In Java NIO, we usually use SelectionKey.readyOps() in order to get the ready-operations set. A subsequent accept/read/write IO operation will be performed correspondingly. Will this ready set be cleared automatically by JDK? Otherwise, an improper operation flag may be set next time we get the same SelectionKey by calling Selector.selectedKeys().
The readyOps are cleared and set by the Selector. You don't have to do anything with them yourself: indeed you can't, as there is no API.
x.stop_sequences() is causing this
UVM FATAL Item_done() called with no outstanding requests. Each call
to item_done() must be paired with a previous call to get_next_item()
Can someone tell me how to use stop_sequences while making sure the driver is inactive?
I don't think there is any built-in mechanism; you have to write the code yourself. Basically, you need to implement a reset or interrupt mechanism in your driver. Here is a skeleton idea:
task run_phase (uvm_phase phase);
forever begin
#(posedge <ENABLE INPUT>);
#(negedge <ENABLE INPUT>);
disable fork;
endtask: run_phase
In addition to #mathew-taylor's suggestion, you may need to also consider the monitor, since it will need to discard partially assembled data collections.
If you have a reactive driver, this gets even trickier. It would be prudent to provide an boolean validity attribute in your transactions. Construction would set it to true (1'b1). If responses are outstanding upon reset, send all the outstanding responses after setting the validity field to false (1'b0). This will keep the sequencer from jamming. Any consumer of transaction data would then need to examine the validity. To simplify, you could build in the check via accessor functions and make all attributes local. This would also work on the monitor.
For one of our Flink jobs, we found a state causing a state leak. To fix this we need to add a TTL to the state causing the leak, however, we would like to keep existing state(savepoint). If we add a TTL to a value state would we be able to use the existing savepoint? Thank you.
No, according to the docs this won't work:
Trying to restore state, which was previously configured without TTL, using TTL enabled descriptor or vice versa will lead to compatibility failure and StateMigrationException.
However, you may be able to use the state processor API to accomplish this.
However, exactly how you should handle this depends on what kind of state it is, how it was serialized, and whether the operator has a UID.
I got a special question regarding timer boundary events on a user task in Activiti/Camunda:
When starting the process I set the timer duration with a process variable and use expressions in the boundary definition to resolve the variable. The boundary event is defined on a user task.
<bpmn2:timerEventDefinition id="_TimerEventDefinition_11">
<bpmn2:timeDuration xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression">${hurry}</bpmn2:timeDuration>
In some cases, when the timer is already running it can occur, that the deadline (dueDate) should be extended because the asignee has requested more time. For this purpose i want to change the value of the process variable defining the deadline.
As it happens, the variable is already resolved at the process-start and set to the boundary event.
Any further changes of the variable do not affect the dueDate of the boundary timer because it is stored in the database and is not updated when the value of the variable changes.
I know how to update the dueDate of the job element via the Java API, but i want to provide a generic approach like setting it with changing the value of the variable.
The most common use case for extending the deadline will be when the boundary timer is already running.
Any ideas how to cope with this problem?
Any tips are very apprechiated.
Cheers Chris
After some time of thinking I came up with a workaround like that:
I start the process with two variables. "hurry" is evaluated for the boundary timer. And "extendDeadline" is initialized with false. If the timer triggers and the process advances to the exclusive gateway, the value of "extendDeadline" is evaluated.
If a user has changed the value of "extendDeadline" to true during the the timer was running the process returns to the user task again where the boundary timer is set to the value of "hurry".
If the "extendDeadline" is still set to false, the process can proceed.
If the timer is running you can change dueDate of the timer by executing a signal. If a assginee requested more time, set new value of hurry and execute the signal. The old timer will be canceled and the new timer will be created with new due date.
runtimeService.setVariable(execution.getId(), "hurry", newDueDate);
runtimeService.signalEventReceived(signalName, execution.getId());
Solution is to have 2 out going sequence flow, one should be from boundary timer on task and another one should be from task it self, as shown in diagram added by #theFriedC. See following image also.
Then you can use some exclusive gateway on 2nd sequence flow and reroute that back to same task with a new timer value.
I was reading about the .settings file on msdn and I noticed they give 2 examples of how to set the value of a item in the settings. Now my question is what is the real diffrence between the 2 and when would you use one instead of the other, since to me they seem pretty mutch the same.
To Write and Persist User Settings at Run Time
Access the user setting and assign it a new value, as shown in the following example:
Properties.Settings.Default.myColor = Color.AliceBlue;
If you want to persist changes to user settings between application sessions, call the Save method, as shown in the following code:
The first statement updates the value of the setting in memory. The second statement updates the persisted value in the user.config file on the disk. That second statement is required to get the value back when you restart the program.
It is very, very important to realize that these two statements must be separate and never be written close together in your code. Keeping them close is harakiri-code. Settings tend to implement unsubtle features in your code, making it operate differently. Which isn't always perfectly tested. What you strongly want to avoid is persisting a setting value that subsequently crashes your program.
That's the harakiri angle, if you saved that value then it is highly likely that the program will immediately crash again when the user restarts it. Or in other words, your program will never run correctly again.
The Save() call must be made when you have a reasonable guarantee that nothing bad happened when the new setting value was used. It belongs at the end of your Main() method. Only reached when the program terminated normally.
Does anyone know what the behavior of an iBATIS cacheModel is when flushInterval is left out, say if the cache type is MEMORY? I'm hoping that it simply leaves the cached results in memory indefinitely. I have a set of results that will never change without a server restart, and I'm hoping only to query for them once during the lifetime of the app. I was thinking that if I left the flushInterval element off the cache map, this would work...but I can't find anything in the documentation to confirm that.
From the Ibatis source code and the Ibatis User Guide
If flushInterval is not set in the CacheModel, then it is set to NO_FLUSH_INTERVAL which -99999 and isn't a positive number of milliseconds like the User Guide recommends. With this setting the cache is only flushed by calls to statements (flush on execute) or explicit calls to the flush command if you are overriding Ibatis.
In order to get the behaviour you desire you will also need to specify a
<property name="Type" value="STRONG"/> in your CacheModel , for more information see here