how to write async redux actions in a non-fake app - reactjs

tl;dr: I need an example of an asynchronous redux-thunk action shows how to make an async call (e.g. fetch), and trigger a state update. I also need to see how someone might chain multiple such actions together, like: (1) see if user exists in cloud, then (2) if no, register them, then (3) use the new user record to fetch more data.
All the examples I've found makes the assumption that the redux store can be imported directly into the module that defines the actions. It's my understanding that this is a bad practice: the calling component is responsible for providing access to the store, via this.props.dispatch (which comes from the store being injected via the <Provider>).
Instead, every action in the redux world should return a function that will receive the appropriate dispatch; that function should do the work, and return... something. Obv, it matters what the something is.
Here's the pattern I've tried, based on the documentation, that has proven to be a failure. Nothing in the docs makes it clear why this doesn't work, but it doesn't -- because this action doesn't return a promise.
* pushes a new user into the cloud; once complete, updates the store with the new user row
* #param {hash} user - of .firstName, .lastName
* #return {promise} resolves with user { userId, firstName, lastName, dateCreated }, or rejects with error
Actions.registerUser = function(user) {
return function reduxAction(dispatch) {
return API.createUser(user) // API.createUser just does return fetch(...)
.then(function onUserRegistered(newUser) {
return dispatch({
type: 'ADD_USERS',
users: [newUser]
I have a reducer that responds to the ADD_USERS event; it merges the incoming array of one or more users with the array of users already in memory. Reducers are easy to write. That's why I switched to redux: one store, pure functions. But this thunk business is an absolute nightmare.
The error I receive is that .then is undefined on Actions.registerUser -- i.e. that Actions.registerUser doesn't return a promise.
I think the problem is obviously that I'm returning a function -- the reduxAction function -- but that doesn't seem to be negotiable. The only way to shoot data at the store is to use the dispatch method that is provided, and that means I can't return a promise.
Changing the onUserRegistered to simply invoke dispatch and then return the desired value doesn't work either, nor does having it return an actual promise.
PLZ HALP. I really don't get it. I can't believe people put up with all this.
EDIT: To provide some context, here's the kind of action composition I think I'm supposed to be able to perform, and which these thunk actions are frustrating:
Actions.bootSetup = function() {
return dispatch => {
return Actions.loadUserId() // looks for userId in local storage, or generates a new value
.then(Actions.storeUserId) // pushes userId into local storage
.then((userId) => {
return Actions.fetchUsers(userId) // fetches the user, by id, from the cloud
.then((user) => {
// if necessary, pushes the user into the cloud, too
return user || Actions.postUser({ userId: userId, firstName: 'auto-registered', lastName: 'tbd'});
.then((user) => {
console.log(`boot sequence complete with user `, user);
return dispatch({ type: 'ADD_OWNER', user });
I would expect that Actions.storeUserId and Actions.fetchUsers would, in addition to returning promises that resolve with values of my choosing, dispatch data to the store as a side-effect. I think the dispatch is occurring, but the chain breaks because none of these actions return promises - they return plain functions.
Not only does this seem much worse than Flux, it seems incomprehensible. I can't believe that all this madness was necessary just to consolidate app state into a single reducing store.
And yes -- I have tried the new version of flux, with its ReducerStore, but it has some inappropriate dependencies on CSS libraries that are incompatible with react-native. The project maintainers have said they don't intend to resolve the issue. I guess their state container is dependent on CSS functionality.
EDIT: my store
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import Reducers from './reducers';
const createStoreWithMiddleWare = applyMiddleware(thunk)(createStore);
export const initialState = {
users: [] // will hold array of user objects
const store = createStoreWithMiddleWare(Reducers);
export default store;
EDIT: Here's the calling code. This is the root-level react-native component.
// index.ios.js
import Store from './store';
class myApp extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
.then(() => {
console.log('*** boot complete ***');
render() {
return (
<Provider store={Store}>
<ApplicationRoutes />
My assumption is that Store.dispatch expects a function, and provides it with a reference to the store's dispatch method.

