UWP OneDrive does not support FolderPicker contract on mobile? - mobile

I am trying to get permission to access an entire OneDrive folder to use as a "working folder" (to automatically load/save files, and to use as a common sync location between devices).
I have used the example here to work with a FolderPicker: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/br207881
If I use a FilePicker I have the option of "This Device"/"Phone"/"OneDrive", however when using a FolderPicker I only get the option of "This Device"/"Phone".
I haven't seen much documentation around the File/FolderPicker contracts, however it seems that OneDrive only supports the FilePicker contract, not the FolderPicker contract; I don't feel this is correct and I expect I have made a mistake somewhere.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
NB. I have deliberately avoided using the OneDrive API as it adds a layer of complexity that I would rather avoid. Using a FolderPicker allows me to work directly with a StorageFolder which is a consistent and simple approach.

OneDrive does not support the FolderPicker contract, it only supports FilePickers!
See this link: dev.onedrive.com/SDKs.htm ("FilerPicker SDKs" section-> "Windows" row -> "Documentation" column)


Implementing google smart action with custom device trait

I have been trying for a while now to create a kind of "controller" for my windows pc which is integrated with google assistant.
I would like to have actions like "Turn off the internet", "Shutdown" or "Open program".
However in trying to implement this with Google smart action API I see that it "only" supports a set of traits. I know I can "reuse" different traits for different actions, like "OnOff" to control pc power, but how about starting programs on my pc?
I would like to use natural commands (Hey Google, open Word), instead of the conversational API which is (Hey Google, talk to my pc -> open Word), but I would understand if that is not possible, since the traits are how Google HomeGraph knows which devices supports the users query.
Am I going into a rabbithole of impossibilities and should I just bite the bullet and use the Conversational API?
Any open source projects which is doing this would also be appreciated, end goal is implementing something myself, but inspiration is always nice.
I previously built my own PC integration with the smart home platform and gave it a few commands.
Going through smart home means that you cannot add custom device traits. Whichever exist in the platform are it. However, there are quite a few traits available for use.
In your set of use cases, there is an AppSelector trait and a NetworkControl trait. You may be interested in using both of these.

Access questions programmatically? [duplicate]

I would like to (programmatically) convert a text file with questions to a Google form. I want to specify the questions and the questiontypes and their options. Example: the questiontype scale should go from 1 to 7 and should have the label 'not important' for 1 and 'very important' for 7.
I was looking into the Google Spreadsheet API but did not see a solution.
(The Google form API at http://code.lancepollard.com/introducing-the-google-form-api is not an answer to this question)
Google released API for this: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/forms/
This service allows scripts to create, access, and modify Google Forms.
Until Google satisfies this feature request (star the feature on Google's site if you want to vote for it), you could try a non-API approach.
iMacros allows you to record, modify and play back macros that control your web browser. My experiments with Google Drive showed that the basic version (without DirectScreen technology) doesn't record macros properly. I tried it with both the plugin for IE (basic and advanced click mode) and Chrome (the latter has limited iMacro support). FYI, I was able to get iMacros IE plug-in to create questions on mentimeter.com, but the macro recorder gets some input fields wrong (which requires hacking of the macro, double-checking the ATTR= of the TAG commands with the 'Inspect element' feature of Chrome, for example).
Assuming that you can get the TAG commands to produce clicks in the right places in Google Drive, the approach is that you basically write (ideally record) a macro, going through the steps you need to create the form as you would using a browser. Then the macro can be edited (you can use variables in iMacros, get the question/questiontype data from a CSV or user-input dialogs, etc.). Looping in iMacros is crude, however. There's no EOF for a CSV (you basically have to know how many lines are in the file and hard-code the loop in your macro).
There's a way to integrate iMacro calls with VB, etc., but I'm not sure if it's possible with the free versions. There's another angle where you generate code (Javascript) from a macro, and then modify it from there.
Of course, all of these things are more fragile than an API approach long-term. Google could change its presentation layer and it will break your macros.
Seems like Apps Script now has a REST API and SDK's for it. Through Apps Script you can generate Google Forms. This API was really hard to find by trying to google for it and I haven't yet tested it myself, but I am going to build something with it today (hopefully). So far everything looks good.
EDIT: Seems like the REST API I am using works very well for fully automated usage.
In March(2022) google released REST API for google form. API allows basic crud operation & also added support for registering watches on the form to notify whenever either form is updated or a new response is received.
As of now (March 2016), Google Forms APIs allow us to create forms and store them in Google Drive. However, Forms APIs do not allow one programmatically modify the form (such as modify content, add or delete questions, pre-filled data, etc). In other words, the form is static. In order to serve custom, external APIs are needed.

What is equivalent usage of sendmessage()[WINDOWS] in MAC OS X?

I have a ContextualMenuPlugin and an application. When user clicks the option from context menu i need to send a message to my app. In windows i achieved this using sendmessage() function. But i'm new to MAC OS X. Can any one please help me, by giving some api's or functions which will enlighten this situation?
You have plenty of choices on how to get messages into an application on your Macintosh.
The ways I'm thinking of include Apple Events or sockets or kqueues, but there's other stuff I've never even worked with that might even be more useful & appropriate (such as Distributed Objects). Check out this duplicate and/or related question and maybe you'll see a useful answer in there for you that you can build upon.
B.T.W.: how did you construct your Contextual Menu Plugin? Is it in Carbon or Objective C or is it some codeless plugin or plist or? The answer to that question probably will dictate a lot towards how you will be able to talk from your plugin to your app.
If you want to control just your application you might want to look into AppleScript. Using that solution has the added benefit that your users could also use it to automate things via scripting.

