angularjs 2way binding between service and controller with an array - angularjs

Before I start, I will link my codepen so you can have a look before reading this :)
I have made a very simple app to demonstrate my issue.
basically when I have multiple services sharing an array, it appears that angularjs treats the array as a primitive object which is odd.
I have to link code, so this is my controller and 2 services at the start:
angular.module('bindingApp', [])
.controller('MainController', ['MainService', 'SelectionsService', function (service, selections) {
// Map the controller to a variable
var self = this;
// Attach the model to our scope
self.models = service.models;
// Create a function that handles the changes the service in some way
self.updateSelectedItems = function () {
// Get our first item
var models = selections.selected;
// Loop through our selected items
for(var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
// Get our current model
var model = models[i];
// Change the properties
model.status = 'Cancelled';
model.colour = 'gray';
// Reset everything
self.reset = function () {
console.log('models in the controller', self.models);
// Map our function to our service function
self.selectItem =;
// Initialize our service
.service('MainService', function () {
// Create our service
var service = {
// Create the default model (empty array)
models: [],
// Populates our model
init: function () {
// Loop from 1 to 10
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
// Create some object
var model = {
status: 'Live',
colour: 'green',
selected: false
// Push our model to our array
console.log('models in the service', service.models);
// Resets everything
reset: function () {
// Reset our array
service.models = [];
// Initialize
// Return our service
return service;
.service('SelectionsService', function () {
// Create our service
var service = {
// Create a reference to our selected objects
selected: [],
// Our select function
select: function (e, item) {
// Create a reference to our selected items
var selected = service.selected;
// Update the selected status
item.selected = true;
// Push our item to our selected items
// Stop propagation
// Resets our selected items
reset: function () {
service.selected = [];
// Return our service
return service;
I have created 2 more Codepens to try to fix the issue. The first one maps the items to an object encapsulating an array in the MainController. The second one does the same, but also the MainService has an object encapsulating the array.
Does anyone know what I can do to get this simple pen working?

OK. This doesn't have much to do with Angular. Just plain JavaScript.
Here's what happens:
The service initializes its models array. service.models is a variable that contains a reference to that array. You thus have
service.models ----> [firstArray]
Then the controller does self.models = service.models;. So it creates another reference pointing to the same array, referenced by service.models:
service.models ----> [firstArray]
controller.models ----|
Then you click the reset button, which calls service.reset(), which does service.models = [];. So it creates a new array and assigns it to its models variable. You thus end up with
service.models ----> []
controller.models --> [firstArray]
Note that you never make controller.models point to the new array in the service. So it still points to the first array, and the view still displays the elements of that first array.
So, either you make sure to reinitialize the controller's models variable after calling reset():
controller.models = service.models;
Or you make sure to simply remove everything from the original, first array in reset():
service.models.splice(0, service.models.length)

It looks like that you must not reset the models array by referencing a new empty array but removing all items from it.
// Reset our array
service.models = [];
// Reset our array
service.models.length = 0;


Return value from angularjs factory

I try to set up this example
Here is my code
App.factory('MyData', function($websocket, $q) {
var dataStream = $websocket('wss://url');
var collection = [];
dataStream.onMessage(function(message) {
var result = JSON.parse(;
collection = result;
var methods = {
collection: collection,
get: function() {
api: "volume",
date: "2017-02-01",
interval: 600
return methods; });
In my controller I wrote:
$interval(function () {
}, 1000);
The problem is that I don't receive any values, however on message arrive I see console log, so websocket itself is obviously alive. If I change collection.push(result) (like in example) I receive constantly growing array. I need only the last value, however. Why collection = result is wrong ?
var collection = []; instantiates a new array and its reference is stored in the variable collection. Then, this reference is assigned to methods.collection and, hence, MyData.collection. However, with JSON.parse a new array is instantiated. collection = result; overwrites the original reference with the reference of the new array. But MyData.collection still holds the reference to original array.
So, there are two ways to encounter the problem:
Don't overwrite the reference to the original array. push is good, but before, you need to clear the array in order to only show the last value.
collection.splice(0, collection.length);
However, that would be an array in an array. You probably need to push the values individually (Array.concat will create a new array, too):
collection.splice(0, collection.length);
result.forEach(function(value) {
Assign the reference of the new array directly to methods.collection. In this case, no extra variable collection is needed.
App.factory('MyData', function($websocket, $q) {
var dataStream = $websocket('wss://url');
var methods = {
collection: [],
get: function() {
api: "volume",
date: "2017-02-01",
interval: 600
dataStream.onMessage(function(message) {
var result = JSON.parse(;
methods.collection = result;
return methods;