I can see one mistake right off the bat
Actions.bootSetup = function() {
return dispatch => {
return Actions.loadUserId()
You aren't chaining thunk actions correctly. If your actions returns a function, you need to pass dispatch to that action.
Take a look at this action creator(this is a fully functional real-world app, feel free to poke around), look at the 9th line, where loginUser is called.
export function changePassword(credentials) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return Firebase.changePassword(credentials)
.then(() => {
return logout()
.then(() => {
return loginUser(, credentials.newPassword)(dispatch)
.then(() => {
toast.success('Password successfully changed')
}).catch(error => {
toast.error('An error occured changing your password: ' + error.code)
Because loginUser is also a thunk action, it needs to have dispatch passed to the result of calling it. It makes sense if you think about it: the thunk doesn't do anything, it just creates a function. You need to call the function it returns to get it to do the action. Since the function it returns takes dispatch as an argument, you need to pass that in as well.
Once that's done, returning a promise from a thunk action will work. In fact, the example I gave above does exactly that. loginUser returns a promise, as does changePassword. Both are thenables.
Your code probably needs to look like this (though I am not sure, I don't have the actions being called)
Actions.bootSetup = function() {
return dispatch => {
return Actions.loadUserId()(dispatch) // pass dispatch to the thunk
.then(() => Actions.storeUserId(dispatch)) // pass dispatch to the thunk
.then((userId) => {
return Actions.fetchUsers(userId)(dispatch) // pass dispatch to the thunk
.then((user) => {
// pass dispatch to the thunk
return user || Actions.postUser({ userId: userId, firstName: 'auto-registered', lastName: 'tbd'})(dispatch);
.then((user) => {
console.log(`boot sequence complete with user `, user);
return dispatch({ type: 'ADD_OWNER', user });


How to chain redux actions using returned result of the previous action?

I'm building an app in React Native, and using Redux with redux-persist to act as on device database.
The crux of the issue is, how do I return the result of a redux action, to then dispatch another action with this data? Read on for more specifics.
The user can create custom habit types. When doing so, I dispatch an action to create a habit type in the store (e.g. "running"). This action generates a new unique UUID for the habit type. I then want to add this newly created habit type to a routine (e.g. "morning routine"), and so I need to receive back the UUID of the habit type and call another dispatch to add it to the routine.
I'm using immer to make manipulating the state in my reducers simpler, and have this code (simplified example):
import produce from "immer";
const userReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return produce(state, draftState => {
const newHabitType = {
id: generateUuid(),
return draftState;
I'm then dispatching it in my component, like so (simplified):
name: "running",
How can I then say, after creating this new habit type, to dispatch another action and add it to my routine?
I've looked at redux-thunk and redux-saga, and spent hours reading about these and trying to get redux-thunk to work, but to no avail. I'm sure this must be simple, but I'm coming up blank, and so maybe others are too, hence this post.
A very simple solution would be to generate the unique id before dispatching the action.
const newHabitType = {
id: generateUuid(),
habit: newHabitType,
You no longer need to chain actions per se, you just need to dispatch them in order.
This preserves one of the most important Redux guidelines: your reducer should not have any side effects (in your case, generating a random id). reference
If you create the new habits in multiple places, you will have to generate the unique ids in every place where you dispatch the action. This might lead to repeated code. The solution to this would be to encapsulate the whole logic for creating the habits to a single component and then reuse this component everywhere.
Actions do not return data per se, the are simply objects which mutate the store based on the rules defined in the reducer. Two possible solutions:
Option A, create a composite action.
const compositeAction = args => {
return dispatch => {
return someAsyncCall(args).then(response => {
const addCustomHabitat = response => {
return {
data: response
const followUpAction = () => {
...another action...
Option B, connect the results of the first action to the dispatching component through react-redux and pass them to the second action.
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
const MyReactComponent = props => {
if(props.customHabitatType !== undefined)
return (
...JSX here...
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
customHabitatType: state.userReducer.customHabitatType
I hope this helps! Please excuse my abbreviated code and let me know if you have any questions.

