How to run webstorm angularJS application standalone in chrome? - angularjs

I have an angular application on my local machine, I can open my SPA from webstorm over chrome, firefox or IE, but if I try to open the same html file from my windows explorer without using the IDE, it only opens and runs in firefox but nothing on chrome and IE just a blank page. I remember reading that firefox has an internal server or some sort, and chrome doesn't, I don't remember where I read that, if any body knows why please help.

Long term, you are best off running a local fileserver IMO. You can check out python's simple server example, or I typically run something like this in node:
var http = require('http');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.use('./', express.static(__dirname + './'));
app.get('*', function(req, res) {
return res.redirect('./');
// Create a server
var server = app.listen(3513, function () {
console.log('Server listening on', 3512)

If it is pure angular you are using, you don't need a server, however you might be running into some security problems, try running without security and see what happens.
For OSX, open Terminal and run:
$ open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
For Linux run:
$ google-chrome --disable-web-security
Also if you're trying to access local files for dev purposes like AJAX or JSON, you can use this flag too.
For Windows go into the command prompt and go into the folder where Chrome.exe is and type
chrome.exe --disable-web-security
That should disable the same origin policy and allow you to access local files.
Otherwise taking a look at the console is the most sane thing to do, sometimes error information will pop-up there.


Access made by selenium does not appear

I'm trying to do automated tests on a localhost site using the following settings:
Python 3.8.10
selenium 3.141.0
Firefox 90.0
Burp Suite Community Edition v2021.6.2
I'm using Burp proxy with the address
I tested several examples available here. The below code is the one that has worked best so far.
from selenium import webdriver
firefox_capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
firefox_capabilities['marionette'] = True
PROXY = ""
firefox_capabilities['proxy'] = {
"proxyType": "MANUAL",
"httpProxy": PROXY,
"sslProxy": PROXY
driver = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=firefox_capabilities)
This code works fine when the url in driver.get("URL here") is not localhost. When I enter the url, the access made by selenium does not appear in Burp Suite's HTTP history. Instead of the accessed url, "" appears.
Is this a problem in the code or some configuration that I need to do?
Burp HTTP History
Look into the Firefox proxy settings, there you can find a statement that localhost connections are never directed to a proxy.
But this can be changed by opening about:config and set the option network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost to true.
For Burp to track links on localhost just add ("network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost", True) to FirefoxProfile().
from selenium import webdriver
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
fp.set_preference("network.proxy.type", 1)
fp.set_preference("network.proxy.http", "")
fp.set_preference("network.proxy.http_port", 8080)
fp.set_preference("network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost", True)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)

Can't find variable: angular (PhantomJS webcrawler) [duplicate]

I'm using the following code based on loadspeed.js example to open up a https:// site which requires http server authentication as well.
var page = require('webpage').create(), system = require('system'), t, address;
page.settings.userName = 'myusername';
page.settings.password = 'mypassword';
if (system.args.length === 1) {
console.log('Usage: scrape.js <some URL>');
} else {
t =;
address = system.args[1];, function (status) {
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('FAIL to load the address');
} else {
t = - t;
console.log('Page title is ' + page.evaluate(function () {
return document.title;
console.log('Loading time ' + t + ' msec');
Its failing to load the page all the time. What could be wrong here? Are secured sites to be handled any differently? The site can be accessed successfully from browser though.
I'm just starting with Phantom right now and find it too good to stop playing around even though i'm not moving forward with this issue.
I tried Fred's and Cameron Tinker's answers, but only --ssl-protocol=any option seem to help me:
phantomjs --ssl-protocol=any test.js
Also I think it should be way safer to use --ssl-protocol=any as you still are using encryption, but --ignore-ssl-errors=true will ignore (duh) all ssl errors, including malicious ones.
The problem is most likely due to SSL certificate errors. If you start phantomjs with the --ignore-ssl-errors=yes option, it should proceed to load the page as it would if there were no SSL errors:
phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=yes [phantomOptions] script.js [scriptOptions]
I've seen a few websites having problems with incorrectly implementing their SSL certificates or they've expired, etc. A complete list of command line options for phantomjs is available here:
Note that as of 2014-10-16, PhantomJS defaults to using SSLv3 to open HTTPS connections. With the POODLE vulnerability recently announced, many servers are disabling SSLv3 support.
To get around that, you should be able to run PhantomJS with:
phantomjs --ssl-protocol=tlsv1
Hopefully, PhantomJS will be updated soon to make TLSv1 the default instead of SSLv3.
experienced same issue...
--ignore-ssl-errors=yes was not enough to fix it for me,
had to do two more things:
1) change user-agent
2) tried all ssl-protocols, the only one that worked was tlsv1 for the page in question
Hope this helps...
I experienced the same problem (casperjs 1.1.0-beta3/phantomjs 1.9.7). Using --ignore-ssl-errors=yes and --ssl-protocol=tlsv1 solved it. Using only one of the options did not solve it for me.
I was receiving
Error creating SSL context" from phantomJS (running on CentOS 6.6)
Building from source fixed it for me. Don't forget to use the phantomjs that you built. (instead of the /usr/local/bin/phantomjs if you have it)
sudo yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make flex bison gperf ruby openssl-devel freetype-devel fontconfig-devel libicu-devel sqlite-devel libpng-devel libjpeg-devel
git clone git://
cd phantomjs
git checkout 2.0
cd bin/
./phantomjs <your JS file>
If someone is using Phantomjs with Sahi the --ignore-ssl-errors option needs to go in your browser_types.xml file. It worked for me.
<options>--ignore-ssl-errors=yes --debug=yes --proxy=localhost:9999 /usr/local/Cellar/phantomjs/phantom-sahi.js</options>
What about shebang?
If you're using shebang to execute phantomjs scripts, use the following shebang line
#!/usr/bin/phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=yes
var system = require('system');
var webpage = require('webpage');
// ... rest of your script
Use any of the above answers. i personally like --ignore-ssl-errors=yes since it's irrelevant to validate my loopback web servers' self-signed certificate.
None of the other answers here helped me; it may be that the specific site(s) I was working with were too picky with their HTTP headers. This is what worked:
var page = webpage.create();
page.customHeaders = {
"Connection": "keep-alive"
I found out that PhantomJS was using "Keep-Alive" (capitalized), and the connection was not being kept alive. :)
I was getting SSL Handshake Failed yesterday. I tried many combinations of phantomJS options (--ignore-ssl-errors=yes etc.), but none of them worked.
Upgrading to phantomJS 2.1.1 fixed it.
I used the phantomJS installation instructions at, changing the phantomJS version to 2.1.1.
On the machine you are trying to run phantomjs on to connect to a remote server, run "openssl ciphers." Copy and paste the ciphers listed into the --ssl-ciphers="" command line option. This tells the connecting web server which ciphers are available to use to communicate with your client. If you don't set the ones available on your own machine, it can use any cipher your machine does not understand that the default modern browsers do that are used for the default setting.
phantomjs --web-security=false --ignore-ssl-errors=true scripts.js
The only thing that worked for me was upping phantomjs from 1.9x to 2.x ;)

