Reading/writing in Linux kernel space - c

I want to add functions in the Linux kernel to write and read data. But I don't know how/where to store it so other programs can read/overwrite/delete it.
Program A calls uf_obj_add(param, param, param) it stores information in memory.
Program B does the same.
Program C calls uf_obj_get(param) the kernel checks if operation is allowed and if it is, it returns data.
Do I just need to malloc() memory or is it more difficult ?
And how uf_obj_get() can access memory where uf_obj_add() writes ?
Where to store memory location information so both functions can access the same data ?

As pointed out by commentators to your question, achieving this in userspace would probably be much safer. However, if you insist on achieving this by modifying kernel code, one way you can go is implementing a new device driver, which has functions such as read and write that you may implement according to your needs, in order to have your processes access some memory space. Your processes can then work, as you described, by reading from and writing onto the same space more or less as if they are reading from/writing to a regular file.
I would recommend reading quite a bit of materials before diving into kernel code, though. A good resource on device drivers is Linux Device Drivers. Even though a significant portion of its information may not be up-to-date, you may find here a version of the source code used in the book ported to linux 3.x. You may find what you are looking for under the directory scull.
Again, as pointed out by commentators to your question, I do not think you should jump right into updating the execution of the kernel space. However, for educational purposes scull may serve as a good starting point to read kernel code and see how to achieve results similar to what you described.


copy_from_user and segmentation

I was reading a paragraph from the "The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide" and I have a couple of doubts related to the following paragraph.
The reason for copy_from_user or get_user is that Linux memory (on
Intel architecture, it may be different under some other processors)
is segmented. This means that a pointer, by itself, does not reference
a unique location in memory, only a location in a memory segment, and
you need to know which memory segment it is to be able to use it.
There is one memory segment for the kernel, and one for each of the
However it is my understanding that Linux uses paging instead of segmentation and that virtual addresses at and above 0xc0000000 have the kernel mapping in.
Do we use copy_from_user in order to accommodate older kernels?
Do the current linux kernels use segmentation in any way at all? If so how?
If (1) is not true, are there any other advantages to using copy_from_user?
Yeah. I don't like that explanation either. The details are essentially correct in a technical sense (see also Why does Linux on x86 use different segments for user processes and the kernel?) but as you say, linux typically maps the memory so that kernel code could access it directly, so I don't think it's a good explanation for why copy_from_user, etc. actually exist.
IMO, the primary reason for using copy_from_user / copy_to_user (and friends) is simply that there are a number of things to be checked (dangers to be guarded against), and it makes sense to put all of those checks in one place. You wouldn't want every place that needs to copy data in and out from user-space to have to re-implement all those checks. Especially when the details may vary from one architecture to the next.
For example, it's possible that a user-space page is actually not present when you need to copy to or from that memory and hence it's important that the call be made from a context that can accommodate a page fault (and hence being put to sleep).
Also, user-space data pointers need to be checked carefully to ensure that they actually point to user-space and that they point to data regions, and that the copy length doesn't wrap beyond the end of the valid regions, and so forth.
Finally, it's possible that user-space actually doesn't share the same page mappings with the kernel. There used to be a linux patch for 32-bit x86 that made the complete 4G of virtual address space available to user-space processes. In that case, kernel code could not make the assumption that a user-space pointer was directly accessible, and those functions might need to map individual user-space pages one at a time in order to access them. (See 4GB/4GB Kernel VM Split)

How to use Readlink

How do I use Readlink for fetching the values.
The answer is:
Don't do it
At least not in the way you're proposing.
You specified a solution here without specifying what you really want to do [and why?]. That is, what are your needs/requirements? Assuming you get it, what do you want to do with the filename? You posted a bare fragment of your userspace application but didn't post any of your kernel code.
As a long time kernel programmer, I can tell you that this won't work, can't work, and is a terrible hack. There is a vast difference in methods to use inside the kernel vs. userspace.
/proc is strictly for userspace applications to snoop on kernel data. The /proc filesystem drivers assume userspace, so they always do copy_to_user. Data will be written to user address space, and not kernel address space, so this will never work from within the kernel.
Even if you could use /proc from within the kernel, it is a genuinely awful way to do it.
You can get the equivalent data, but it's a bit more complicated than that. If you're intercepting the read syscall inside the kernel, you [already] have access to the current task struct and the fd number used in the call. From this, you can locate the struct for the given open file, and get whatever you want, directly, without involving /proc at all. Use this as a starting point.
Note that doing this will necessitate that you read kernel documentation, sources for filesystem drivers, syscalls, etc. How to lock data structures and lists with the various locking methods (e.g. RCU, rw locks, spinlocks). Also, per-cpu variables. kernel thread preemptions. How to properly traverse the necessary filesystem related lists and structs to get the information you want. All this, without causing lockups, panics, segfaults, deadlocks, UB based on stale or inconsistent/dynamically changing data.
You'll need to study all this to become familiar with the way the kernel does things internally, and understand it, before you try doing something like this. If you had, you would have read the source code for the /proc drivers and already known why things were failing.
As a suggestion, forget anything that you've learned about how a userspace application does things. It won't apply here. Internally, the kernel is organized in a completely different way than what you've been used to.
You have no need to use readlink inside the kernel in this instance. That's the way a userspace application would have to do it, but in the kernel it's like driving 100 miles out of your way to get data you already have nearby, and, as I mentioned previously, won't even work.

