React Bootstrap: set props on component dynamically - reactjs

Due to a rather elaborate scenario I won't explain, I need to be able to set the placement prop on a React Bootstrap component dynamically when the user initiates the trigger. I was thinking something like this:
Then in onEnterFunc somehow dynamically change the placement value. Anyone know if that's possible?

You can store the current value of placement in a parent component's state. You can specify an initial value in the component's constructor, and you can update this value by calling setState in your onEnterFunc function. Your updated markup/render function will look like this:
render() {
return (
onEnter={() => this.onEnterFunc()}


How to create a container component with access to some children's values?

I have a component wrapper like this:
<SpecialWrapper config={}>
The idea is to use it like this:
// whatever other components you have
<Button onClick={()=> SpecialWrapper.methodWhereValuesNeeded()}
Is it possible to somehow have access to the values of my special inputs in my "methodWhereValuesNeeded" method?
You could manage the state for the specialInput within the wrapper component and pass a function for updating the state as a prop to the special Input
functionForUpdatingWrapperState = (newValue) => {
this.state.SpecialInput1Value = newValue;
// whatever other components you have
<SpecialInput1 updateValueFunction={functionForUpdatingWrapperState}/>
<Button onClick={()=> SpecialWrapper.methodWhereValuesNeeded()}

How to re-render a parent from a children component with hook?

I would like to force my parent to re-render the page when I click on a button from a child component.
(I don't use redux because I don't have the time to learn it in my project, so I use localStorage. Unfortunately React don't see when a change is operated on local Storage, so he don't re-render. It's why I would like to force it to re-render my page (to have the right content).)
I tried to use hook with the function useState to do it but it's not working and I don't know why...
(Nothing change in my page)
This is my parent page: (just the code important)
const[reload, setReload] = useState(false);
else if (user) { contents = [<Message_UserIdentified user={user} callBack={setReload}/>, contentform]; }
This is my child component:
const Message_UserIdentified = (props) => {
let user = props.user;
return (
<Alert color="primary" className="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
<h4>Welcome {!user ? "" : user.firstname} {!user ? "" : user.lastname}</h4>
If you are not {!user ? "" : user.firstname} click <a onClick={() => {localStorage.removeItem('idUser'); props.callBack(true);}}>here.</a>
Why my parent page don't want re-render ?
Thanks in advance.
I have created a proof of concept of what you are trying to achieve and it works:
probably there's something else in your code that we can't see that's preventing the component to re render
Your child component can have a prop which directly pass setReload to it.
However one common usage is that, setReload can be associated with an event, ex. onReload. You can pass a prop onReload to the child instead.
<Child onReload={() => { setReload() }} />
Inside onReload implementation, you can call setReload.
The reload state variable in your parent component is strictly local to it; the child can't see it.
I've been using React Hooks for about 2 months now. The learning curve, at times, has been steep but I'm now getting really proficient at it.
A companion technology to Hooks called Context API is perfect for your needs. It's what you should be using rather than local storage because both components can access it. Your child component would set the equivalent of reload in the Context to true and your parent would have a useEffect function that would have reload as a dependency. Thus, when reload is changed from false to true, the useEffect function in the parent would be fired and run the code you desire.
Early on, I very much benefitted from this video series: Watch the first few videos and you should quickly understand how to implement the Context API in your functional React components.

How do I call an event handler or method in a child component from a parent?

I'm trying to implement something similar to the Floating Action Button (FAB) in the Material-UI docs:
They have something like:
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>Item One</TabContainer>
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>Item Two</TabContainer>
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>Item Three</TabContainer>
{, index) => (
I have something like:
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>
<ListOfThingsComponent />
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>Item Two</TabContainer>
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>Item Three</TabContainer>
{, index) => (
<Fab onClick={ListOfThingsComponent.Add???}>
Add Item to List Component
My ListOfThingsComponent originally had an Add button and it worked great. But I wanted to follow the FAB approach for it like they had in the docs. In order to do this, the Add button would then reside outside of the child component. So how do I get a button from the parent to call the Add method of the child component?
I'm not sure how to actually implement the Add Item to List click event handler given that my list component is inside the tab, while the FAB is outside the whole tab structure.
As far as I know I can either:
find a way to connect parent/child to pass the event handler through the levels (e.g. How to pass an event handler to a child component in React)
find a way to better compose components/hierarchy to put the responsibility at the right level (e.g. remove the component and put it in the same file with this in scope using function components?)
I've seen people use ref but that just feels hacky. I'd like to know how it should be done in React. It would be nice if the example went just a bit further and showed where the event handling should reside for the FABs.
thanks in advance, as always, I'll post what I end up doing
It depends on what you expect the clicks to do. Will they only change the state of the given item or will they perform changes outside of that hierarchy? Will a fab be present in every single Tab or you're not sure?
I would think in most cases you're better off doing what you were doing before. Write a CustomComponent for each Tab and have it handle the FAB by itself. The only case in which this could be a bad approach is if you know beforehand that the FAB's callback will make changes up and out of the CustomComponent hierarchy, because in that case you may end up with a callback mess in the long run (still, nothing that global state management couldn't fix).
Edit after your edit: Having a button call a function that is inside a child component is arguably impossible to do in React (without resorting to Refs or other mechanisms that avoid React entirely) because of its one-way data flow. That function has to be somewhere in common, in this case in the component that mounts the button and the ListOfThings component. The button would call that method which would change the state in the "Parent" component, and the new state gets passed to the ListOfThings component via props:
export default class Parent extends Component {
state = {
list: []
clickHandler = () => {
// Update state however you need
list: [...this.state.list, 'newItem']
render() {
return (
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>
<ListOfThingsComponent list={this.state.list /* Passing the state as prop */}/>
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>Item Two</TabContainer>
<TabContainer dir={theme.direction}>Item Three</TabContainer>
{, index) => (
<Fab onClick={this.clickHandler /* Passing the click callback */}>
Add Item to List Component
If you truly need your hierarchy to stay like that, you have to use this method or some form of global state management that the ListOfThingsComponent can read from.

