How to compile stylus config to js object - stylus

I need to share a config between stylus and react. How can I pull stylus variables to js?
I know I can use json in stylus, but JSON is static, you can not define a setting in it which is calculated using another setting. So I want to reuse stylus variables in my react app.

Stylus supports Javascript API. In fact, you can get Stylus as npm package.
You don't need to convert anything. Take a look at docs:
Make use of stylus-vars package to inject config into .styl files. Here, in docs, is complete example


How to get environment variables in the aAPI side from the UI?

React noob here. I'm currently migrating an app from Next.js to React.
In Next, we had certain environment variables (such as root URLs) defined in our Jenkinsfile that would be called from our UI via process.env.[var].
Now that we're migrating to React, I can't use process.env in the UI side, as this is a Node property. I also can't store these environment variables on the API side and call them from the UI side, as React doesn't allow references to be made outside the UI's /src directory.
Is there a way to use our environment variables (defined in Jenkinsfile) from our UI? I'm considering creating a GET endpoint in the API side to return the environment variables to the UI when it loads, but would like to know if there are any alternative solutions.
Probably obvious, but here's the basic layout of our app
constants.js <- trying to store the env vars here
Technically, we can't use environment variables in browser context, that's why we usually use DefinePlugin or EnvironmentPlugin in webpack based projects like CRA and Vue-CLI to statically replace process.env.* with environment variables.
But this way will forces us to rebuild the whole application multiple times for different stages.
To fix this, without compromises., I recommend trying import-meta-env.
During production, this plugin statically replaces import.meta.env.* with placeholders (we use import.meta because process.env is a Node specific object), then we can run the built-in script and replace the placeholders with real environment variables later.
I also created an example for Docker. For Jenkins, I think it can be done in the same way.
Hope this helps someone who needs it.
If you are using create-react-app you can define your env variables in the .env file, just prefix them with REACT_APP_.
If not, you can use build tools like webpack to add them for you

Snowpack with React and CSS modules bundled into JavaScript

I’m having an issue with Snowpack and CSS modules. When I build the app it creates a .json file with the hashed and non-hashed class names but they are not loaded into index.js and all the classes show as undefined when inspecting the page. When I look at the source I can see an empty object that looks like it should have the JSON in and if I add it manually it works... is there something I need to configure to get this to work or should it just do it after importing the xxx.module.css file?
Additionally is there a way to bundle the css in with the JavaScript so it injects the styles at runtime rather than having a separate css file? Maybe using #snowpack/webpack to bundle them?
I just updated to the latest version of snowpack and it doesn’t even generate the .json file...

Read local package/bower.json file to check the app version

I want to do some conditional operations inside my angularjs application for different versions of my app. How do I import the version property of my bower/package.json file from my Angular app locally.
I seem to get module not founderror when trying to import the json file (actually anything that's not .ts file). I am not planning to use $http.get(..) to read the json file asynchronously nor installing node/express packages to use require module.
I want to simply use the ES6 or SystemJS module loader for doing this task. Thank you :)
Solution in AngularJS Controller:
var appVersion = require('electron');

Fallback for webpack external libraries

Is there a way to specify a fallback for webpack external, for example if I can't find angular then try to search for it in your node_modules?
You can reference parts 2 of the answer to this Webpack question.
You can use the provide plugin and set an alias for the global. As stated:
Most legacy modules rely on the presence of specific globals, like jQuery plugins do on $ or jQuery. In this scenario you can configure webpack, to prepend var $ = require("jquery") everytime it encounters the global $ identifier.
The angular global will be treated the same way. Therefore if you don't have angular in node modules but loaded via external script, Webpack will allow you to use it the same way as if it was living in your node modules.

Can I configure AngularJS ui-router in other js files and not only in app.js(defalut)

I now, use angularJS, requireJS, bootstrap to structure my project.Just like the title.Because of all router configured in app.js can make this file be so large and difficult to maintain in the future.So is existing some solution to solve it?Thanks.
Yes, definitely. We actually have a routing config file in each section of our site. It keeps it a lot more organized.
In the JS file you want to configure it you will just need to get a reference to your angular module and chain your config file off it. This is done by simply writing our your module as you would without the dependency brackets like this:
//define your states as usual
You can add your angularjs configuration in any .js file or you can give any name of file, but this file must be included first in html.
