How to find all sequences of three in an array of values - arrays

first question ever here...
I am coding a simple 3-card poker hand evaluator and am having problems finding/extracting multiple "straights" (sequential series of values) from an array of values.
I need to extract and return EVERY straight the array possibly has. Here's an example:
(assume array is first sorted numerically incrementing)
myArray = [1h,2h,3c,3h,4c]
Possible three-value sequences are:
Here is my original code to find sequences of 3, where the array contains card objects with .value and .suit. For simplicity in this question I just put "2h" etc here:
private var _pokerHand = [1h,2h,3c,3h,4c];
private function getAllStraights(): Array
var foundStraights:Array = new Array();
for (var i: int = 0; i < (_handLength - 2); i++)
if ((_pokerHand[i].value - _pokerHand[i + 1].value) == 1 && (_pokerHand[i + 1].value - _pokerHand[i + 2].value) == 1)
trace("found a straight!");
foundStraights.push(new Array(_pokerHand[i], _pokerHand[i + 1], _pokerHand[i + 2]));
return foundStraights;
but it of course fails when there are value duplicates (like the 3's above). I cannot discard duplicates because they could be of different suits. I need every possible straight as in the example above. This allows me to run the straights through a "Flush" function to find "straight flush".
What array iteration technique am I missing?

This is an interesting problem. Given the popularity of poker games (and Flash) I'm sure this has been solved many times before, but I couldn't find an example online. Here's how I would approach it:
Look at it like a path finding problem.
Begin with every card in the hand as the start of a possible path (straight).
While there are possible straights:
Remove one from the list.
Find all the next valid steps, (could be none, or up to 4 following cards with the same value), and for each next valid step:
If it reaches the goal (completes a straight) add it to a list of found straights.
Otherwise add the possible straight with the next step back to the stack.
This seems to do what you want (Card object has .value as int):
private function getAllStraights(cards:Vector.<Card>, straightLength:uint = 3):Vector.<Vector.<Card>> {
var foundStraights:Vector.<Vector.<Card>> = new <Vector.<Card>>[];
var possibleStraights:Vector.<Vector.<Card>> = new <Vector.<Card>>[];
for each (var startingCard:Card in cards) {
possibleStraights.push(new <Card>[startingCard]);
while (possibleStraights.length) {
var possibleStraight:Vector.<Card> = possibleStraights.shift();
var lastCard:Card = possibleStraight[possibleStraight.length - 1];
var possibleNextCards:Vector.<Card> = new <Card>[];
for (var i:int = cards.indexOf(lastCard) + 1; i < cards.length; i++) {
var nextCard:Card = cards[i];
if (nextCard.value == lastCard.value)
if (nextCard.value == lastCard.value + 1)
for each (var possibleNextCard:Card in possibleNextCards) {
var possibleNextStraight:Vector.<Card> = possibleStraight.slice().concat(new <Card>[possibleNextCard]);
if (possibleNextStraight.length == straightLength)
return foundStraights;
Given [1♥,2♥,3♣,3♥,4♣] you get: [1♥,2♥,3♣], [1♥,2♥,3♥], [2♥,3♣,4♣], [2♥,3♥,4♣]
It gets really interesting when you have a lot of duplicates, like [1♥,1♣,1♦,1♠,2♥,2♣,3♦,3♠,4♣,4♦,4♥]. This gives you:
[1♥,2♥,3♦], [1♥,2♥,3♠], [1♥,2♣,3♦], [1♥,2♣,3♠], [1♣,2♥,3♦], [1♣,2♥,3♠], [1♣,2♣,3♦], [1♣,2♣,3♠], [1♦,2♥,3♦], [1♦,2♥,3♠], [1♦,2♣,3♦], [1♦,2♣,3♠], [1♠,2♥,3♦], [1♠,2♥,3♠], [1♠,2♣,3♦], [1♠,2♣,3♠], [2♥,3♦,4♣], [2♥,3♦,4♦], [2♥,3♦,4♥], [2♥,3♠,4♣], [2♥,3♠,4♦], [2♥,3♠,4♥], [2♣,3♦,4♣], [2♣,3♦,4♦], [2♣,3♦,4♥], [2♣,3♠,4♣], [2♣,3♠,4♦], [2♣,3♠,4♥]
I haven't checked this thoroughly but it looks right at a glance.


