Use currently logged in user in Dynamics CRM 2015 configured with IFD, to authenticate against an external MVC application - angularjs

I have a Dynamics CRM 2015 on premise instance, IFD configured with claims authentication, as recommended from Microsoft, and working OK.
There is also a separate angular application, wrapped in, in ASP.NET MVC web application. The angular part i assume is not related much, but nevertheless, let it be here for complete picture.
I also have it configured to work with ADFS claims authentication, with the point being, the user to be logged in, and using the application, in the same user context in both CRM and web app. So when a user is using the application, he is using it with the user he logged in, in CRM with.
So, when i try to access the app URL, i get redirected to the adfs login, from which after logging in, i get redirected to my app index page. This is working fine as well.
In CRM i have a ribbon button which transfers selected records, to the web app, directly to the web app url, so as Selected records is mentioned here only as info, and it is not related to the problem.
Now, my problem is, when i access CRM, i login to ADFS, and then try to click the button to open web app URL, i get the ADFS login screen again. If i try to login with the same user, i am stuck in a loop without any requests being sent, and the fields are constantly clearing, without the possibility of logging in.
So the users cannot access it anymore. It is not browser related.
Requests are getting sent, and the login request appears in the audit log in event viewer, as successful, but the redirection doesn't seem to happen. Also, it seems to be browser related, not sure how I've missed it before:
IE: I get a windows login instead of ADFS login, and after inputting password, i get redirected, and then logged in OK. This login should not show though.
Chrome: Constant loop, and a console issue logged: The specified value "DOMAIN\USERNAME" is not a valid email address.
Firefox: Fields, are constantly cleared in a loop.
End Correction
If i clear the cache, or firstly login to the web app directly, then there is no problem, and opening the URL from CRM after that works normally.
This issue is turning out to be quite of a drag, as i do not know how to address it. Has anyone had similar issue, with external apps logging in with claims, to let me know what i am missing?
Claims rules for the web app are below:


Login Success but Redirect fails

I am using Blazor WebServer with Identity Server template, downloaded from ABP.IO
When run locally, it all works fine. Login is success and able to see the post login page.
Once deployed to Azure App Service, Identity page shows correctly and even able to login. On the Blazor page, click on login, enter credentials, redirects back to the logged out page, but seems session is created, and login button shown. there is no error logged in the log files and console also has no errors.
Redis is running as Azure Redis Cache and there are no reported errors. I have deployed to below URL on Azure using the default template. Nothing confidential so I can share. The credentials are also the default credentials for
It seems that there is no error already. Because when I make a request via swagger, I can access the necessary user information. As you stated, actually the session was created.
But there is a problem with the UI. To test the problem, after publishing the application in your local, can you run ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT with the Production environment variable?
In addition, we need your ABP version information and your steps while publishing in local so that we can repeat the error.
this problem probably occurs on chrome. If you try to use firefox, you will pass the problem.Also, you can check this link for the fix on the chrome :

How can I diagnose authentication issues in a custom single tenant Teams app?

I am developing an ASP.NET MVC website. It is hosted in Azure and users are authenticated with AAD for our single tenant. I intend to make the website available in a Teams app, so that my coworkers can navigate to my website via the Teams Windows app and the mobile app.
I follow these steps to integrate security in a web browser:
I followed these directions to integrate security with Teams: I'm not sure that I did this correctly.
At this point, I can:
Login with a web browser
Login via Teams mobile app
Load Teams in a web browser then load my app (not a use case that I need to support, but this worked and I was not prompted to login. I assume that I wasn't prompted to login because I was already logged in directly in another browser tab).
I cannot:
Login via Teams Windows app -- This is my primary use case unfortunately.
When I try to login with the Teams application on Windows (using the same pages and forms as on mobile), the page just disappears. I'm not prompted with the usual Microsoft login page.
How can I diagnose the cause of the problem? I don't see any obvious errors reported in Teams. Is there any way to get access to the root error?
EDIT: is reporting "Your browser is currently set to block cookies. You need to allow cookies to use this service." I'm now aware of the SameSite changes ( and I've implemented the recommended SameSiteCookieManager code to address the SameSite issue.
I'm still running into the same issue. No exceptions or errors reported except that Teams does not accept cookies.
May have to break this down further, here's how I would decipher it.
First of all, you will have to figure out if the issue is with Teams or on the Auth side.
Figure out which line of code is executing last? You can debug or write to terminal/logs.
Do you see any exceptions? Ideally debuggers can help or you can add some code to catch any exception.
If it's failing before executing any code, do you see any http requests going out, you can use fiddler for this. See if you are seeing any error codes.
If you are using Windows then check Event Logs for any errors or exceptions for Teams App. Look at the Application logs.
Look out for Audit logs and sign in logs and check if you see any activity in your tenant when you run this app.
Some other points would be to check if you can repro this with a sample app or a different user(elevated user). If there is any additional info do share.

