Post-Condition Violation with Feature in Eiffel - eiffel

This is part of the class. This class is called BAG[G -> {HASHABLE, COMPARABLE}]
it inherits from ADT_BAG which has deferred features such as count, extend, remove, remove_all, add_all... more, and domain to be re-implemented.
domain returns ARRAY[G] which is a sorted array list of G
i always get Post-condition violation "value_semantics" which is something to do with object comparison but I checked and there is no code for object comparison which is very weird.
I tried to remake the code for domain feature several times and it ALWAYS ends up with a post-condition violation or a fail.
When I check the debugger the array "a" that is returned from domain always has count 0 but this does not make sense because i move keys from table to "a" but count is still 0.
Maybe I am transferring the keys wrong to the array?
count: INTEGER
-- cardinality of the domain
result := domain.count -- has to be domain.count because loop invariant: consistent: count = domain.count
domain: ARRAY[G]
-- sorted domain of bag
tmp: G
create a.make_empty
across 1 |..| (a.count) as i -- MOVING keys from table to array
across table as t
if not a.has (t.key) then
a.enter (t.key, i.item)
across 1 |..| (a.count-1) as i -- SORTING
if a[i.item] > a[i.item+1] then
tmp := a[i.item]
a[i.item] := a[i.item+1]
a[i.item+1] := tmp
Result := a
ensure then
value_semantics: Result.object_comparison -- VIOLATION THROWN HERE
correct_items: across 1 |..| Result.count as j all
has(Result[j.item]) end
sorted: across 1 |..| (Result.count-1) as j all
Result[j.item] <= Result[j.item+1] end
test code:
sorted_domain: ARRAY[STRING]
comment("t3:test sorted domain")
sorted_domain := <<"bolts", "hammers", "nuts">>
Result := bag2.domain ~ sorted_domain -- fails here
check Result end

The first loop across 1 |..| (a.count) as i is not going to make a single iteration because a is empty (has no elements) at the beginning. Indeed, it has been just created with create a.make_empty.
Also, because keys in the table are unique it is useless to check whether a key has been added to the resulting array: the test not a.has (t.key) will always succeed.
Therefore the first loop should go over keys of a table and add them into the resulting array. The feature {ARRAY}.force may be of interest in this case. The addition of the new elements should not make any "holes" in the array though. One way to achieve this is to add a new element right after the current upper bound of the array.
The sorting loop is also incorrect. Here the situation is reversed compared to the previous one: sorting cannot be done in a single loop, at least two nested loops are required. The template seems to be using Insertion sort, its algorithm can be found elsewhere.
EDIT: the original answer referred to {ARRAY}.extend instead of {ARRAY}.force. Unfortunately {ARRAY}.extend is not generally available, but a.extend (x) would have the same effect as a.force (x, a.upper + 1).


How do I use an across loop in post condition to compare an old array and new array at certain indices?

I have a method that shifts all the items, in an array, to the left by one position. In my post condition I need to ensure that my items have shifted to the left by one. I have already compared the first element of the old array to the last element of the new array. How do i across loop through the old array from 2 until count, loop through the new array from 1 until count-1 and compare them? This is my implementation so far.
old array.deep_twin[1] ~ array[array.count]
across 2 |..| (old array.deep_twin.count) as i_twin all
across 1 |..| (array.count-1) as i_orig all
i_twin.item ~ i_orig.item
I expected the result to be true but instead I get a contract violation pointing to this post condition. I have tested the method out manually by printing out the array before and after the method and I get the expected result.
In the postcondition that fails, the loop cursors i_twin and i_orig iterate over sequences 2 .. array.count and 1 .. array.count - 1 respectively, i.e. their items are indexes 2, 3, ... and 1, 2, .... So, the loop performs comparisons 2 ~ 1, 3 ~ 2, etc. (at run-time, it stops on the first inequality). However, you would like to compare elements, not indexes.
One possible solution is shown below:
across array as c all
c.item =
if c.target_index < array.upper then
(old array.twin) [c.target_index + 1]
old array [array.lower]
The loop checks that all elements are shifted. If the cursor points to the last element, it compares it against the old first element. Otherwise, it tests whether the current element is equal to the old element at the next index.
The postcondition does not assume that the array starts at 1, and uses array.lower and array.upper instead.
The postcondition does not perform a deep twin of the original array. This allows for comparing elements using = rather than ~.
Edit: To avoid potential confusion caused by precedence rules, and to highlight that comparison is performed for all items between old and new array, a better variant suggested by Eric Bezault looks like:
across array as c all
c.item =(old array.twin)
[if c.target_index < array.upper then
c.target_index + 1

