Solving Duplicated in Access - database

i had a table depends on more than one tables and i get this final
ScrrenShoot have a look in picture
i need to choose from values if firstdate duplicated in specific criteria
for ex . i need one row for 18.2.2016 / max value ( get the greater one ) / min value (get the less one )

You need to provide us with better information, but here is what I think you're looking for.
You need a separate query for each min/max value you want to find. Where you see "MyTable" you need to replace it with the object name shown in the screenshot.
Query 1 "Max"
SELECT MyTable.FirstOfDate, Max(MyTable.MaxValue) AS MaxOfMaxValue
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY MyTable.FirstOfDate;
Query 2 "Min"
SELECT MyTable.FirstOfDate, Min(MyTable.MinValue) AS MinOfMinValue
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY MyTable.FirstOfDate;
Query 3 "Merge"
SELECT DISTINCT MyTable.FirstOfDate, Max.MaxOfMaxValue, Min.MinOfMinValue
FROM (MyTable
INNER JOIN [Max] ON MyTable.FirstOfDate = Max.FirstOfDate)
INNER JOIN [Min] ON MyTable.FirstOfDate = Min.FirstOfDate
GROUP BY MyTable.FirstOfDate, Max.MaxOfMaxValue, Min.MinOfMinValue;


how to select first rows distinct by a column name in a sub-query in sql-server?

Actually I am building a Skype like tool wherein I have to show last 10 distinct users who have logged in my web application.
I have maintained a table in sql-server where there is one field called last_active_time. So, my requirement is to sort the table by last_active_time and show all the columns of last 10 distinct users.
There is another field called WWID which uniquely identifies a user.
I am able to find the distinct WWID but not able to select the all the columns of those rows.
I am using below query for finding the distinct wwid :
select distinct(wwid) from(select top 100 * from dbo.rvpvisitors where last_active_time!='' order by last_active_time DESC) as newView;
But how do I find those distinct rows. I want to show how much time they are away fromm web apps using the diff between curr time and last active time.
I am new to sql, may be the question is naive, but struggling to get it right.
If you are using proper data types for your columns you won't need a subquery to get that result, the following query should do the trick
,MAX([last_active_time]) AS [last_active_time]
FROM [dbo].[rvpvisitors]
[last_active_time] != ''
[last_active_time] DESC
If the column [last_active_time] is of type varchar/nvarchar (which probably is the case since you check for empty strings in the WHERE statement) you might need to use CAST or CONVERT to treat it as an actual date, and be able to use function like MIN/MAX on it.
In general I would suggest you to use proper data types for your column, if you have dates or timestamps data use the "date" or "datetime2" data types
The query aggregates the data based on the column [wwid], and for each returns the maximum [last_active_time].
The result is then sorted and filtered.
In order to add more columns "as-is" (without aggregating them) just add them in the SELECT and GROUP BY sections.
If you need more aggregated columns add them in the SELECT with the appropriate aggregation function (MIN/MAX/SUM/etc)
I suggest you have a look at GROUP BY on W3
To know more about the "execution order" of the instruction you can have a look here
You can solve problem like this by rank ordering the results by a key and finding the last x of those items, this removes duplicates while preserving the key order.
WITH RankOrdered AS
wwidRank = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY wwid ORDER BY last_active_time DESC )
SELECT TOP(10) * FROM RankOrdered WHERE wwidRank = 1
If my understanding is right, below query will give the desired output.
You can have conditions according to your need.
select top 10 distinct wwid from dbo.rvpvisitors order by last_active_time desc