How to handle focus using declarative/functional style libraries like Redux and ReactJS?

In looking around to see what ways other developers are handling input focus when working with Redux I've come across some general guidance for ReactJS components such as this. My concern however is that the focus() function is imperative and I could see strange behaviours possible where multiple components are fighting over focus. Is there a redux way of dealing with focus? Is anybody dealing with pragmatically setting focus using redux and react and if so what techniques do you use?
How to set focus on an element in Elm?
Automatically focus input element after creation in purescript-halogen
My approach is using ref callback, which is kind of an onRenderComplete of an element. In that callback I can focus (conditionally, if needed) and gain a reference for future focusing.
If the input is rendered conditionally after an action runs, that ref callback should fire a focus, because the ref doesn't exist yet immediately after calling the action, but only after render is done. Dealing with componentDidUpdate for things like focus just seems like a mess.
// Composer.jsx -- contains an input that will need to be focused somewhere else
class Composer extends Component {
render() {
return <input type="text" ref="input" />
// exposed as a public method
focus() {
// App.jsx
state => ({ isComposing: state.isComposing }),
class App extends Component {
render() {
const { isComposing } = this.props // or props, doesn't matter
return (
<button onClick={::this._onCompose}>Compose</button>
{isComposing ? <Composer ref={c => {
this._composer = c
this._composer && this._composer.focus() // issue initial focus
}} /> : null}
_onCompose() {
this.props.startComposing() // fire an action that changes state.isComposing
// the first time the action dispatches, this._composer is still null, so the ref takes care of the focus. After the render, the ref remains so it can be accessed:
this._composer && this._composer.focus() // focus if ref already exists
Why not autoFocus or isFocued prop?
As HTMLInputElement has value as a prop, but focus() as a method -- and not isFocused prop -- I would keep using methods to handle that. isFocused can get a value but if the user blurs from the input, what happens to that value? It'll be out of sync. Also, as mentioned in the comments, autoFocus can conflict with multiple components
So how to decide between props and methods?
For most cases props will be the answer. Methods can be used only in a 'fire and forget' things, such as scrollToBottom in a chat when a new message comes in, scrollIntoView and such. These are one time behaviors that the store doesn't care about and the user can change with an interaction, so a boolean prop won't fit. For all other things, I'd go with props.
Here's a jsbin:,js,output

ReactJS Why can't I modify children passed into a component

I figured I could do this, but I am getting this error:
TypeError: child.constructor.ConvenienceConstructor is not a function
I have a component in a page, ala:
// this content is in an html page. My component reads in this child, but I can't seem to modify any part of it.. Just diplay it.
<MyComponent prop1="somevalue">
<div className="myclass1"> some child content that is dynamic </div>
Now, in my component since that inner child(ren) is dynamic, I need to change that class depending on some condition. But I can't. I get that error I noted above.
I tried this:
var childContent =,
function(child) {
return React.cloneWithProps(child,
{ className: 'myNEWClass' } );
I tried cloneElement too, that didn't work either.
Doesn't work. I tried accessing the child directly, ala:
child._store.props.className // but can't seem to change it, seems immutable.
So, how can I change that class up?
Props are supposed to be immutable, so instead of passing className as a prop, you make the parent pass in a prop named defaultClass. In your map method, you can add an extra prop, say, overrideClass. Finally, in the render() method of the actual child component, you need some logic to set the className to either overrideClass, or defaultClass. In this way, you don't have to mutate props.