What is the best approach of writing redux actions that need data from other actions

I have made some research about possible ways to do it, but I can't find one that uses the same architecture like the one in the app I'm working on. For instance, React docs say that we should have a method which makes the HTTP request and then calls actions in different points (when request starts, when response is received, etc). But we have another approach. We use an action which makes the HTTP call and then dispatches the result. To be more precise, my use case is this:
// action to get resource A
getResourceA () {
return dispatch => {
const result = await axios.get('someLink');
type: GET_RES_A,
payload: result
// another action which needs data from resource A
getSomethingElseByIdFromA (aId) {
return async dispatch => {
const result = await axiosClient.get(`someLink/${aId}`);
payload: result
As stated, the second action needs data from the first one.
Now, I know of two ways of doing this:
return the result from the first action
getResourceA () {
return async dispatch => {
const result = await axios.get('someLink');
type: GET_RES_A,
payload: result
return result;
// and then, when using it, inside a container
async foo () {
const {
// these two props are mapped to the getResourceA and
// getSomethingElseByIdFromA actions
} = this.props;
const aRes = await dispatchGetResourceA();
// now aRes contains the resource from the server, but it has not
// passed through the redux store yet. It's raw data
However, the project I'm working on right now wants the data to go through the store first - in case it must be modified - and only after that, it can be used. This brought me to the 2nd way of doing things:
make an "aggregate" service and use the getState method to access the state after the action is completed.
aggregateAction () {
return await (dispatch, getState) => {
await dispatch(getResourceA());
const { aRes } = getState();
And afterward simply call this action in the container.
I am wondering if the second way is all right. I feel it's not nice to have things in the redux store just for the sake of accessing them throughout actions. If that's the case, what would be a better approach for this problem?
I think having/using an Epic from redux-observable would be the best fit for your use case. It would let the actions go throughout your reducers first (unlike the mentioned above approach) before handling them in the SAME logic. Also using a stream of actions will let you manipulate the data throughout its flow and you will not have to store things unnecessary. Reactive programming and the observable pattern itself has some great advantages when it comes to async operations, a better option then redux-thunk, sagas etc imo.
I would take a look at using custom midleware ( Using middleware can make this kind of thing easier to achieve.
Something like :
export default ({dispatch, getState}) => {
return next => action => {
if (!action.type || !actionTypes.includes(action.type)) {
return next(action)
if(action.type === GET_RESOURCE_A){
// here you can getState() to look at current state object
// dispatch multiple actions like GET_RESOURCE_B and/ or
// make other api calls etc....
// you don't have to keep stuff in global state you don't
//want to you could have a varaiable here to do it
catch (e){
} dispatch({type:GET_RESOURCE_A_ERROR , payload: 'error'})

