Version incompatibility in SSIS package - sql-server

I've created SSIS package, and now I want to create SQL Agent Job. But when I create and run it, I receive the following error:
Which states about version incompatibility. I'm using SQL Sver 2008R2. How can I change its version so that it will be compatible with minimum effort? Interesting, but when I run package in Visual Studio, it runs perfectly.
I've tried to download BIDS for 2008R2, but it doesn't open my project made in another version, and I don't want to create it from scratch.

There is no easy way to achive this (see here).
But you can:
Take 2 machines,
One with 2008 and the other with 2012/2014,
Bring up the 2012/2014 solution in one and start a new 2008 solution in the other,
Use the 2012/2014 version as a script and replicate it in the 2008 system.
You must setup it separatly on 2 machines because SSIS version can overwrite one another during installation and also it can be difficult to get both running on the same machine.
Once we have the same issue and that recommendation (found it somewhere on the internet) was our only way to downgrade to 2008.


Can't open properly a SSIS package based job from SSMS in Visual Studio

I need to understand what a certain job in SQL Server 2012 does. It's a job someone created and left the company before I started to work here, and nobody on my team knows what this job does also.
The job isn't SQL command based but SSIS Package (which I'm not familiar with), the package points to a Maintenance Plan with the same name as the job. As I read on the internet I connected via Integration Services type, then Stored Packages -> MSDB -> Maintenance Plans, right click on the Maintenance Plan and exported it to a .dtsx file.
I opened it in Visual Studio 2010 Shell, but I can't edit anything because of this error:
The task with the name "" and the creation name "" is not registered for use on this computer.
I also don't have a Solution Explorer for that package, and the icons of the tasks seem a bit faded compared to tasks icons of a new project if I create one.
Maybe the dated version of the VS can be the problem? Perhaps there is other way to see what this job does?
I never worked with SSIS before so maybe I'm missing something very basic but I've been on the Internet for days already and can't find any solution.
Please help,
Thanks in advance
By way of background, until Visual Studio 2019, VS, by itself, couldn't open an SSIS package.
Prior to VS 2010, you needed to use a different product, called Business Intelligence Design Studio (BIDS), which was based on VS, but was built for SQL Server functionality. With the release of SQL Server 2012, Microsoft created SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) as a plugin for VS that required a separate installation. Until SSDT(VS) 2017, you needed to have stand-alone versions of BIDS or SSDT for each version of SSIS you were working with in your environment. The 2017 version, though, is backward compatible to SQL Server 2012, and forward compatible (!) to SQL Server 2019. Visual Studio 2019 has SQL Server Data Tools sort of built in, but you need to add extensions through the extension manager for SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Analysis Services (SSAS), and/or Reporting Services (SSRS).
That's kind of a lot to take in, and is sort of irrelevant to you, but it forms the context for Larnu's comments. Rather than messing around with antique versions of Visual Studio, you should just install either VS2017 and also SSDT, or VS2019 with the SSIS extension. Both are in current widespread use, so support is easy to find, and either will allow you to work with the 2012 package you're trying to open up.
Once you have the software installed, you should be able to create a "dummy" integration services solution that you can use to open random packages. I keep one around called MiscSolution. Right click on the solution name, select Add -> Existing Item. Then find your .dtsx package and import it. (Or right click SSIS Packages -> Add Existing Package. I always do it at the Solution level because that interface allows you to select multiple packages.)
Note that when you do this, you're making a new copy of the package in your local solution directory. You are NOT working on the copy of the package that sits in the folder where you picked it up. This matters if you're going to be making any changes, since it will need to be redeployed. It also matters if you accidentally hose up the package, because you've done no harm as long as you just delete that copy.
Once the package imports, which might take a minute or so depending on how complex it is, you should be able to open it up and see what's going on.

The proper type library could not be found in the system registry SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio error

I get this error in Management Studio. I don't know what the reason is. I tried repairing SQL Server, but still the issue is not resolved. I read a lot of articles about this, but I don't know how to do this with registry keys.
How to solve permissions issue?
As James suggested, it's time to use a later version of SQL Server Management Studio.
If you can run the latest (version 18.4), that would be good. It still has support for SQL Server 2008.
However, it has more recent dependencies. If you look at the list of dependencies, you might decide that an earlier version would be better on the older system. SSMS 18.4 was based on a more recent Visual Studio shell. SSMS v17.9.1 is also available for download still, works fine with SQL Server 2008, and uses the older shell, so you might have less friction when trying to install it.

