # calls instance method `foo` on the instance of `Foo`
# => 'foo'
Classes and modules in Ruby can be "reopened" for re-definition (although it's a bit frowned upon -- makes it difficult to track code b/c code can be in either/any place):
class Foo
def bar
def foo
'overwrite foo'
f =
# => 'bar'
# => 'overwrite foo'
This means you can also do:
class Array
# re-define anything you want
# alternatively:
Array.class_eval do
# the same as the above, in most ways
Even though it's even less recommended to modify existing methods of core Ruby classes. Not only does it break assumptions other Ruby developers may have of the code (i.e. misleading code), its global effect will likely break behaviors in other libraries, etc.

What's the cleanest way to construct a Ruby array using a while loop?

Ruby has lots of nice ways of iterating and directly returning that result. This mostly involve array methods. For example:
def ten_times_tables
(1..5).map { |i| i * 10 }
ten_times_tables # => [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
However, I sometimes want to iterate using while and directly return the resulting array. For example, the contents of the array may depend on the expected final value or some accumulator, or even on conditions outside of our control.
A (contrived) example might look like:
def fibonacci_up_to(max_number)
sequence = [1, 1]
while sequence.last < max_number
sequence << sequence[-2..-1].reduce(:+)
fibonacci_up_to(5) # => [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
To me, this sort of approach feels quite "un-Ruby". The fact that I construct, name, and later return an array feels like an anti-pattern. So far, the best I can come up with is using tap, but it still feels quite icky (and quite nested):
def fibonacci_up_to(max_number)
[1, 1].tap do |sequence|
while sequence.last < max_number
sequence << sequence[-2..-1].reduce(:+)
Does anyone else have any cleverer solutions to this sort of problem?
Something you might want to look into for situations like this (though maybe your contrived example fits this a lot better than your actual use case) is creating an Enumerator, so your contrived example becomes:
From the docs for initialize:
fib = do |y|
a = b = 1
loop do
y << a
a, b = b, a + b
and then call it:
p fib.take_while { |elem| elem <= 5 }
#=> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
So, you create an enumerator which iterates all your values and then once you have that, you can iterate through it and collect the values you want for your array in any of the usual Ruby-ish ways
Similar to Simple Lime's Enumerator solution, you can write a method that wraps itself in an Enumerator:
def fibonacci_up_to(max_number)
return enum_for(__callee__, max_number) unless block_given?
a = b = 1
while a <= max_number
yield a
a, b = b, a + b
fibonacci_up_to(5).to_a # => [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
This achieves the same result as returning an Enumerator instance from a method, but it looks a bit nicer and you can use the yield keyword instead of a yielder block variable. It also lets you do neat things like:
fibonacci_up_to(5) do |i|
# ..

ruby check if any item in array exists in another array

Currently I have this code:
if !(allowed_params & password_protected_params).empty?
Which means "if anything in allowed_params is also in password_protected_params". This code works, but I find it a bit obfuscated and not friendly to the next developer that looks at this code.
Is there another, more readable way to check if anything in one array exists within another array?
The block in question is this:
if !(allowed_params & password_protected_params).empty?
result = #user.update_with_password(allowed_params)
#only update trivial attributes
result = #user.update_without_password(allowed_params)
In the end I just added a variable to make it more readable (but still open to better suggestions):
needs_password = !(allowed_params & password_protected_params).empty?
if needs_password
result = #user.update_with_password(allowed_params)
#only update trivial attributes
result = #user.update_without_password(allowed_params)
There is not official synonym for Array#&. You can refactor your code into another method, and add a comment:
def intersects?(a, b)
!(a & b).empty?
# ...
if intersects? allowed_params, password_protected_params
# ...
Otherwise, you may want to extend the Array class, and define a method or add an alias_method to it:
class Array
alias_method :intersection, :&
def intersects?(array)
[1, 2, 3].intersects? [3, 4, 5] # true
Bear in mind that changing core-classes is not a good-practice.
One ruby way could be
foo = [1, 2]
=> [1, 2]
bar = [1, 3]
=> [1, 3]
baz = [5, 3]
=> [5, 3]
bar.any?{|element| foo.include?(element)}
=> true
baz.any?{|element| foo.include?(element)}
=> false

Intersection of an arbitrary number of arrays

I need a function which takes an array of arrays as its argument, then returns the intersection of all the subarrays. How could I improve the following code, if at all?
class Array
def grand_intersection
if self.length > 1
filters = self[1..-1]
filters.reduce(self[0]) {|start, filter| start & filter}
P.S. I'm not too concerned about handling arrays whose content won't respond to #& -- the method won't be exposed to the user.
class Array
def grand_intersection
self.reduce :&
[[1,2,3,4,5], [2,3,4], [1,2,4,5]].grand_intersection
#=> [2, 4]

Creating an array from variables without nil values in Ruby

What's the most idiomatic way to create an array from several variables without nil values?
Given these variables:
a = 1
b = nil
c = 3
I would like to create an array ary:
ary #=> [1, 3]
I could use Array#compact:
ary = [a, b, c].compact
ary #=> [1, 3]
But putting everything in an array just to remove certain elements afterwards doesn't feel right.
Using if statements on the other hand produces more code:
ary = []
ary << a if a
ary << b if b
ary << c if c
ary #=> [1, 3]
Is there another or a preferred way or are there any advantages or drawbacks using either of the above?
PS: false doesn't necessarily have to be considered. The variables are either truthy (numbers / strings / arrays / hashes) or nil.
If you are concerned about performance, best way would be probably to use destructive #compact! to avoid allocating memory for second array.
I was hoping for a way to somehow "skip" the nil values during array creation. But after thinking about this for a while, I realized that this can't be achieved because of Ruby's way to handle multiple values. There's no concept of a "list" of values, multiple values are always represented as an array.
If you assign multiple values, Ruby creates an array:
ary = 1, nil, 3
#=> [1, nil, 3]
Same for a method taking a variable number of arguments:
def foo(*args)
foo(1, nil, 3)
#=> [1, nil, 3]
So even if I would patch Array with a class method new_without_nil, I would end up with:
def Array.new_without_nil(*values)
This just moves the code elsewhere.
Everything is an object
From an OO point of view, there's nothing special about nil - it's an object like any other. Therefore, removing nil's is not different from removing 1's.
Using a bunch of if statements on the other hand is something I'm trying to avoid when writing object oriented code. I prefer sending messages to objects.
Regarding "advantages or drawbacks":
[...] with compact / compact!
creates full array and shrinks it as needed
short code, often fits in one line
is easily recognized
evaluates each item once
faster (compiled C code)
[...] with << and if statements
creates empty array and grows it as needed
long code, one line per item
purpose might not be as obvious
items can easily be commented / uncommented
evaluates each item twice
slower (interpreted Ruby code)
I'll use compact, might have been obvious.
Here is a solution that uses a hash.
With these values put in an array:
a = 1; b = nil; c = 3; d = nil; e = 10;
ary = [a, b, c, d, e]
There are two nil items in the result which would require a compact to remove both "nil" items.
However the same variables added to a hash:
a = 1; b = nil; c = 3; d = nil; e = 10;
hash = {a => nil, b => nil, c => nil, d => nil, e => nil}
There is just one "nil" item in the result which can easily be removed by hash.delete(nil).
