I want to translate some remaining strings I couldn't translate by importing the translation file.
when I enter to the translate interface of the string I got : "Source string not found" and the textfield is disabled.
How can I do to translate these strings?
Use Internationalization(i18n) module. In the configuration page navigate to 'Strings' and select all radio buttons and click on the 'refresh strings' button.
I am trying to format the content of 'Text Area' when using WordPress's Advanced Custom Fields. I am using React to build the project.
In an attempt to debug, I have been following this documentation and set my options to resemble the image referenced. Including Text Area as one of my custom fields and setting the New Lines option to Automatically add paragraphs
The documentation then goes on to show an example using PHP to render the content.
I am using graphQL to fetch my data, and delivering the contents as follows:
<div className="media-description-area">
with activeDescription being destructured from the object that the GraphQL request delivers.
The text as its being set in the field itself looks like this, with spacing included:
The formatting tags are being rendered directly into the string itself, this how it is appearing in the document:
Does anyone know how why this is? I am referring to the field directly so it appears as this formatting is being delivered from WordPress itself
activeDescription: objects[0].items[0].projectDescription,
Thank You
Text contains info includes bold,italic and etc.,
when i copy text(it includes double quotes like:"hey hi") and paste it in text-angular,while displaying text is fine.in console i can double-quotes in place of ".This " created as hashtag.
when i enter manually in text-angular text ".Hash tag is not creating
And my app has one more feature called as hashtag.
Example log info:
<p>"test from web"</p>
original text:
"test from web"
The library which am using is https://github.com/textAngular/textAngular
I am using a text area field in Salesforce as a RecipientNote for a Docusign envelope created using a custom button in Salesforce.
The syntax below handles any commas or special characters, but I'm unable to find the correct syntax to preserve any linebreaks in the Program_Exception_Notes__c field.
I have tried the following but none worked. Any ideas?
I would process your text in a couple of steps in jscript.
first break the text into an array of string lines
escape characters you are looking to correct
then reassemble using the "\n" when you put it back together into a var
Then after all that, URL and JS encode that string variable.
how can I remove, for example "created on", text in article?
I just want to remove the text not date itself. I've removed the icon with css but text and date in this case are written together in time tag.
In the article manager, if you click "options", you can set what you want to turn off. In this case, "Show Create Date" is an option.
If you are creating pages by assigning them to menu items, then you may need to look under the "options" setting of the menu item itself.
Edit: Following your comments - to just remove such text, download the file: language/en-GB/en-GB.com_content.ini (change en-GB if using language overrides)
This will show you a list of text strings used by that component.
You can then use the language manager ( extensions - language manager ) to override these.
(You could also search for text using the language manager, but I find the downloading the language file quicker)
My project is completely developed in ExtJs language(not in html).
Please observe the following code and I attached screenshot of my window. I want the combo box item(activePoll server1) to get selected as shown in the figure. Please suggest.
Option explicit
Dim bro,url
bro="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
invokeapplication(bro&" "&url)
With Browser("Certificate Error: Navigation")
With .Page("Certificate Error: Navigation")
.Link("Continue to this website").Click
End With
End With
With Browser("Title:=WebiPer.*.*")
With .Page("title:=WebiPer.*")
.WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "Sai"
.WebEdit("name:=password").Set "Admin123"
.WebList("name:=loginType").Select "ManagementApps"
End With
End With
With Browser("Title:=APS Configuration Client")
With .Page("title:=APS Configuration Client")
End With
End With
Sai, consider defining a virtual object. You can find it under (Tools > Virtual Objects > New Virtual Object). Here you're manually mapping unrecognised objects against standard objects that QTP knows about. There should be a combo or list box in the pre-defined objects that come with the Web add-in.
If it doesn't work try to install the Web Extensibility Add-In. It extends support for custom web controls and toolkits like Dojo and Ajax. It should be able to handle ExtJS as well.
I came across this issue and what we did is like the below.
If Dropdown is identifying as WebEdit then
Sendkeys {"DOWN"}
Sendkeys {"DOWN"}
Sendkeys {"ENTER"}
For us the dropdown was identified as a WebEdit so we had to click that first then had to use keyboard inputs for selecting value.
Pls let me know
Generally in ExtJs developers are not using combo box directly, they assigned an another Element for the data selection, and that element will be only visible when you click on the WebEdit, so do the following steps to select the item you want to select
step1) find the attribute name with the name "aria-owns" from WebEdit element's attributes and get its value to a variable ex: varId = "list-1234"
step2) click on WebEdit
step3) Click the Element Browser().Page().WebElement("html id:=" & varId).WebElement("innertext:=" & name of the Item to select).click
if direct click not work then use "Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2" option