Google Active Script: using map in an array with 2 arguments

This works:
Suppose I want to use in an ArrayFormula() the indirect() function, which doesn't work. That is, supposed I type this in cell E1, =ArrayFormula(indirect(address(row(E:E),column(A:A)))), this will return the value of cell A1 in all the cells in column E. To circumvent this, I created the custom function below:
function retValue(cell){
if( {
} else {
var cellRang = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(cell);
return cellRang.getValue();
Now, when I enter this =ArrayFormula(retValue(address(row(E:E),column(A:A)))) in cell E1, each cell in column E will have the corresponding value of the cell in the same row of column A.
My problem:
What I need is to have a custom function that receives 2 arguments, like function retValue2(cell, anotherRange) but I only care if cell is an array, as anotherRange must be an array anyway. What happens is that when I iteratively call the argument anotherRange is lost and I'm not entirely sure how to go about this.
I tried to come up with this:
function retValue2(cell, anotherRange) {
if ( {
} else {
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(anotherRange);
var nrRows = range.getNumRows();
var nrCols = range.getNumColumns();
return cell + ',' + nrRows + ',' + nrCols;
But it fails because anotherRange is not recognized inside the iteration I think. How do I solve this?
PS.: in the example that works, why exactly does it work at all? I understand that when I do this return; it will use my own function as the callback, which would return all the values in the array, but in the spreadsheet it shows only the one on the same row. What is the magic here?
My end goal is to create my own lookup function where I pass a search key and a 2-dimensional array (rows and columns) and then, it locates the coordinates of that key in the array.
Look here:
function retCoord(sKey, sIRange) {
try {
var key = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(sKey).getValue();
catch(e) {
var key = sKey;
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(sIRange).getValues();
nbRow = range.length;
nbColumn = range[0].length;
for(var i = 0; i<nbRow; i++){
for(var j = 0; j<nbColumn; j++){
if(range[i][j] == key){
return i + ", " + j;
If in my spreadsheet I enter something like =retCoord("K4","A:L") it will search the content of cell K4 in my 2-dimensional array A:L and return where in the array the value is, 1, 2 for example. It also works if I use =retCoord(K4,"A:L") or =retCoord("term searched","A:L"), and in this latter case I enter directly the term searched. This works fine until I use it in an ArrayFormula().
First, instead of =retCoord("K4","A:L") I could very well use =retCoord(address(4, 11),"A:L") for instance and my .getRange() method would get the cell K4 just fine.
Now, here is the big problem. I want to use my function in an ArrayFormula(), and, positioning my cursor in O1 and hoping to search the items from column D in the columns E through L I want to pass as one of the inputs of address(), row(O:O), like this: =ArrayFormula(retCoord(address(row(O:O),4,4),"E:L")), meaning that for each row, a new address is passed. that is, in O1 cell, it should return the result of retCoord(D1,"E:L"), in O2 should be retCoord(D2,"E:L"), in O3 should be retCoord(D3,"E:L") and so on.
The issue happens because in my function, sKey is an array and if I try to use the same approach as my function retValue (here above in the This works: section) it fails because now, in retCoord, I have 2 inputs, and the introspection function calling from before fails because of the second input. Of course I'm missing something and there is always a better and more elegant way to approach a problem. But for now, can anyone help me with this one?
I changed the code a little and it seems I moved forward but not quite yet. Check comment below for line indicated by (*):
function retCoord(sKey, sIRange) {
var key = '';
try {
key = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(sKey).getValue();
return key;
catch(e) {
if ( {
var objKey =;
return objKey; // (*) <--- comments below
key = objKey;
} else {
key = sKey;
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(sIRange).getValues();
nbRow = range.length;
nbColumn = range[0].length;
for(var i = 0; i<nbRow; i++){
for(var j = 0; j<nbColumn; j++){
if(range[i][j] == key){
return key + " = "+ i + ", " + j;
This (*) line I added only to see what was returning from the map. Surprisingly (in a way), it is an object with all the elements of that column and that is expected. What I didn't expect was that if I return that object to my spreadsheet cell, it brings back only the value of that specific cell (as I wanted but not really as expected). But the problem is I cannot use that object to compare against a string as it will expand and become something else and will never match. Look:
If I do return objKey in my custom function, over cell O1 it returns "a", in O2 it returns
"b", in O3 it returns "c" as expected because those are the values
of my cells D1, D2, D3 respectively.
If I do return "-> " + objKey
in in my custom function, instead of returning -> a, -> b, -> c in O1, O2, O3 respectively, it returns -> =A:A,a,b,c,d,e,f for all the cells in column O, which seems it did some type of objKey.toString() under the hood before concatenating with "-> "
Conclusion: how do I "coerce" the apparent result of objKey into string keeping the apparent result when you return the object without changing it? Simply put, I want the concatenation "some string" + to be equal to "some string" + "one string representing the value in that row instead of an object". In other words, what the hell is happening here? How does Google Sheets now that in that row, that element is the one representing the one I want? This is what I asked in the "PS." in the first part of this post.
You want to search all keys in the sKey column within the Range sIRange and note the position of each key within the range into the corresponding row in a destination column ?
This is how you can do it with Apps Script without formulas:
function retCoord(sKeyColumn, destinationColumn, sIRange) {
var key = sKeyColumn;
var range=SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(sIRange);
var rangeValues = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(sIRange).getValues();
var nbRow = rangeValues.length;
var nbColumn = rangeValues[0].length;
var sKeyRange=SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(sKeyColumn);
var destinationRange=SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(destinationColumn);
var sKeyValues=sKeyRange.getValues();
for(var k=0;k<sKeyValues.length;k++){
for(var i = 1; i<=nbRow; i++){
for(var j = 1; j<=nbColumn; j++){
if(range.getCell(i, j).getValue() == sKeyValues[k][0]){
destinationRange.getCell(k+1, 1).setValue(range.getCell(i, j).getA1Notation());
Sample call:
function myFunction(){
retCoord('A:A','B:B','C:J'); would also work but would take very long, since the code would also loop through empty rows

