How do I make sure the UI is updated during long running processes in a WPF application? - wpf

In a WPF app that follows the MVVM pattern, I've run across a common issue where a user clicks on a button which fires an event in the ViewModel. This event should enable a "Please Wait" spinner animation, do some processing which may take a few seconds, then hide the spinner. I'm not really sure of a good pattern I can use to make sure the spinner animation always appears.
As an example, I have a login process which does the following:
Displays spinner (set property on VM to true, spinner is bound to it)
Attempt to connect to server (can take a few seconds depending on connection)
On a failure, display a failure message
On success, save off some info about the user so it's available to the rest of the app.
What I'm finding is that the spinner never actually appears. I have tried wrapping the longer-running process in a Task.Run call, but that hasn't seemed to help.
Here's an approximation of what the code looks like:
// When true, spinner should be visible
protected bool _authenticatingIsVisible = false;
public bool AuthenticatingIsVisible
get { return _authenticatingIsVisible; }
_authenticatingIsVisible = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => AuthenticatingIsVisible);
public void Login()
AuthenticationIsVisible = true;
AuthCode result = AuthCode.NoAuthenticated;
Task.Run(() => { result = _client.Authenticate() }).Wait();
AuthenticationIsVisible = false;
if (result == AuthCode.Authenticated)
// Bit of misc. code to set up the environment
// Another check to see if something has failed
// If it has, displays a dialog.
// ex.
var error = new Error("Something Failed", "Details Here", Answer.Ok);
var vm = new DialogViewModel() { Dialog = error };
AuthenticationIsVisible = false;

The proper way would be not to block the UI thread (which is what you are doing right now with .Wait()), and use AsyncAwait instead.
private Task<AuthCode> Authenticate()
return Task.Run<AuthCode>(()=>
return _client.Authenticate();
public async void Login()
AuthenticationIsVisible = true;
AuthCode result = await Authenticate();
AuthenticationIsVisible = false;


How to handle Angular 2 http update before Continuing

I have a service with an http Post
saveItem(item: Item): Observable<number> {
return this.http
.post(`${this.baseUrl}/items`, item.createJson(), this.getHeaders())
I call this in a save method in my component
save(item: Item): boolean {
if (!this.isValid()) {
return false;
.subscribe(id => { = id;
return true;
error => {return false;}
Within the same component, the user can upload an image related to the item - but I need to save the item before they upload the image.
if (! {
alert('You cannot upload an image before saving the item');
return false;
The problem is that doesn't return after the save is complete, but immediately - so my image upload continues (and then fails on the server as it has no Id to associate with it).
I can move the 'isValid' to check before saving - but if the save fails on the server, it's too late.
Do I need to change my save to return an observable and then subscribe to it from my file upload? (if so could you show me some code how to do that?) or do I need to do something to get the value from the Observable before returning from the 'save' method (if so could you show me some code how to do that?)
I know there are other ways of solving this (upload the image anyway and associate it when the item is eventually saved, for example - but I don't like that idea - and I'd like an answer on this as much out of interest as solving this real problem.)
the getIdFromItem gets the inserted item's Id from the JSON response - thought it worth mentioning.
You can use a flag that informs the rest of your code if you can upload or not.
saveItem(item: Item): Observable<number> {
return this.http
.post(`${this.baseUrl}/items`, item.createJson(), this.getHeaders())
canUpload: boolean = false;
save(item: Item): void {
this.canUpload = false;
.subscribe(id => { = id;
this.canUpload = true;
error => {return false;}
upload(): boolean {
if (!this.canUpload) {
console.log('You cannot upload an image before saving the item');
return false;
this.canUpload = false;
console.log('You can upload now');
// ...