Script Task Corrupt - SSISDB execution error after upgrading from SQL Server 2016 to SQL Server 2016 SP2

We recently updated our production SQL Server 2016 Enterprise instance from SP1 to SP2. We are currently on version 13.0.5026. Prior to the upgrade, a user with connect rights to SSISDB and proper rights on the Integration Services Catalog folder could deploy an ISPAC file successfully.
After the upgrade, the same users can still deploy to the SSISDB, but when you execute the .DTSX, the script task inside fails validation. If I deploy the exact same ISPAC as a sysadmin, there's no issue. The usual solution I've seen is to confirm that SSDT Configuration Properties are set to SQL Server 2016. We have verified this is set correctly prior to building the ISPAC.
I saw a similar issue when migrating from SQL Server 2014 to 2016 a couple years back, but the solution at that time was to give the Proxy account that runs the package modify rights to the C:\Windows\Temp folder so it can generate temp files. This new issue is hard to pin down, and I don't want to give out sysadmin just so others can do the simple deployment steps.
Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.
The server has a SQL Server 2016 deployment tool located under SQL Server/130/DTS/Binn - ISDeploymentWizard.exe. This deployment tool works. There is another identical wizard under the 140/DTS/Binn location, same name but 1 KB larger (assuming this is because SSMS is a separate install now, and I installed latest and greatest on server). This one fails deployment. I'm banging my head against the wall as to why one works but the other doesn't. Locally we all use SSMS 2017, and with that we get the 140/DTS/Binn ISDeployment file, not the 130 (since that's SQL Server 2016 and we're using SSMS 2017, which I thought was backwards compatible). Either way, this problem just started occurring and we've been on the same version of SSMS for a few months.
Image of the Execution information report from SSMS
Had resolved a similar issue with C# scripts recently. In short: don't use 140 version of ISDeploymentWizard.exe with MS SQL 2016. It apparently mangles something in C# code, or components' properties, and 2016 runtime stops recognising them.
In my case, a package with C# script source has started to throw the following error during the validation phase:
Error: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ComponentVersionMismatchException:
The version of C# source component name is not compatible with this
version of the DataFlow. [[The version or pipeline version or both for
the specified component is higher than the current version. This
package was probably created on a new version of DTS or the component
than is installed on the current PC.]]
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostCheckAndPerformUpgrade(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100
wrapper, Int32 lPipelineVersion)
The first comment here has helped me to ultimately identify the cause.

Embedding SQL Server into a .NET application

Hey, I've just finished writing a VB.NET application. Now I want to package the executable and the database ofcourse into a single installer file. I tried using QSetup, InstallShield to make SQL Server embedded into the setup file, and finally after hours of try&fail I have no idea. Anyone?
You can do a rightmouse on the properties of your Visual Studio Setup Project, and then there is this button 'Prerequisites'. There you can tick 'SQL Server Express ...' Or the 'SQL Server Compact 3.5'
link to image
You're probably best off just to set the connection file directly to the mdf, and attach it when the program is run. This is easier as it doesn't require a custom setup script to install the database to the database directory itself.
Note: Consider using the Compact Version, it's smaller, people don't like a full blown engine on their computer :)
InstallShield has a concept called Setup Prerequisites where you can teach it how to install additional packages along with your own. In older versions this would happen before calling your MSI. In newer versions you can have a "Feature" prerequisite where the prereq can associated to a feature and only installed if that feature is selected to be installed and after it's been selected but still before the main activity of your MSI occurs during the install execute sequence.
InstallShield also has a pattern for executing SQL scripts against your database instance so that you can then load your database into your newly installed instance.
All of this is quite powerful but it does take a bit of digging to learn.
As far as I know, anything but the SQL Server Compact Edition (SQL Server CE) cannot be embedded into your setup, really. Microsoft doesn't want that - you need to have SQL Server Express installed separately - any other edition can't even be shipped with your software (the client must have a license and installation separately).
You can indeed distribute SQL server with your custom application:

How do I reference SSIS on a build machine without installing SQL Server 2008 Client Tools?

I need to build SSIS packages on a build machine, and do not want the overhead of installing SQL Server Management Studio on this machine. A SQL Server 2008 SDK would be ideal, but I could not find where to download it.
The dlls I require are (for example):
I could attempt to copy them to the build machine individually, but I would rather just use an SDK if possible.
Where can I get the SDK, or alternatively, what suggestions are there?
You could probably manually copy things about and register then in the GAC, but the client tools are hardly huge, and don't take long to install, so I don't see why they are much of an overhead?
As far as I know there's no other way to get those assemblies.
I think he is trying to accomplish SSIS packages as part of the automated continuous build process. The way i did it was to have an express edition of SQL Server and SSIS on the build machine, use BIDS helper to script the cmd line file for deploying the packages and use NANT to use this script. Hope this helped.
I don't know about SQL 2008 but SQL 2005 SSIS packages are developed in Visual Studio.
When you run install for client tools, it's an option to add the stuff to VS.NET, "Client tools" as such can be deselected (end edit)
SSMS can be used to manage them and administer.
What other editor did you want to use...?