I am trying to create multiple loops but if one loop returns null it doesn't run the rest of the loop. How do I get around this?

I have multiple for loops in one code, as I am trying to collect data based off identifier "Y". There are some sheets that do not have identifier "Y" and those sheets always cause my script to stop running as the error cannot find the length in that specific for loop since there is none.
How do I get around this? I've tried if/else in everywhere I think would work and it's not working.
I've tried if/else statements and breaks but I must not be putting them in the right spot.
var VDSLr = VDSL.getRange('A:AS');
var VDSLraw = VDSLr.getValues();
var VDSLdata = []
for (var i = 0; i< VDSLraw.length ; i++){
if (VDSLraw[i][44] == "Y")
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, VDSLdata.length,
var ITr = IT.getRange('A:AS');
var ITrawdata = ITr.getValues();
var ITd= []
for (var i = 0; i< ITrawdata.length ; i++){
if(ITrawdata[i][44] == "Y")
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, ITd.length,
**Edit: it won't let me post a picture of my error yet. Here's a few
examples though:
Error (1):**
var VDSLr = VDSL.getRange('A:AS');
var VDSLraw = VDSLr.getValues();
var VDSLdata = []
for (var i = 0; i< VDSLraw.length ; i++){
if (VDSLraw[i][44] != "Y")**continue**;
if (VDSLraw[i][44] == "Y");
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, VDSLdata.length,
var ITr = IT.getRange('A:AS');
var ITrawdata = ITr.getValues();
var ITd= []
for (var i = 0; i< ITrawdata.length ; i++){
if (ITrawdata[i][44] != "Y")continue;
if (ITrawdata[i][44] == "Y")
Pull.getRange(Pull.getLastRow()+1,1, ITd.length,
So if I put a continue here, it won't read the length. Error code is "Cannot read property "length" from undefined. Which I know is correct. This is what I'm trying to bypass. "VDSL" is a sheet that normally does not have what I am looking for. But since it won't find the length it won't continue to sheet "IT."
I have also moved around the continues to different spots, and even a break (in the same spot as continue) but my combinations seem to provide a never ending loop of the same info.
The other attempt is with if else statements. When I use those I get a synthax error. On this error(2) I've tried:
if (VDSLraw[i][44] == "Y")
{//code here}
else if (VDSLraw[i][44] != "Y"){break};
I feel like I'm making this more complicated than it is, should be a simple if/then statement but since I have to pull the data and compile it to one sheet the for loop is the best way to go. Just can't figure out the last piece. I could do them separately but that's my last resort. There's 12 sheets, so clicking 12 scripts each time I need to do this doesn't seem efficient.
as soon as you provided limited information about your data I made some assumptions, I hope it matches your needs.
function getY_Data(){
// get the current Spreadsheet;
var currentSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// get all tabs on the file, so you wont need to keep track of how many tabs you have
var tabsArray = currentSpreadsheet.getSheets();
var resultsSheet = currentSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("results");
var currentSheetValues;
var collected_Y_Rows = [];
// iterate over all tabs
// skip the results tab
if(tabObject.getName() === "results"){ continue; }
// set the current sheet data to currentSheetValues variable
currentSheetValues = tabsArray[0].getDataRange().getValues();
// Im considering that all your sheets has the same row size
if(row[44] == "Y"){
// if it hasnt find any row with "Y" it won't clear the "results" tab or try do add empty data to the "results" sheet
if(collected_Y_Rows.length === 0){
// clear the current values and formats
// append new data starting on row 1 and col 2;
// Im considering that all your sheets has the same row size;
// if the sheets tabs has different sizes of data (columns) it will throw an error because when using the range.setValues(collected_Y_Rows),
// all rows on "collected_Y_Rows" mas have the same size;
resultsSheet.getRange(1, 1, collected_Y_Rows.length, collected_Y_Rows[0].length).setValues(collected_Y_Rows);