2 way binding issues with directives, controllers and services

This is bugging me a bit.
I have a service that handles logo panels and a function that is used to navigate between the different panels.
When getPanels is invoked it sets the currentPanel, index and length on the service when all promises have completed (see $q.all in the getPanels method):
.service('ConfiguratorLogoService', ['$q', 'UploadService', 'LogoService', 'ArrayService', 'SvgService', function ($q, uploadService, logoService, arrayService, helper) {
// Private function to build a file array
var _buildFileArray = function (panels, files) {
//--- Omitted for brevity ---//
// Create our service
var service = {
// Create our arrays
panels: [],
files: [],
currentPanel: null,
index: 0,
length: 0,
// Get our panels
getPanels: function (container, garmentId) {
// Create a deferred promise
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Create our arrays
var panels = []
files = [],
promises = [];
// If we have a container
if (container) {
// Get the containers children
var children = container.children()
// Loop through our panel's children
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Get the current child
var child = angular.element(children[i]),
childId = child.attr('id'),
childTitle = helper.extractText(childId, ':', 1);
// Create our item
var panel = {
id: childId,
title: childTitle
// Try to get our item
promises.push(logoService.get(garmentId, (response) {
// If we have any data
if (response) {
// Add the file to our array
// Add our child to the array
// After all the promises have been handled
$q.all(promises).then(function () {
// Get our files
service.files = _buildFileArray(panels, files);
service.panels = panels;
service.currentPanel = panels[0];
service.length = panels.length;
// Resolve our promise
files: service.files,
panels: panels
// Return our promise
return deferred.promise;
// Get our next panel
navigateNext: function () {
// Create a deferred promise
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Get the next index or reset if we reached the end of our list
service.index = service.index === (service.length - 1) ? 0 : service.index += 1;
// Set our active panel
service.currentPanel = service.panels[service.index];
// Resolve our promise
// Return our promise
return deferred.promise;
// Get our previous panel
navigatePrevious: function () {
// Get the previous index or set to the end of our list
service.index = service.index === 0 ? service.length - 1 : service.index -= 1;
// Set our active panel
service.currentPanel = service.panels[service.index];
// Removes the file from azure
remove: function (index) {
//--- Omitted for brevity ---//
// Return our service
return service;
which is fine, it works and the first panel is selected.
So, I have a controller, which is attached to a directive. The controller looks like this:
.controller('ConfiguratorLogosDirectiveController', ['ConfiguratorLogoService', 'RowService', function (service, rowService) {
var self = this;
// Set our current panel
self.currentPanel = service.currentPanel;
self.index = service.index;
self.length = service.length;
// Initialization
self.init = function (container, garmentId) {
// Get our panels
return service.getPanels(container, garmentId).then(function (response) {
self.panels = response.panels;
self.files = response.files;
// If we have any panels
if (self.panels.length) {
// Set our current panel
self.currentPanel = service.currentPanel;
self.index = service.index;
self.length = service.length;
// Return our response
return response;
// Map our service functions
self.upload = service.upload; = service.navigateNext;
self.previous = service.navigatePrevious;
self.remove = service.remove;
As you can see, when I get my panels, I set the currentPanel, index and length on the controller itself which I didn't think I would have to do because when the controller is invoked, it already has a reference to the service values. I figured 2 way binding would come into play and when the service values update, the controller would update too.
Anyway, I update the values after the getPanels method completes successfully. In my directive I have this:
// Invoke on controller load
controller.init(container, scope.garmentId).then(function (response) {
// Map our properties
scope.panels = controller.panels;
scope.files = controller.files;
scope.currentPanel = controller.currentPanel;
scope.index = controller.index;
scope.length = controller.length;
which again works fine. In my template I can see the first panel and it looks fine.
So, then came the next step which was my navigate functions. I started with next which I have modified for testing purposes so I can output the controller.index as well as the console.log in the service navigation function.
The directive function looks like this: = function () { () {
When this method is invoked, I can see in my console that the service increases the index by 1 but the controller still shows 0 which means that 2 way binding is not working.
I am about to update my method in the controller to push the currentPanel and index to the controller, but before I do I thought I would ask here first.
So, does anyone know why my 2 way binding isn't working?
So my current workaround works, but I just don't like it.
In my directive I have done this: = function () { () {
scope.currentPanel = controller.currentPanel;
scope.index = controller.index;
scope.length = controller.length;
and in the directive controller I have done this: = function () {
// Try to navigate forward
return service.navigateNext().then(function () {
// Set our current panel
self.currentPanel = service.currentPanel;
self.index = service.index;
self.length = service.length;
and in my service, it looks the same as before:
// Get our next panel
navigateNext: function () {
// Create a deferred promise
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Get the next index or reset if we reached the end of our list
service.index = service.index === (service.length - 1) ? 0 : service.index += 1;
// Set our active panel
service.currentPanel = service.panels[service.index];
// Resolve our promise
// Return our promise
return deferred.promise;
This works, but surely this is not the way it should work.
I have figured it out thanks to this article.
I just had to create an object in my directive and bind the values to that.
Doing that fixed the issues.