Get disjoint elements from two tables

I am trying to get disjoint elements from two tables. My tables currently are defined as:
local t1={elem5=true, elem2=true, ...}
local t2={elem2=true, elem5=true, ...}
However it would not be much of a problem to change the structure to:
local t1={elem5, elem2, ...}
local t2={elem2, elem5, ...}
How could I get disjoint elements from both tables efficienlty? Also I need to know which table the elements where originally part of.
What first came to mind was to loop over both tables:
local fromt1={}
for k, v in pairs(t1) do
if not t2[k] then
local fromt2={}
for k, v in pairs(t2) do
if not t1[k] then
But these are two loops, so I looked some more and found a function for iterating two tables in one loop (link):
function pairs2(t, ...)
local i, a, k, v = 1, {...}
k, v = next(t, k)
if k == nil then
i, t = i + 1, a[i]
until k ~= nil or not t
return k, v
local fromt1, fromt2={}, {}
for k, v in pairs2(t1, t2) do
if not t2[k] then
if not t1[k] then
Any more efficient/cleaner way to get disjoint elements from two tables in Lua?
There's nothing wrong with the first aproach.
1) You have to iterate over both tables one way or another; whether you do it in two loops or one is irrelevant.
2) You need at least two additional tables for the two result sets.
The one optimization you could do:
the # operator on tables is somewhat expensive, so you can sometimes improve perofmance by keeping a number variable and increasing it manually with each insertion. But please don't just implement this because I told you. Benchmark your code and only use this optimization if you find that your code actually runs faster.
EDIT: I just noticed that I kida skipped one possible implementation because I assumed you don't want to change either of the original tables. If however, one of the two is a throwaway table and you don't mind it changing, consider this:
local function remove_first_from_second(first, second)
for key in pairs(first) do
second[key] = nil
return second
Running this both ways won't work:
remove_first_from_second(fromt1, fromt2) -- Removes shared keys from fromt2
remove_first_from_second(fromt2, fromt1) -- Removes nothing from fromt1
Because at the time you call it the second time, fromt2 already contains only the keys that fromt1 doesn't have.
However, since this problem only affects the second call, you can get away with just one in-between table (assuming both original tables can be mutated)

Fast way to count duplicates in 30000 rows (Libreoffice Calc)

Actually, I already have a partial answer!!! Conditional formatting with "Cell value is" -> "duplicate" !!!
This way a check is performed for each user's new entry in "real time".
I need to check if duplicate entries exist in 30000 rows of a column (any value, but not blanks!) . I would like to keep track of how many duplicates during the filling process.
Ok, conditional formatting is a very effective visual indication and fast anough for my needs, but as I am not able to perform a loop to check the color of the cells (found some people against this approach!! Would be so easy! ) I need to find an alternative way to count the duplicates (as a whole, no need to identify how many for each case!).
I tryed the formula:
It works, but it takes two minutes to finish.
If you want to replicate my case. My 30000 entries are formatted as: letter "A" and numbers between 100000 and 999999, e.g., A354125, A214547, etc. Copy as text the result of "=CONCATENATE("A";RANDBETWEEN(100000;999999))" to save time.
PS: Does anybody know the algorithm used to find the duplicates in conditional formatting (it is fast)?
A macro solution is not the best, but is acceptable! ;)
The =SUMPRODUCT((COUNTIF(F2:F30001;$F$2:$F$30001)>1)) must do following: Count if $F$2 is in F2:F30001, then count if $F$3 is in F2:F30001, ..., then count if $F$30001 is in F2:F30001. So it must fully loop over the array F2:F30001 with each single item.
The fastest way counting duplicates in an array is avoiding fully loop over the array with each single item. One way is sorting first. There are very fast quick sort methods. Or using collections which per definition can only have unique items.
The following code uses the second way. The keys of a Collection must be unique. Adding an item having a duplicate key fails.
Public Function countDuplicates(vArray As Variant, Optional inclusive As Boolean ) As Variant
On Error Goto wrong
If IsMissing(inclusive) Then inclusive = False
oDuplicatesCollection = new Collection
oUniqueCollection = new Collection
lCountAll = 0
For Each vValue In vArray
If contains(oUniqueCollection, CStr(vValue)) Then
On Error Resume Next
oDuplicatesCollection.Add 42, CStr(vValue)
On Error Goto 0
oUniqueCollection.Add 42, CStr(vValue)
End If
lCountAll = lCountAll + 1
countDuplicates = lCountAll - oUniqueCollection.Count + IIF(inclusive, oDuplicatesCollection.Count, 0)
Exit Function
'xray vArray
countDuplicates = CVErr(123)
End Function
Function contains(oCollection As Collection, sKey As String)
On Error Goto notContains
contains = True
Exit Function
contains = False
End Function
The function can be called:
This should return the same result as your
The optional second parameter inclusive means the count includes all the values which are present multiple times. For example {A1, A2, A2, A2, A3} contains 3 times A2. Counting inclusive means the count result will be 3. Counting not inclusive means the count result will be 2. There is 2 times A2 as a duplicate.
As you see, the function contains much more information than only the count of the duplicates. The oDuplicatesCollection contains each duplicate item. The oUniqueCollection contains each unique item. So this code could also be used for getting all unique items or all duplicate items.