React Js - Combine Redux and Services layers

After some researches, I found some questions on stackoverflow about what I am trying to achieve, however, I don't feel that these questions and their answers gives me the "answers" or the "directions" i am looking for..
Note: I am pretty new to react even if I already made 2 projects and implemented redux into one of them. However, I ain't new at all in C# or in Go, even less in C. Based on my experience, I am just used to some architectures and I would like to reproduce one of them.
Here is a pretyy good schema from a similar question of mine:
So let say I have pages that contains Components. I want these pages/compoments to display some stuff. One of my functionnality is to discover a map and for that, when the client moves, he gets new parts from my API. However, I don't wanna ask the server to give me the new parts and the ones I discovered already.
My idea about it would be to use a service MapService.js. This one would just store the discovered pieces of the map discovered and ask the server automatically about the new ones, and of course, store the new ones (concat).
However, I have to be logged for this, so I would like an ApiService.js that would store my authentication data and automatically put them in each of my requests.
Based on what I said, we would have something as:
Page -> Component -> Service -> API
From this, the API response would be gotten by my service, handled, then returned to the component. Handled means (data added to the previous then all returned)
I saw on internet one question that was referring "MVCS" (Model View Controller Service) pattern and I think I am looking for something as but I am not sure about how to implement it in ReactJs.
Redux seems to be something that you put all around and everywhere in your solution. What I would like is to use it as a "repository" let say, to be able to manage it from a service and not from the component itself. However, a service should be a single instance shared across the app and I don't know if something such as dependency injection could be the solution in ReactJS
Feel free to ask any edit if you need more details :)
Thanks for your help !
Here is a minimal example of Redux middleware usage. Usually, redux devs are using libraries (that give you a middleware) to have access to more appropriate APIs.
Redux middleware are chained, so each middleware can call the next middleware. The first middleware of the chain is called every time dispatch function (you can have it from react-redux connect) is called. In a middleware, if there is no next middleware it is the reducers that will be called. The next middleware can be call asynchronously after receiving an action. (Redux docs will still be better than my explainations).
In my example there is a catService that provide function that call rest API. Your services can be anything (a Class instance or a singleton for example). Usually in React/Redux stack, devs don't use object oriented development.
If a component dispatch getCat(123), the catMiddleware will be called (synchronously). Then requestGetCat will be called with the id 123. When the promise returned by requestGetCat will be resolved a setCat action will be send through the reducers to update the redux state. Once the redux state is done, the component listening for cats items object will be update too (triggering a rerender).
That can look very complexe, but in fact, it is very scalable and convenient.
// catService.js
// return a promise that return a cat object
const requestGetCat = id =>
.then(response => response.json())
// catTypes.js
export const GET_CAT = 'GET_CAT'
export const SET_CAT = 'SET_CAT'
// catActions.js
export const getCat = id => ({
type: GET_CAT,
export const setCat = (cat, id) => ({
type: SET_CAT,
// catReducer.js
const initialState = {
items: {}
const catReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
if (action.type === SET_CAT) {
return {
items: {
// catMiddleware.js
const handleGetCat = (next, action) => {
.then(cat => next(setCat(cat,
// after retrieving the cat send an action to the reducers (or next middleware if it exist)
const actionHandlers = {
[GET_CAT]: handleGetCat
// receive every actions passing by redux (if not blocked)
// store: { dispatch, getState }
// next: next middleware or reducers (that set redux state)
// action: a redux action (dispatched) with at least type property
const catMiddleware = store => next => action => {
const handler = actionHandlers[action.type]
if (handler) {
handler(next, action)
} else {
// passing the action to the next middleware (or reducer - when there is no next middleware)
// you have to apply your middleware
// and your reducer (see redux doc)
This one would just store the discovered pieces of the map discovered and ask the server automatically about the new ones, and of course, store the new ones
This is something I've wanted to do in the past, but never implemented a solution for.
The issue is that you essentially want to "cross the streams"..
In Redux there are two separate streams, ie dispatch an action to update the store, and read data from the store. Each of these are executed separately from a component. Combined, they can be used in a cycle by calling an action to load data into the store which triggers an update of the component which then reads from the store.
Basically you can't have non-component code that reads from the store, and if the data is missing, fires an action to load the data, then returns the data.
Thinking about it now, I'm wondering if the way to do this without adding logic to your view component is to wrap it in a component (HOC) that provides the logic.
The HOC will check the state for the location specified in the props. If it doesn't find it, it will dispatch an action to fetch it and render a loading display. When the state is updated with the new location it will update and render the wrapped component.
You could optionally always render the wrapped component and have it cope with the missing location until it is updated with the location set..
untested brain-dump below
loader HOC:
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import actions from "./actions";
function withLocationLoader(Component) {
const Wrapper = function ({ location, locations, loadLocation, ...props }) {
useEffect(() => {
if (!locations[location]) {
}, [locations]);
if (locations[location]) {
return <Component locations={locations} {...props} />;
return <div>Loading...</div>;
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
return { locations: state.locations };
const mapActionsToProps = {
loadLocation: actions.loadLocation,
return connect(
export { withLoader };
function MyBareComponent({ locations }) {
return <div>{JSON.stringify(locations)}</div>;
const MyComponent = withLocationLoader(MyBareComponent);
export { MyComponent };
actions: (utilising redux-thunk middleware)
function setLocation(location, data) {
return { type: "SET_LOCATION", payload: { location, data } };
export function loadLocation(location) {
return dispatch =>
Promise.resolve({ geoData: "" }) // mock api request
.then(data => dispatch(setLocation(location, data)));