Update value in controller when factory changes

I have a factory service to control a shopping cart and I'm will problems to sync the data with controller when I'm still configurating the shopping cart.
the process consists of analyzing whether or not the user is logged. If he is not, then spCart = 0, if he is logged, then I'll have to make other verifications. Let's say I have 2 more verifications to do:
If user has a valid address,
If the address is within a range, so the shipping cost will be 0;
If user doesn't have valid address, then spCart = 1;
If he has an address and is whitin the range,
spCart = [
'items':[], //add items here
cost: '0'
Or if isn't in the range:
spCart = [
'items':[], //add items here
cost: '9.99'
The problem is, some of these verifications needs to wait for a $http, this way I'm not able to sync the spCart value from the factory, with the controller. This is what I did:
function CartController(factCart) {
var sp = this;
sp.cart = factCart.getCart();
function factCart (localStorageService,factMain) {
var spCart = 0;
var service = {
initialLoad: _initialLoad,
getCart: _getCart
return service;
function _initialLoad() {
var userData = localStorageService.cookie.get(ngApp);
if (userData) {
var func = 'load_address';
factMain.methodGet(func).then(function(res){ //$http from main factory
if(res==0) {
return spCart = [1];
} else {
} else if (!userData) {
return spCart;
function _checkRange(data) {
spCart = [];
spCart['items'] = [];
logic here
if (inRange) {
spCart['costs'] = {
cost: 0;
return spCart;
} else {
spCart['costs'] = {
cost: 9.99;
return spCart;
function _getCart() {
return spCart;
The problem is, the spCart value is always 0, it doesn't change when I update it, and I don't know what I can do to solve this issue.
Note: I had this problem when adding items to the shopping cart, the view didn't updated. I solved that issue by using $apply(). But in this case, i couldn't use $apply, it said 'Cannot read property...'
I managed to make it work. I don't know if it's the best solution, so I'll keep the question opened.
But I had to keep the initial array just like I want it to be when all the verifications are OK and added an extra field to control everything.
So I'll have an array like this:
spCart = [];
spCart['address'] = {
verification: 0,
address: 'name of address',
spCart['items']= [];
//..Rest of array - for checkout only
This way the data inside the verification is being updated. It's not the best way (or at least not how i expected) because I'm exposing the whole array, instead of a single value.
So, if there is a better solution, it will be very welcome.

Angularjs: Assigning Array within object

I am having an issue with losing data within an array when i try to assign it to a new array.
My object im using is as follows:
$scope.shops = [
name: "Kroger",
items: [ { itemName: "Chips"} ]
This is the code for the functions im using, it may be a callback issue? or something? Im losing the items info for the shop.
$scope.addItem = function(newItem, newShop){
var x = findShop(newShop);
findShop = function(shopTag){
var old = angular.copy($scope.shops);
var tar = {
name: shopTag,
items: []
$scope.shops = [];
angular.forEach(old, function(shop, key){
if( === shopTag) {
tar.items = angular.copy(shop.items);
else {
return tar;
the goal is to have the findShop function return a shop with the correct name, with empty items if there wasnt a shop previously, or with items full of the items if the shop was already created. then the addItem will push the item into the shop.items array and push the shop into the $scope
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
You are right , it is this line which is causing the problem ,
tar.items = shop.items;
Try using it like this ,
tar.items = angular.copy(shop.items);
var old = $scope.shops; // old and $scope.shops point to the same place
$scope.shops = []; // you assigned a new array that overrides the data
angular.forEach(old, function(shop, key){ // for each on an empty array????
If you dont want to point to the same reference use:
var copiedObject = angular.copy(objToCopy);
I guess the array is getting empty even before for loop.
Var old is reference to shops array, which you are making empty before foreach.. effectively making old empty...

Testing Angular Filter That Returns An Array with Jasmine

So, I'm having issues testing an angular filter that takes an array that has previously been sorted by a group property. It uses a flag property to indicate that the item is the first observation of that group, and then false for subsequent observations.
I'm doing this to have a category header in the UI with an ng-repeat directive.
When I test the filter, the output does not return the array with the flags unless I create new objects for the return array. This is a problem, because it causes an infinite loop when running in a webpage. The code works in the webpage when it just adds a flag property to the input object.
Is there some additional step I should be taking to simulate how angular handles filters so that it outputs the proper array?
This is what my test looks like right now.
describe('IsDifferentGroup', function() {
var list, itemOne, itemTwo, itemThree;
beforeEach(function () {
list = [];
itemOne = new ListItem();
itemTwo = new ListItem();
itemThree = new ListItem(); = "A"; = "B"; = "C";
it('should flag the items true that appear first on the list.', (inject(function (isDifferentGroupFilter) {
var result = isDifferentGroupFilter(list);
And here is something like the code with the filter:
var IsDifferentGroup = (function () {
function IsDifferentGroup() {
return (function (list) {
var arrayToReturn = [];
var lastGroup = null;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].group != lastGroup) {
list[i].isDifferentGroup = true;
lastAisle = list[i].group;
} else {
list[i].isDifferentGroup = false;
return arrayToReturn;
return IsDifferentGroup;
I figured out my issue.
When I was passing the items into the list, I just pushed a pointer to an item multiple times. I was not passing in unique objects so the flag was being overridden by the following flag in the array(I think). So, I just newed up 10 unique objects using a loop, pushed them into the array and ran it through the filter. And it worked.
I'm not entirely sure my analysis is correct about the override, because itemTwo was not being flagged as unique when it was the only itemTwo in the array. But the test is working as I would expect now so I'm going to stop investigating the issue.