Nativescript Angular ActivityIndicator

in my Nativescript Angular app i am using an ActivityIndicator, setup as i've seen in the Nativescript Angular docs (the GroceryList example):
<ActivityIndicator width="30" height="30" [busy]="refreshing" [visibility]="refreshing ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></ActivityIndicator>
if the Component using it i have:
export class MyComponent {
public refreshing = false;
Then i fetch some data from my backend:
public onRefreshTap() {
this.refreshing = true;
this.backend.getData(function (data) { //this.backend is my Service
this.refreshing = false;
The problem is that when i put this.refreshing to true, the ActivityIndicator correctly shows. But when bakend request completes (and so, i put this.refreshing=false) the ActivityIndicator does not hides... (and also it seems that its busy property is not updated, it stays in spinning state)..
What am i doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance
You could also try to access the refreshing property as it has been shown in the sample codes below. It could be a problem of accessing the property inside the callback method of your service.
public onRefreshTap() {
var that = this;
this.refreshing = true;
this.backend.getData(function (data) { //this.backend is my Service
that.refreshing = false;
public onRefreshTap() {
this.refreshing = true;
this.backend.getData((data) => {
that.refreshing = false;
It may be many things:
1) The change to false, on the Observable, is not being "seen" by the component.
------ The solution is run the code in a Zone (see )
2) The backend is returning an error (I don't see it dealing with that in the code).
------ The solution is put a function to deal with the error.
3) The callback is not being called. In your code, you're SENDING a function as a parameter to the backendService, so maybe the service is not executing it.
------ Try using a Promisses or Observables to deal with returned values (you'll have to Google about it, since I'm still learning them my explanation would be the worst). :)
Here's some code that might work:
<ActivityIndicator [busy]="isWorking" [visibility]="isWorking?'visible':'collapse'"></ActivityIndicator>
import { Component, NgZone } from "#angular/core";
export class MyComponent {
isWorking:boolean = false;
constructor(private backendService: BackendService,
private _ngZone: NgZone)
this.isWorking = false;
public onRefreshTap() {
this.isWorking = true;
// data is what your BackendService returned after some seconds
(data) => {
() => {
this.isWorking = false;
// I use to return null when some Server Error occured, but there are smarter ways to deal with that
if (!data || data == null || typeof(data)!=='undefined') return;
// here you deal with your data

Getting the current page when receiving a toast notification (WP8.1 Silverlight, receiving WNS toast notification)

I have an event that fires when the app is live and I receive an notification CurrentChannel_PushNotificationReceived. In this function I want to find out which page is currently displayed to know if the notification should update content on the page. The question is therefore twofold, how to know which page is currently displayed and interact with the toast notification.
The issue is that I cannot interact with the elements because of clash with the OS threading (Dispatcher).
Therefore using the below code it allows me to access the content of the message. But I am still not able to get the info of the current_page
_channel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
_channel.PushNotificationReceived += OnPushNotificationReceived;
private void OnPushNotificationReceived(PushNotificationChannel sender, PushNotificationReceivedEventArgs args)
switch (args.NotificationType)
case PushNotificationType.Badge:
case PushNotificationType.Tile:
case PushNotificationType.Toast:
case PushNotificationType.Raw:
args.Cancel = true;
private void OnBadgeNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a badge notification is received when app is running
private void OnTileNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a tile notification is received when app is running
private void OnToastNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a toast notification is received when app is running
// Show a toast notification programatically
var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
var toastNotification = new ToastNotification(xmlDocument);
//toastNotification.SuppressPopup = true;
private void OnRawNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a raw notification is received when app is running
How do I access the current page information in the different onXXXXNotificationReceived. The current snippets work but not within these functions:
var currentPage = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content;
var tempBool = currentPage.GetType() is BC_Menu.StartUp.SecondScreen;
My guess is it is because of the UI-thread. So how can I use the dispatcher to get the information? I have tried some solutions with the dispatcher, but I cannot await the information, and therefore it is not applicable.
System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation op = App.RootFrame.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Func<Uri>(() =>
return RootFrame.CurrentSource;
await op; //Not awaitable.
There's no reason to await the dispatcher to the UI thread. Simply dispatch to the UI thread and then perform the rest of your logic, like displaying the toast or navigating to a page, from within the UI thread...
Register the event...
var channel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
channel.PushNotificationReceived += Channel_PushNotificationReceived;
On the event handler, cancel displaying the notification and then dispatch to UI thread...
private void Channel_PushNotificationReceived(PushNotificationChannel sender, PushNotificationReceivedEventArgs args)
// Make sure you cancel displaying the toast on this thread (not on UI thread)
// since cancellation needs to be set before this thread/method returns
args.Cancel = true;
// Then dispatch to the UI thread
var currPage = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content;
switch (args.NotificationType)
case PushNotificationType.Toast:
Do all of your code inside the dispatcher's delegate. All your code will be executing on the UI thread... you'll be able to navigate pages, obtain current page, etc.
Ok. Try this. Create a static property on App.xaml.cs.
public static object CurrentPageInfo { get; set; }
And assign the page type or page name to the property on 'OnNavigatedTo' method on every page.
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
var currentPage = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content;
App.CurrentPageInfo = currentPage.GetType() is BC_Menu.StartUp.SecondScreen;
So that you can identify the page source type on receiving notifications by accessing the App.CurrentPageInfo property. Hope it helps!

