Android snackbar swipe bug - android-snackbar

In my Android app I have a snackbar. When it is on the screen, I try to swipe it out, but after swiping another layout on the screen isn't changing. So, it looks like it presents on the screen with visibility setted to View.INVISIBLE. Is there a bug or am I doing wrong something?

It seems that there is a Bug in Support Library 23.2.0. This problem presents in Google Keep app for Android. It's shown on the screenshot.


REACT - Scroll to image loaded when component is re-rendered (happens only on IOS)

I've done some research before come here to ask help, but this issue it's so weird that I can barely describe it to find for some help. Well, I coded pagination logic on my own using React. After finishing I've tested it on Windows using chrome, working fine, on Android using chrome and samsung browser, also working fine...but on IOS using both safari and chrome, when moving through pagination, it scrolls to the new image that is loaded breaking the scroll to the top that I implemented, this video sums up everything:
You can see that everytime I change pagination it jumps to the image and then scroll to the top, after I cycle between all the posts, this behavior stops and the pagination do what I originally intended, scroll to the top after user select position of the pagination.
You can check it by yourself on you ios device (I was using iPhone 13)
Also here is my source code
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
To be honest I have no idea on why this is happening.

How do I stop my ReactJS webite from twitching when I move my cursor?

A simple, one page view website, which I built on ReactJS started twitching anytime I moved my cursor. It seems like the browser width is changing, with a few pixels of margin added to the right, every time that happens. This doesn't seem to happen when viewing with the Chrome browser in mobile screen mode, under the developer tools. Which probably means it's as a result of the cursur interacting with the page. Has anyone encountered something similar?
It usually happens when you have an element that changes its width, padding, margin or border on hover or a Javascript event. This is not caused by React.
Please, share some css or JS you think may be involved to help more.
I found the bug, an animating component that kept touching the edge of the browser was the issue. I added some margin to the right of the component and the twitching stopped. Thanks to everyone for your help.

How to remove Splash screen for both iOS and Android in Xamarin.Forms?

I'm new to Xamarin.Forms and was looking for a way to remove the Splash Screen and have my custom animated splash screen, does anyone have the idea about how to do it? Any help at all would be great!
There is a blog post here that details how remove the default splash screen and replace this on iOS, Android, and WindowsPhone.
For example on the Android example, they are talking about creating a new Activity, prior to loading the default Activity that will launch the Xamarin.Forms App.
Using that approach will most likely also work in all other platforms. As you can do some platform-specific native animation set, prior to launching your real Xamarin.Forms App in your PCL.

Gravity Forms Google Nocaptcha Recaptcha image picker wider than mobile screen

I'm having an issue with Gravity forms' Google noCaptcha reCaptcha (Wordpress Plugin). The pop-up image picker (after you check the box it pops up) is going off of the screen in a mobile size window. It's the only element that does that, so I'm lead to believe that it's not an issue with my styling. Has this ever happened to anyone before? I've tried researching it but the only thing I can find is talking about the "I'm Not a Robot" box not being responsive, which is NOT my issue here.
Here's an image of the site before the box is checked:
And here is an image of after it's checked:
Thanks in advance!
You can fix that issue with css. Kindly read this

My Google Maps custom overlays are not "active" anymore in Chrome and Firefox, but work fine in IE

Since a couple of months, my custom overlays appear to be disabled.
They are still visible and displayed correctly, but the link does not work anymore, nor does the CSS that changes z-index. They just seem to be drawn, and that's it.
The link is there, but I can't click it.
This happened in Chrome and Firefox, not in IE.
Has anyone had similar issues? I've searched and searched the web again and again, nothing. However I'm sure I must've missed something.
Ok, I finally figured it out: wrong overlay layer. One is specifically dedicated to mouse events: overlayMouseTarget
