How to include Angular ngMessage template - angularjs

I have quite a big form and was looking at ngMessages. I wanted to implement this:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="error-messages">
<div ng-message="required">This field is required</div>
<div ng-message="minlength">This field is too short</div>
would I make a factory method? so I could use it across many different controllers? as the project will have many forms in it? I am not sure how to include this in a factory if that is the correct way. This is what I was thinking whether it is right or not.
(function() {
"use strict";
.factory("errorMessage", []);
function errorMessage() {
return // some template

You can add the template to angular's template cache:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);$templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('error-messages.html', '<div ng-message="required">This field is required</div><div ng-message="minlength">This field is too short</div>');
Then, reference it in the html documents where you want to include it using ng-include.
<div ng-include src="'error-messages.html'"></div>
If you are using a build system like gulp, you can keep your html in .html files and using the plugin to automate the process of adding them to angular's template cache.


Using ng-include with template cache

I am developing in angular js. Previously, i use ng-include with url. But how could i point the url to templatecache?
Template cache uses a key for identifying the cached elements, so you can use the key for that.
$templateCache.put('MY KEY', 'Cached content');
And in the html:
<ng-include src="'MY KEY'"></ng-include>
See it on AngularJS docs for $templateCache.
There are two ways:
In markup:
Specify your template as a script tag:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="templateId.html">
<p>This is the content of the template</p>
(this should be a descendant of your ng-app, in other words it should be specified somewhere inside the ng-app markup)
This will automatically cache the template.
In code:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);$templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('templateId.html', 'This is the content of the template');
In both the cases, you can get the cached template like this:
<div ng-include=" 'templateId.html' "></div>

Why run method of this module isn't run? [duplicate]

I'm trying to add two angular apps / modules to one page.
In the fiddles below you can see that always only the first module, referenced in the html code, will work correctly, whereas the second is not recognized by angular.
In this fiddle we can only execute the doSearch2 method, whereas in this fiddle only the doSearch method works correctly.
I'm looking for the way how to correctly place two angular modules into one page.
Only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first ngApp found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using angular.bootstrap instead. AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other.
See also
I created an alternative directive that doesn't have ngApp's limitations. It's called ngModule. This is what you code would look like when you use it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
var moduleA = angular.module("MyModuleA", []);
moduleA.controller("MyControllerA", function($scope) {
$ = "Bob A";
var moduleB = angular.module("MyModuleB", []);
moduleB.controller("MyControllerB", function($scope) {
$ = "Steve B";
<div ng-modules="MyModuleA, MyModuleB">
<h1>Module A, B</h1>
<div ng-controller="MyControllerA">
<div ng-controller="MyControllerB">
<div ng-module="MyModuleB">
<h1>Just Module B</h1>
<div ng-controller="MyControllerB">
You can get the source code at:
It's essentially the same code used internally by AngularJS without the limitations.
Why do you want to use multiple [ng-app] ? Since Angular is resumed by using modules, you can use an app that use multiple dependencies.
// setter syntax -> initializing other module for demonstration
angular.module('otherModule', []);
angular.module('app', ['otherModule'])
.controller('AppController', function () {
// something
// getter syntax
.controller('OtherController', function () {
// something
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="AppController">...</div>
<div ng-controller="OtherController">...</div>
Keep in mind that if you want to use controller inside controller you have to use the controllerAs syntax, like so:
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="AppController as app">
<div ng-controller="OtherController as other">...</div>
You can bootstrap multiple angular applications, but:
1) You need to manually bootstrap them
2) You should not use "document" as the root, but the node where the angular interface is contained to:
var todoRootNode = jQuery('[ng-controller=TodoController]');
angular.bootstrap(todoRootNode, ['TodoApp']);
This would be safe.
Manual bootstrapping both the modules will work. Look at this
<!-- IN HTML -->
<div id="dvFirst">
<div ng-controller="FirstController">
<p>1: {{ desc }}</p>
<div id="dvSecond">
<div ng-controller="SecondController ">
<p>2: {{ desc }}</p>
var dvFirst = document.getElementById('dvFirst');
var dvSecond = document.getElementById('dvSecond');
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(dvFirst, ['firstApp']);
angular.bootstrap(dvSecond, ['secondApp']);
Here is the link to the Plunker
NOTE: In html, there is no ng-app. id has been used instead.
I made a POC for an Angular application using multiple modules and router-outlets to nest sub apps in a single page app.
You can get the source code at:
Hope this will help