madvise: not understood

I run on an old laptop. I only just have 128Mo ram free on 512Mo total. No money to buy more ram.
I use mmap to help me circumvent this issue and it works quite well.
C code.
Debian 64 bits.
Besides all my efforts, I am running out of memory pretty quick right know and I would like to know if I could release the mmaped regions I read to free my ram.
I read that madvise could help, especially the option MADV_SEQUENTIAL.
But I don't quite understand the whole picture.
To be able to free mmaped allocated memory after the region is read so that it doesn't fill my whole ram with large files. I will not read it soon so it is garbage to me. It is pointless to keep it in ram.
Update: I am not done with the file so don't want to call munmap. I have other stuffs to do with it but in another regions of it. Random reads.
For random read/write access to a mmap()ed file, MADV_SEQUENTIAL is probably not very useful (and may in fact cause undesired behavior). MADV_RANDOM or MADV_DONTNEED would be better options in this case. However, be aware that the kernel is free to ignore any madvise() - although in my understanding, Linux currently does not, as it tends to treat madvise() more as a command than an advisory...
Another option would be to mmap() only selected sections of the file as needed, and munmap() them as you're done with them, perhaps maintaining a pool of some small number of currently active mappings (i.e. mapping more than one region at once if needed, but still keeping it limited).
Or course you must free resources when you're done with them in order not to leak them and thus run out of available space too soon.
Not sure what the question is, if you know about mmap() then surely you know about munmap() too? It's right there on the same manual page.

Is there a way to pre-emptively avoid a segfault?

Here's the situation:
I'm analysing a programs' interaction with a driver by using an LD_PRELOADed module that hooks the ioctl() system call. The system I'm working with (embedded Linux 2.6.18 kernel) luckily has the length of the data encoded into the 'request' parameter, so I can happily dump the ioctl data with the right length.
However quite a lot of this data has pointers to other structures, and I don't know the length of these (this is what I'm investigating, after all). So I'm scanning the data for pointers, and dumping the data at that position. I'm worried this could leave my code open to segfaults if the pointer is close to a segment boundary (and my early testing seems to show this is the case).
So I was wondering what I can do to pre-emptively check whether the current process owns a particular offset before trying to dereference? Is this even possible?
Edit: Just an update as I forgot to mention something that could be very important, the target system is MIPS based, although I'm also testing my module on my x86 machine.
Open a file descriptor to /dev/null and try write(null_fd, ptr, size). If it returns -1 with errno set to EFAULT, the memory is invalid. If it returns size, the memory is safe to read. There may be a more elegant way to query memory validity/permissions with some POSIX invention, but this is the classic simple way.
If your embedded linux has the /proc/ filesystem mounted, you can parse the /proc/self/maps file and validate the pointer/offsets against that. The maps file contains the memory mappings of the process, see here
I know of no such possibility. But you may be able to achieve something similar. As man 7 signal mentions, SIGSEGV can be caught. Thus, I think you could
Start with dereferencing a byte sequence known to be a pointer
Access one byte after the other, at some time triggering SIGSEGV
In SIGSEGV's handler, mark a variable that is checked in the loop of step 2
Quit the loop, this page is done.
There's several problems with that.
Since several buffers may live in the same page, you might output what you think is one buffer that are, in reality, several. You may be able to help with that by also LD_PRELOADing electric fence which would, AFAIK cause the application to allocate a whole page for every dynamically allocated buffer. So you would not output several buffers thinking it is only one, but you still don't know where the buffer ends and would output much garbage at the end. Also, stack based buffers can't be helped by this method.
You don't know where the buffers end.
Can't you just check for the segment boundaries? (I'm guessing by segment boundaries you mean page boundaries?)
If so, page boundaries are well delimited (either 4K or 8K) so simple masking of the address should deal with it.

Is there a better way than parsing /proc/self/maps to figure out memory protection?

On Linux (or Solaris) is there a better way than hand parsing /proc/self/maps repeatedly to figure out whether or not you can read, write or execute whatever is stored at one or more addresses in memory?
For instance, in Windows you have VirtualQuery.
In Linux, I can mprotect to change those values, but I can't read them back.
Furthermore, is there any way to know when those permissions change (e.g. when someone uses mmap on a file behind my back) other than doing something terribly invasive and using ptrace on all threads in the process and intercepting any attempt to make a syscall that could affect the memory map?
Unfortunately, I'm using this inside of a JIT that has very little information about the code it is executing to get an approximation of what is constant. Yes, I realize I could have a constant map of mutable data, like the vsyscall page used by Linux. I can safely fall back on an assumption that anything that isn't included in the initial parse is mutable and dangerous, but I'm not entirely happy with that option.
Right now what I do is I read /proc/self/maps and build a structure I can binary search through for a given address's protection. Any time I need to know something about a page that isn't in my structure I reread /proc/self/maps assuming it has been added in the meantime or I'd be about to segfault anyways.
It just seems that parsing text to get at this information and not knowing when it changes is awfully crufty. (/dev/inotify doesn't work on pretty much anything in /proc)
I do not know an equivalent of VirtualQuery on Linux. But some other ways to do it which may or may not work are:
you setup a signal handler trapping SIGBUS/SIGSEGV and go ahead with your read or write. If the memory is protected, your signal trapping code will be called. If not your signal trapping code is not called. Either way you win.
you could track each time you call mprotect and build a corresponding data structure which helps you in knowing if a region is read or write protected. This is good if you have access to all the code which uses mprotect.
you can monitor all the mprotect calls in your process by linking your code with a library redefining the function mprotect. You can then build the necessary data structure for knowing if a region is read or write protected and then call the system mprotect for really setting the protection.
you may try to use /dev/inotify and monitor the file /proc/self/maps for any change. I guess this one does not work, but should be worth the try.
There sorta is/was /proc/[pid|self]/pagemap, documentation in the kernel, caveats here:
So it isn't completely harmless...