Checking arrays in AS3

I'm collecting rows of answers from a database which are made in to arrays. Something like:
for (var i:int = 0; i < event.result.length; i++) {
var data = event.result[i];
var answer:Array = new Array(data["question_id"], data["focus_id"], data["attempts"], data["category"], data["answer"], data["correct"], data["score"]);
trace("answer: " + answer);
restoreAnswer(answer, i);
Now, if I trace answer, I typically get something like:
answer: 5,0,2,IK,1.a,3.1,0
answer: 5,0,1,IK,2.a,3.1,0
answer: 4,1,1,AK,3,3,2
From this we see that focus_id 0 (second array item) in question_id 5 (first array item) has been attempted twice (third array item), and I only want to use the last attempt in my restoreAnswer function.
My problem is that first attempt answers override the second attempts since the first are parsed last it seems. How do I go about only calling my restoreAnswer only when appropriate?
The options are:
1 attempts, correct score (2 points)
2 attempts, correct score (1 points)
1 attempt, wrong score (0 points)
2 attemps, wrong score (0 points)
There can be multiple focus_id in each question_id.
Thank you very much! :)
I would consider having the DB query return only the most recent attempt, or if that doesn't work efficiently, return the data in attempt order. You may score question 5 twice, but at least it'll score correctly on the last pass.
You can also filter or sort the data you get back from the server.
Michael Brewer-Davis suggested using the database query to resolve this; normally speaking, this would be the right solution.
If you wait until you get it back from the web method call or whatever in AS3, then consider creating an additional Vector variable:
var vAttempts:Vector.<Vector.<int>> = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>(this.m_iNumQuestions);
You mentioned that it seems that everything is sorted so that earlier attempts come last. First you want to make sure that's true. If so, then before you do any call to restoreAnswer(), you'll want to check vAttempts to make sure that you have not already called restoreAnswer() for that question_id and focus_id:
if (!vAttempts[data["question_id"]])
vAttempts[data["question_id"]] = new Vector.<int>(); // ensuring a second dimension
if (vAttempts[data["question_id"]].indexOf(data["focus_id"]) == -1)
restoreAnswer(answer, i);
So optimizing this just a little bit, what you'll have is as follows:
private final function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
var vAttempts:Vector.<Vector.<int>> = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>(this.m_iNumQuestions);
var result:Object = event.result;
var iLength:int = result.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < iLength; i++) {
var data = result[i];
var iQuestionID:int = data["question_id"];
var iFocusID:int = data["focus_id"];
var answer:Array = [iQuestionID, iFocusID, data["attempts"],
data["category"], data["answer"], data["correct"], data["score"]];
trace("answer: " + answer);
var vFocusIDs:Vector.<int> = vAttempts[iQuestionID];
if (!vFocusIDs) {
vAttempts[iQuestionID] = new <int>[iFocusID];
restoreAnswer(answer, i);
} else if (vFocusIDs.indexOf(iFocusID) == -1) {
restoreAnswer(answer, i);
Note: In AS3, Arrays can skip over certain indexes, but Vectors can't. So if your program doesn't already have some sort of foreknowledge as to the number of questions, you'll need to change vAttempts from a Vector to an Array. Also account for whether question IDs are 0-indexed (as this question assumes) or 1-indexed.