Surviving TPL, Delegates, Threads, and Invokes

I'm facing a serious problem of deadlock in a multithreaded desktop/windows application. I fear I'm not using the correct approach to delegates in a very async environment. Also, even though I "sink" my events into the calling UI thread, if possible, I still have to Invoke on the UI thread to see some action. Follows, is the details.
The application is basically a client for users of an online file storage service. That service exposes functionality through REST calls. I first created a managed code wrapper DLL for such calls that allows for a .NET consumer to create a static instance of this DLL and call the functions. I'll take the file upload operation as an example.
Now, in the wrapper, here is the public interface for a file upload:
public Int32 UploadFile(FileSystemObject FolderToUploadTo, FileInfo LocalFileAndPath, OperationProgressReportEventHandler onOperationProgressReport, FileSystemObjectUploadCompletedEventHandler onOperationCompleted) {
Int32 ReplyNumber = 0;
try {
var TheOperation = new UploadFileObjectOperation(FolderToUploadTo, LocalFileAndPath, _User.APIKey) {
onProgressReport = onOperationProgressReport,
onUploadCompleted = onOperationCompleted
//Add it to the pool of operations
//Start the operation through the factory
OperationFactory.StartNew(() => {
//Chain the *actual* TPL Task to flush after usage
TheOperation.InnerTask.ContinueWith(t => {
t.Dispose(); //Dispose the inner task
OperationPool.Remove(TheOperation); //Remove the operation from the pool
TheOperation = null; //Nullify the Operation
ReplyNumber = TheOperation.TaskId;
catch {
ReplyNumber = 0;
return ReplyNumber;
As you can see, the actual UI application, that will refer this DLL, will be sending delegates for progress and completed to the operation(s). Now, the body of the operation itself:
public class UploadFileObjectOperation : BaseOperation, IDisposable {
public FileSystemObjectUploadCompletedEventHandler onUploadCompleted;
//Disposing stuff
protected override void PerformWork() {
try {
//Init the WebClient
UploadClient.UploadProgressChanged += (UploadProgressChanged_s, UploadProgressChanged_e) => {
//This is my event in base class being raised
ReportProgress(UploadProgressChanged_e.ProgressPercentage, UploadProgressChanged_e);
UploadClient.UploadFileCompleted += (UploadFileCompleted_s, UploadFileCompleted_e) => {
if (UploadFileCompleted_e.Error != null) {
throw new ApplicationException("Upload failed. " + UploadFileCompleted_e.Error.Message);
JObject JSONLiveObject = JObject.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(UploadFileCompleted_e.Result));
if (String.Compare((String)JSONLiveObject["status"], Constants._CONST_RESTRESPONSE_STATUS_VALUE_FAIL, false) == 0) {
throw new ApplicationException("Upload response failed. " + (String)JSONLiveObject["result"]["message"]);
//Eureka! Success! We have an upload!
//This is my event being raised
UploadTaskCompleted(new UploadFileObjectOperationEventArg {
Error = null,
ResultSource = OperationResultSource.Fresh,
Status = OperationExitStatus.Success,
TaskId = TaskId,
UploadedFileSystemObject = _UploadedFile
//Start the async upload
UploadClient.UploadFileAsync(AddressOfRESTURI, UploadingMethod, _FileToUpload.FullName);
catch (OperationCanceledException exp_Canceled) {
UploadTaskCompleted(new UploadFileObjectOperationEventArg {
Error = exp_Canceled,
ResultSource = OperationResultSource.Fresh,
Status = OperationExitStatus.Canceled,
TaskId = TaskId,
UploadedFileSystemObject = _UploadedFile
// To ensure that the calling code knows the task was canceled