Determine if columns have duplicate values sql

I am trying to figure out a way to check if their is repeated values in rows that are shared.
HMOID Name Addon10 Addon15 Addon20
RFFF Blah img path1 img path2 img path1
For my example, I would like to check if any of the addons for RFFF have any repeated value. In my example above, 'RFFF' has two images that are the same in Addon10 and Addon20 (The images have a path. so currently, they look like
I would like to be able to do this for multiple rows. I thought the following would give me an idea how to begin:
select * from HlthPlan
Having COUNT(*) > 1
However, it throughs the following error:
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'HlthPlan.HMOID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.*
I am fairly new to SQL and any suggestions would be appreciated.
Don't include * for your select query. Only include the columns that you are using in GROUP BY
With only three columns to check, assuming non-null values across a single row:
select * from HlthPlan
where Addon10 in (Addon15, Addon20) or Addon15 = Addon20
You can also use cross apply to pivot the values for grouping:
select HMOID, addon
from HlthPlan cross apply (
select addon
from (values (Addon01), (Addon02), (Addon03), ... (Addon20)) as pvt(addon)
) a
where addon is not null
group by HMOID, addon
having count(*) > 1;
You'll get multiple rows for each HMOID where the are different groups of columns having the same value. By the way, reporting on the names of specific columns involved would add another degree of difficulty to the query.
One way you can check for this is using UNPIVOT to compare your results:
create table #hmo (hmoid varchar(6), name varchar(25), Addon10 varchar(25),
Addon15 varchar(25), addon20 varchar(25));
insert into #hmo
values ('RFFF', 'Blah','img path1', 'img path2', 'img path1');
select hmoid, name, addval, addcount = count(adds)
FROM #hmo
addval FOR adds IN
(addon10, addon15, addon20)
) as unpvt
group by hmoid, name, addval having count(*) > 1
Will give results:
hmoid name addval addcount
RFFF Blah img path1 2
This way you can check against every row in the table and will see any row that has any two or more columns with the same value.
This does have the potential to get tedious if you have a lot of columns; the easiest way to correct for that is to build your query dynamically using info from sys.tables and sys.columns.

SQL Selecting all but newest result per id

I need to set a "waived" flag in my table for all but the newest result per id. I thought I had a query that will work here, but when I run a select on the query, I'm getting incorrect results - I saw one case where it selected both of the only two results for a particular id. I'm also getting multiple results with the same exact data.
What am I doing wrong here?
Here's my select statement:
select t.test_row_id, t.test_result_id, t.waived, t.pass, t.comment
from EV.Test_Result
join EV.Test_Result as t on EV.Test_Result.test_row_id = t.test_row_id and EV.Test_Result.start_time < t.start_time and t.device_id = 1219 and t.waived = 0
order by t.test_row_id
Here's the actual query I want to run:
update EV.Test_Result
set waived = 1
from EV.Test_Result
join EV.Test_Result as t on EV.Test_Result.test_row_id = t.test_row_id and EV.Test_Result.start_time < t.start_time and t.device_id = 1219 and t.waived = 0
If I understand this correctly, you are having problems because the Cardinality of the ON predicate returns all matching rows.
EV.Test_Result.test_row_id = t.test_row_id
and EV.Test_Result.start_time < t.start_time
This ON will compare all of the start_time values that have the same id and return every combination of result sets where start_time is lesser than the t.start_time. Clearly, this is not what you want.
and t.device_id = 1219
and t.waived = 0
This is actually a predicate (ON technically is one), but I would prefer to use this in a subquery/CTE for several reasons: You limit the number of rows SQL has to retrieve and compare.
Something like the following might be what you needed:
SELECT A.test_row_id
, A.test_result_id
, A.waived
, A.pass
, A.comment
FROM EV.Test_Result A
INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(start_time) AS start_time
, test_row_id
FROM EV.Test_Result
WHERE device_id = 1219
AND waived = 0
GROUP BY test_row_id
) AS T ON A.test_row_id = T.test_row_id
AND A.start_time < T.start_time
ORDER BY A.test_row_id
This query then returns a 1:M relationship between the values in the ON predicate, unlike the M:M query you had run.
Since I sheepishly screwed up trying to alter my Query on SO, I'll redeem myself by explaining the physical and logical orders of basic SQL Query operators:
As you know, you write a simple SELECT statement like the following:
SELECT <aggregate column>, SUM(<non-aggregate column>) AS Cost
FROM <table_name>
WHERE <column> = 'some_value'
GROUP BY <aggregate column>
HAVING SUM(<non-aggregate column>) > some_value
ORDER BY <column>
Note that if you use a aggregate function, all other columns MUST appear in the GROUP BY or another function.
Now, SQL Server requires them to be written in that order although it actually processes this logically by the following order that is worth memorizing:
There are more details found on SELECT - MSDN, but this is why any columns in the SELECT operator must be in the group by or in a aggregate function (SUM, MIN, MAX, etc)...and also why my lazy code failed on your first attempt. :/
Note also that the ORDER BY is last (technically TOP operator occurs after this), and that without it the result is not deterministic unless a function such as DENSE_RANK enforces it (thought this occurs in the SELECT statement).
Hope this helps solve the problem and better yet how SQL works. Cheers
Can you try ROW_NUMBER () function order by timestamp descending and filtering out values having ROW_NUMBER 1 ;
Below query should fetch all records per id except the latest one
I tried below query in Oracle with a table having fields : id,user_id, record_order adn timestamp and it worked :
row_number() over (partition by id order by record_order desc) as record_number
) <table_name_alias>
record_number <>1;
If you are using Teradata DB, you can also try QUALIFY statement. I'm not sure if all DBs support this.
from table_name
QUALIFY row_number() over (partition by id order by record_order desc) <>1;