Dispatch method in middleware not triggering reducer

Using the store method dispatch from the parameter provided by Redux Thunk middleware does not trigger the reducer. While using next() works properly as it triggers the reducer. Why is this happening?
export default function createSlimAsyncMiddleware({
}) {
return next => action => {
const {
shouldCallAPI = () => true,
} = action;
if (!actionIsValid(action)) next(action);
if (shouldCallAPI(getState())) {
return Promise.resolve(getState());
const [pendingType, successType, errorType] = types;
type: pendingType
return callAPI()
.then(response => {
dispatch({ // Does not work, use next()
type: successType,
payload: response,
console.log('call resolved with type', successType)
return Promise.resolve(getState());
.catch(error => {
dispatch({ // Does not work, use next()
type: errorType,
payload: error,
return Promise.reject(error);
const store = createStore(
Regarding this response the dispatch should also work.
This is stated in the linked response you included, but calling dispatch() will create a new action, which then goes through the entire middleware chain from the beginning. In your case, this includes the middleware you're troubleshooting. From what I can see, the only time you call next() is in the case that an incoming action is deemed invalid. Otherwise, the subsequent API call results in dispatch() being called again whether the call succeeds or fails, and so the action never gets to the reducer because it's constantly being set at the beginning of your middleware chain and never gets to move along via next().
When you say this code doesn't work, what is the specific behavior? Does your app hang? Does it crash? Because this scenario essentially sets up a recursive function with no base case, I'd bet that you're seeing 'maximum call stack exceeded' sorts of errors.
I guess I'd ask why you need to use dispatch() for request results as opposed to sending them along using next(), or why you haven't set this up in a way that sets a conditional that uses the result of the previous call to determine whether the API gets called again.

How to pass argument to React Redux middleware inside mapDispatchToProps

The situation is I am creating a single board which will hold a collection of note cards (each note has an id, title and body), and each note card will have a button to delete it. Also the application will be syncing with firebase, so my main question is how to pass arguments to middlewares AND do it inside of mapDispatchToProps. The following is my code to point out where my success with middleware and where I am currently blocked.
To hydrate the app on startup, I dispatch a middleware function that gets the data from firebase, and then dispatches actions handled by reducers and finally gets updated by the container/presentation component.
Middleware function:
export function hydrateApp(dispatch) {
dispatch({type: 'PENDING'});
fireBaseDBRef.once('value').then(snapshot => {
let firebaseNotes = snapshot.val()
let notes = [];
// populate notes using firebaseNotes, nothing exciting
dispatch({ type: 'DONE', notes: notes });
// the 'DONE' action.type is handled by the reducer and passes data
// to the container component successfully
}).catch(e => {
dispatch({type: 'ERROR', error: e});
Container component:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
notes: state.boardReducer.notes
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
addNote: () => {
const BoardContainer = connect(
So far so good, and this is what I added to the same middleware and container component files to handle delete scenarios.
Middleware function:
export function deleteNote(id) {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch({type: 'PENDING'});
//firebase stuff happening here
dispatch((type: 'DONE'});
Container component:
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
addNote: () => {
removeNote: (id) => {
The problem is that deleteNote gets called non-stop on startup, I don't even need to click the button.
I know the code presented may not make a whole bunch of sense, but the crux of my problem is that I need to some how pass an id to the middleware function when the user clicks on the button, and because I'm passing the function as a prop, it for some reasons decides to just call it a million times.
I could call boardMiddleware.deleteNote function inside the presentation component just like the examples in the official redux page do, but I'm wondering if there is a way of doing it the way I'm trying to do.
I also thought about binding the argument into the middleware function, but that also doesn't feel right, something like this
removeNote: (id) => {
Thanks for any help in advance!