SaaS Application with Azure AD authentication as MS Teams App with App Studio

My company is using this service Aha! Ideas for internal idea-sharing. Everything is set up correctly with Aha! and the page site loads and requests the email for the user. Once they put it in the Microsoft credentials from the host machine so an SSO and they are redirected to the secure page. On machines where the user has not authenticated against our domain on the workstation, they are redirected to the Microsoft login and after they login, the user is redirected to the site.
So Great!! that is all working perfectly.
Now, I go into App Studio in Microsoft Teams and set up the site to load as an App in the Sidebar. I have added the main URL as a tab, I have set up the Valid Domains and included and I have set ADD App ID to the one used in the SAML2 setup of Aha!.
When I load the app I get the page requesting my email, this is from Aha!, and when I submit it should use SSO from Teams to log me in. I am logged in to Teams using my company Microsoft Account. At a minimum, it should redirect to the and request my username and password. Instead, I get nothing but a blank page.
Anyone have any ideas as to why it's not working, or what I might have done wrong?
'SSO' in the truest sense with Teams -definitely- won't work - it requires changes to the app itself, which you don't control, but even aside from that, depending on how the app ends up doing it's authentication, this still might not work, as you're seeing. Is there maybe a chance Aha! is working on Teams integration?

Azure AD OpenID login not showing errors on fail

I have been updating a system that has been in place for sometime and finding some clients have issues with login on mobile devices.
I have a test system in place and setup Application in Azure AD and noticed during testing if I login with incorrect credentials, will show:
Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.
AADSTS50020: User account...
When login to the clients live systems I don't see this error and just get returned to the home page of the application.
The only difference is the client apps are configured with credentials for there Azure AD instance and I cannot access them. These where also built on the legacy App Registrations but that shouldn't be issue (ha). The server side is the same implementation.
Why am I not seeing the AADSTS errors in productions sites?
If you are not seeing any error and are just getting returned to the homepage it seems more likely to be an issue with the Redirect URI or the app registration configuration.
Please confirm that the redirect URIs in your application and in your registration are what they are intended be.
Also, ask them to check the developer tool logs when signing in to see if anything shows up. It might be failing but not triggering the error message.

Salesforce Mobile SDK Issue Login "Receiving Remote Access Authorization Error"

I am using the salesforce mobile sdk to develop an application in native IOS. I was doing some testing logging in as a user. All was fine. Then I logged out. When I logout I call the coordinator revoke authentication method. I then tried to login as a new user who had never logged into the device and I received the following error: "Receiving Remote Access Authorization Error there was a problem in setting up your remote access." I then selected the Not me link and it logged me out. However, when I tried to login again as the user that wasn't able to login it takes me to the salesforce website for that user?!!!! It did not take me to the application but to the salesforce website? Anyone know why first the error above occurs? Does it have to do with a possible token issue? Also why would I be driven to the salesforce website when I try to login as the user again?
Note: The salesforce login is in its own webview component. I had a button to force a logout no matter where I am in the app. When I force the logout and try to login as the person it then takes me to the application. Very confused in terms of what is going on in this scenario.
There is potentially a solution posted here, or at least some clues: seems to suggest a timing issue and refreshing the web view in applicationDidBecomeActive might fix it
Also more information here:
You might also try making sure that you have a Connected App properly set up under Setup/Create/Apps, and that the key and return URL match those hardcoded in your app.
