Generate new file using angularjs - angularjs

I have certain html forms. On-submit it has to generate new text/json file (name to be saved based upon one of the field in form) in the local drive with the contents filled in the form. Is this possible in angularjs? As well as to retrieve the data based upon the file name.

Spontanously, I wouldn't want a javascript based web page to access my hard disk drive. That seems like a security risk for me.
Could local storage be an alternative for your use case?
Read more about local storage and angular js:

You can use filesystem API but it is chrome specific.
Check this Exploring the FileSystem APIs


problem when read files from local computer in pyscript

When I run the Python file, the file works correctly, but when I run the Python file with the script, it gives an error in read txt file(file not found).
how can i solve this problem؟
Software written in any language (Python, JavaScript, WASM) cannot access local files directly. This is a browser security restriction. The browser can access files on behalf of your application using the <input type="file"> DOM element link.
In Python and JavaScript, you must provide the user with a file input selector. The user selects the file and your application can the retrieve the file data from the browser.
In JavaScript this functionality is implemented with the FileReader class. This class can be used in Python via the create_proxy() function to proxy event callbacks.
If you are just getting started with Pyscript, I have written a number of articles link.
See this issue report.
Code running in a webpage is sandboxed and can't freely access files on the computer hosting the browser.
(It would be a terrible security problem if just visiting a webpage would give the author of the page access to your files).
If you want to access a file on the user's computer, use <input type="file"> and have the user select it. I don't know if you can access it directly or if you would need to use a JavaScript FileReader and then pass the results from JS to PyScript … but one of those two approaches should be possible.

file upload queue remain same after refresh?

I am using angular file upload for my project. referring the below link I have worked my project
My requirement is once I select a file or multiple file if I refresh also it should not remove from the queue.
I tried to use localstorage but its not working
Here is the code where I have used local storage.
uploader.onAfterAddingAll = function(addedFileItems)
{'onAfterAddingAll', addedFileItems);
$localStorage.allfiles= addedFileItems;
At the end I did get console but it is showing empty.
Please any one can help on this will be a great help
Ok so before starting please go through MDN Web Storage API. It states that
The Web Storage API provides mechanisms by which browsers can store key/value pairs, in a much more intuitive fashion than using cookies.
So localStorage can store key value pairs and as of now only string values are supported. It can not store files. So you wont be able to achieve what you are trying as you want to store file and that's not supported.
Also if you want to store objects you will have to stringify them and then store.
One suggested solution i have is you can convert your files to a bytes array and then store them and then you can handle those bytes the way you want.
Also this might help you I think thats waht you want . Mozilla Hacks Storing Images in localStorage
Once the image is saved as data url which is base 64 encode. You just need to send the string to the server and decode it with base 64

Read property file on both java and angularjs

I'm using a properties file in project. I want to read the properties file both java and angularjs. suggest me a best location to place the properties file which can accessible by java and also by angularjs.
By design it should be src/resources folder.
Well by opportunity, it can be placed in webapp too.
From what I know angularjs is meant to execute on browser. I do not recommend downloading properties into browser as web assets similar to css/js. So I would recommend keeping properties in src/main/resources/. If you need, host a small rest end point giving these properties as a json map in response. This can be used by angularjs on client side(browser)
Ideally properties which have confidential information shoild never be sent to browser.
Any one can get access to those information by debugging in tools like chrome,etc.
Sending such information should not create problems for your system. In those cases you shld hv 2 properties in src/ resources folder. One contains db passwords etc. Other with open information.

Using AngularJS in local HTML

What are the best practices for using AngularJS in local HTML? By that, I mean HTML files opened directly from the local file system, not from a web server.
I have had some luck in replacing partials that are in separate files with partials within script tags. And replacing Ajax calls with including JS files that contain the JSON data. However, I wondered if there are any guidelines for doing this, or even helper libraries?
BTW, my use case is a desktop application that generates HTML reports that are server using a local web server. In some cases users want to create a ZIP file that contains an HTML report, which they can email to someone else. Given the sensitivity of these reports, people may have objections to using a cloud service. Having HTML in a zip file gives them control of their data.

capture and save string to local file

I have a very simple app with which I want to capture a string and save it to a file within the app directory. Is it possible to use $http to post/put to a file within the app tree similar to how you'd get static files like views?
Use HTML5 filesystem API. Example here.
