Accessing Eclipse Che server through desktop Eclipse install? - eclipse-che

I'm a totally blind developer who is looking at Eclipse Che. While I'm able to create a project the web interface is mostly inaccessible, I can not run an app, view console output, etc. Is there a way to access an Eclipse Che server through a standard desktop install of Eclipse?

You can actually use the Eclipse Che workspaces with a desktop editor/IDE. There are instructions on setting that up in the docs:
Personally I like the mount-and-sync option for times when I don't use the Che browser IDE.


Codenameone Bluetooth APIs not working on android

I have downloaded BluetoothDemo from I created APK file using codename one build server and install it on my android mobile. Its not working. Is there any way to fix it?
Can I run the same from netbeans using AVD manager or something similar to that so that I can debug it myself?
If I started bluetooth manually, following is error on mobile phone on click of initialize or start scan option-
Error snapshot attached
You need to also add the cn1lib and install it using the codenameone-refresh cn1libs action
If you are running Android 7.x. you will also need to make sure that 'Location' is enabled in the App settings, otherwise the behaviour will be exactly the same as described in the question. See this comment. Codenameone provides a setting for permissions in their build hints with ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION but that does not seem to work on my Nexus 6P with Android 7.1. I had to enable it manually.

is there is any way to build hybrid app (Ionic, AngularJs, Cordova) in android studio

I am native android application developer working on java and android api's with android studio, recently i got a requirement to build a hybrid app with ionic, cordova and angularJs, i spent 5-6 hours and dig google to get some tutorail to setup a project structure of hybrid app in andorid studio, but haven't found anything.
I know how to use ionic, angular and cordova but don't know about the project structure and setup compiling and how to run.
so, i want you guys to post links of such tutorails (If you have any).
Have a look over cordova CLI mode. In this see specific for Android Platform for that you first need following pre-requirement to use:
Android Studio.
Android SDK.
Git Client
After installing Node.js Open it's terminal and follow command to create Cordova project with different platform. These steps are already mentioned in official documentation.
Once you have created executed cordova build androidcommand then browse to your project directory. In that you will find that there's a directory named platforms in that you will see Android, now open your Android Studio in that select Select Import Project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc). when you create a new project from there browse to Android directory. That's all you need to do for cordova
Official documentation and referrals links:
Hello try to reefer this articles on mcgivery blog.
I'm ionic dev and if you want to use good IDE use WebStorm :)
I'm using it on EAP version.
first of all you have to install 1)node.js 2)apache ANT 3) Java JDK &
JRE 4) Android SDk & Eclipse and then after all installation you have
to set this all software path into environmental- variable. and then
fire your npm install -g ionic. without this all software
installation and there path setup your ionic application will not
created. and still you have any confusion and any question related
software installation and there path setup then again tell me i will
help you.

How to configure eclipse to run angularjs

i have to run angularjs in eclipse. how do i configure eclipse ide.
I have installed AngularJs plugin from eclipse Market. but still not able to run AngularJs. Can anyone help me with this.
AngularJS Eclipse doesn't provide a Run As, because your Web Application can be managed with any HTTP Server (Tomcat, Jetty, WebSphere, etc).
If you wish to have a Run As, I suggest you that you transform your project to a WTP Eclipse Dynamic Web Project.

Codenameone designer doesnt launch from eclipse

IDE: Eclipse Luna
Desktop OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Simulator : NA/default
Device: NA/default
Java: jdk1.8.0_40
Good afternoon everybody. I am a newbie and downloaded codenameone for the first time as a plugin in Eclipse IDE. The install went well, and I launched a new project, with Native theme and Hello World template. The project got created fine however, when I try to launch theme.res nothing happens. I dont see any errors or any signs of codenameone designer launching.
I searched through the forums and couldnt find anyone with similar problem.
What I have done to resolve (unsuccessfully):
Tried creating other projects with different themes and templates.
Tried uninstalling codenameone plugin and reinstalling it
Tried doing everything in a new workspace.
I have tried launching the designer jar from command line and that works:
java -Xmx256m -jar ~/.codenameone/designer_1.jar (This works)
I have double checked and eclipse is running the same version of JVM as commandline.
Nothing I do in eclipse has worked.
Could you please guide ?
You need to switch the VM Eclipse is using to JDK 1.7 this also means the VM used to launch eclipse itself in the eclipse.ini file.

Google App Engine - recompile GWT module

I've created Google App Engine project in Java using Eclipse following the book Beginning Java Google App Engine
Before I bought this book I had created projects with unchecked option 'Use Google Web Toolkit' but for this project I checked it (following the book)
Eclipse generated several files for me and I run my applications, copy link to Web Browser (http://localhost:8888) and it gives me an error:
GWT module name_of_my_project may need to be (re)complied
I work on Ubuntu 10.04 (I was testing my application using Firefox and Chromium) and I was trying run my application on Windows XP (using the same Web Browsers) with the same effect (just one difference - Google Chrome made me install Web I did it but it still gives the same error)
Thanks in advance :)
I get the same error message at unexpected times using development on IntelliJ with Chrome. The message still appears when I stop and start development mode. The problem is fixed after I delete the compiled files (class files, js files) in the out folder. On eclipse, you can try deleting files and folders generated in the war folder (delete the folder that has the project name, if it exists, and the classes folder under /war/WEB-INF/classes). Hope this helps.
Check in your "Java Build Path" if you have the correct Default output folder (something like /target/project-name/WEB-INF/classes).
In Eclipse, do a "Clean Build".
Click on the google blue button in the Eclipse menu and select "GWT Compile Project..."
Make sure the GWT plugin is compiling your project by checking the compiler output. The GWT compiler outputs lots of things, for example you will always see something like "Compiling 6 permutations.... Compiling permutation 0..."
If you still have problems, try this page on setting up Eclipse with GWT:
Thanks for your comments and suggestions. I re-installed Eclipse on Ubuntu and I installed plugin one more time and it works :)
So, be careful which version of Eclipse you use - Eclipse 3.4 has problem with GWT.
