json objects from registry.nodejs.org shows error - angularjs

how can i use jsonP to get all the NPM packages that contain a keyword.
I used
and it throws an error that : is unexpected in console.

The correct search query is:
You need to use "keyword" instead of "Keyword" and '&' instead of '&&'


Error: [#formatjs/intl Error MISSING_TRANSLATION] Missing message: "currentStage." for locale "he", using id as fallback

so im trying to get data from DB, but i get this error and i dont know how to fix it.
this is where im fetching the data -
this is where im trying to print it -
this is my he.json file constants -
everything is printed but with error -
How handle "missing message" error in react-intl?
You can add your own custom function.You might be having a the id missing in the corresponding json.

Error if comment in json when using Ext.decode() in ExtJS 7

Ext.decode() is very strict now. It throws error when there's a comment in the JSON or any invalid json format, such as no double quote.
How can I disable such checking?
Ext.decode('{ test: test}');
"include": [
Uncaught Error: You're trying to decode an invalid JSON String:
But this will not throw error in 6.2.0
Like devbnz mentioned, there's a 2nd param, if set to true, method wont throw an error and will return null instead.
But yet prior to 6.6.0, Ext.decode() still can accept invalid json. It was fixed in 6.6.0
EXTJS-18443 JSON decoder should throw exception on invalid syntax
[UPDATE] My answer is wrong. There's no solution for now. You cannot decode a JSON with comment using Ext.decode in ExtJs7

Getting an error in output when passing dynamic variable in ElFileBody in Gatling 3.0.3

I am using Gatling 3.0.3 and Java home is set to Jdk9. I am getting an error when running my script using 'ElFileBody' and I am passing a dynamic variable Session_ID in the ElFileBody .txt file. Below is my code
.check( jsonPath( "$" ).saveAs( "TEAMXP_INIT_RESPONSE_DATA" ) )
bodies/resources/TeamXPLoginUnSchShift_0021_request.txt file is
Error I am getting is
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: io.gatling.core.session.el.ElParserException: Failed to parse {"pcwxSessionID":"${Session_ID)","pcServiceName":"TeamXpressInit","pcContextString":"{\"ttContext\":[{\"contextName\":\"pcToken\",\"contextValue\":null,\"contextGroup\":\"PARAM\",\"contextOperator\":\"\",\"contextType\":\"\"},{\"contextName\":\"pcPlatform\",\"contextValue\":null,\"contextGroup\":\"PARAM\",\"contextOperator\":\"\",\"contextType\":\"\"}]}","piClientVersion":"20190414001","pcIODataSetString":""} with error ''}' expected but ')' found'
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache$BoundedLocalLoadingCache.lambda$new$0(BoundedLocalCache.java:3373)
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.lambda$doComputeIfAbsent$14(BoundedLocalCache.java:2039)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute(ConcurrentHashMap.java:1922)
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.doComputeIfAbsent(BoundedLocalCache.java:2037)
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.computeIfAbsent(BoundedLocalCache.java:2020)
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalCache.computeIfAbsent(LocalCache.java:112)
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.get(LocalLoadingCache.java:67)
at io.gatling.core.body.ElFileBodies.asBytesSeq(ElFileBodies.scala:71)
at io.gatling.core.body.ElFileBody$.apply(Body.scala:34)
at teamXPLogin.TeamXPLoginUnSchShift.<init>(TeamXPLoginUnSchShift.scala:86)
What wrong am I doing here. If I pass the post request body manually using StringBody method then it works fine. Please help.
I figured out the silly mistake I have done. Instead of passing dynamic variable ${Session_ID} like this, I have passed ${Session_ID).

angular 1 json pipe causing Lexer Error: Unterminated quote

I'm displaying data in json format using angular1's json pipe:
<pre>{{myJSONData | json}}</pre>
myJSONData contains single quotes. For example:
{"info": "Info about Men's and Womens Shoes"}
I get this parsing error:
angular.js:14199 Error: [$parse:lexerr] Lexer Error: Unterminated quote at columns 732-749 ["Info about ] in expression...
Looks like the single quotes cause the error.
But, I cannot manually escape the single quotes because I don't know what the data looks like.
I simply get the data from an api call and display it.

how to parse json-ld file with rdflib.parse() or load()

I am new to json-ld and rdflib usage. I have json-ld file with #context and #graph sections inside.
I want to use rdflib open to load this graph.
When I try using parse() method, with format='n3', I am getting error
BadSyntax: at line 5 of <>:
Bad syntax (expected '.' or '}' or ']' at end of statement) at ^ in:
If I give format='json-ld', it says No plugin registered for (json-ld, )
If I don't give any format parameter then it says,
SAXParseException: file:composition.json-ld:1:0: not well-formed (invalid token)
Error SAXParseException: not well-formed (invalid token)
rdflib.Graph().load('composition.json-ld', format='json-ld')
Error PluginException: No plugin registered for (json-ld, <class 'rdflib.parser.Parser'>)
f= open('filename.json-ld', 'rb')
rdflib.Graph().parse(data=f.read(), format='json-ld') ==> Error PluginException: No plugin registered for (json-ld, <class 'rdflib.parser.Parser'>)
I checked json-ld file in json-ld playground. It is correct.
Am I missing something in syntax for parsing here?
Did you install the JSON-LD plugin? If not, do a
pip install rdflib-jsonld