Select random elements from an array without repeats?

edit: I can't believe I didn't catch this sooner. Turns out my problem was re-declaring my first variables over and over again, essentially starting the program fresh instead of continuing it. To fix it, I replaced the first two lines with this:
if (initialized === undefined) {
var MCs = [];
var lastPos = "intializer";
var initialized = 1;
Now it works like a charm. I feel like a noob for this one; sorry to anyone whose time I wasted. I'd post this as an answer to my own question, but it won't let me since I'm still new.
Original Post follows:
I'm trying to make a flash that will randomly choose an ad, play it, and then randomly play another. To that end, I've succeeded by shuffling an array, and then gotoAndPlay-ing the label in the first element of the array, and then removing that element. At the end of each ad is gotoAndPlay(1); with all the main code being on the first frame. If the array is empty, it rebuilds it and reshuffles it.
The problem is, I don't want it to repeat any ads until its run through all of them; I think I've got that down, but I'm not positive. Further, I don't want the last element in the array to be the same as the first in the new one, so the same ad won't ever show twice in a row. I'm trying to have it detect if the element it just used matches the one it's about to use, and reshuffle if that happens, but in my testing it continues to occasionally show the same ad twice in a row.
I'm obviously doing something wrong, but being entirely new to ActionScript3 (and in fact to flash) I'm having a lot of trouble identifying what it is. Here's what I have right now:
var MCs = [];
var lastPos = "intializer";
if (MCs.length == 0) {
MCs = reset();
if (lastPos == MCs[0]) {
while (lastPos == MCs[0]) {
MCs = reset();
if (MCs.length > 0) {
lastPos = MCs[0];
function reset(){
var PrepMCs = new Array("Image1", "Image2", "Image3");
var WorkMCs = new Array(PrepMCs.length);
var randomPos:Number = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < WorkMCs.length; i++)
randomPos = int(Math.random() * PrepMCs.length);
WorkMCs[i] = PrepMCs.splice(randomPos, 1)[0];
return WorkMCs;
Personally, I'd rather just do this with JavaScript, HTML, and images; it'd be really simple. But for hosting/CMS reasons I don't have any control over, I'm limited to a single file or a single block of code; I can't host anything externally, which as far as I can tell leaves Flash as my best option for this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! If I've done something horribly, horribly wrong, and it's a wonder this even runs at all, don't hesitate to tell me!
edit: It just occurred to me, it is perfectly fine if the second run is in the same order as the first run, etc. The main thing is, it needs to be random. This is probably much easier to implement.
edit 2: MASSIVE DERP HERE. Every time it runs, it re-initializes MCs and lastPos... in other words, it's shuffling every time and starting over. What I should be researching is how to only run a line of code if a variable hasn't been initialized yet.
Blatantly stealing from #32bitKid, this is my version.
The main problem I have with his solution is the push/splice idea. As much as possible, I like to create once, and reuse. Shrinking and growing arrays is bulky, even if effective.
Also, this method does not re-order the array, which may or may not be valuable.
BTW, I like the way that he prevents a repeat of the previous item ("almost empty").
So here is another method:
public class RandomizedList
private var _items:Array;
private var idxs:Array;
private var rnd:int;
private var priorItemIdx:int;
private var curIdx:int;
public function RandomizedList(inarr:Array)
items = inarr;
private function initRandomize():void
idxs = new Array();
//Fisher-Yates initialization (
idxs[i] = 0;
for (var i:int = 1; i < items.length; i++)
rnd = int(Math.random() * (i + 1));
idxs[i] = idxs[rnd];
idxs[rnd] = rnd;
curIdx = 0;
priorItemIdx = -1;
private function randomize():void
var tempint:int;
//Fisher-Yates (
for (var i:int = items.length; i >= 1; i--)
rnd = int(Math.random() * (i + 1));
tempint = idxs[i];
idxs[i] = idxs[rnd];
idxs[rnd] = tempint;
curIdx = 0;
public function next():void
if (curIdx >= idxs.length)
if (items.length > 1 && priorItemIdx == idxs[curIdx])
priorItemIdx = idxs[curIdx++];
return items[priorItemIdx];
public function get items():Array
return _items;
public function set items(value:Array):void
_items = value;
I would use a utility class like this to abstract out the behavior I wanted:
import flash.text.TextField;
class Randomizer {
private var unused:Array = [];
private var used:Array;
public function Randomizer(playList:Array) {
used = playList;
public function next():* {
// If almost empty, refill the unused array
if(unused.length <= 1) refill();
// Get the first item off the playList
var item:* = unused.shift();
// Shove it into the bucket
// return it back
return item;
public function refill():void {
var i:int;
// Fisher-Yates shuffle to refill the unused array
while(used.length > 0) {
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * used.length)
Notice that it refills the unused array when the unused array still has one item in it, this makes it impossible for the last result to repeat twice in a row. This will return each item once before before looping, and will never repeat the same item twice.
You would use it by saying something like:
var ads:Randomizer = new Randomizer(["Image1", "Image2", "Image3"]);; // will return something; // will return something; // will return something; // will return something
// Keep going into infinity...
There is a little test example of this code working here.
See if this makes any sense
//create your array of all your ad names/frame labels
var PrepMCs:Array = new Array("Image1", "Image2", "Image3");
var shuffledMCs:Array = [];
//store the name of the last played ad in this var
var lastAdPlayed:String;
//shuffle the array
function shuffleArray(arrayToShuffle:Array):void {
//clear the array
shuffledMCs = [];
var len:int = arrayToShuffle.length;
for(var i:int = 0; i<len; i++) {
shuffledMCs[i] = arrayToShuffle.splice(int(Math.random() * (len - i)), 1)[0];
//test to see if the new first ad is the same as the last played ad
if (lastAdPlayed == shuffledMCs[0]) {
} else {
lastAdPlayed = [0];
//after each ad has played, call this function
function playAds():void {
if (shuffledMCs.length > 0) {
} else {
//array is empty so we have played all the ads