catch (Exception exp) {
UploadTaskCompleted(new UploadFileObjectOperationEventArg {
Error = exp,
ResultSource = OperationResultSource.Fresh,
Status = OperationExitStatus.Error,
TaskId = TaskId,
UploadedFileSystemObject = _UploadedFile
// If the calling code also needs to know.
protected void UploadTaskCompleted(UploadFileObjectOperationEventArg arg) {
if (onUploadCompleted == null)
//Sinking into calling UI thread, if possible
if (onUploadCompleted.Target is Control) {
Control targetForm = onUploadCompleted.Target as Control;
targetForm.Invoke(onUploadCompleted, new object[] { arg });
else {
Status = OperationRunningStatus.Completed;
The PerformWork() raises the two events: Progress reporting and completion. Note that while raising an event, I check if can get a route to the calling thread and push the event directly so to avoid invokes at UI.
Now, lets see how I'm using all of the above in a desktop client:
private void UploadFile(FileInfo DraggedFileInfo, FileSystemObject ParentDefination) {
SessionLifetimeStuff.APICore.UploadFile(ParentDefination, DraggedFileInfo,
(PercentageCompleted) => {
#region Progress
this.InvokeEx(f => {
UpdateTaskProgress(newTaskQueue.OID, PercentageCompleted.Progress, PercentageCompleted);
}, (Result) => {
#region Completion
this.InvokeEx(f => {
switch (Result.Status) {
case OperationExitStatus.Success:
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File: {0} uploaded to {1}", Result.UploadedFileSystemObject.DocumentFullname, Result.UploadedFileSystemObject.FolderId));
case OperationExitStatus.Canceled:
DialogManager.ShowDialog(DialogTypeEnum.Warning, "Dropbox", "Upload canceled.", null, this);
case OperationExitStatus.Error:
DialogManager.ShowDialog(DialogTypeEnum.Error, "Dropbox", "Upload failed.", Result.Error, this);
I'm using an extension method I found on Stackoverflow for adding the Invoking functionality:
public static class InvokeExtensions {
public static void InvokeEx<T>(this T #this, Action<T> action) where T : Control {
if (#this.InvokeRequired) {
#this.Invoke(action, new object[] { #this });
else {
if (!#this.IsHandleCreated)
if (#this.IsDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("#this is disposed.");
public static IAsyncResult BeginInvokeEx<T>(this T #this, Action<T> action)
where T : Control {
return #this.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => #this.InvokeEx(action)));
public static void EndInvokeEx<T>(this T #this, IAsyncResult result)
where T : Control {
In my code, i have commented out the invokes as I though i don't need then as the events being raised are coming in sinked. However, i realized that my UI was not doing anything at all. So, I added the InvokeEx({ code; }) and my UI started to shoe activity.
Now, why do I need to invoke?
If I attempt different operations from UI, eventually, my UI freezes although the application still behaves as normally functioning.
I found an old article at that described the usage of delegates and I see that there is a IAsyncResult involved.
Could someone point me as to where I'm going wrong here?
Ok, with the invoking code commented on the UI, I get no activity at all. But upon using the this.InvokeEx or wrapping a work in this.BeginInvokeEx, I get UI updates but after a while, here are the two exceptions occurring (in this order):
Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created.
A Task's exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or accessing its Exception property. As a result, the unobserved exception was rethrown by the finalizer thread.