Adding dependencies to an AngularJS controller

I have inherited some AngularJS code. It has this
function MainCtrl($scope)
// code goes here
.controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl)
Now I want to add a custom controller which combines a datepicker and timepicker into one control. The GitHub project is here and there is a demo Plunk here.
The demo Punk declares its controller as
var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker']);
app.controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
How do I add that into my existing controller? What is the combined declaration? Preferably one that I can use it with ng-stricti-di on my ng-app.
[Update] here's my best guess, which I can't test until I get home in 10 hours or so. How does it look?
var myApp=angular.module('myApp', ['$scope','ui.bootstrap','ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker']);
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope)
// code goes here, and can use ui.bootstrap and ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker
// which were injected into the app's module
[Update 2[ When I change it to
.module('inspinia' ['ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker'])
.controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl)
I get
Error: [$injector:nomod]$injector/nomod?p0=undefinedError: [$injector:nomod]$injector/nomod?p0=undefined
Despue index.html having
<script src="js/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
How do I get this project to use ui boostrap and its datepicker?
Please review these steps:
You don't need to inject your $scope in your app declaration just
inject external modules you want to use, for this case:
'ui.bootstrap' and 'ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker'.
angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap','ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker'])
What is the combined declaration?
Because 'ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker' depends only on 'ui.bootstrap.dateparser' and 'ui.bootstrap.position' but you need also the bootstrap templates and functionality that are included into the ui.bootstrap-tpls.js.
Make sure to include the above files required in you index.html
<link rel="stylesheet" ref="//" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- make sure you download this file from the github project -->
<script src="datetime-picker.js"></script>
How do I add that into my existing controller?
When you declare your controller this inherit all module dependencies you had declared (injected) for the app, so you don't need to do this again. In your controller you should create an object literal to store the date-time selected for the user and a variable to control when the date-picker is open, like this:
angular.module('myApp').controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.myDatetime = {
dateSelected: new Date(),
isOpen: false
Call the date-time picker directive in your html:
<html ng-app-="myApp">
<head> .... </head>
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" datetime-picker="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" ng-model="myDatetime.dateSelected" is-open="myDatetime.isOpen" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="myDatetime.isOpen = !myDatetime.isOpen"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></button>
I hope this help you.
Based on your comment under the question, your confusion is with the way the two pieces of code handle their dependency injection. So before I go further, if you haven't read the documentation on dependency injection, then stop right here and go read it. It will have all of your answers and more and it's something you need to know if handling Angular for longer than five minutes.
To answer the specific case you have, the top code you listed uses implicit injection for the controller which works but is not safe for minification nor is it recommended. The code sample you found uses array dependency inject for the controller which is better and safe for minification. The app declaration in the second sample is just standard module dependency injection and shouldn't look any different than what you already have in your application.
So to use the code you found all you have to do is add the correct module dependencies to your app something like:
angular.module('inspinia', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.datetimepicker']);
function MainCtrl($scope) { }
Your controller appears to already have the correct dependencies so it doesn't need to be changed (which is say it doesn't need anything outside of $scope). I used the code from your first example to show how your current code would be updated but ideally you would use the second version of dependency inject for your controller.
The update you have with the error is because the ui.bootstrap module is not part of bootstrap but part of the angular-bootstrap project. You need to include those js in your page.
It would be remiss of me if I didn't go ahead and mention there is a third way to do dependency injection using the $inject service. It is preferred in a number of popular style guides because it is easy to use a task runner to automate. This is arguably the best option to use for this reason.
Here is minimal app, that you will need to use this datepicker
<body ng-app="inspinia">
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl as ctrl">
<h1>Datepicker Demo</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup ng-model="ctrl.dt" is-open="ctrl.opened" close-text="Close" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click=""><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('inspinia', ['ui.bootstrap']);
angular.module('inspinia').controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);
function MainCtrl() { = function() {
this.opened = true;
this.opened = false;
Here I created a plunker for you, so you can try:

Angular binding for dynamically added html div

Sorry, this seems a duplicated questions, but I tried all answered questions close to my question, with no success.
I am trying to introduce angular.js into a legacy system.
the system is using the .load jquery function to dynamically load div content with a page from an ASP.NET MVC page.
my brief html will look like this
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
any content...
<div id="dyncontent"> </div>
and my javascript legacy code looks like
I added in the dynamic content, some angular directive and binding instruction
my angular code is like this
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
How to make the binding / angular directive works on the newly added content?
You need to manually start the angular module using angular.bootstrap
$('#dyncontent').load('/showviewcontent', function() {
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('dyncontent'), ['myApp']);

Multiple angularjs applications for one page [duplicate]

I'm trying to add two angular apps / modules to one page.
In the fiddles below you can see that always only the first module, referenced in the html code, will work correctly, whereas the second is not recognized by angular.
In this fiddle we can only execute the doSearch2 method, whereas in this fiddle only the doSearch method works correctly.
I'm looking for the way how to correctly place two angular modules into one page.
Only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first ngApp found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using angular.bootstrap instead. AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other.
See also
I created an alternative directive that doesn't have ngApp's limitations. It's called ngModule. This is what you code would look like when you use it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
var moduleA = angular.module("MyModuleA", []);
moduleA.controller("MyControllerA", function($scope) {
$ = "Bob A";
var moduleB = angular.module("MyModuleB", []);
moduleB.controller("MyControllerB", function($scope) {
$ = "Steve B";
<div ng-modules="MyModuleA, MyModuleB">
<h1>Module A, B</h1>
<div ng-controller="MyControllerA">
<div ng-controller="MyControllerB">
<div ng-module="MyModuleB">
<h1>Just Module B</h1>
<div ng-controller="MyControllerB">
You can get the source code at:
It's essentially the same code used internally by AngularJS without the limitations.
Why do you want to use multiple [ng-app] ? Since Angular is resumed by using modules, you can use an app that use multiple dependencies.
// setter syntax -> initializing other module for demonstration
angular.module('otherModule', []);
angular.module('app', ['otherModule'])
.controller('AppController', function () {
// something
// getter syntax
.controller('OtherController', function () {
// something
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="AppController">...</div>
<div ng-controller="OtherController">...</div>
Keep in mind that if you want to use controller inside controller you have to use the controllerAs syntax, like so:
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="AppController as app">
<div ng-controller="OtherController as other">...</div>
You can bootstrap multiple angular applications, but:
1) You need to manually bootstrap them
2) You should not use "document" as the root, but the node where the angular interface is contained to:
var todoRootNode = jQuery('[ng-controller=TodoController]');
angular.bootstrap(todoRootNode, ['TodoApp']);
This would be safe.
Manual bootstrapping both the modules will work. Look at this
<!-- IN HTML -->
<div id="dvFirst">
<div ng-controller="FirstController">
<p>1: {{ desc }}</p>
<div id="dvSecond">
<div ng-controller="SecondController ">
<p>2: {{ desc }}</p>
var dvFirst = document.getElementById('dvFirst');
var dvSecond = document.getElementById('dvSecond');
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(dvFirst, ['firstApp']);
angular.bootstrap(dvSecond, ['secondApp']);
Here is the link to the Plunker
NOTE: In html, there is no ng-app. id has been used instead.
I made a POC for an Angular application using multiple modules and router-outlets to nest sub apps in a single page app.
You can get the source code at:
Hope this will help
