Sequence column population in a table - sql-server

I have a log table in SQL Server. This table is populated by 2 different sources - UI and goanywhere. This table has a log id column which will have sequence numbers for each entered record. What is the way to populate this column with correct sequence of numbers when the population is from 2 different channels. Suggestions please

In SQL Server, use an INT IDENTITY column in your table:
.... other columns...
and when you insert rows into this table, just don't specify the LogID column in your list of columns to insert into - SQL Server will automatically add values to it.
See the MSDN documentation on IDENTITY for more detail.

Use auto increment feature of mysql . It does not matter how many channels are there.


SSIS Lookup Suggestion

I have a task to Generate a Derived Column (RestrictionID) from a table and add it to a source table if 6 columns on both tables match. The 6 columns include (Country, Department, Account .etc) I decided to go with the SSIS Lookup and generate the Derived column when there's a match. This ID also has a time and amount Limit. Once all the records have ID's, I'm supposed to calculate a running total based on the ID to enforce the limits which is the easy part.
The only problem is this Lookup table changes almost daily and any or all of the 6 columns can have NULLS. Even the completely null rows have an Id. Nulls mean the Restriction is open. eg. If the Country column on one record on the lookup table is null, then the ID of that record can be assigned to records with any country on the source. If one row on the lookup has all null columns, then this is completely open and all records on the source qualify for that ID. The Source table doesn't have NULLS.
Please assist if possible
If NULL means any and ignore column in lookup then add this to your where:
use a stored proc and pass your values in and return:
select lookup.ID
from lookup
where #Country = isnull(lookup.Country,#Country) //If lookup inull then it refers to itself creating a 1=1 scenario
and #Department = isnull(lookup.Department,#Department)
and ...

SQL Insert Into cannot insert NULL

I have set some script that inserts data from an XML file into a SQL database. I am getting the following error.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'fighterID', table 'MMA Database.dbo.FIGHTERStemp'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
I have fighterID set as the primary key and will not allow NULLS. My intention is to have it number each row as they are inserted. I found one answer that advises to modify the column properties to be the identifier. However it will not let me adjust the columns properties without dropping and adding the table again.
I can do that - but what is the SQL syntax to set the identity specification settings? Am I going about this the right way?
It's pretty simple, just set the field with datatype INT (integer) and follow it with keyword IDENTITY. You can include the seed and increment values; e.g. start at 1, increment by 1, or just use the keyword IDENTITY for a 1,1 default.
While inserting data into Primary key you can check the previous max id value and then increment it to next value before you insert a new row.
In SQL, you need to drop table before altering its specification. You can do this by taking backup into temp table then drop your main table and then re insert data from temp table.

How to create a SQL Server table with a column and its values to be generated automatically as a GUID

I need to design a table in SQL Server having some columns, one of these columns (ID column and use sequential uniqueidentifier) should automatically populate its data when inserting other column data.
The values of the ID column should be generated automatically when insertion happens.
Please help me to do this, any help is appreciated.
NB: I am new to this step by step approach will be more helpful
Just create a table with a column ID of datatype uniqueidentifier and set it's default value to newsequentialid():
Then, when you go insert rows into that table, just omit the ID column from the list of columns you're inserted values into:
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable(ColA, ColB, ....., ColX)
VALUES(.., .. ,. ...)
If you don't explicitly insert a value into ID, the default specification (newsequentialid()) will be used .
As per Marc_s's comment, you should use NEWSEQUENTIALID()
CREATE TABLE myTable (ColumnA uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID());

Some tables id column do not auto increment despite being identity

I am troubleshooting a db (not my forte) that has some tables that are auto incrementing on the id column and some tables are not?
Now all the tables are set as identity and marked to disallow null. I am using SSMS what else can I check or do to get these tables back to auto incrementing?
Interestingly to me...probably old news to you guys. The issue had to do with existing data. So for example a table that had 100 rows in did NOT have the identity column setup. So I would go in and make it an identity with a seed of 1 incrementing 1. Well the seed was somehow having trouble because there was already 100 rows in there. So for all my tables I had to do a row count and seed the identity from the next row. Now it is working as expected.
Having an IDENTITY column is pretty straightforward for a table, and if you are not seeing the auto incrementing behavior of a column on inserts, then I'd first verify that your column is indeed an IDENTITY column:
use <Your Database Name>;
from sys.columns
where object_id = object_id('<Your Table Name>')
order by column_id;
Substitute <Your Database Nam> and <Your Table Name> for their appropriate values.
The other possibility is that data that "appears" to be non-incrementing could have been pushed out to that with a session that set identity insert and pushed out explicit values.
ALTER TABLE YourTable MODIFY COLUMN YourTable_id int(4) auto_increment

How to increment (or reserve) IDENTITY value in SQL Server without inserting into table

Is there a way to reserve or skip or increment value of identity column?
I Have two tables joined in one-to-one relation ship. First one has IDENTITY PK column, and second one int PK (not IDENTITY). I used to insert in first, get ID and insert in second. And it works ok.
Now I need to insert values in second table without inserting into first.
Now, how to increment IDENTITY seed, so I can insert it into second table, but leave "hole" in ID's of first table?
EDIT: More info
This works:
-- I need new seed number, but not table row
-- so i will insert foo row, get id, and delete it
INSERT INTO TABLE1 (SomeRequiredField) VALUES ('foo');
-- Then I can insert in TABLE2
INSERT INTO (ID, Field, Field) VALUES (#NewID, 'Value', 'Value');
Once again - this works.
Question is can I get ID without inserting into table?
DBCC needs owner rights; is there a clean user callable SQL to do that?
This situation will make your overall data structure very hard to understand. If there is not a relationship between the values, then break the relationship.
There are ways to get around this to do what you are looking for, but typically it is in a distributed environment and not done because of what appears to be a data model change.
Then its no more a one-to-one relationship.
Just break the PK constraint.
Use a DBCC CHECKIDENT statement.
This article from SQL Server Books Online discusses the use of the DBCC CHECKIDENT method to update the identity seed of a table.
From that article:
This example forces the current identity value in the jobs table to a value of 30.
USE pubs
I would look into the OUTPUT INTO feature if you are using SQL Server 2005 or greater. This would allow you to insert into your primary table, and take the IDs assigned at that time to create rows in the secondary table.
I am assuming that there is a foreign key constraint enforced - because that would be the only reason you would need to do this in the first place.
How do you plan on matching them up later? I would not put records into the second table without a record in the first, that is why it is set up in a foreign key relationship - to stio that sort of action. Just why do you not want to insert records into the first table anyway? If we knew more about the type of application and why this is necessary we might be able to guide you to a solution.
this might help
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . ] table { ON | OFF }
It allows explicit values to be inserted into the identity column of a table.