I need help understanding Silverlight 4 security

Does anyone else think Silverlight 4 security is a bit screwball?
Look at the following scenario:
Silverlight when set to trusted app, and run out of browser mode allows you to browse for a file using the file open dialog.
You require the name of the path of the file to open it up from any COM automation. For example (excel/word) but this could be anything.
It is impossible to get the full path of the file from the dialog because of security restrictions
You can however using COM FileSystemObject - do what ever you want to the users file system, including create folders, move and delete files.
So in other words, why all the fuss about security in Silverlight, which actually hinders real business use cases, when its possible to access any file anyways using COM?
To say it another way, if a user runs a malicious silverlight app, its unlikely they'll say - oh well it was COM at fault. The COM was afterall being called by a Silverlight app.
Here is what I mean....
User browses for file - c:\myFile.xls
Silverlight prevents you from getting the path (for security reasons)
Silverlight only lets you work with my documents
Using COM you can do what ever you want to the file system in the background anyways. Including copying that file now to my documents, if only you knew the name! But besides that you can wipe any file potentially if its not in use.
In my opinion Silverlight security model is flawed, either they should have given developers full trust and allow us to run apps as if they were running locally
Not allowed Silverlight to access COM.
Is it just me, or can anyone else see that its a bad implementation?
This triggers security alerts:
OpenFileDialog flDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
FileInfo fs = flDialog.File;
string fileName = fs.FullName;
This doesn't
dynamic fileSystem = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
I don't agree with your point of view. The fact that you can do pretty much anything that an installed COM object will allow you to do is not a reason to modify a whole bunch of existing Silverlight code to allow you to do those same things.
Why? Because in the process of opening up that code there is also an increase chance that in some unintended way that same code could get run when the Silverlight component is not running in trusted mode. If that were to happen even once the media would all over it in a shot and Silverlight's reputation would, probably unfairly, be in tatters.
Personally I'm quite happy with the very cautious approach to security that MS are taking with Silverlight.
some Silverlight controls such as the OpenFileDialog work in both trusted and untrusted mode. These controls have been ported from previous versions of Silverlight where the new levels are elevated trust were not a consideration.
Thank you to Anthony for pointing this out.
Developers need to be aware of the definition of trust we are discussing here. Running a Silverlight application in full trust with elevated privileges IS NOT the same thing as running a local Silverlight Windows based Application. It is also far more restrictive than ActiveX.
Its possible that the trust here provided in Silverlight suits your particular business requirement. It is however likely that there are scenarios where you will find Silverlight too restrictive, its best to do your research upfront, and run code samples to ensure you can do the critical stuff, before jumping in head over heels.
Microsoft guarantees that public Silverlight API has the same behavior for both for Windows and MacOS platforms. So the functionality is many ways limited by the common denominator and technical feasibility. Please treat COM introp as a specific case addressing only Windows platform and only in full trust mode and it is not going to work the same for other platforms. So the security restrictions are valid as they are the same for both worlds in terms of API reuse.
I agree with the original poster. I think it's bad implementation. We are given a built in dialog to browse for a file, including directory structure. We can select a file and get a FileInfo object, but security prevents us from getting the FullName (directory and file name). Why? How does that improve security? What's the point of the open file dialog to begin with?
And as the original poster mentioned, with those dynamic objects, we can modify the local file system... which seems like the possible security hole.
All I want to do is read some data from an excel file... a way for my users to import excel data into the application, and the file could be saved anywhere on their machine. These are sales reps using an excel files to record orders locally until they can get to an internet connection. Who knows where they all save that file... so I'm not going to try to suggest we tell them all to store it in the same place in "my documents". I'll get laughed at if I suggest that.
It seems like it should be incredibly simple. But that "security measure" that keeps us from getting the directory the user chose from the built in open file dialog makes it so that we can't use the dialog for the purpose it was created for.
So what's the alternative? Is there a way to pick files using those dynamic objects? Do I have to write my own file selection tool using those objects that can modify the file system? Since I don't need anything but to read the file, and because I read something somewhere that we do have access to the file stream... is there a way to using the file stream to open up the file for reading using the AutomationFactory?

Feature tracking WinForms

I would like to extend my WinForms app, which a feature that allows me to monitor which functions are used by the users.
The idea is to count how many times e.g. a button has been clicked, or a popup was opened.
I want to know which features are used more or less often by the users.
Any ideas how this can be done? (Or even if somebody solved this problem already)
The only mechanism I can think on to do what your looking for is to use a logger like log4net / Log4PostSharp to log details to a log file on the machine, this would give you details on usage for that particular client. You would have to create a custom attribute that you could decorate your methods with that would result in something being written out to the log file, otherwise your code would end up littered with code to implement the logging!
Have a look at this article too, it uses Log4PostSharp with AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) which would make the implementation of the logging much more cleaner (uses attributes).
You can find some if you google for the term "application analytics" instead of "feature tracking".
I have found the following products:
Software Statistics Service
Dotfuscator for .NET, DashO for Java
Flurry Analytics
OpenSpan Desktop Analytics
EQATEC Analytics
I might say that I also plan to create such a product. When it will be Beta I will add it to the list.