protractor with any headless browser?

I am using protractor and it works when I specify chrome as the browsertype. I am looking for a headless browser sample code, I have looked for phantomJs but I could not run any of them. Is there a working sample available of another headless browser?
No other headless browser out there besides PhantomJS while the latter is a dead-end with Protractor.
You can try docker-selenium or, if you don't like Docker you can do it yourself with ubuntu-headless sample. Both solutions provide Chrome & Firefox by using Xvfb even though there is no real DISPLAY.
UPDATE 2 Seems to be possible to run Xvfb in OSX:
UPDATE 1 Mac OSX selenium headless solution:
Enable multi-user remote desktop access to OSX machine
So can test selenium headless on mac. Not headless really but as another user so it doesn't interfere with your current user display.
To do this you need kickstart:
Begin using the kickstart utility
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -restart -agent
Activate Remote Desktop Sharing, enable access privileges for all users and restart ARD Agent:
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -on -restart -agent -privs -all
Apple Remote Desktop 3.2 or later only
Allow access for all users and give all users full access
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -configure -allowAccessFor -allUsers -privs -all
Kickstart help command
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -help
PhantomJS is a dead-end with Protractor on certain websites when there is a div, which is fixed and always visible (due to Otherwise you can make it work:
using phantomjs:~1.9.0 and protractor: ~1.8.0
inside protractor config file register function:
onPrepare : function() {
var minWindowWidth = 1024,
minWindowHeight = 768,
window = browser.manage().window();
browser.getCapabilities().then(function (capabilities) {
browserName = capabilities.caps_.browserName;
platform = capabilities.caps_.platform;
}).then(function getCurrentWindowSize() {
return window.getSize();
}).then(function setWindowSize(dimensions) {
var windowWidth = Math.max(dimensions.width, minWindowWidth),
windowHeight = Math.max(dimensions.height, minWindowHeight);
return window.setSize(windowWidth, windowHeight);
}).then(function getUpdatedWindowSize() {
return window.getSize();
}).then(function showWindowSize(dimensions) {
console.log('Browser:', browserName, 'on', platform, 'at', dimensions.width + 'x' + dimensions.height);
console.log("Running e2e tests...");

