Dynamic Row Level Security In a SQL Server Database Using Extended Properties - sql-server

We have a requirement to provide customer access to a staging database so that they can extract their data into their own servers, but every table contains all customers data. All of the tables have a 'CustomerID' column. Customers should only see rows where the customerID is the same as theirs.
I am not looking for suggestions to create separate databases or views for each customer as both suggestions are high maintenance and low efficiency.
My solution has to work with:
100GB database
400 Tables
Updates every 30 minutes from the core transaction database
Quarterly schema changes (Application is in continuous Development).
Can anyone give me a definitive answer as to why the following method is not secure or will not work?:
I've set up a database user for each customer, with their customerID as an extended property.
I've created a view of every table that dynamically selects * from the table where the customerID column is the same as the extended property CustomerID of the logged in user. The code looks like this and appears to work well:
CREATE VIEW [CustomerAccessDatabase].[vw_Sales]
AS SELECT * FROM [CustomerAccessDatabase].[Sales]
WHERE [Sales].[CustomerID]=
(SELECT CONVERT(INT,p.value) AS [Value]
FROM sys.extended_properties
JOIN sys.sysusers ON extended_properties.major_id=sysusers.[uid]
AND extended_properties.name = 'CustomerID'
AND sysusers.[SID]=(SELECT suser_sid())
To provide access to the views I've created a generic database role 'Customer_Access_Role'. This role has access granted to all of the table views, but access to the database tables themselves is denied.
To prevent users from changing their own customerID I've denied access to the extended properties like so:
USE [master];
DENY EXEC ON sys.sp_addextendedproperty to [public];
DENY EXEC ON sys.sp_dropextendedproperty to [public];
DENY EXEC ON sys.sp_updateextendedproperty to [public];
The end result is that I only need one database, and one set of permissions.
To add a new customer all I would need to do is create a new user with their customerID as an extended attribute and add them to the Customer_Access_Role. Thats it!

I am going to reiterate what everyone is stating already and sum it up.
You are making your job harder than it has to be.
Create a View, that is just their data and then give them Security access to that View.
Alternatively, extract all their data out of the "Core" database and into their own and give them the necessary access to that data.


Block access to column without changing query

I have a Microsoft SQL Server with data that needs to be protected (certain sensitive columns of some tables) and an application that queries that database like this:
SELECT BoringColumn, SensitiveColumn FROM Table
I have the following restrictions:
I have multiple users (3-4) each with different columns visible or not.
In this example SensitiveColumn should not be accessible.
I can not directly update the queries that the application sends
What did I try already:
I tried to use SQL Servers Dynamic Data Masking feature. However it's not granular enough, you can just turn it on or off per user but not just for some columns. And its can leak data in queries, the link above explains that as well.
I know I can just deny the user SELECT on Table.SensitiveColumn.
However then any existing query asking for the table just breaks with permission errors.
What other options do I have left?
Ideally I would like something that replaces the query on the serverside and executes something like this:
SELECT BoringColumn, 'N/A' as SensitiveColumn FROM Table
I think I found a possible solution:
Change the table structure - Rename the SensitiveColumn to a different name, and add a computed column with the old name of the SensitiveColumn, that will show results based on current_user.
boringColumn int,
SensitiveBase varchar(10), -- no user should have direct access to this column!
SensitiveColumn as
case current_user
when 'Trusted login' then SensitiveBase
else 'N/A'
The one thing I'm not sure about is if you can deny access to the SensitiveBase column but grant it to the SensitiveColumn.
I'll leave you to test it yourself.
If that can't be done, you can simply grant select permissions on the SensitiveBase column only to trusted login and deny them for everyone else.

Tables created form model db MS SQL server

Long time I have not changed active database (like USE mydbname) and created bunch of tables into a master database I think. Ever since then when new databases are created these tables appears in it.
I think one of the four default databases (master, model, msdb, tempdb) works as model for new databases and therefore the "extra" tables must be stored somewhere. Based on this description, could you please advice me how to get rid of these tables in order to create new empty databases?
Do you want the get the user tables in system database?
you can try this:
EXEC sys.sp_MSforeachdb #command1 = N'use ?;select ''?'', * from sys.tables WHERE type=''U'' and is_ms_shipped=0'

Azure DB - How to give 1 user read-only permission for 1 table

I've been reading many answers but I am too weak at TSQL to filter out what I need.
I created a contained user for 1 DB...
CREATE USER appuser WITH PASSWORD = 'strongpwd';
So I need to allow a user in to read only the contents of 1 table - tableA (there are others in the DB) and do absolutely nothing else in the DB.
I do not want to affect any other users. I just want the user to be able to access the DB via say SSMS, see only tableA (well this is not that important), read it.
There are two ways one is to directly grant explicit SELECT only on Table 1 and the second one is to create a role, grant SELECT to role and addd the user to the role. Typically second way is the preferred way and can be done as below
CREATE ROLE [role_name]
GRANT SELECT ON [Table] to [role_name]
EXEC sp_addrolemember '[role_name]', 'appuser'

prevent some user from seeing db2 tables structure

How can I restrict some users in DB2, not to see the table structure. I set the user privilege and restrict user from table access. so that user can not select data or change table but still can see the table structure or describe it.
This problem refers to row access in tables which is added in db2 version 10.
I had this problem too.
you can use this version - if applicable- and restrict user access from specific table structures.
You need to remove the select grant on catalog tables. For example, the following query should return 0 rows when executing with q restricted user.
db2 "select tabschema, tabname from syscat.tables"
All tables and views in the following schemas should not have select on public, nor in any group the restrictive user is in.
db2 revoke select on SYSIBM.SYSTABLES from username

Triggers in sql server 2008 management studio

I am trying to set up the trigger in a way that when the administrator (not users) make any changes to the database, all the changed data with the administrator name and time gets saved in the audit table (already created) that has all the possible fields.
I have created triggers on each table for any sort of updates in those tables. The trigger saves the information in audittable. However, i want to restrict this action for administrators only. Like I only want to keep the record of changes made by adminsitrators with their name, time and changes made by them(I have a separate table for adminsitrator names, username, pw and all that).
Can someone please help me with that.
To get the user you may use:
server level (login)
select system_user , suser_sname() , suser_sid()
db level (db user)
select session_user , current_user , user , user_name() , user_id()
Than and check that this user is admin or not in that additional table.
You can try one of these two functions, depending on what you define as "administrator".
The IS_MEMBER function evaluates the database role and the IS_SRVROLEMEMBER evaluates the server role. So, if you want to know if the user is a database admin, you would use IS_MEMBER. These will work for user-defined roles as well as built-in roles.
Here's an example of the trigger that would add data to the audit table when a server administrator inserts data to the table.
CREATE TRIGGER trg_InfoUpdates ON tblCustomerInfo
IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin') = 1
INSERT INTO tblAuditLog (CustomerID)
FROM inserted