Using Rx to simplify an asynchronous Silverlight web service request

I have written a simplified Silverlight client library for my WCF web service using Rx, however I notice sometimes I'm missing completed events.
public IObservable<XElement> GetReport(string reportName)
return from client in Observable.Return(new WebServiceClient())
from request in Observable.ToAsync<string>(client.GetReportDataAsync)(reportName)
from result in Observable.FromEvent<GetReportDataCompletedEventArgs>(client, "GetReportDataCompleted").Take(1)
from close in this.CloseClient(client)
select result.EventArgs.Result;
I believe the issue is caused by the fact that the web service is called and returns prior to subscribing to the completed event. I can't figure out how to get Rx to subscribe to the event prior to the Async call. I tried StartWith but that requires that the input and output types be the same, any ideas?
Seems like the best answer is to use Observable.CreateWithDisposable()
public IObservable<XElement> GetReport(string reportName)
return from client in Observable.Return(new WebServiceClient())
from completed in Observable.CreateWithDisposable<GetReportDataCompletedEventArgs>(observer =>
var subscription = Observable.FromEvent<GetReportDataCompletedEventArgs>(client, "GetReportDataCompleted")
.Select(e => e.EventArgs)
return subscription;
from close in this.CloseClient(client)
select completed.Result;
To make this easier to work with I refactored the CreateWithDisposable into a common function that can be used with all my web service calls, including automatically determining the event name from the event args type:
private IObservable<T> CallService<T>(ICommunicationObject serviceClient, Action start) where T : AsyncCompletedEventArgs
if (typeof(T) == typeof(AsyncCompletedEventArgs))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Event arguments type cannot be used to determine event name, use event name overload instead.");
string completedEventName = typeof(T).Name.TrimEnd("EventArgs");
return CallService<T>(serviceClient, start, completedEventName);
private IObservable<T> CallService<T>(ICommunicationObject serviceClient, Action start, string completedEventName) where T : AsyncCompletedEventArgs
return Observable.CreateWithDisposable<T>(observer =>
var subscription = Observable.FromEvent<T>(serviceClient, completedEventName).Take(1).Select(e => e.EventArgs).Subscribe(observer);
return subscription;
// Example usage:
public IObservable<XElement> GetReport(string reportName)
return from client in Observable.Return(new WebServiceClient())
from completed in this.CallService<GetReportDataCompletedEventArgs>(client, () => client.GetReportDataAsync(reportName))
from close in this.CloseClient(client)
select completed.Result;
/// <summary>
/// Asynchronously closes the web service client
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The web service client to be closed.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a cold observable sequence of a single success Unit.</returns>
private IObservable<AsyncCompletedEventArgs> CloseClient(WebServiceClient client)
return this.CallService<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>(client, client.CloseAsync, "CloseCompleted");
Hope this helps someone else!
I need to use general WebClient.DownloadStringAsync so here my version.
First, wrap the event:
public static IObservable<IEvent<DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs>>
GetDownloadStringObservableEvent(this WebClient wc)
return Observable.FromEvent<DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs>(
wc, "DownloadStringCompleted");
Then create the extension method:
public static IObservable<string> GetDownloadString(this WebClient wc, Uri uri)
return Observable.CreateWithDisposable<string>(
observer => {
// Several downloads may be going on simultaneously. The token allows
// us to establish that we're retrieving the right one.
Guid token = Guid.NewGuid();
var stringDownloaded = wc.GetDownloadStringObservableEvent()
.Where(evt => ((Guid)evt.EventArgs.UserState) == token)
.Take(1); //implicitly unhooks handler after event is received
bool errorOccurred = false;
IDisposable unsubscribe =
// OnNext action
ev => {
// Propagate the exception if one is reported.
if (ev.EventArgs.Error != null) {
errorOccurred = true;
} else if (!ev.EventArgs.Cancelled) {
// OnError action (propagate exception)
ex => observer.OnError(ex),
// OnCompleted action
() => {
if (!errorOccurred) {
try {
wc.DownloadStringAsync(uri, token);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return unsubscribe;
Usage is simple:
wc.GetDownloadString(new Uri("http://myservice"))
.Subscribe(resultCallback , errorCallback);