Can't connect to localhost:8080 when trying to run Google App Engine program

I'm trying to run the Google App Engine Python 2.7 Hello World program and view it in a browser via Google App Engine Launcher. I followed the install and program instructions to the letter. I copied and pasted the code in the instructions to the file and app.yam1 and verified that they are correct and in the directory listed as the application directory. I hit run on the launcher and it runs with no errors, although I get no sign that is has completed (orange clock symbol next to app name). I get the following from the logs:
Running dev_appserver with the following flags: --skip_sdk_update_check=yes --port=8080 --admin_port=8000 Python command: /opt/local/bin/python2.7
When I try to open in the browser via the GAE Launcher, the 'browse' icon is grayed out and the browser won't open. I tried opening localhost:8080 in Firefox and Chrome as the tutorial suggests, but I get unable to connect errors from both.
How can I view Hello World in a browser? Is there some configuration I need to make on my machine?
I had the same problem. This seemed to fix it:
cd to google_appengine, run
python --port=8080 --host= /path/to/application
at this point there is a prompt to allow updates on running, I said Yes.
At this point the app was running as it should, also when I quit this and went in using the launcher again, that worked too.
I have to manually start python and make it point to my app folder, for instance in a command line window on Windows I am using python. I installed python in C:\Python27 and my sample app is in c:\GoogleApps\guestbook
C:\Python27> c:\GoogleApps\guestbook
and then I can start my app in the Google App Engine Launcher and hit localhost 8080
How about specifying --host argument? You can find it at the bottom of following doc.
This might be a little late. But still someone might find it useful.
When ever you go and try changing the port number from 8080 to something else, it will not get updated. So the best option is:
Go to your user directory: eg: C:\Username
There will be a Google folder. Go inside
Open the file google_appengine_projects.ini
Change your port number from 8080 to whatever you like 8081
Save it and close the file.
Launch the GAE Launcher again and you will find the changes reflected and the app runs without issues.
7: Access the application using: http://localhost:NewPort/
This can be used to change ports both run port and admin port for your individual projects running locally.
Hope this helps!
The 8080 portion of your url is a port number. Firefox disables visiting url's of other ports by default. You have to enable them by doing the following:
Paraphrasing that website:
Open firefox and visit about:conf
In the Filter box, type in
If you can't find such a preference, right click to open up the pop-up menu and pick New and then String
As preference name type and 8080 as the value.
It's likely if this continues to not work that your browser is behaving properly (8080 is a fairly standard port). That means that its a problem with the server and we'd have to do some more debugging.

Unit testing OAuth JS with Mocha

I'm working on a JS based project that runs off GAE and part of the code gets the user's avatar using OAuth from Facebook, Twitter or Google. I'm trying to write tests in Mocha in order to test this but I'm running into some problems.
The code works when I test it in the front end, and the way I envisaged it to work would be to use ZombieJS to run the app on GAE's, fire the OAuth functions, fill in the appropriate auth stuff and then complete the test by returning the image URL.
However the first hurdle I've got is that it appears that NodeJS's server is not allowing GAE's server to run on the same IP address. For example:
exec ' .', ->
console.log arguments
This returns the error 'Address already in use'. How can I get around this apart from running it on a different machine? Is it possible to tell NodeJS to not reserve the whole IP and just a port? I'm running GAE on 8080 and it works fine when it isn't invoked by NodeJS.
The second problem is ZombieJS. I'm trying to figure out a way I can listen to when new windows are opened and, essentially, tail the console of the browser. I've started two discussions on the Google group but no one has responded yet (!topic/zombie-js/cJklyMbwxRE and!topic/zombie-js/tOhk_lZv5eA)
While the latter isn't as important as I can find ways around it (I hope), the former is the main issue, so I'd greatly appreciate any direction on how to resolve this address conflict.
Here's my NodeJS script:
exec = ( require 'child_process' ).exec
fs = require 'fs'
should = require 'should'
yaml = require 'yaml'
Zombie = require 'zombie'
common = require '../../static/assets/js/common'
url = 'ahmeds.local'
browser = new Zombie()
config = null
consoleCb = 'function consoleSuccess(){console.log("success",arguments)}function consoleFailure(){console.log("failure",arguments)}'
browser.debug = true
browser.silent = false
fs.readFile '../../config.yaml', (error, data) ->
config = yaml.eval data.toString 'ascii'
exec 'cd ../../ && -a ' + url + ' .', ->
console.log arguments
# browser.visit config.local.url, ->
browser.visit 'http://' + url + ':8080', ->
browser.evaluate consoleCb
browser.evaluate 'profileImage("facebook",consoleSuccess,consoleFailure)'
console.log browser.window.console.output
I have only limited familiarity with NodeJS, but I just tested running a NodeJS server and App Engine local dev server on the same machine — it works just fine. Without seeing your NodeJS code, I'm guessing you're also trying to run NodeJS on port 8080, and so the App Engine server complains when it's started (8080 is the default, and you noted it's the port you are using).
Try passing --port=8081 (or some other port) to your invocation of and it should resolve the conflict.
Nothing in the code you've shown (other than the invocation of dev_appserver) should even be listening on any port (unless zombie implements a "server" for remote debugging or something like that). It looks like the port conflict is coming from somewhere else.
Note that zombie's own Mocha test framework does set up an express server, so if you're using it or code lifted from it, that might be doing it.
What does netstat have to say about who's binding to what port?