Odd "Check_VIOLATION" failed test case in Eiffel

The main issue from the below picture is that when "check Result end" statement is added it automatically fails and displays "CHECK_VIOLATION" error in debugger.
Also, the HASH_TABLE doesn't store all items given to it but I fixed that by switching HASH_TABLE[G, INTEGER] instead of using the current HASH_TABLE[INTEGER, G]
My main problem is why does it throw Check_violation always and fail whenever a "check result end" statement is seen? Maybe the HAS[...] function is bad?
Currently any test case feature with "check result end" makes it false and throw CHECK_VILOATION
make_empty, make_from_tupled_array
make_from_tupled_array ({ARRAY [TUPLE [G, INTEGER]]})
feature{NONE} -- creation
create table.make(1)
make_from_tupled_array (a_array: ARRAY [TUPLE [x: G; y: INTEGER]])
require else
non_empty: a_array.count >= 0
nonnegative: is_nonnegative(a_array)
create table.make(a_array.count)
across a_array as a
table.force (a.item.y, a.item.x)
feature -- attributes
counter: INTEGER
testing code:
comment ("t6:repeated elements in contruction")
bag := <<["foo",4], ["bar",3], ["foo",2], ["bar",0]>> -- test passes
Result := bag ["foo"] = 5 -- test passes
check Result end -- test fails (really weird but as soon as check statement comes it fails)
Result := bag ["bar"] = 3
check Result end
Result := bag ["baz"] = 0
Most probably ADT_BAG stands for an abstraction of a multiset (also called a bag) that allows to keep items and to tell how many items equal to the given one are there (unlike a set, where at most one item may be present). If so, it is correct to use HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, G] as a storage. Then its keys are the elements and its items are the elements numbers.
So, if we add the same element multiple times, its count should be increased. In the initialization line we add 4 elements of "foo", 3 elements of "bar", 2 elements of "foo" again, and 0 elements of "bar" again. As a result we should have a bag with 6 elements of "foo" and 3 elements of "bar". Also there are no elements "baz".
According to this analysis, either initialization is incorrect (numbers for "foo" should be different) or the comparison should be done for 6 instead of 5.
As to the implementation of the class MY_BAG the idea would be to have a feature add (or whatever name specified in the interface of ADT_BAG) that
Checks if there are items with the given key.
If there are none, adds the new element with the given count.
Otherwise, replaces the current element count with the sum of the current element count and the given element count.
For simplicity the initialization procedure would use this feature to add new items instead of storing items in the hash table directly to process repeated items correctly.

Lua table.getn() returns 0?

I've embedded Lua into my C application, and am trying to figure out why a table created in my C code via:
lua_createtable(L, 0, numObjects);
and returned to Lua, will produce a result of zero when I call the following:
print("Num entries", table.getn(data))
(Where "data" is the table created by lua_createtable above)
There's clearly data in the table, as I can walk over each entry (string : userdata) pair via:
for key, val in pairs(data) do
But why does table.getn(data) return zero? Do I need to insert something into the meta of the table when I create it with lua_createtable? I've been looking at examples of lua_createtable use, and I haven't seen this done anywhere....
table.getn (which you shouldn't be using in Lua 5.1+. Use the length operator #) returns the number of elements in the array part of the table.
The array part is every key that starts with the number 1 and increases up until the first value that is nil (not present). If all of your keys are strings, then the size of the array part of your table is 0.
Although it's a costly (O(n) vs O(1) for simple lists), you can also add a method to count the elements of your map :
>> function table.map_length(t)
local c = 0
for k,v in pairs(t) do
c = c+1
return c
>> a = {spam="data1",egg='data2'}
>> table.map_length(a)
If you have such requirements, and if your environment allows you to do so think about using penlight that provides that kind of features and much more.
the # operator (and table.getn) effectivly return the size of the array section (though when you have a holey table the semantics are more complex)
It does not count anything in the hash part of the table (eg, string keys)
for k,v in pairs(tbl) do count = count + 1 end