multiple instances of the same object spaced out using a loop is only creating one

I had a hard time trying to word my question properly, so i'm sorry if it seems confusing. Also i'm using the flixel library in flash builder. It may not be that important butcause probably anyone that knows a little more than me or even a little AS3 could probably see what i'm doing wrong.
Anyway, what i'm trying to do is basically create 10 instances of this square object I made. all I have to do is pass it an x an y coordinate to place it and it works. so ive tested if i just do:
var testsquare:Bgsq;
testsquare = new Bgsq(0,0);
it works fine and adds a square at 0,0 just like i told it to, but i want to add 10 of them then move the next one that's created 25 px to the right (because each square is 25px)
my problem is that I only ever see 1 square, like it's only making 1 instance of it still.
anyone possibly have an idea what I could be doing wrong?
var counter:int = 0;
var bgsqa:Array = new Array;
for (var ibgs:int = 0; ibgs < 10; ibgs++)
bgsqa[counter] = new Bgsq(0,0);
bgsqa[counter].x += 25;
There's a lot you're doing wrong here.
First off, you're using a pseudo-iterator (counter) to access array elements through a loop instead of, well, using the iterator (ibgs).
Second, I don't see anything in the array (bgsqa) you're iterating through. It's no wonder you're having problems. Here's what you should do.
var bgsqa:Array = [];
for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)
var bgsq:Bgsq = new Bgsq(i * 25, 0);
That should probably do it if your post is accurate.
for (var ibgs:int = 0; ibgs < 10; ibgs++)
bgsqa[counter] = new Bgsq(0,0);
bgsqa[counter].x = counter * 25;
They start at 0, so applying += is simply adding 25 to 0. This should do the trick.