SQL Get Second Record

I am looking to retrieve only the second (duplicate) record from a data set. For example in the following picture:
Inside the UnitID column there is two separate records for 105. I only want the returned data set to return the second 105 record. Additionally, I want this query to return the second record for all duplicates, not just 105.
I have tried everything I can think of, albeit I am not that experience, and I cannot figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to use GROUP BY for this.
Here's an example: (I can't read your first column name, so I'm calling it JobUnitK
SELECT MAX(JobUnitK), Unit
FROM JobUnits
WHERE DispatchDate = 'oct 4, 2015'
I'm assuming JobUnitK is your ordering/id field. If it's not, just replace MAX(JobUnitK) with MAX(FieldIOrderWith).
Use RANK function. Rank the rows OVER PARTITION BY UnitId and pick the rows with rank 2 .
For reference -
Assuming SQL Server 2005 and up, you can use the Row_Number windowing function:
WITH DupeCalc AS (
DupID = Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY UnitID, ORDER BY JobUnitKeyID),
FROM JobUnits
WHERE DispatchDate = '20151004'
FROM DupeCalc
WHERE DupID >= 2
This is better than a solution that uses Max(JobUnitKeyID) for multiple reasons:
There could be more than one duplicate, in which case using Min(JobUnitKeyID) in conjunction with UnitID to join back on the UnitID where the JobUnitKeyID <> MinJobUnitKeyID` is required.
Except, using Min or Max requires you to join back to the same data (which will be inherently slower).
If the ordering key you use turns out to be non-unique, you won't be able to pull the right number of rows with either one.
If the ordering key consists of multiple columns, the query using Min or Max explodes in complexity.

Can i say that one column is more important then another in a full-text search?

I use Full-text indexing in SQL Server 2008.
I can't seem to find an answer to this question. Say that i have a full-text index on a table with the columns "Name" and "Description". I want to make the "Name" column much more important then the "Description" column.
So if you search for "Internet" the result with the name "Internet" will always come on top no matter how many occurences there is for internet in the description. It must be possible right?
I found this article just now.
In my code it became like this. Works exactly as i want to :) Thanks for you help!
SELECT dbo.Item.Name, dbo.Item.[Description],NAME_SRCH.RANK AS rank1, DESC_SRCH.RANK AS rank2
FREETEXTTABLE(dbo.Item, name, 'Firefox') NAME_SRCH ON
FREETEXTTABLE(dbo.Item, *, 'Firefox') DESC_SRCH ON
dbo.Item.ItemId = DESC_SRCH.[KEY]
ORDER BY rank1 DESC, rank2 DESC
You could add a computed column to your select list using Case where you have assign a value to that column based on the occurence of the search term in the columns of interest and then order by that column. So for example something like:
SELECT (CASE WHEN Name LIKE "%searchTerm%" THEN 10
WHEN Description LIKE "%searchTerm%" THEN 5
ELSE 0 END CASE) AS computedValue
FROM myTable
ORDER BY computedValue DESC
As I know there is no T-SQL syntax to specify rate of column.
But you can get this with trick of select.
(assuming using FREETEXTTABLE, but you can rewrite with other FTS constructions)
WHEN ISNULL(hi_prior.RANK) low_prior.KEY
ELSE hi_prior.RANK END --hi prior is selected whenever is possible
FREETEXTTABLE (Table1, (HiPriorColumn), #query) hi_prior
FREETEXTTABLE (Table1, (LowPriorColumn), #query) low_prior
ON (hi_prior.KEY = low_prior_KEY)
In case you need both result - use UNION, but multiply lowest on some rate: low_prior.RANK * 0.7
